60 research outputs found

    Evaluation des Nationalen Rauchstopp-Programms über den Zeitraum von Juli 2014 – Dezember 2017 : Synthese von Projektstatistiken, Evaluationsergebnissen, wissenschaftlichen Studien, internationalen Leitlinien und Expertenmeinungen im Rahmen einer Kontributionsanalyse

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    Mittels einer Kontributionsanalyse wurde der Frage nachgegangen, welchen Beitrag das Nationale Rauchstopp-Programm (NRP) an die Reduktion der Rauchendenprävalenz in der Schweiz leistet. Gemäss Hochrechnungen und Einschätzungen hat das NRP jährlich einige Tausend Rauchende in die Rauchfreiheit geführt und es hat damit das Potenzial, die Rauchendenprävalenz jährlich um 0.1 bis 0.6% zu senken. Dabei hat der Ansatz der Qualifizierung medizinischer Fachpersonen mengenmässig das grösste Wirkungspotenzial

    Modelling the results of health promotion activities in Switzerland: development of the Swiss Model for Outcome Classification in Health Promotion and Prevention

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    This paper describes the Model for Outcome Classification in Health Promotion and Prevention adopted by Health Promotion Switzerland (SMOC, Swiss Model for Outcome Classification) and the process of its development. The context and method of model development, and the aim and objectives of the model are outlined. Preliminary experience with application of the model in evaluation planning and situation analysis is reported. On the basis of an extensive literature search, the model is situated within the wider international context of similar efforts to meet the challenge of developing tools to assess systematically the activities of health promotion and preventio

    Modelling the results of health promotion activities in Switzerland: development of the Swiss Model for Outcome Classification in Health Promotion and Prevention

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    This paper describes the Model for Outcome Classification in Health Promotion and Prevention adopted by Health Promotion Switzerland (SMOC, Swiss Model for Outcome Classification) and the process of its development. The context and method of model development, and the aim and objectives of the model are outlined. Preliminary experience with application of the model in evaluation planning and situation analysis is reported. On the basis of an extensive literature search, the model is situated within the wider international context of similar efforts to meet the challenge of developing tools to assess systematically the activities of health promotion and prevention

    FLASH free-electron laser single-shot temporal diagnostic: terahertz-field-driven streaking

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    We report on the commissioning of a terahertz (THz) field driven streak camera installed at the free-electron laser FLASH at DESY in Hamburg, being able to deliver the photon pulse duration as well as the arrival time information with around 10 fs resolution for each single XUV FEL pulse. Pulse durations between 300 fs and <15 fs have been measured for different FLASH FEL settings. A comparison between the XUV pulse arrival time and the FEL electron bunch arrival time measured at the FLASH linac section - exhibit a correlation width of 20 fs rms, thus demonstrating the excellent operation stability of FLASH. In addition, the THz streaking setup was operated simultaneously to an alternative method to determine the FEL pulse duration based on spectral analysis. FLASH pulse duration, derived from simple spectral analysis, are in good agreement with that from THz streaking measurement

    Quantum Imaging with Incoherently Scattered Light from a Free-Electron Laser

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    The advent of accelerator-driven free-electron lasers (FEL) has opened new avenues for high-resolution structure determination via diffraction methods that go far beyond conventional x-ray crystallography methods. These techniques rely on coherent scattering processes that require the maintenance of first-order coherence of the radiation field throughout the imaging procedure. Here we show that higher-order degrees of coherence, displayed in the intensity correlations of incoherently scattered x-rays from an FEL, can be used to image two-dimensional objects with a spatial resolution close to or even below the Abbe limit. This constitutes a new approach towards structure determination based on incoherent processes, including Compton scattering, fluorescence emission or wavefront distortions, generally considered detrimental for imaging applications. Our method is an extension of the landmark intensity correlation measurements of Hanbury Brown and Twiss to higher than second-order paving the way towards determination of structure and dynamics of matter in regimes where coherent imaging methods have intrinsic limitations

    Forschung über Evaluation in der Schweiz: Stand und Aussichten

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    Seit einiger Zeit hat sich die Forschung, die sich mit Evaluation befasst, klar intensiviert. Dieser Beitrag soll einen Überblick zur Forschung über Evaluation in der Schweiz geben, wobei das Was und Wie der Forschung und nicht die Befunde im Zentrum stehen. Dazu werden die Forschungstätigkeiten in ausgewählten Evaluationsfeldern und zu feldübergreifenden Fragen (wie Nachfrage oder Nutzung) beschrieben. Der Überblick verdeutlicht die zentrale Bedeutung der Evaluationsfachlichkeit: Wird anerkannt, dass Evaluationen neben einer thematischen auch eine eigenständige evaluationsfachliche Expertise erfordern, erhält die Forschung über Evaluation einen höheren Stellenwert