66 research outputs found

    Proposal of a topological M(atrix) theory

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    Keeping in mind the several models of M(atrix) theory we attempt to understand the possible structure of the topological M(atrix) theory ``underlying'' these approaches. In particular we are motivated by the issue about the nature of the structure of the vacuum of the topological M(atrix) theory and how this could be related to the vacuum of the electroweak theory. In doing so we are led to a simple topological matrix model. Moreover it is intuitively expected from the current understanding that the noncommutative nature of ``spacetime'' and background independence should lead to a topological Model. The main purpose of this note is to propose a simple topological Matrix Model which bears relation to F and M theories. Suggestions on the origin of the chemical potential term appearing in the matrix models are given.Comment: 14 pages revte

    Strings Inside Walls in N=1 Super Yang-Mills

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    We conjecture the existence of strings bounded inside walls in SU(n)(n) N=1\N=1 Super Yang-Mills theory. These strings carry Z[k,n]\Z_{[k,n]} quantum number, where [k,n][k,n] is the greatest common divisor between kk, the charge of the wall, and nn. We provide field-theoretical arguments and string-theoretical evidences, both from MQCD and from gauge-gravity correspondence. We interpret this result from the point of view of the low-energy effective action living on the kk-wall.Comment: 25 pp. Major changes. In particular, following the recent work arXiv:0807.1908 we have been able to give a field theoretical proof of the statement. We have also corrected an important erroneous interpretation in the previous version regarding the 2+1 effective action; Typo

    A Geometric Unification of Dualities

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    We study the dynamics of a large class of N=1 quiver theories, geometrically realized by type IIB D-brane probes wrapping cycles of local Calabi-Yau threefolds. These include N=2 (affine) A-D-E quiver theories deformed by superpotential terms, as well as chiral N=1 quiver theories obtained in the presence of vanishing 4-cycles inside a Calabi-Yau. We consider the various possible geometric transitions of the 3-fold and show that they correspond to Seiberg-like dualities (represented by Weyl reflections in the A-D-E case or `mutations' of bundles in the case of vanishing 4-cycles) or large N dualities involving gaugino condensates (generalized conifold transitions). Also duality cascades are naturally realized in these classes of theories, and are related to the affine Weyl group symmetry in the A-D-E case.Comment: 94 pages, 18 figures. Added referenc

    Orientifolds, Unoriented Instantons and Localization

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    We consider world-sheet instanton effects in N=1 string orientifolds of noncompact toric Calabi-Yau threefolds. We show that unoriented closed string topological amplitudes can be exactly computed using localization techniques for holomorphic maps with involution. Our results are in precise agreement with mirror symmetry and large N duality predictions.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, published version; v4: typos correcte

    Orientifolds of K3 and Calabi-Yau Manifolds with Intersecting D-branes

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    We investigate orientifolds of type II string theory on K3 and Calabi-Yau 3-folds with intersecting D-branes wrapping special Lagrangian cycles. We determine quite generically the chiral massless spectrum in terms of topological invariants and discuss both orbifold examples and algebraic realizations in detail. Intriguingly, the developed techniques provide an elegant way to figure out the chiral sector of orientifold models without computing any explicit string partition function. As a new example we derive a non-supersymmetric Standard-like Model from an orientifold of type IIA on the quintic Calabi-Yau 3-fold with wrapped D6-branes. In the case of supersymmetric intersecting brane models on Calabi-Yau manifolds we discuss the D-term and F-term potentials, the effective gauge couplings and the Green-Schwarz mechanism. The mirror symmetric formulation of this construction is provided within type IIB theory. We finally include a short discussion about the lift of these models from type IIB on K3 to F-theory and from type IIA on Calabi-Yau 3-folds to M-theory on G_2 manifolds.Comment: 82 pages, harvmac, 5 figures. v2: references added. v3: T^6 orientifold corrected, JHEP versio

    Supersymmetric Three-Form Flux Perturbations on AdS5AdS_5

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    We consider warped type IIB supergravity solutions with three-form flux and N=1{\cal N}=1 supersymmetry, which arise as the supergravity duals of confining gauge theories. We first work in a perturbation expansion around AdS5Ă—S5AdS_5 \times S^5, as in the work of Polchinski and Strassler, and from the N=1{\cal N}=1 conditions and the Bianchi identities recover their first-order solution generalized to an arbitrary N=1{\cal N}=1 superpotential. We find the second order dilaton and axion by the same means. We also find a simple family of exact solutions, which can be obtained from solutions found by Becker and Becker, and which includes the recent Klebanov--Strassler solution.Comment: 19 pages. reference added, minor clarifications. v3: reference to non-Abelian BPS monopole solution corrected (Chamseddine-Volkov

