35 research outputs found

    Analysis of the informal reasoning modes of preservice primary teachers when arguing about a socio-scientific issue on nuclear power during a role play

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    The use of nuclear power is a socio-scientific issue that is controversial in many areas. Concerns of nuclear power touch on health effects, environmental impacts, employment concerns and energy supply; arguments both for and against it are easily generated. This paper examines the specific aspects addressed by preservice primary teachers in their arguments during their participation in a roleplaying activity on the SSI of nuclear power stations closures in Spain. This was done in order to better understand informal reasoning modes, as well as the possible effect of the roles defended and the design of the staging of the role play. To this end, the transcripts of four role plays were analysed. The data analysis was carried out by open coding, extracting different categories of analysis that were classified into three different informal reasoning modes: environmental, financial and social. The results showed that participants used more environmental-oriented arguments than financial and social ones. Differences in informal reasoning modes were found between some roles and between the two parts of the staging. Some educational implications of these results are discussed, such as providing more information to the participants before the roleplaying activity and emphasising the scaffolding of the social aspects when designing the role play.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Preservice secondary science teachers' teaching proposals to address a socially acute question

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    Teaching about socially acute questions seems beneficial for different aspects of student learning and its use in classrooms can be encouraged by including it in future teachers’ training. This paper analyses teaching proposals made by preservice secondary teachers to address the socially acute question of the dominant model of meat production and consumption. The analysis was carried out in terms of the phases addressed for the inquiry and the conceptions of knowledge and pedagogical strategies adopted. The results show that the proposals are focused on information gathering and analysis, highlighting the controversies (engaged conception of knowledge) with the aim to develop critical thinking by teaching students to argue through the exploration of different positions on the SAQ (critical pedagogical strategies). The educational implications of these results are discussed in this work.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Sesión sobre cuestiones socialmente vivas y cartografía de controversias

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    Esta sesión fue realizada con 28 estudiantes del Máster en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas, de la especialidad de Biología y Geología, en la asignatura de Diseño y desarrollo de programaciones y actividades formativas. La sesión que se describe en esta presentación formaba parte de un conjunto de sesiones planificadas para tratar ciertos aspectos de la conciencia ambiental con diferentes QSVs (aunque en esta presentación solo se muestran las actividades sobre la QSV del actual modelo de producción y consumo de carne)Grupo de Investigación ENCI

    Una mirada a mi entorno. Fotografía y Medio ambiente

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    This article sets out to expound upon the importance environmental education starting from the first years of primary education. It is of great importance in our society to the able to transmit to young students conceptual, procedural, and attitudinal and in the field of environmental education. To attain this objective, we consider that photography can be a powerful tool. Through the programme ‘A Look at my Natural Space’ we can introduce issues about the environment both within the school at in the home and, in this sense, favour awareness within the citizen.El artículo plantea el valor de una educación ambiental desde los primeros años escolares. Saber hacer llegar a los alumnos/as unos contenidos conceptuales, procedimentales y actitudinales en el campo de la educación ambiental es de relevante importancia en nuestra sociedad actual. Para conseguir este objetivo, consideramos que la fotografía es una buena aliada. A través del programa “Una mirada a mi entorno” el medio ambiente puede entrar en la escuela y en los hogares favoreciendo una mayor concienciación en la ciudadanía actual

    Preservice primary teachers’ argumentative skills during their participation in a role play on nuclear energy

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    This work presents preliminary results of a study on the use of role play on a socioscientific issue for the practice of argumentative skills of preservice primary teachers. The socioscientific issue addressed was the agreement of the Spanish Government and some energy companies for the closure of all Spanish nuclear power plants between 2025 and 2035. The structure and topics of the arguments used during the role-playing discussion were analysed. The results show that the participants use a large amount and variety of evidence and, to a lesser extent, formulate conclusions and justifications. Most of the arguments were on environmental topics, followed by the financial topics and social topics. Finally, the role play seems to be very adequate for the practice of the use of evidence, although the analysis of their quality remains to be done.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Pre-service teachers’ ideas about obtaining electricity in nuclear power stations in a role play context

