669 research outputs found

    A machine learning approach for predictive warehouse design

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    Warehouse management systems (WMS) track warehousing and picking operations, generating a huge volumes of data quantified in millions to billions of records. Logistic operators incur significant costs to maintain these IT systems, without actively mining the collected data to monitor their business processes, smooth the warehousing flows, and support the strategic decisions. This study explores the impact of tracing data beyond the simple traceability purpose. We aim at supporting the strategic design of a warehousing system by training classifiers that can predict the storage technology (ST), the material handling system (MHS), the storage allocation strategy (SAS), and the picking policy (PP) of a storage system. We introduce the definition of a learning table, whose attributes are benchmarking metrics applicable to any storage system. Then, we investigate how the availability of data in the warehouse management system (i.e. varying the number of attributes of the learning table) affects the accuracy of the predictions. To validate the approach, we illustrate a generalisable case study which collects data from sixteen different real companies belonging to different industrial sectors (automotive, manufacturing, food and beverage, cosmetics and publishing) and different players (distribution centres and third-party logistic providers). The benchmarking metrics are applied and used to generate learning tables with varying number of attributes. A bunch of classifiers is used to identify the crucial input data attributes in the prediction of ST, MHS, SAS, and PP. The managerial relevance of the data-driven methodology for warehouse design is showcased for 3PL providers experiencing a fast rotation of the SKUs stored in their storage systems

    Environmental impacts of reusable transport items: A case study of pallet pooling in a retailer supply chain

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    Manufacturing, storage, and transportation processes are typically facilitated by pallets, containers, and other reusable transport items (RTIs) designed to guarantee many cycles along a lifespan of several years. As a consequence, both supply and reverse transportation of RTIs need to be managed to avoid stockout along the supply chain and the unsustainable production of new tools from virgin materials. This paper focuses on the business of pallet management by analyzing the transport operations of a pallet pooling network serving a large-scale nationwide retailer. The pooler is responsible for supplying, collecting, and refurbishing pallets. The combination of the pooler's management strategies with different retailer network configurations results in different pooling scenarios, which are assessed and compared in this paper through a what-if analysis. The logistical and environmental impacts generated by the pallet distribution activities are quantified per each scenario through a tailored software incorporating Geographic Information System (GIS) and routing functionalities. Findings from this analysis suggest how to reduce vehicle distance traveled (vehicles-km) by 65% and pollutant emissions by 60% by combining network infrastructures and pooling management strategies-identifying an empirical best practice for managers of pallet businesses

    A Data Architecture to aid Life Cycle Assessment in closed-loop Reusable Plastic Container networks

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    Abstract Returnable container networks have caught the eye of those companies that aim to reduce waste generation and environmental impact. The literature already includes studies on the environmental impact (i.e. Life Cycle Assessment, LCA) of these networks. However, the major part is based on secondary data since the collection of primary data is complex and time-intensive. This paper proposes an object-relational database dedicated to the storage of data from a closed-loop reusable plastic crates (RPC) networks for fruits and vegetables. The goal is supporting scholars and managers during the LCA through a user-friendly data architecture, while suggesting structured guidelines for the primary data collection. Each node of the RPC network is characterized by a similar set of entity types, such as machines, which allows to process the RPCs with respect to specific cycles. Each entity, process and cycle are therefore reflected in the database by objects that are connected with relations

    Hybrid model for the design of a deep-lane multisatellite AVS/RS

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    The autonomous vehicle storage and retrieval system (AVS/RS) significantly improves the responsiveness and throughput of the traditional automated storage and retrieval system (AS/RS) in regard to handling unit loads. The AVS/RS consists of multiple tiers connected to an elevator system and is equipped with at least two autonomous vehicles, that is, a shuttle and satellite. Other necessary equipment are the lifts and input/output buffer areas. This paper aims to present and apply an original hybrid analytical-simulative model for the design of a deep-lane and multisatellite AVS-RS by evaluating and controlling the system performance. This AVS-RS is equipped with multiple free and non-free satellites for each tier. As an original contribution, this study reviews the literature on AVS/RS according to the introduction of multiple features categorized into five homogeneous groups: (1) rack configuration, (2) vehicle kinematics and configuration, (3) dispatching rules, (4) modeling approach, and (5) validation. Two of the most critical issues in existing research studies are the random arrival time of storage and retrieval transactions and the random storage policy. The proposed modeling approach is data-driven and based on realistic assumptions, filling the gap between the literature and real applications. This hybrid model is applied to a case study of the beverage industry according to a what-if comparative and competitive multiscenario analysis. This data-driven assessment supports the decision-making process on the number of satellites for each tier, while simultaneously controlling the service and waiting times, system throughput, and vehicle utilization. The analysis based on the maximum system throughput estimation demonstrates that introducing more than two satellites does not increase the productivity of the system

