33 research outputs found

    EBSD analysis of microstructure of CP-Ti-4 for dental implants

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou struktury komerčně čistého titanu (CP Ti) třídy 4 (G4) připraveného metodou úhlového kanálového protlačování (ECAP). Teoretická část práce se zabývá obecnými vlastnostmi titanu s důrazem na jeho aplikace v dentální medicíně a následně srovnává CP Ti G4 s jinými třídami titanu. V práci je také popsána samotná metoda ECAP a její vliv na výslednou mikrostrukturu materiálů. Další část se potom zabývá metodou difrakce zpětně odražených elektronů (EBSD). Jsou zde popsány základy interakce elektronů se vzorkem, princip difrakce elektronů a vznik Kikuchiho linií. Následně je stručně uveden princip indexace difrakčních obrazců a možné výstupy EBSD metody. V experimentální části byl zkoumán vzorek CP Ti G4 po ECAP zpracování ve firmě Nanomet Ltd. pomocí světelné mikroskopie a EBSD metody.This bachelor thesis deals with the analysis of microstructure of commercially pure titanium (CP Ti) grade 4 (G4) processed by Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP). The theoretical part deals with characteristics of titanium in general, with the emphasis on its applications in dental medicine, and subsequent comparison of CP Ti G4 with other titanium grades. In thesis there is also described ECAP method itself and its impact on the final microstructure of materials. Next part then deals with the electron backscattered diffraction method (EBSD). There are described basis of electron interactions with specimen, the principle of electron diffraction and the formation of Kikuchi lines. Afterwards there is briefly given the principle of indexing diffraction patterns and possible outputs of EBSD method. In the experimental part the specimen CP Ti G4 processed by ECAP technology in the Nanomet Ltd. was examined with light microscopy and EBSD technique as well.636 - Katedra materiálového inženýrstvívýborn

    Hand Gesture Recognition

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    Tato práce je zaměřena na rozpoznávání gest lidské ruky. Její stěžejní částí je segmentace obrazu ve video sekvenci. Pro segmentaci obrazu je použita metoda rozpoznání obličeje v obrazu s následnou detekcí lidské kůže a metoda odečítání pozadí. Pro odstranění šumu po segmentaci obrazu jsou použity metody matematické morfologie. Práce se zabývá rozpoznáváním čistě dynamických gest. V rámci práce byla navržena aplikace pro rozpoznávání dynamických gest lidské ruky a sada modelů dynamických gest. Rozpoznávání gest je inspirováno skrytými Markovovými modely. Závěrečná kapitola je pak věnována míře přesnosti rozpoznávání gest.This thesis is focused on human hand gesture recognition. The main part of the work deals with image segmentation of videosequences for further gesture recognition. For the image segmentation, techniques such as face detection followed by skin detection in combination with background subtraction method are used. In order to eliminate noise, methods of mathematic morphology are applied. The work focuses only on dynamic hand gesture recognition. The proposed gesture recognition system is inspirited by hidden Markov model method. The last chapter of the thesis discusses the accuracy of the gesture recognition.

    Constraining models of twin peak quasi-periodic oscillations with realistic neutron star equations of state

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    Twin-peak quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) are observed in the X-ray power-density spectra of several accreting low-mass neutron star (NS) binaries. In our previous work we have considered several QPO models. We have identified and explored mass-angular-momentum relations implied by individual QPO models for the atoll source 4U 1636-53. In this paper we extend our study and confront QPO models with various NS equations of state (EoS). We start with simplified calculations assuming Kerr background geometry and then present results of detailed calculations considering the influence of NS quadrupole moment (related to rotationally induced NS oblateness) assuming Hartle-Thorne spacetimes. We show that the application of concrete EoS together with a particular QPO model yields a specific mass-angular-momentum relation. However, we demonstrate that the degeneracy in mass and angular momentum can be removed when the NS spin frequency inferred from the X-ray burst observations is considered. We inspect a large set of EoS and discuss their compatibility with the considered QPO models. We conclude that when the NS spin frequency in 4U 1636-53 is close to 580Hz we can exclude 51 from 90 of the considered combinations of EoS and QPO models. We also discuss additional restrictions that may exclude even more combinations. Namely, there are 13 EOS compatible with the observed twin peak QPOs and the relativistic precession model. However, when considering the low frequency QPOs and Lense-Thirring precession, only 5 EOS are compatible with the model.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Personalized catalog of categorized online information resources

