59 research outputs found

    Cours élémentaires de bibliographie, ou la science du bibliothécaire Ouvrage mis à la portée des élèves des lycées et des écoles secondaires.

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    « Document numérisé pour l\u27ENSSIB » - Ce document s\u27adresse aux élèves des lycées et écoles secondaires, spécialement aux futurs instituteurs et bibliothécaires. L\u27objectif de l\u27auteur est d\u27exposer les grands principes de la bibliographie, préparant ainsi au métier de bibliothécaire. Composé de trois tomes, son ouvrage est divisé en sept sections relatives aux connaissances préalables indispensables à la bibliographie, à la définition de cette discipline, aux notions typographiques nécessaires, aux divers systèmes bibliographiques, aux moyens de faire connaître les livres, aux méthodes pour cataloguer ceux-ci, et enfin aux prix de ces derniers sur le marché. Le présent document correspond au premier tome, regroupant les quatre premières sections, la quatrième demeurant inachevée. Le volume se termine par une pièce de poésie latine de Thiboust, fondeur et imprimeur de Paris, qui fut à l\u27origine publiée en 1754 chez le fils de l\u27auteur. L\u27intérêt de ce document est essentiellement d\u27ordre historique, permettant d\u27appréhender une discipline dont l\u27importance s\u27accroît progressivement suite à la Révolution et aux confiscations qui en découlent, lesquelles ont entraîné un fort besoin d\u27ordonner, de classer les collections des dépôts alors constitués

    A 30 GHz beam driven high gradient single cell cavity test

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    In December 1999 a first 30 GHz high gradient experiment [1] was performed using a single cell excited directly by the high-charge drive beam of the CLIC Test Facility (CTF II) [2]. Since this experiment showed quite promising results (peak surface fields of 300 MV/m were measured) it was decided to remeasure the cavity with improved vacuum, diagnostics and data acquisition. In addition an experiment was prepared to cool the cavity with liquid nitrogen and heat it with a hot air gun. The electrical breakdown behaviour was measured as a function of the cavity temperature. The breakdown threshold was found to be at a maximum surface field of 380 MV/m and remained unchanged in the accessible temperature range between 100 K to 500 K. Large data samples were taken to provide statistics of unforseen delays and frequency shifts that occur during breakdown event

    Entre français général, français sur objectifs spécifiques et culture scientifique : le Campus Numérique FORPRINT, FOAD préparatoire à l'intégration dans l'enseignement supérieur.

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    Les actes peuvent être commandés sur le site Tice 2004 (70€).The goal of our paper is to present Forprint which is, in terms of application and uses, a training for the integration of foreign students in french Universities of Technology & Sciences and Engineering Schools. In terms of cooperation and network, Forprint associates seven institutions of higher education which share a long experience in using ICT in two major fields of education: French as a Foreign Language & for Special Purposes, Sciences & Technology. We want to favour, through -and with the help of- the linguistic learning, an approach which combines, not only autonomy with scaffolding, but also scientific and general culture.Forprint est un Campus numérique destiné à la FOAD d'étudiants scientifiques étrangers, en français et “à la française”. Il associe un ensemble d'établissements de formation et de recherche qui ont créé, sur la base d'une part d'une réflexion et d'une pratique méthodologiques commune privilégiant l'individualisation et l'accompagnement, d'autre part d'une mutualisation des ressources, un dispositif et un ensemble de modules scientifiques et linguistiques visant, dans une phase préparatoire à l'intégration dans l'enseignement supérieur français, à mettre à niveau ces étudiants dans leur (future) spécialité. L'enjeu de l'entreprise est de faire valoir une méthode d'apprentissage linguistique “sur objectifs spécifiques” et une méthodologie d'enseignement scientifique “à la française” qui ne considèrent pas la langue comme un seul outil de communication mais tend à en privilégier les aspects et les dimensions culturels, qu'il s'agisse de culture générale ou de culture spécialisée

    Impaired Small-World Network Efficiency and Dynamic Functional Distribution in Patients with Cirrhosis

