29 research outputs found

    Mejoría de agudeza visual post inyección intravítrea de Bevacizumab en edema macular diabético

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    Objetivo: Determinar si la agudeza visual mejora en 9 letras o más post inyección intravítrea de bevacizumab en el edema macular diabético. Método: Este estudio corresponde a un diseño observacional, analítico tipo cohorte retrospectivo. Se incluyó a 78 pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de edema macular diabético atendidos en el servicio de Retina del Instituto Regional Oftalmológico de Trujillo durante 12 meses. Se registraron datos clínicos. Resultados: La agudeza visual mejoró en 9 letras o más al año de tratamiento con bevacizumab en el 44% de ojos, el 33% de ojos mejoró 1 a 4 letras, el 23% mejoró 5 a 8 letras, y el 30% mejoró como mínimo 15 letras Previo al tratamiento con bevacizumab 55.1% de ojos tenían déficit visual severo, 29.5% de ojos tenían déficit visual moderado y 15.4% de ojos presentaban déficit visual leve. Al año de tratamiento 23.1% de ojos tenían déficit visual severo, 44.9% presentaban déficit visual moderado, 20.5% tenían déficit visual leve y 11.5% lograron una agudeza visual normal. Conclusiones: La agudeza visual no mejoró en 9 letras en más del 50% de pacientes, sin embargo en el 55.2% de ojos disminuyó el grado de déficit visual.Objective: To determine if visual acuity improves in 9 letters or more after intravitreal injection of bevacizumab in diabetic macular edema. Method: This study corresponds to an observational, analytical, retrospective cohort design. A total of 78 patients with a clinical diagnosis of diabetic macular edema treated at the Retina service of the Regional Ophthalmological Institute of Trujillo for 12 months were included. Clinical data was recorded. Results: Visual Acuity improved in 9 letters or more a year of bevacizumab treatment in 44% of eyes, 33% of eyes improved 1 to 4 letters, 23% gained 5 to 8 letters, and 30% won as minimum 15 letters. Prior to treatment with bevacizumab 55.1% of eyes had severe visual deficit, 29.5% of eyes had moderate visual deficit and 15.4% of eyes had mild visual deficit. At one year of treatment, 23.1% of eyes had severe visual deficit, 44.9% had moderate visual deficit, 20.5% had mild visual deficit and 11.5% achieved normal visual acuity. Conclusions: Visual acuity did not improve in at least 9 letters in more than 50% of patients, however in 55.2% of eyes the degree of visual deficit decreased.Tesi

    Sistema semiautomático para la manufactura de placas de circuitos impresos (pcb), utilizando el método de serigrafía.

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    El presente documento tiene como tema “Sistema semiautomático para la manufactura de placas de circuitos impresos (pcb), utilizando el método de serigrafía” en este se abordará las diferentes técnicas que existen para la fabricación de circuitos impresos las cuales son: Técnica del planchado, técnica serigráfica y la técnica fotográfica. El documento se ha dividido en dos fases: diseño de una PCB y fabricación de una PCB. En la fase de diseño se creará la imagen negativa en un software de diseño de PCB, donde aparecerá el tamaño real de cada uno de los componentes electrónicos, posición que ocuparan y sus interconexiones. La fase de fabricación está divida en las siguientes etapas: sensibilizado de la placa; en esta etapa se elabora un sistema serigráfico automático, foto exposición; esta etapa incluye fabricar una insoladora u horno ultravioleta, grabado y revelado del cobre; aplicación de máscara antisoldante, aplicación de máscara de componentes, corte y perforado, en este último se deberá elaborar una CNC para facilitar y agilizar esta etapa. Una vez realizados los diseños de cada etapa se procederá a realizar un prototipo que demuestre la funcionalidad de este sistema de fabricación de PCB

    Development of a software tool for risk assessment and analysis based on api 580 and 581

