250 research outputs found

    Processo de remoção de endotoxinas de soros hiperimunes : filtração em membranas de afinidade

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    Orientador: Sonia Maria Alves BuenoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia QuimicaResumo: Apesar das medidas preventivas serem tomadas durante as etapas de produção ou purificação de soros hiperimunes, esses podem vir a ser contaminados com endotoxinas (ET), um tipo de pirogênio liberado pela parede de bactérias Gram-negativas. Endotoxinas produzem uma reação febril quando injetado em humanos ou outros mamíferos., podendo ocasionar a morte em alguns casos. Desta forma, a sua concentração em soluções a serem administradas parenteralmente deve ser reduzida a níveis toleráveis pelo organismo. Neste trabalho, para a remoção de ET de soros antiofidicos, utilizou-se o método de filatrção em membranas de afinidade com o aminoácido histidina imobilizado em fibras ocas de álcool poli etileno vinílico (PEV A). Histidina imobilizada neste tipo de suporte apresentou pseudo-bioafinidade por anticorpos (IgG) do soro e ET. Para evitar competições entre estas duas moléculas pelo ligante imobilizado, foi avaliada a adsorção de anticorpos do soro nestas membranas de afinidade a fim de determinar as melhores condições nas quais ET pudessem ser removidas sem implicar em adsorção significativa de anticorpos do soro antiofidico. As condições menos favoráveis para a adsorção de anticorpos ocorreram nas soluções tamponantes acetato a pH 6,0 e fosfato pH 6,5. Testes foram realizados para determinar qual destas soluções promoveria uma maior remoção de ET, porém em presença de tampão acetato, obteve-se uma redução mais significativa. Encontrada a solução que favoreceu a remoção deste pirogênio, estudou-se a influência das variáveis QF/Qr (vazão do filtrado/vazão da alimentação) e da concentração inicial de ET na etapa de retenção através de um planejamento estatístico experimental. A razão QF/QI não apresentou efeito significativo na retenção de ET e a quantidade deste pirogênio retida nas membranas aumentou de acordo com a sua concentração inicial na solução (quanto maior a concentração de ET (1000 EU/rnL), maior a quantidade retida por unidade de área de membrana (190 EU/cm2». A remoção média de ET alcançada no processo foi de 92%, sequida de uma recuperação total de anticorpos em tomo de 90%. Constatou-se também que a quantidade máxima de adsorção das membranas de afinidade não foi atingida e que para baixas concentrações de pirogênios, a remoção foi quase total (99%), enquanto que o aumento na concentração de anticorpos na solução não provocou alterações na quantidade de ET removidaAbstract: Contamination by pyrogens may occur during the production and purification of hiperimum serum. Endotoxins (ET) or lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are a kind of pyrogens present at the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria. LPS are able to induce fever reaction when injected in to mammals. In some cases, even death may occur. Thus, endotoxins should be removed to be reduced to tolerable levels for the host organismo There are several methods for ET removal as ultrafiltration, adsorption on activated charcoal and on ion-exchange resins, and chromatography. In the present study, adsorption on histidine-linked hollow fiber membrane (His-PEVA) was used to remove ET from anti snake serum. Immobilized histidine presents pseudobioaffinity to horse antibodies (IgG) and to ET. The adsorption of serum IgG in the His-PEV A membranes was analysed to determine the best conditions for ET removal without a significant adsorption of antibodies. The lowest adsorption of IgG was obtained with acetate (pH 6,0) and phosphate (pH 6,5) buffers. Both conditions removed LPS, but the highest efficient was found to acetate buffer. This buffer was used to determine the optimal combination of ET concentration and ratio (QF,/QI) to reach high LPS removal without significant loss of IgG. Removal of 92% of ET and recuperation of90% of IgG was obtained with this processo In low pirogen concentrations, the remotion was 99% and higher antibodies concentrations didn't induce changes in the quantity of removed ETMestradoDesenvolvimento de Processos BiotecnologicosMestre em Engenharia Químic

    Vito Acconci: Catalogue of Headlines and Image

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    [54] pages : illus. Catalog of the exhibition held at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, Nov. 11, 1978-Jan. 14, 1979. Cover title.https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/specialcollections_artistsbooks/1471/thumbnail.jp


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    [56] pages : illus. On cover: Working notebook for a piece called \u27Middle of the world\u27, Wright State University Art Gallery, Dayton, October 1976.https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/specialcollections_artistsbooks/1473/thumbnail.jp

    From Corporate Social Responsibility to Accountability Mechanisms:The Role of the Convention on Biological Diversity

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    This paper traces the progressive shift at the international level from purely voluntary approaches (corporate social responsibility or CSR) towards accountability mechanisms to ensure the environmentally sound conduct of private entities. It examines whether the most recent international discussion on human rights and corporate accountability have adequately considered environmental protection concerns. It then concentrates on the growing number of international oversight mechanisms that provide a readily-available and impartial avenue for addressing complaints against private companies..