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    Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a complex neuropsychiatric syndrome and a major complication of liver cirrhosis. Dysmetabolism of the brain, related to elevated ammonia levels, interferes with intercortical connectivity and cognitive function. For evaluation of network efficiency, a ‘small-world’ network model can quantify the effectiveness of information transfer within brain networks. This study aimed to use small-world topology to investigate abnormalities of neuronal connectivity among widely distributed brain regions in patients with liver cirrhosis using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI). Seventeen cirrhotic patients without HE, 9 with minimal HE, 9 with overt HE, and 35 healthy controls were compared. The interregional correlation matrix was obtained by averaging the rs-fMRI time series over all voxels in each of the 90 regions using the automated anatomical labeling model. Cost and correlation threshold values were then applied to construct the functional brain network. The absolute and relative network efficiencies were calculated; quantifying distinct aspects of the local and global topological network organization. Correlations between network topology parameters, ammonia levels, and the severity of HE were determined using linear regression and ANOVA. The local and global topological efficiencies of the functional connectivity network were significantly disrupted in HE patients; showing abnormal small-world properties. Alterations in regional characteristics, including nodal efficiency and nodal strength, occurred predominantly in the association, primary, and limbic/paralimbic regions. The degree of network organization disruption depended on the severity of HE. Ammonia levels were also significantly associated with the alterations in local network properties. Results indicated that alterations in the rs-fMRI network topology of the brain were associated with HE grade; and that focal or diffuse lesions disturbed the functional network to further alter the global topology and efficiency of the whole brain network. These findings provide insights into the functional changes in the human brain in HE

    Role of Mutagenicity in Asbestos Fiber-Induced Carcinogenicity and Other Diseases

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    The cellular and molecular mechanisms of how asbestos fibers induce cancers and other diseases are not well understood. Both serpentine and amphibole asbestos fibers have been shown to induce oxidative stress, inflammatory responses, cellular toxicity and tissue injuries, genetic changes, and epigenetic alterations in target cells in vitro and tissues in vivo. Most of these mechanisms are believe to be shared by both fiber-induced cancers and noncancerous diseases. This article summarizes the findings from existing literature with a focus on genetic changes, specifically, mutagenicity of asbestos fibers. Thus far, experimental evidence suggesting the involvement of mutagenesis in asbestos carcinogenicity is more convincing than asbestos-induced fibrotic diseases. The potential contributions of mutagenicity to asbestos-induced diseases, with an emphasis on carcinogenicity, are reviewed from five aspects: (1) whether there is a mutagenic mode of action (MOA) in fiber-induced carcinogenesis; (2) mutagenicity/carcinogenicity at low dose; (3) biological activities that contribute to mutagenicity and impact of target tissue/cell type; (4) health endpoints with or without mutagenicity as a key event; and finally, (5) determinant factors of toxicity in mutagenicity. At the end of this review, a consensus statement of what is known, what is believed to be factual but requires confirmation, and existing data gaps, as well as future research needs and directions, is provided

    Can overweight/obesity be considered as a risk factor for periodontitis? As systematic review

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    Background: Obesity nowadays is a worldwide epidemic associated with a lot of co-morbidity factor. A lot of previous review investigated the relationship between periodontitis and different chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus. As obesity is on the rise and is supposed to keep rising up over the years, the project of investigating obesity as a risk factor for periodontitis in the general population came to life. Methods: For this research, access to online database was made through the LUHS ezyproxy system, from those different databases, different type of works have been screen for inclusion. After the acknowledgement of the search terms, inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined for this systematic review. Sixteen different studies have been selected for complete analysis. Result: Sixteen studies were considered as eligible for review and analysis. Of those 14 studies all showed some kind of relation between the two parameters studied in this systematic review which are overweight/obesity and periodontitis. The obesity indicators that could have been used such as body mass index, the waist hip ratio, the waist circumference and the body fat index, have demonstrated to have a significant association with the measure of periodontitis such as bleeding on probing, clinical attachment loss, gingival index, and community periodontal index. Conclusions: There is evidence of an association between periodontitis and obesity

    Dictionnaire de la Provence et du Comté Venaissin /

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    "Réimpression de l'édition de Marseille, 1787.