75 research outputs found

    Three dimensional extended i m aging in the prenatal diagnosisof Galen vein aneurism: a case report

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    Galen vein aneurism (GVA) corresponds to a vascular dilation of the sinus venous in central nervous system (CNS). GVA is a rare category of congenital anomalies with a high mortality in neonatal and pediatric life. Regular diagnostic methods consist of 2D ultrasound and transvaginal neurosonogram when possible. Arteriovenous malformation are a heterogeneous group of dilated deep vein anomalies of Galen system with abnormal communications of the mid line. It is presented in 1 : 250000 deliveries. Main complications include heart failure in the neonatal period, hydrocephalus, brain calcifications, encephalomalacia, cerebral atrophy, bleeding and neurological progressive compromise. We describe a case of GVA diagnosed at 38 wo. Fetal evaluation was performed using Accuvix V10 ultrasonographic equipment (Medison. Seoul-Korea). Cerebral images were obtained using Virtual Organ Computer-aided AnaLysis (VOCALTM , 3DXI, Medison Sonoview Pro, Seoul, Korea) with 30 degrees swept. The obtained volumes were analyzed in the postprocessor software 3DXI viewer and clinically correlated

    Radiales time series: 25 years building monitoring and analytical capacities in the Iberian shelf

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    The RADIALES program has been monitoring shelf waters in Spain for the last 25 years. This is the oldest field program for multidisciplinary marine research addressing long term variability issues at ecosystem level. Core observations include ship-based hydrographic, biogeochemical and plankton observations at monthly frequency in several oceanographic sections along the Iberian shelf. These observations are complemented with buoy and satellite observations and all these data are used to validate hydrographic and ecological models of plankton at local and regional scales. From the first series initiated in the northwestern shelf other programs extended the observations to the Mediterranean and off shelf waters using the same approach. The success of RADIALES extends beyond pure scientific knowledge, as the expertise gathered with the program has been applied to solve multiple environmental issues, from fisheries and pollution to global change. The program is also instrumental for educational purposes, allowing the specialization of students and technicians. Thanks to a basal funding provided by the Instituto Español de Oceanografía, the program currently obtains more than 60% of its annual budget from competitive calls, as it offers an unique platform for coastal research. Among the results of this program are 400 publications, including peer-review papers, 24 Thesis and 54 scientific reports. The RADIALES data are freely distributed to national and international users as a contribution to the development of cost-effective ocean research and marine servicesIEO (RADIALES

    Sturmian morphisms, the braid group B_4, Christoffel words and bases of F_2

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    We give a presentation by generators and relations of a certain monoid generating a subgroup of index two in the group Aut(F_2) of automorphisms of the rank two free group F_2 and show that it can be realized as a monoid in the group B_4 of braids on four strings. In the second part we use Christoffel words to construct an explicit basis of F_2 lifting any given basis of the free abelian group Z^2. We further give an algorithm allowing to decide whether two elements of F_2 form a basis or not. We also show that, under suitable conditions, a basis has a unique conjugate consisting of two palindromes.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure

    Establishing a governance threshold in small-scale fisheries to achieve sustainability

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    The lack of effective governance is a major concern in small-scale fisheries. The implementation of governance that encompasses the three pillars of sustainability (social, economic, and ecological) is still a worldwide challenge. We examined nine stalked barnacle fisheries (Pollicipes pollicipes) across Southwest Europe to better understand the relationship between governance elements and sustainability. Our results show that nested spatial scales of management, the access structure, co- management, and fisher’s participation in monitoring and surveillance promote sustainability. However, it is not the mere presence of these elements but their level of implementation that drives sustainability. Efforts should be placed in the accomplishment of a minimum combination of local scales of management, access rights through individual quotas, instructive-consultative co- management and functional participation. Surpassing this threshold in future governance structures will start to adequately promote social, economic and ecologically sustainability in small-scale fisheries

    The large longitudinal spread of solar energetic particles during the January 17, 2010 solar event

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    We investigate multi-spacecraft observations of the January 17, 2010 solar energetic particle event. Energetic electrons and protons have been observed over a remarkable large longitudinal range at the two STEREO spacecraft and SOHO suggesting a longitudinal spread of nearly 360 degrees at 1AU. The flaring active region, which was on the backside of the Sun as seen from Earth, was separated by more than 100 degrees in longitude from the magnetic footpoints of each of the three spacecraft. The event is characterized by strongly delayed energetic particle onsets with respect to the flare and only small or no anisotropies in the intensity measurements at all three locations. The presence of a coronal shock is evidenced by the observation of a type II radio burst from the Earth and STEREO B. In order to describe the observations in terms of particle transport in the interplanetary medium, including perpendicular diffusion, a 1D model describing the propagation along a magnetic field line (model 1) (Dr\"oge, 2003) and the 3D propagation model (model 2) by (Dr\"oge et al., 2010) including perpendicular diffusion in the interplanetary medium have been applied, respectively. While both models are capable of reproducing the observations, model 1 requires injection functions at the Sun of several hours. Model 2, which includes lateral transport in the solar wind, reveals high values for the ratio of perpendicular to parallel diffusion. Because we do not find evidence for unusual long injection functions at the Sun we favor a scenario with strong perpendicular transport in the interplanetary medium as explanation for the observations.Comment: The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    Vertical biogeographical overview of the Zooplankton community across the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian ocean (35ºN-40ºS)