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    The aim of this paper is to present the development of a standards-based software aPi- RP-580/581, which is running a series of calculations in order to provide greater reliability to Management Structural Integrity of Campo Escuela, which is currently under responsibility of  the Metallurgical Engineering School of Industrial University of Santander, so that the risk of failure associated with the operation of the equipment, be  administered systemically with  a methodology based on quantitative risk values  , and would minimize one of the higher costs with which  development of the  project faces. El objetivo  de este trabajo es presentar el desarrollo de un software basado en la norma API RP-580/581, en el cual se ejecutan una serie de cálculos con el propósito de dar una mayor confiabilidad al proyecto de Gerenciamiento de la Integridad Estructural de Campo Escuela, que actualmente se encuentra en desarrollo en la Escuela de Ingeniería Metalúrgica de la Universidad industrial de Santander; de tal manera que el riesgo de falla asociado al funcionamiento de los equipos, se administre sistemáticamente y con una metodología basada en valores cuantitativos de riesgo, y que además permita eliminar uno de los más altos costos con que se enfrentaba el desarrollo del proyecto. &nbsp

    Measurement and analysis of air quality in temporary shelters on three continents

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    Millions of displaced people are housed in shelters that generally consist of a single room, meaning that activities including cooking, sleeping and socialising all take place in the same space. Therefore, indoor air quality can be poor, resulting in estimated 20,000 displaced people dying prematurely every year. Very few studies considered the issue and all within one country. This paper describes the first comprehensive study investigating air quality in shelters by looking at Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Particulate Matter (PM), and CO2 in ten locations within Peru, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Jordan, Turkey and Bangladesh. It has the aim of: (i) discovering how widespread the issue is, (ii) identifying some of the causes, (iii) whether it is linked to cultural and behavioural factors, (iv) location and climate, or (v) shelters’ materials or design. Results revealed very harmful levels of pollutants that are often linked to excess mortality - with total VOC concentrations as high as 102400μgm-3 and PM over 3000μgm-3. The reasons for these concentrations were complex, multifaceted and setting-specific. However, it was an issue in both simple self-built shelters and mass-manufactured designs, and across all climates and cultures. In all cases, conditions could be greatly improved by improving airflow as windows were frequently blocked for various reasons. Therefore, airflow should be explicitly considered, whilst being cognisant of the local context; and when cooking is likely to occur indoors, chimneys must be fitted

    Measurement and analysis of air quality in temporary shelters on three continents

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    Millions of displaced people are housed in shelters that generally consist of a single room, meaning that activities including cooking, sleeping and socializing all take place in the same space. Therefore, indoor air quality can be poor, resulting in estimated 20,000 displaced people dying prematurely every year. Very few studies considered the issue and all within one country. This paper describes the first comprehensive study investigating air quality in shelters by looking at Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Particulate Matter (PM), and CO2 in ten locations within Peru, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Jordan, Turkey and Bangladesh. It has the aim of: (i) discovering how widespread the issue is, (ii) identifying some of the causes, (iii) whether it is linked to cultural and behavioural factors, (iv) location and climate, or (v) shelters’ materials or design. Results revealed very harmful levels of pollutants that are often linked to excess mortality - with total VOC concentrations as high as 102400 µgm-3 and PM over 3000 µgm-3. The reasons for these concentrations were complex, multifaceted and setting-specific. However, it was an issue in both simple self-built shelters and mass-manufactured designs, and across all climates and cultures. In all cases, conditions could be greatly improved by improving airflow as windows were frequently blocked for various reasons. Therefore, airflow should be explicitly considered, whilst being cognisant of the local context; and when cooking is likely to occur indoors, chimneys must be fitted

    Novel gene function revealed by mouse mutagenesis screens for models of age-related disease