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    This study examined whether participation in a role play on the socio-scientific issue of the use of nuclear power had an impact on pre-service primary teachers’ ideas regarding the process of obtaining electricity in a nuclear power station. Before and after the role play, 78 pre-service primary teachers were asked to describe this process to analyze the ideas they displayed about the stages involved in it. The results showed, overall, an increased presence of more scientifically informed ideas in some of these stages following the role play, although a number of nonscientifically informed ideas persisted, for example, regarding the way in which heat is obtained or the final transformation of energy into electricity. These results support the potential value of role play for developing more scientifically informed ideas, although some modifications of the role play are recommended for further development of them.This study was supported by the European Social Fund and Spain’s National Research Agency through a researcher training contract (PRE2018-083328) as part of the Excellence in R+D project “Developing the competences of secondary and university students in relation to everyday problems through the scientific practices of argumentation, inquiry and modelling” (EDU2017-82197-P), by the Spanish National Plan R+D+i Project, entitled “Citizens with critical thinking: A challenge for teachers in science education” (PID2019-105765GA-I00), and the support for open publishing by the University of Malaga

    Enseñanza y aprendizajes en torno a la escritura en la formación docente inicial

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    La presente comunicación invita a pensar la problemática de la escritura en tanto práctica involucrada en los procesos formativos y en el desempeño profesional futuro de quienes aspiran a ejercer como profesores. Esta inquietud surge a raíz de los resultados a los que se está arribando desde una investigación en curso, cuyo interés es estudiar las escrituras presentes en instancias formativas y de inserción laboral materializadas en géneros discursivos/textuales en los profesorados en Comunicación Social y en Ciencias Biológicas de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.Se alude al marco teórico y metodológico de la mencionada investigación y se presentan aquellos resultados que se focalizan en los tipos de escritura o géneros que se proponen enseñar durante las carreras de profesorado participantes, las dificultades que supone este aprendizaje en los estudiantes y las maneras en que los formadores asisten y acompañan dicho aprendizaje. Se identifican variaciones en las experiencias de escritura estudiantiles entre dichas carreras respecto a la complejidad que implica la resolución de algunos tipos de escritos y su valoración en ese tramo formativo.Se considera que el abordaje de esta problemática es un asunto pendiente en el campo de la formación docente; sus hallazgos son un aporte valioso para la revisión y mejora de las propuestas formativas de las careras involucradas en la investigación mencionada y, asimismo, para el diseño de ofertas de formación en servicio.Palabras clave: aprendizaje, docencia, enseñanza, escritura, formación

    Influence of the role defended during a role-playing on pre-service elementary science teachers' scientific knowledge

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    This work shows a study about the influence of the role defended during the participation in a role-playing game about nuclear energy on the pre-service elementary science teachers’ scientific knowledge. 74 pre-service teachers participated in four role-playing games and a mixed approach was followed for data analysis, through a pre-test/post-test. The results suggest that the pre-service teachers who had to defend a role with a position against their personal point of view could achieve greater scientific knowledge learning. Furthermore, some limitations of this study are discuss.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The role-playing game as a teaching strategy on environmental awareness development. A Design-Based Research.

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    Este trabajo muestra el desarrollo de experiencias de juegos de rol sobre la producción de energía nuclear a lo largo de tres cursos académicos, cuya metodología se ha ido modificando teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos en cada una de ellas mediante una investigación basada en el diseño. Los sucesivos cambios metodológicos han mostrado mejoras en cuanto a los resultados obtenidos en cada experiencia respecto a las anteriores, concluyéndose que el juego de rol se muestra como una estrategia que favorece tanto el aprendizaje de conceptos científicos básicos como el tratamiento de aspectos concernientes a la conciencia ambiental, fomentando la práctica de habilidades argumentativas y poniendo en juego opiniones, creencias, actitudes y posiciones de muy diversa índole.This work shows the development of role-playing game experiences on nuclear energy production over three academic years and whose methodology has been modified based on the results obtained in each of them, through a design-based research. The methodological changes have shown improvements in terms of the results obtained in each experience with respect to the previous ones, assuming the role-playing game as a strategy that favours the learning of basic scientific concepts, such as the treatment of aspects concerning environmental awareness, encouraging the practice of argumentative skills and implies opinions, beliefs, attitudes and positions of a very diverse nature