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    Novice users often find it challenging to realize the full potential of available information resources. One approach to help overcome these challenges is to present users with a categorized directory of ranked recommendations for useful information resources, such as apps or websites. However, a single directory and categorization is unlikely to be equally relevant and useful for all users. This disclosure describes techniques to provide a continuously updated catalog of categorized information resources personalized to the user’s needs, expertise, and context. The techniques are implemented with user permission. For each resource within the catalog, the user is presented with associated useful information. The resources are presented within a common interface, thus making it unnecessary for the user to be aware of distinctions between different types of resources


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    In this article we have used the 2D fluid turbulence numerical model, ESEL, to simulate turbulent transport in edge tokamak plasma. Basic plasma parameters from the ASDEX Upgrade and COMPASS tokamaks are used as input for the model, and the output is compared with experimental observations obtained by reciprocating probe measurements from the two machines. Agreements were found in radial profiles of mean plasma potential and temperature, and in a level of density fluctuations. Disagreements, however, were found in the level of plasma potential and temperature fluctuations. This implicates a need for an extension of the ESEL model from 2D to 3D to fully resolve the parallel dynamics, and the coupling from the plasma to the sheath

    Speciální hnojiva a jejich využití při kontejnerové produkci

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of special fertilizers on the quality of nursery plants. The experiment was carried out in 2014 and lasted for one growing season. As a model wood was used kind of Weigela florida (Bunge) A. DC. 'Eva Rathke'. An attempt was made up of five different variants of fertilizers for the basic fertilization substrate and fertilization during vegetation. The influence of fertilizers Multicote, Osmocote, Polyon and Multicote in combination with fertilizer Vitality Complex. Control variant was fertilizing fertilizer YaraMila Complex. Best results showed the control variant. Among CRF fertilizers were tested (with some exceptions) in the monitored parameters statistically significant differences

    Serpent and bowl of milk: Slovak versions of ATU 285 and ATU 672 tales

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    The aim of this paper is the analysis of 47 tales of ATU 285 and ATU 672 types recorded on Slovak and Serbian territory. The theme of the tales is of a girl sharing food with a snake. The examined tales are divided to four variants – one with a negative, two with neutral, and one with a positive ending. The tales are compared with a Bulgarian ritual known as Stopanova Gozba, which represents the rite of feeding a household spirit and an ancestral deity. The examined tales may represent part of a similar ritual. The tales are not connected with Christianity and may conserve archaic concepts.The aim of this paper is the analysis of 47 tales of ATU 285 and ATU 672 types recorded on Slovak and Serbian territory. The theme of the tales is of a girl sharing food with a snake. The examined tales are divided to four variants – one with a negative, two with neutral, and one with a positive ending. The tales are compared with a Bulgarian ritual known as Stopanova Gozba, which represents the rite of feeding a household spirit and an ancestral deity. The examined tales may represent part of a similar ritual. The tales are not connected with Christianity and may conserve archaic concepts

    Hand Gesture Recognition

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    This thesis is focused on human hand gesture recognition. The main part of the work deals with image segmentation of videosequences for further gesture recognition. For the image segmentation, techniques such as face detection followed by skin detection in combination with background subtraction method are used. In order to eliminate noise, methods of mathematic morphology are applied. The work focuses only on dynamic hand gesture recognition. The proposed gesture recognition system is inspirited by hidden Markov model method. The last chapter of the thesis discusses the accuracy of the gesture recognition