    Local models for intersecting brane worlds

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    We describe the construction of configurations of D6-branes wrapped on compact 3-cycles intersecting at points in non-compact Calabi-Yau threefolds. Such constructions provide local models of intersecting brane worlds, and describe sectors of four-dimensional gauge theories with chiral fermions. We present several classes of non-compact manifolds with compact 3-cycles intersecting at points, and discuss the rules required for model building with wrapped D6-branes. The rules to build 3-cycles are simple, and allow easy computation of chiral spectra, RR tadpoles and the amount of preserved supersymmetry. We present several explicit examples of these constructions, some of which have Standard Model like gauge group and three quark-lepton generations. In some cases, mirror symmetry relates the models to other constructions used in phenomenological D-brane model building, like D-branes at singularities. Some simple N=1 supersymmetric configurations may lead to relatively tractable G_2 manifolds upon lift to M-theory, which would be non-compact but nevertheless yield four-dimensional chiral gauge field theories.Comment: 52 pages, latex, 24 enclosed eps figures; v2. typo correcte

    The Footprint of F-theory at the LHC

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    Recent work has shown that compactifications of F-theory provide a potentially attractive phenomenological scenario. The low energy characteristics of F-theory GUTs consist of a deformation away from a minimal gauge mediation scenario with a high messenger scale. The soft scalar masses of the theory are all shifted by a stringy effect which survives to low energies. This effect can range from 0 GeV up to ~ 500 GeV. In this paper we study potential collider signatures of F-theory GUTs, focussing in particular on ways to distinguish this class of models from other theories with an MSSM spectrum. To accomplish this, we have adapted the general footprint method developed recently for distinguishing broad classes of string vacua to the specific case of F-theory GUTs. We show that with only 5 fb^(-1) of simulated LHC data, it is possible to distinguish many mSUGRA models and low messenger scale gauge mediation models from F-theory GUTs. Moreover, we find that at 5 fb^(-1), the stringy deformation away from minimal gauge mediation produces observable consequences which can also be detected to a level of order ~ +/- 80 GeV. In this way, it is possible to distinguish between models with a large and small stringy deformation. At 50 fb^(-1), this improves to ~ +/- 10 GeV.Comment: 85 pages, 37 figure

    (Anti)symmetric matter and superpotentials from IIB orientifolds

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    We study the IIB engineering of N=1 gauge theories with unitary gauge group and matter in the adjoint and (anti)symmetric representations. We show that such theories can be obtained as Z2 orientifolds of Calabi-Yau A2 fibrations, and discuss the explicit T-duality transformation to an orientifolded Hanany-Witten construction. The low energy dynamics is described by a geometric transition of the orientifolded background. Unlike previously studied cases, we show that the orientifold 5-`plane' survives the transition, thus bringing a nontrivial contribution to the effective superpotential. We extract this contribution by using matrix model results and compare with geometric data. A Higgs branch of our models recovers the engineering of SO/Sp theories with adjoint matter through an O5-`plane' T-dual to an O6-plane. We show that the superpotential agrees with that produced by engineering through an O5-`plane' dual to an O4-plane, even though the orientifold of this second construction is replaced by fluxes after the transition.Comment: 40 page

    GUTs and Exceptional Branes in F-theory - I

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    Motivated by potential phenomenological applications, we develop the necessary tools for building GUT models in F-theory. This approach is quite flexible because the local geometrical properties of singularities in F-theory compactifications encode the physical content of the theory. In particular, we show how geometry determines the gauge group, matter content and Yukawa couplings of a given model. It turns out that these features are beautifully captured by a four-dimensional topologically twisted N=4 theory which has been coupled to a surface defect theory on which chiral matter can propagate. From the vantagepoint of the four-dimensional topological theory, these defects are surface operators. Specific intersection points of these defects lead to Yukawa couplings. We also find that the unfolding of the singularity in the F-theory geometry precisely matches to properties of the topological theory with a defect.Comment: v2: 121 pages, 5 figures, reference and clarification adde
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