5,429 research outputs found

    Measurements on fully wetted and ventilated ring wing hydrofoils

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    Force measurements and visual observations were made in a water tunnel on fully wetted and ventilated flows past a family of conical ring wings having a flat plate section geometry. The diameter-chord ratio was varied from one to three, and the total included cone angle was 12 degrees. The fully wetted flows all exhibited separation from the leading edge except for the largest diameter-chord ratio, a result which was in agreement with previous work. The effect of ventilation is to reduce markedly the lift curve slope. Pressure distribution measurements were also made under ventilating conditions for one member of this series. The effect of ventilation over only a portion of the circumference of the ring was also briefly investigated. Large cross forces were developed by such ventilation and some comparisons are made between this method of obtaining control forces and more conventional methods

    Relational Supervision: Jegnaship And Eldering As Emancipatory Pedagogy For Black Teacher Supervision

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    The case delves into the historical and cultural roots of African education, emphasizing the vital role of elders and community in the learning process. It examines the impact of African educational philosophies, particularly from the Nile and Niger river valleys, on the development of character, humanness, and spirituality. The case explores the adaptation of these philosophies by African people during the Middle Passage and their application in Western contexts for the supervision of African American teachers. By interweaving culture, history, education, and storytelling, the authors aim to highlight the unique contributions of African American educational experiences. They argue that these experiences provide valuable strategies for the liberation struggle and the transformation of Black teacher development. The case also explores contemporary issues in the teaching profession, such as the limited presence of African American educators, pedagogical negligence, and professional marginalization, proposing culturally-centered tools for community preservation and well-being. The central theme is the importance of relational supervision rooted in African and African American cultural knowledge, which is seen as key to nurturing Black novice teachers and fostering their professional development

    Sistema web para el proceso de control de inventario en la Empresa Jaec Contratista Generales SRL

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    La construcción de un sistema basado en web para el programa de gestión de inventarios de JAEC Contratistas General SRL es objeto de este estudio debido a que el nivel de precisión y rotación del inventario era insuficiente en las condiciones comerciales previas a su aplicación. el desarrollo del sistema se describe en detalle en este documento. El propósito de este estudio es determinar cómo afectará el sistema cibernético los procedimientos de control de existencias de JAEC Contratistas General SRL en el 2020. Para ello, se discutirán los aspectos teóricos del proceso de control de inventarios y las técnicas utilizadas para desarrollar el sistema en red. Para el desarrollo de sistemas web se adopta el método SCRUM por ser el más adecuado a las necesidades y etapas de desarrollo, y presenta un método de desarrollo incremental e iterativo. Este estudio adoptará un enfoque cuantitativo en el diseño experimental antes del experimento y realizará una prueba previa y una prueba posterior. Se utilizó como variable independiente el sistema web y como variable dependiente el proceso de control de inventario. Tomando 261 tipos de materiales como un todo, calcule la tasa de precisión del inventario y la tasa de rotación. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 156 artículos, estratificados en 24 días y registrados en 24 fichas de registro. En el proceso de muestreo se utilizan probabilidades simples. Use el registro para obtener datos, la herramienta es el registro (archivo), todo probado por pares. La implementación del sistema Web aumentó la tasa de precisión del inventario del 67,88 % al 100,29 % y la tasa de rotación del inventario aumentó del 51,33 % al 80,25 %. Los resultados anteriores permiten concluir que el sistema en línea mejora los procedimientos de control de stock de JAEC Contratistas General SR

    The heritage modernity in conflict and mediation as meeting with other

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    O estudo desvela as forças do continuum processo da modernidade que acabam por influenciar as ações dos indivíduos, levando as inter-relações humanas a uma lógica de competição e instrumentalidade. Este cenário cientificista dedicado ao espetáculo do livre mercado causa consequências ameaçadoras aos laços sociais, pois, distancia os sujeitos da reflexão necessária para construção da subjetividade, afastando-os da responsabilidade moral com o outro. Fazendo uso da teoria psicanalítica de Lebrun, podem ser compreendidas as influências da modernidade nos indivíduos, as quais alteraram o ponto referencial do social, o que, por sua vez, silencia a autoridade patriarcal e desarma a intervenção necessária para inserir os sujeitos na linguagem social. A falta do “Não!” patriarcal – representação fálica – impede a construção da subjetividade, como resultado, os indivíduos não conseguem sustentar seus laços sociais – devido à falta de sensibilidade –, descambando, primeiramente, nos conflitos familiares, posteriormente nos conflitos sociais. Diante desta problemática, a mediação de conflitos pode ser observada como uma oportunidade de romper com o ciclo de conflitualidade, eis que, por suas características, entende o conflito como possibilidade da diferença e, ainda, busca o reencontro dos relacionamentos através da sensibilidade, estabelecendo o amor como condutor do laço social, iniciado no seio familiar e, a posteriori, na sociedade.This study aims to reveal the forces of the continuum process of modernity which ends up influencing people’s acts leading the human  interrelationship toward a logic of competition and instrumentality. This scientistic scenario dedicated to the free market spectacle causes consequences to the social bonds, thus distances the subjects from reflection, which is necessary for construction of subjectivity, moving them away from the moral responsibility to one another. Considering the psychoanalytic theory of Lebrun, the influences of modernity in individuals who changed the social reference point can be understood, which in turn mutes patriarchal authority and disarms the required intervention to insert the subjects into social language. The lack of patriarchal saying “No!” - phallic representation - prevents the construction of subjectivity, as a result, individuals cannot sustain their social bonds (due to lack of sensitivity), slipping in family conflicts first and socials ones later. Faced with this problem, conflict mediation can be seen as an opportunity to break the cycle of conflict once its characteristics understand the conflict as a possibility of difference and also seeks the reunion of relationships through sensitivity, setting love as conductor of the social bond, initiated within the family and, subsequently, in the society