    Environmental impacts of reusable transport items: A case study of pallet pooling in a retailer supply chain

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    Manufacturing, storage, and transportation processes are typically facilitated by pallets, containers, and other reusable transport items (RTIs) designed to guarantee many cycles along a lifespan of several years. As a consequence, both supply and reverse transportation of RTIs need to be managed to avoid stockout along the supply chain and the unsustainable production of new tools from virgin materials. This paper focuses on the business of pallet management by analyzing the transport operations of a pallet pooling network serving a large-scale nationwide retailer. The pooler is responsible for supplying, collecting, and refurbishing pallets. The combination of the pooler's management strategies with different retailer network configurations results in different pooling scenarios, which are assessed and compared in this paper through a what-if analysis. The logistical and environmental impacts generated by the pallet distribution activities are quantified per each scenario through a tailored software incorporating Geographic Information System (GIS) and routing functionalities. Findings from this analysis suggest how to reduce vehicle distance traveled (vehicles-km) by 65% and pollutant emissions by 60% by combining network infrastructures and pooling management strategies-identifying an empirical best practice for managers of pallet businesses

    Digitalization of Fresh Chestnut Fruit Supply Chain through RFID: Evidence, Benefits and Managerial Implications

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    This study provides evidence of supply chain (SC) management based on the digitalization of a fresh fruit-supply chain (i.e., chestnuts) using a radio-frequency identification technology (RFID). This research adopted the value-chain operation reference (VCOR) to assess the implications, issues, and benefits of the SC digitalization, and to explore how RFID can be configured regarding the VCOR blocks. Within this framework, the SC stages, processes, and operations were assessed using a tailored performance measurement system (PMS) including a set of metrics tracked, quantified, and evaluated alongside a monitoring field campaign. The results indicated that: (i) the benefits deriving from the RFID are constrained by specific organizational procedures adopted in operations management; (ii) the PMS Indicators of the centralized warehouse, balancing the inventory between the processing line and the distribution channels, presented the most significant improvements across the whole SC

    Sôbre a ocorrência de um órgão cupuliforme, com bordos pelíferos, no colo dos «Seedlings» de Eucalyptus

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    With this paper the author concludes a series of studies he began in 1941; the work deals with a cupuliform organ, with hairy margins, located in the junction of radicle and hypocotyl of seedlings of 105 species of Eucalyptus. It was found out that in the embryo the organ looks like a ring placed on the end of the hypocotyl; for this reason one my led to consider the organ at this stage as merely a thickening of the radicle's end; however the radicle can be seen as it comes out from the center of the organ in discussion. Shape, size the diameter of the "mouth" of the organ as well as its hairs vary with the species under consideration. As far the anatomy of the organ is concerned it shows a cortical parenchyme covered on both faces, by the same epidermis with covers the hypocotyl; this epidermis extends itself till the radicle. The hairs are generated in the margin of the organ. The ecological significancy of the dome-like organ is rather obvious. It permits to the seedling to get into close contact with the soil long before the radicle becomes enough large to carry on its own functions. By this way there is no lack of continuity in the physiology of the nutrition which is of a great importance to the seedlings since the seeds from Eucalyptus are exalbuminous. Since the cupuliform organ constantly appears in the seedlings of the 105 species studied by the author, one can safely establish ic as a characteristic of the genus Eucalyptus occurring only at the seedling stage. Further studies are now being conducted to verify whether the cupuliform organ occurs in other genera of the Myrtaceae family or not.1 - Os estudos sôbre o órgão cupuliforme datam de 1941, ocasião em que observávamos os "seedlings" de Eucalyptus tereticornis e Eucalyptus citriodora, com o propósito de colher material para estudos anatômicos comparativos das citadas espécies (1). 2 - Examinámos, a seguir, "seedlings" de outras espécies de Eucalyptus, comprovando em tôdas a existência do órgão cupuliforme. 3 -BRIOSI e WARMING, ambos mencionados por HABER-LANDT (4), assinalaram a presença de longos pêlos absorventes, no limite entre radícula e caulículo, respectivamente de plantas aquáticas e de Eucalyptus e outras Myrtaceae, sem contudo se reportarem à existência de qualquer órgão na região considerada. 4 - Revendo a bibliografia especializada, entre as quais a "A Critical Revision of the Genus Eucalyptus" de Maiden (6) e a "Eucalyptographia" do Baron Ferd. von Mueller (7), nenhuma referência encontrámos a respeito de qualquer órgão ou de pêlos absorventes, na região do colo dos "seedlings" de Eucalyptus. 5 - As sementes das 105 espécies constantes dêste trabalho foram obtidas no Serviço Florestal da Cia. Paulista de Estradas de Ferro, em Rio Claro, por nímia gentileza dos Drs. Edmundo Sampaio e Ruben Foot Guimarães, respectivamente Chefe e Encarregado da Secção de Genética do Serviço Florestal. 6 - As sementes foram postas num substrato de esfagno ou "musgo branco", reduzido a pó, coberto com papel de filtro e recebendo apenas água destilada, quer durante a germinação, quer durante o período de crescimento dos seedlings". 7 - Cientificámo-nos que no embrião o órgão cupuliforme já se encontra diferenciado, apresentando-se, nesse estágio, como um anel, disposto à volta do colo, em cujo centro se pode ver a ponta cônica da radícula. 8 - Os pêlos absorventes vão surgindo nos bordos do anel, à medida que este se expande, durante o processo de crescimento dos "seedlings". 9 - A forma, o tamanho, o diâmetro da bôca do órgão cupuliforme, bem como a quantidade e o comprimento dos pêlos absorventes dos seus bordos variam segundo as espécies estudadas. 10 - Do ponto de vista anatômico, a estrutura do órgão é simples. Consta de um parênquima cortical, revestido pela mesma epiderme que recobre a radícula e que se continua pelo caulículo. Os pêlos absorventes, que nascem nos bordos, são semelhantes aos que se produzem na zona pelífera da radícula. 11 - A importância ecológica do órgão é óbvia, uma vez que as sementes de Eucalyptus, sendo exalbuminadas, os "seedlings" devem, o quanto antes, adaptar-se prontamente ao solo, para evitar a solução de continuidade no processo fisiológico da nutrição

