13 research outputs found

    BiodegradaciĂłn de los componentes de mayor impacto en la gasolina

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    El benceno, tolueno, etilbenceno y la mezcla de xilenos (BTEX), junto con Ă©ter metil tert-butĂ­lico (EMTB) son compuestos orgĂĄnicos volĂĄtiles, estos junto con el etanol comĂșnmente son encontrados en sitios contaminados con gasolinas. En este estudio se evaluĂł la biodegradaciĂłn de estos contaminantes mediante consorcios microbianos aclimatados a diferentes sustratos (diesel, gasolina, EMTB, pentano y pentano-EMTB) en sistemas aerobios de lote y de biopelĂ­cula de flujo continuo. A partir de Ă©ste ultimo sistema se lograron los mĂĄximos porcentajes de biodegradaciĂłn que fueron casi de 100% para cada uno de los BTEX y etanol; y de 67.76% para el EMTB, a un tiempo de retenciĂłn hidrĂĄulico de doce horas

    Arginine Vasopressin Enhances Sympathetic Constriction Through the V1 Vasopressin Receptor in Human Saphenous Vein

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    Background—Arginine vasopressin (AVP) not only acts directly on blood vessels through V1 receptor stimulation but also may modulate adrenergic-mediated responses in animal experiments in vivo and in vitro. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether AVP can contribute to an abnormal adrenergic constrictor response of human saphenous veins. Methods and Results—Saphenous vein rings were obtained from 32 patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery. The vein rings were suspended in organ bath chambers for isometric recording of tension. AVP (331029 mol/L) enhanced the contractions elicited by electrical field stimulation at 1, 2, and 4 Hz (by 80%, 70%, and 60%, respectively) and produced a leftward shift of the concentration-response curve to norepinephrine (half-maximal effective concentration decreased from 6.8731027 to 1.0431027 mol/L; P,.05). The V1 vasopressin receptor antagonist d(CH2)5Tyr(Me)AVP (1026 mol/L) prevented the potentiation evoked by AVP. The selective V1 receptor agonist [Phe,2 Orn8]-vasotocin (331029 mol/L) induced potentiation of electrical stimulation– evoked responses, which was also inhibited in the presence of the V1 receptor antagonist (1026 mol/L). In contrast, the V2 receptor agonist desmopressin (1029 to 1027 mol/L) did not modify neurogenic responses, and the V2 receptor antagonist [d(CH2)5, D-Ile,2 Ile,4 Arg8]-vasopressin (1028 to 1026 mol/L) did not prevent the potentiation induced by AVP. The dihydropyridine calcium antagonist nifedipine (1026 mol/L) did not affect the potentiating effect of AVP. Conclusions—The results suggest that low concentrations of AVP facilitate sympathetic neurotransmission and potentiate constrictor effects of norepinephrine in human saphenous veins. These effects appear to be mediated by V1 receptor stimulation and are independent of calcium entry through dihydropyridine calcium channels. Thus, AVP may contribute to vascular mechanisms involved in acute ischemic syndromes associated with venous grafts, particularly if the sympathetic nervous system is activated. (Circulation. 1998;97:865-870.)Medina Besso, Pascual, [email protected] ; Acuña Torre, Antonio, [email protected] ; Martinez Leon, Juan Baustista, [email protected] ; Vila Salinas, JosĂ© M, [email protected] ; Aldasoro Celaya, Martin, [email protected] ; Lluch Lopez, Salvador, [email protected]

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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    Felicidad, pensamiento existencial y rendimiento académico en universitarios de Lima