    Total and Monomethyl Mercury in Fog Water from the Central California Coast

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    [1] Total mercury (HgT) and monomethyl mercury (MMHg) concentrations in fog collected from 4 locations in and around Monterey Bay, California during June-August of 2011 were 10.7 ± 6.8 and 3.4 ± 3.8 ng L−1respectively. In contrast, mean HgT and MMHg concentrations in rain water from March-June, 2011 were 1.8 ± 0.9 and 0.1 ± 0.04 ng L−1 respectively. Using estimates of fog water deposition from 6 sites in the region using a standard fog water collector (SFC), depositions of HgT and MMHg via fog were found to range from 42–4600 and 14–1500 ng m−2 y−1, which accounted for 7–42% of HgT and 61–99% of MMHg in total atmospheric deposition (fog, rain, and dry deposition), estimated for the coastal area. These initial measurements suggest that fog precipitation may constitute an important but previously overlooked input of MMHg to coastal environments. Preliminary comparisons of these data with associated chemical, meteorological and oceanic data suggest that biotically formed MMHg from coastal upwelling may contribute to the MMHg in fog water

    Beyond Conventional Boundaries: Advancing Equity and Inclusivity in Educational Supervision

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    This special issue of the Journal of Educational Supervision, Cases in Critical Supervision within School Contexts, critically examines educational supervision models, highlighting their limitations in fostering equity and inclusivity. As greater attention and awareness of diverse identities and experiences becomes more common in schools there also needs to be acknowledgement of how supervision is experienced by educators and enacted by instructional supervisors. We argue for a paradigm shift towards more empathetic and diverse supervisory practices that consider the varied backgrounds and needs of students. Throughout this special issue, researchers propose innovative approaches that prioritize collaboration, understanding, and the recognition of the unique potential of every teacher, educator, and student. Empowered with a willingness and an awareness of how educational experiences can be experienced differently, researchers suggest supervisory models to transform educational environments into spaces where all students, especially those from marginalized groups, can thrive

    Aerosol size distribution and radiative forcing response to anthropogenically driven historical changes in biogenic secondary organic aerosol formation

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    Emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) have changed in the past millennium due to changes in land use, temperature, and CO2 concentrations. Recent reconstructions of BVOC emissions have predicted that global isoprene emissions have decreased, while monoterpene and sesquiterpene emissions have increased; however, all three show regional variability due to competition between the various influencing factors. In this work, we use two modeled estimates of BVOC emissions from the years 1000 to 2000 to test the effect of anthropogenic changes to BVOC emissions on secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation, global aerosol size distributions, and radiative effects using the GEOS-Chem-TOMAS (Goddard Earth Observing System; TwO-Moment Aerosol Sectional) global aerosol microphysics model. With anthropogenic emissions (e.g., SO2, NOx, primary aerosols) turned off and BVOC emissions changed from year 1000 to year 2000 values, decreases in the number concentration of particles of size Dp > 80 nm (N80) of > 25% in year 2000 relative to year 1000 were predicted in regions with extensive land-use changes since year 1000 which led to regional increases in the combined aerosol radiative effect (direct and indirect) of > 0.5 W m−2 in these regions. We test the sensitivity of our results to BVOC emissions inventory, SOA yields, and the presence of anthropogenic emissions; however, the qualitative response of the model to historic BVOC changes remains the same in all cases. Accounting for these uncertainties, we estimate millennial changes in BVOC emissions cause a global mean direct effect of between +0.022 and +0.163 W m−2 and the global mean cloud-albedo aerosol indirect effect of between −0.008 and −0.056 W m−2. This change in aerosols, and the associated radiative forcing, could be a largely overlooked and important anthropogenic aerosol effect on regional climates

    Heavy Flavour Production at Tevatron and Parton Shower Effects

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    We present hadron-level predictions from the Monte Carlo generator Cascade and numerical calculations of charm and beauty production at the Fermilab Tevatron within the framework of the kTk_T-factorization QCD approach. Our consideration is based on the CCFM-evolved unintegrated gluon densities in a proton. The performed analysis covers the total and differential cross sections of open charm and beauty quarks, BB and DD mesons (or rather muons from their semileptonic decays) and the total and differential cross sections of bbˉb \bar b di-jet hadroproduction. We study the theoretical uncertainties of our calculations and investigate the effects coming from parton showers in initial and final states. Our predictions are compared with the recent experimental data taken by the D0 and CDF collaborations. Special attention is put on the specific angular correlations between the final-state particles. We demonstrate that the final state parton shower plays a crucial role in the description of such observables. The decorrelated part of angular separations can be fully described, if the process gggggg^*\rightarrow gg is included.Comment: Fig 8,9 10 replaced, small corrections in text A discussion of the delta phi results is adde