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    From December 2010 to June 2011 the mesozooplankton has been sampled at the deep Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Ocean (*). From surface to 3000 m depth a HYDROBIOSS multinet was used distinguishing the epipelagic (77%), mesopelagic (11%) and bathypelagic zones (11%), where five layers were usually sampled (0-200, 200-500, 500-1000, 1000-2000 and 2000-3000 m depth). Among the three oceans, no large differences on abundance were found when taxonomic groups were considered, being always depth the most important factor affecting the vertical zooplankton distribution. The zooplankton abundance strongly decreased with depth and very low abundance was found at deeper waters. Very irregular spatial distribution was observed all across the three oceans, finding the lowest abundance in the south and western Pacific region. Copepods were always the most abundant contributors of the zooplankton community (84%) and more than 260 species identified. They were followed by chaetognaths (5%), siphonophores (3%), ostracods (2%) and euphausiids (1%). In a biogeographical overview, the vertical distribution of the most abundant copepods is analyzed, finding the largest copepods at deeper stratum, where small cosmopolitan copepods were also found

    Inicio de pubertad y caracteres reproductivos en toritos Braford del nordeste argentino

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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la edad de inicio de pubertad en toritos Braford 3/8, por medio de la evaluación del semen, junto a mediciones de circunferencia escrotal y características zoométricas. Para tal fin, durante 120 días se trabajó con 34 animales, que fueron identificados por medio de caravana y destetados el 1° de marzo del año 2010, entre los 6 y 8 meses de edad. Los toritos fueron mantenidos a campo con pasturas implantadas, con amplio predominio de avena (Avena sativa), trébol blanco (Trifolium repens) y alfalfa (Medicago sativa), además de la administración de alimento balanceado a razón del 1 al 2% de su peso vivo. En forma seriada, cada 14 días a partir del mes de junio, se evaluaron parámetros como circunferencia escrotal, consistencia testicular (por palpación bimanual), altura a la cruz y al sacro, así como perímetro torácico y peso corporal individual. El semen extraído por medio de un electroeyaculador fue evaluado macro y microscópicamente. Se concluye que, en promedio, los toritos alcanzan la pubertad a la edad de 13,1 meses, con un peso promedio de 333 kg y una circunferencia escrotal de 27,5 cm.

    Chaotic Genetic Patchiness in the Highly Valued Atlantic Stalked Barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes from the Iberian Peninsula: Implications for Fisheries Management. Frontiers in Marine Science

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    The stalked barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes inhabits rocky shores from the Atlantic coasts of Brittany (France) to Senegal. Because of the culinary traditions of southern Europe, stalked barnacles represent an important target species for local fisheries on the Iberian Peninsula. To manage this fishery sustainably, it is therefore important to assess the dynamics of local populations over the Iberian coast, and how they are interconnected at a wider scale using finely tuned genetic markers. In this work, a new enriched library of GT microsatellites for P. pollicipes was prepared and sequenced using Ion TorrentTM Next Gen-Sequencing Technology. 1,423 adults and juveniles were sampled in 15 localities of three geographic regions: southern Portugal, Galicia and Asturias (both in northern Spain). Twenty polymorphic loci arranged in five multiplex PCRs were then tested and validated as new molecular tools to address the spatial and temporal genetic patterns of P. pollicipes. Our results revealed high genetic diversity among adults. However, juveniles were genetically more structured than their adult counterparts, which alternatively displayed much more connectivity among the three studied regions. The lack of spatial genetic heterogeneity in adults may be due to the overlapping of several generations of settlers coming from different geographic origins, which mainly depends on the orientation of residual currents along the coast during reproduction. The genetic differentiation of juveniles may indeed be congruent with Iberian Peninsula hydrodynamics, which can produce chaotic genetic patchiness (CGP) at small temporal scales due to sweepstake reproductive success, collective dispersal and/or self-recruitment. Remarkably, most of the genetic heterogeneity of juveniles found in this work was located in Galicia, which could represent an admixture between distinct metapopulations or an old refuge for the most northern populations. To conclude, high genetic variation in P. pollicipes can lead to the false impression of population panmixia at the Iberian scale by masking more restricted and current-driven larval exchanges between regions. This possibility should be taken into consideration for further specific management and conservation plans for the species over the Iberian Peninsula

    Vertical variability of trophic positions of zooplankton in the deep Ocean

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    Zooplankton plays a key role in oceanic ecosystems. However, the trophic ecology of organisms in deep layers of the ocean is poorly known. In this study we analyze the variability of trophic positions of zooplankton collected across three ocean basins in the epi-, meso and bathypelagic domains. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes were used as indicators of the sources of nutrients and positions within the food web. The enrichment in heavy nitrogen isotopes with depth and the correlation between surface and deep samples revealed that deep zooplankton was supported by local epipelagic production, subsequently processed through the water column. In addition the nitrogen isotope enrichment of carnivores vs. omnivores was consistent across ocean biomes and water layers, suggesting a similar trophic structure of the pelagic food web in the deep ocean despite variations in the nitrogen sources. Siphonofora, Chaetognata and Myctophida were the top predators while Calanoid Copepoda and Mysidacea displayed the lowest trophic positions. In contrast, carbon isotopes did not show significant variations with depth or trophic groups implying low influence of coastal production in deep ocean food webs