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    Determining the genetic bases of age-related disease remains a major challenge requiring a spectrum of approaches from human and clinical genetics to the utilization of model organism studies. Here we report a large-scale genetic screen in mice employing a phenotype-driven discovery platform to identify mutations resulting in age-related disease, both late-onset and progressive. We have utilized N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea mutagenesis to generate pedigrees of mutagenized mice that were subject to recurrent screens for mutant phenotypes as the mice aged. In total, we identify 105 distinct mutant lines from 157 pedigrees analysed, out of which 27 are late-onset phenotypes across a range of physiological systems. Using whole-genome sequencing we uncover the underlying genes for 44 of these mutant phenotypes, including 12 late-onset phenotypes. These genes reveal a number of novel pathways involved with age-related disease. We illustrate our findings by the recovery and characterization of a novel mouse model of age-related hearing loss

    Wolves contribute to disease control in a multi-host system

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    12 páginas, 5 figuras.We combine model results with feld data for a system of wolves (Canis lupus) that prey on wild boar (Sus scrofa), a wildlife reservoir of tuberculosis, to examine how predation may contribute to disease control in multi-host systems. Results show that predation can lead to a marked reduction in the prevalence of infection without leading to a reduction in host population density since mortality due to predation can be compensated by a reduction in disease induced mortality. A key fnding therefore is that a population that harbours a virulent infection can be regulated at a similar density by disease at high prevalence or by predation at low prevalence. Predators may therefore provide a key ecosystem service which should be recognised when considering human-carnivore conficts and the conservation and re-establishment of carnivore populations.This is a contribution to MINECO Plan Nacional grant WILD DRIVER ref. CGL2017-89866 and EU-FEDER. Eleanor Tanner was supported by The Maxwell Institute Graduate School in Analysis and its Applications, a Centre for Doctoral Training funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (grant EP/L016508/01), the Scottish Funding Council, Heriot-Watt University and the University of Edinburgh. Pelayo Acevedo was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) and the University of Castilla-La Mancha through a "Ramon y Cajal" contract (RYC-2012-11970). This research was also supported by Ministerio para la Transicion Ecologica, through Fundacion Biodiversidad.Peer reviewe

    Verificación de la calibración de la balanza gramera por medio de juego de pesas tipo OIML F2

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    Tesis (Tecnólogo en Metrología Industrial). -- Universidad de Cartagena. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Programa de Metrología, 2018Se verifica la calibración de la balanza Gramera por medio de pesas tipo OIML F2, inicialmente se realizaron 10 repeticiones para diferentes masas patrones, para las cuales se calcularon medidas descriptivas y análisis de regresión; para la verificación de la calibración de la balanza se realizaron pruebas de Repetibilidad, Excentricidad y Linealidad. Los resultados indican que hay pocas variaciones entre las repeticiones realizadas y que los valores son muy cercanos a los establecidos por los pesos reales de las masas, las variaciones muestran coeficientes por debajo del 1% y las pruebas de Repetibilidad, Excentricidad y Linealidad de cumplen de forma satisfactori

    Diseño de un software para el análisis y evaluación del riesgo basado en las normas api 580 y 581

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    The aim of this paper is to present the development of a standards-based software aPi- RP-580/581, which is running a series of calculations in order to provide greater reliability to Management Structural Integrity of Campo Escuela, which is currently under responsibility of the Metallurgical Engineering School of Industrial University of Santander, so that the risk of failure associated with the operation of the equipment, be administered systemically with a methodology based on quantitative risk values, and would minimize one of the higher costs with which development of the project faces.El objetivo  de este trabajo es presentar el desarrollo de un software basado en la norma API RP-580/581, en el cual se ejecutan una serie de cálculos con el propósito de dar una mayor confiabilidad al proyecto de Gerenciamiento de la Integridad Estructural de Campo Escuela, que actualmente se encuentra en desarrollo en la Escuela de Ingeniería Metalúrgica de la Universidad industrial de Santander; de tal manera que el riesgo de falla asociado al funcionamiento de los equipos, se administre sistemáticamente y con una metodología basada en valores cuantitativos de riesgo, y que además permita eliminar uno de los más altos costos con que se enfrentaba el desarrollo del proyecto