    a tailored maintenance management system to control spare parts life cycle

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    Abstract The maintenance of complex production systems became increasingly crucial to ensure the competitiveness of companies and service level to their clients. Because of product customization the number of mechanical and electrical components and functional groups of manufacturing lines enhanced with their complexity. To face this concern, the physical and logical design of such systems is typically partitioned among several groups of engineers and designers. Consequently, a holistic awareness of the whole project is lacking and the maintenance of such systems becomes even more challenging. In view of this, new tailored support-decision tools able to manage and control the life cycle of spare parts from their design, throughout the run time, and to their failure and replacement are necessary. This paper illustrates an original maintenance management system (MMS) resulting by the combination of different computerized tools able to integrate the information flow behind the life cycle of a generic component. The proposed system supports coordination among groups of engineers and practitioners through graphic user interfaces (GUIs) and performance i.e. cost, reliability, dashboards, which lead decision-making from the design phase to the planning of maintenance tasks along the life of the manufacturing line. These tools are validated with a real-world instance from the tobacco industry which allows assessing how components belonging to the same functional group may differently behave over their life cycle. The results suggest that the holistic awareness on the whole manufacturing system provided by the proposed MMS can support task design and schedule of maintenance actions providing the reduction of more than 20% of the total cost and time for maintenance actions. The practical example shown contributes to shed light on the potentials of new paradigms for maintenance management in the industry 4.0

    Optimizing food ordering in a multi-stage catering supply chain network using reusable containers

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    Reusable plastic containers (RPCs) prevent packaging waste in the food supply chains. Food Catering Supply Chain (FCSC) made of multi-stage logistic networks represents a challenging scenario for adopting RPCs to optimize, particularly when the container's flow meets the food supplies. This paper fosters the application of RPCs in such FCSC by proposing a food-ordering MILP model to aid the cross-docking player in selecting the suppliers and releasing packaged food orders efficiently. This model optimizes logistic costs and operations as well as the influence of the container pooler's facilities network in the FCSC. A numerical example extracted by a larger case study provides validation of the model and offers insights for future research investigations

    5'-deiodinase activity and circulating thyronines in lactating cows.

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    To investigate the correlation between lactation and thyroid hormone metabolism, the authors studied concentrations of total and free thyroxine (T4 and fT4), triiodothyronine (T3 and fT3), and reverse triiodothyronine (rT3) in plasma and milk, as well as liver and mammary gland 5'-deiodinase (5'D) activity in dry, early, middle, and late lactating dairy cows. Cows in early lactation show lower plasma levels of T4 and rT3 than dry, middle, and late lactating animals, whereas T3 shows the lowest plasma levels in the dry period; free T4 and T3 show a similar pattern. In early lactation there is a clear decrease in liver 5'D associated with a notable increase in mammary 5'D. Concentrations of T4 and T3 in milk drop significantly in the first few days after delivery, whereas rT3 increases up to the fourth month. The findings suggest a relationship between the hypothyroid status of lactating cows and the rearrangement of organ-specific 5'-deiodinase activity related to the maintenance of the udder's function