7 research outputs found

    A Study of Realtime Summarization Metrics

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    Unexpected news events, such as natural disasters or other human tragedies, create a large volume of dynamic text data from official news media as well as less formal social media. Automatic real-time text summarization has become an important tool for quickly transforming this overabundance of text into clear, useful information for end-users including affected individuals, crisis responders, and interested third parties. Despite the importance of real-time summarization systems, their evaluation is not well understood as classic methods for text summarization are inappropriate for real-time and streaming conditions. The TREC 2013-2015 Temporal Summarization (TREC-TS) track was one of the first evaluation campaigns to tackle the challenges of real-time summarization evaluation, introducing new metrics, ground-truth generation methodology and dataset. In this paper, we present a study of TREC-TS track evaluation methodology, with the aim of documenting its design, analyzing its effectiveness, as well as identifying improvements and best practices for the evaluation of temporal summarization systems

    Naturalistic Routing Using Inverse Reinforcement Learning

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    This disclosure describes techniques, referred to as naturalistic routing (NR), that improve the quality of routes found by map applications by learning from users’ real-world navigation actions, accessed with user permission. The techniques leverage the principle that users, in the aggregate, tend to travel on optimal routes to reach their destinations. A machine learning model is trained using inverse reinforcement learning and provides routes that are optimal by the users’ definition of optimality, as determined from a dataset of navigation actions

    Massively Scalable Inverse Reinforcement Learning in Google Maps

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    Optimizing for humans' latent preferences is a grand challenge in route recommendation, where globally-scalable solutions remain an open problem. Although past work created increasingly general solutions for the application of inverse reinforcement learning (IRL), these have not been successfully scaled to world-sized MDPs, large datasets, and highly parameterized models; respectively hundreds of millions of states, trajectories, and parameters. In this work, we surpass previous limitations through a series of advancements focused on graph compression, parallelization, and problem initialization based on dominant eigenvectors. We introduce Receding Horizon Inverse Planning (RHIP), which generalizes existing work and enables control of key performance trade-offs via its planning horizon. Our policy achieves a 16-24% improvement in global route quality, and, to our knowledge, represents the largest instance of IRL in a real-world setting to date. Our results show critical benefits to more sustainable modes of transportation (e.g. two-wheelers), where factors beyond journey time (e.g. route safety) play a substantial role. We conclude with ablations of key components, negative results on state-of-the-art eigenvalue solvers, and identify future opportunities to improve scalability via IRL-specific batching strategies

    Early social distancing policies in Europe, changes in mobility & COVID-19 case trajectories: insights from Spring 2020

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    Background Social distancing have been widely used to mitigate community spread of SARS-CoV-2. We sought to quantify the impact of COVID-19 social distancing policies across 27 European counties in spring 2020 on population mobility and the subsequent trajectory of disease. Methods We obtained data on national social distancing policies from the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker and aggregated and anonymized mobility data from Google. We used a pre-post comparison and two linear mixed-effects models to first assess the relationship between implementation of national policies and observed changes in mobility, and then to assess the relationship between changes in mobility and rates of COVID-19 infections in subsequent weeks. Results Compared to a pre-COVID baseline, Spain saw the largest decrease in aggregate population mobility (~70%), as measured by the time spent away from residence, while Sweden saw the smallest decrease (~20%). The largest declines in mobility were associated with mandatory stay-at-home orders, followed by mandatory workplace closures, school closures, and non-mandatory workplace closures. While mandatory shelter-in-place orders were associated with 16.7% less mobility (95% CI: -23.7% to -9.7%), non-mandatory orders were only associated with an 8.4% decrease (95% CI: -14.9% to -1.8%). Large-gathering bans were associated with the smallest change in mobility compared with other policy types. Changes in mobility were in turn associated with changes in COVID-19 case growth. For example, a 10% decrease in time spent away from places of residence was associated with 11.8% (95% CI: 3.8%, 19.1%) fewer new COVID-19 cases. Discussion This comprehensive evaluation across Europe suggests that mandatory stay-at-home orders and workplace closures had the largest impacts on population mobility and subsequent COVID-19 cases at the onset of the pandemic. With a better understanding of policies’ relative performance, countries can more effectively invest in, and target, early nonpharmacological interventions

    1997 Amerasia Journal

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