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    Se investigĂł la felicidad, el pensamiento existencial y el rendimiento acadĂ©mico medido con el promedio histĂłrico de notas de 264 estudiantes varones y mujeres de distintas carreras de una universidad privada de Lima. Se aplicaron la Escala de Felicidad de AlarcĂłn (2006) y el Test de Pensamiento Existencial de EspĂ­ritu, Canales, Luna y Torres (2018). Calculando con Rho de Spearman se encontrĂł una alta correlaciĂłn positiva entre felicidad y pensamiento existencial significativa con p<0.01, entre la felicidad y la esencia del pensamiento existencial, asĂ­ como lo espiritual, entre felicidad y rendimiento acadĂ©mico con p<0.05. Correlacionan de forma negativa significativa lo pragmĂĄtico del pensamiento existencial con el rendimiento acadĂ©mico p<0.01. En el pensamiento existencial se correlacionan significativamente mĂĄs alto con felicidad los Ă­tems “Veo la vida como un regalo”, “Tengo un motivo, una razĂłn para vivir” y “Me acepto como soy”. No se encontrĂł correlaciĂłn entre la felicidad y lo pragmĂĄtico en el pensamiento existencial (r = -0.005, p = 0.929), ni entre pensamiento existencial y rendimiento acadĂ©mico (r = -0.113), p = 0.067). Los resultados son aplicables para fines de la tutorĂ­a universitaria.Trabado de investigacio

    BiodegradaciĂłn de los componentes de mayor impacto en la gasolina

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    El benceno, tolueno, etilbenceno y la mezcla de xilenos (BTEX), junto con Ă©ter metil tert-butĂ­lico (EMTB) son compuestos orgĂĄnicos volĂĄtiles, estos junto con el etanol comĂșnmente son encontrados en sitios contaminados con gasolinas. En este estudio se evaluĂł la biodegradaciĂłn de estos contaminantes mediante consorcios microbianos aclimatados a diferentes sustratos (diesel, gasolina, EMTB, pentano y pentano-EMTB) en sistemas aerobios de lote y de biopelĂ­cula de flujo continuo. A partir de Ă©ste ultimo sistema se lograron los mĂĄximos porcentajes de biodegradaciĂłn que fueron casi de 100% para cada uno de los BTEX y etanol; y de 67.76% para el EMTB, a un tiempo de retenciĂłn hidrĂĄulico de doce horas

    Infant gut microbiota contributes to cognitive performance in mice

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    Work in the author’s laboratories was performed on resources provided by the Spanish Health and Science Ministries (PREOBE project P06-CTS-02341, BFU2012-40254-C03-01, and PID2020-114269GB-I00), Junta de Andalucía, and UFZ-Germany. T.C. participated in the PhD program in biomedicine at UGR, was a fellowship of the FPI program (BES-2013-065133) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and is currently supported by the ‘‘Sara Borrell’’ program (CD21/00187) of the Carlos III Institute. I.A., S.M.-M., and A.R.-R. were granted PhD scholarships (FPU) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. A.R.-R. currently holds a María Zambrano Next Generation EU-Talent Reincorporation from UGR.Gut microbiota has been related to infant neurodevelopment. Here, an association between infant composite cognition with gut microbiota composition was established as soon as 6 months. Higher diversity and evenness characterized microbial communities of infants with composite cognition above (Inf-aboveCC) versus below (Inf-belowCC) median values. Metaproteomic and metabolomic analyses established an association between microbial histidine ammonia lyase activity and infant histidine metabolome with cognition. Fecal transplantation from Inf-aboveCC versus Inf-belowCC donors into germ-free mice showed that memory, assessed by novel object recognition test, was a transmissible trait. Furthermore, Inf-aboveCC mice were enriched in species previously linked to cognition belonging to Bacteroides, Phaeicola and Bifidobacterium. Finally, Inf-aboveCC mice showed differential faecal histidine, hippocampal urocanate and histidine-urocanate-glutamate ratios compared to Inf-aboveCC mice. Overall, these findings reveal a causative role of gut microbiota on infant cognition pointing at modulation of histidine metabolite levels as a potential underlying mechanism.Spanish Health and Science Ministries (PREOBE project P06-CTS-02341, BFU2012-40254-C03-01, PID2020-114269GB-I00)Junta de AndalucíaUFZ-GermanySpanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness BES-2013-065133Carlos III Institute (CD21/00187)María Zambrano Next Generation EU-Talent ReincorporationUG