    A Taxonomy of Disgust in Art

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    Disgust has been a perennial feature of art from medieval visions of hell to postmodern travesties. The purpose of this chapter is to chart various ways in which disgust functions in artworks both in terms of content and style, canvassing cases in which the content and/or style is literally disgusting in contrast to cases where the disgust serves to characterize the content, often for moral or political or broader cultural purposes

    Conceptual Art

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    Providing a re-examination of what Osborne identifies as a major turning point in contemporary art, this monograph takes a chronological and stylistic look at conceptual art from its “pre-history” (1950-1960) to contemporary practices that use conceptual strategies. Osborne surveys the development of the movement in relation to the social, cultural and political contexts within which it evolved. With extended captions, key works are compiled according to ten themes that also serve to present a collection of critical texts, artists’ statements, interviews and commentaries. Includes biographical notes on artists (6 p.) and authors (2 p.), a bibliography (2 p.) and an onomastic index (4 p.) Circa 150 bibl. ref

    Membrane adsorber for endotoxin removal

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    ABSTRACT The surface of flat-sheet nylon membranes was modified using bisoxirane as the spacer and polyvinyl alcohol as the coating polymer. The amino acid histidine was explored as a ligand for endotoxins, aiming at its application for endotoxin removal from aqueous solutions. Characterization of the membrane adsorber, analysis of the depyrogenation procedures and the evaluation of endotoxin removal efficiency in static mode are discussed. Ligand density of the membranes was around 7 mg/g dry membrane, allowing removal of up to 65% of the endotoxins. The performance of the membrane adsorber prepared using nylon coated with polyvinyl alcohol and containing histidine as the ligand proved superior to other membrane adsorbers reported in the literature. The lack of endotoxin adsorption on nylon membranes without histidine confirmed that endotoxin removal was due to the presence of the ligand at the membrane surface. Modified membranes were highly stable, exhibiting a lifespan of approximately thirty months

    La responsabilità sociale di impresa in Europa

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    Il volume ha per oggetto l’esame della prassi rilevante per la ricostruzione del regime vigente, nel diritto internazionale e in quello europeo, in tema di responsabilità sociale d’impresa. Vengono, a tal fine, evidenziati i princípi e gli standard utilizzati per incoraggiare le imprese, piccole, medie e grandi, a comportarsi in modo etico, anche quando ciò possa significare conformarsi a linee di condotta più restrittive, e dunque più onerose, di quelle imposte dalle normative dei differenti Stati dove esse operano. Questi princípi e standard tendono, in via generale, a infondere nell’attività d’impresa il riferimento a un’accezione qualitativa dello sviluppo. Più specificamente, le imprese nella realizzazione delle proprie attività all’estero dovrebbero ispirarsi a quei valori volti allo sviluppo sostenibile e sociale, quali la conservazione dell’ambiente, la tutela dei diritti basilari dei lavoratori e il contrasto della corruzione. Vengono, inoltre, posti in risalto gli strumenti prevalentemente impiegati per la promozione della responsabilità sociale d’impresa nel quadro del diritto internazionale e di quello europeo, con riguardo particolare alle certificazioni e alle partnership. L’esame della prassi viene effettuato, tra l’altro, alla luce del ruolo significativo attribuibile in materia ai portatori di interessi specifici, gli stakeholder, dei quali viene presa in considerazione pure l’eventuale responsabilità per gli effetti delle loro richieste alle imprese. Tra gli obiettivi del volume vi sono quelli di approfondire la diversa portata normativa dei princípi, degli standard e degli strumenti adottati, sul piano tanto internazionale quanto europeo, per la promozione della responsabilità sociale d’impresa e di sottolineare il fatto che tende, in ogni caso, ad affermarsi l’idea secondo cui il ricorso a pratiche socialmente responsabili dovrebbe rappresentare non un onere, ma un’opportunità di «fare impresa» in maniera efficiente

    The Responses of International Organizations to the Health Emergency due To the Covid-19. A First Impression

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    The uncontrollable spread of the Covid-19 pandemic disease has caused extensive responses of the affected States, under the pressure of the emergency situation and under the influence of international organizations. To act as the leading guide and coordinator of the reaction to a pandemic at an international law level, the World Health Organization (WHO) relies on its 2005 International Health Regulations. These Regulations have been designed to ensure ‘global health security’, that is maximum security against the uncontrollable spread of a “public health emergency of international concern” with minimum interference with traffics and trade. The WHO can also act to promote and coordinate operational responses. The Covid-19 pandemic has confirmed that the effectivity of the WHO action depends on the capacity of its Member States to detect, report and contain health outbreaks, as well as to prevent further risks. Because of the large-scale impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, other international organizations have engaged in supporting the reaction of the affected States and prevention by non-yet-affected States. This essay focuses on these aspects in light of the existing international regulatory and policy framework on public health, by also addressing the implications of the importance of community and individual engagement within the response plans of international organizations, particularly of the WHO, and of the affected States