33 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Penghambat Penyelesaian Studi Mahasiswa Program Studi Matematika Universitas Sulawesi Barat Menggunakan PLS-SEM

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    This research aims to examine the factors that influence the completion of students' studies at the University of West Sulawesi Mathematics Study Program. The high frequency of alumni with a length of study above the expected time is a polemic that needs to be solved and followed up. The research method analyses the partial least squares structural equation model (PLS-SEM). This study involved 2016, 2017 and 2018, batch students. Data collection used an online questionnaire. The results showed that the self-control factor and the intelligence and interest factor had a significant effect on students' motivation to complete their study on time. On the other hand, environmental factors and campus instrument factors do not have a significant effect

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Minat Anak Petani Dalam Melanjutkan Usahatani Di Desa Curug Kecamatan Klari Kabupaten Karawang

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    Interest is a tendency that persists in an individual to pay attention to and follow a desire. Interest is a tendency for someone who is sedentary to feel interested and happy in a particular field or thing. Interest has a big influence on the activities a person will do. Interest in activities makes a person do an activity with pleasure and attention. The problem in Curug Village is that there is no youth interest in continuing family farming in Curug Village, which causes lagging behind in the agricultural sector, and many young people choose to work in private companies rather than working as farmers. This study aims to analyze the interest of youth in continuing farming in Curug Village and whether factors influence youth interest in farming in Curug Village. The research was conducted in Curug Village, Klari District, and Karawang Regency. The population in this study were young farmers in Curug Village, with 24 respondents. The method used was a census or sample. The results of this study show that the interest of farmer children in continuing farming in Curug Village is high at 69,58%. Emotional variable factors do not have a major effect on the interest of farmer children in continuing farming with a percentage of 50.7%; environmental variable factors do not affect the interest of farmer children in continuing farming with a percentage of -42.3%; and socioeconomic variable factors affect the interest of farmer children in continuing farming with a percentage of 56.0%

    Different inflammatory mechanisms in lungs of severe and mild asthma: crosstalk of NF-kappa-B, TGFâ1, Bax, Bcl-2, IL-4 and IgE

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    Objective: To examine differences in the apoptotic, inflammatory, allergic and immunological features in the lungs of adults with asthma. Material and methods: Thirty‐six patients with mild asthma (MA), 16 with severe asthma (SA) and 20 healthy volunteers (HVs) were enrolled. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) was processed into cell‐free fluid for enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay detecting soluble TGFβ1, IL‐4 and IgE and BALF lymphocytes for immunocytochemical staining of cellular Bax, Bcl‐2 and nuclear factor‐Kappa‐B (NFκB). Results: Cellular NFκB expression was higher in SA than in MA and HVs, while extracellular TGFβ1 was high in both the SA and MA groups but low in the HVs. Bcl‐2/Bax ratio was higher in SA than in MA and in MA than in HV groups and correlated significantly with NFκB level. Interestingly, the levels of IgE and, to a lesser extent, IL‐4 were higher in MA than in SA and both were much higher than in HVs, and were inversely correlated with NFκB level in the SA group and with TGFβ1 level in the MA group. Conclusions: NFκB has a central role in the perpetuation of persistent inflammation in SA and might induce apoptosis via Bcl‐2. The SA group appears not associated much with allergen‐based IgE and IL‐4 reactions as efficiently as in MA. This was supported by the lower levels of IgE and IL‐4 in SA compared to MA. TGFβ1 appears to be associated with asthma pathogenesis, especially allergen‐based MA

    Designing A Solar and Motor-Based Hybrid Powered Mobile Sprinkler System for Small-Scale Irrigation: A Case Study for Auchi Polytechnic Demonstration Farm

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    This research aimed at developing a model of a hybrid-powered sprinkler irrigation system for use in the town of Auchi, Nigeria, a town with costly and intermittent electricity access. As a highly agrarian society, it is vital that market gardens developed by the family have access to water to provide their families with food and income from the selling of the crops. In Nigeria, changes in rainfall patterns are posing a threat to crop output. Irrigation can be utilized to maintain consistent production; however, motorized irrigation systems are both expensive to operate and environmentally unsustainable. Alternative watering methods are consequently required. Irrigation systems can be powered by readily available renewable energy sources. In order to irrigate 1 acre of vegetable planting in Auchi Polytechnic Demonstration Farm, Auchi, Nigeria, this research sought to design an effective Generator-solar hybrid system. The Using metrological data, mean wind speed and monthly solar irradiance of global radiation horizontal for the district were analysed. The mobile hybrid sprinkler system was optimally designed for a vegetables plant on 1-acre land with water requirement of 33.73 m3 d−1. The results upon fabrication showed that the system could effectively operate at speeds of 20 m s −1 without deformation. The research will, therefore, be a useful guideline in making investment decisions in hybrids irrigation systems. Keywords: Automated, Irrigation, Auchi Polytechnic Demonstration Farm, hybrid-powered sprinkler DOI: 10.7176/ISDE/12-4-01 Publication date:October 31st 2021

    Tumor markers of bladder cancer : the schistosomal bladder tumors versus non-schistosomal bladder tumors.

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    Background: The aim of this study is to comparatively elucidate the underlying molecular pathways and clinicopathological criteria in schistosomal bladder tumor (SBT) versus non-schistosomal bladder tumor (NSBT). Methods: This study explored the role of p53, p16, bcl-2, ki-67, c-myc, Rb and EGFR, by using Immunohistochemistry assay, in 45 SBT and 39 NSBT patients in comparison with 16 schistosomal chronic cystitis (SC), 28 non-schistosomal chronic cystitis (NSC), and 20 normal control (CTL) subjects. The studied markers in SBT and NSBT were correlated with different clinicopathological criteria namely, tumor histopathology, grading, invasiveness, stage, and presentation of the disease. Results: SBT was associated with high grade invasive squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) while NSBT was associated with lower grade less invasive transitional cell carcinoma (TCC). The expression of p53, bcl-2, c-myc, and EGFR was higher in SBT than in NSBT while Rb was higher in NSBT than in SBT. However, p16 and ki-67 were not different between SBT and NSBT. The profile of molecular markers in SC was similar to NSC except for EGFR which was higher in SC than in NSC. Both SC and NSC showed higher level of p53, bcl-2, ki-67, and EGFR than in CTL group while p16, Rb, and c-myc were not different. p53 was associated with high grade SCC in both SBT and NSBT. Bcl-2 was associated with high grade invasive tumors in SBT and NSBT. P16 was associated with low grade, late stage, and recurrent SBT and high grade, invasive, late stage, and recurrent NSBT. Rb was associated with SCC in SBT, invasive tumors in NSBT, and late stage and recurrent presentation in both SBT and NSBT. C-myc was associated with high grade, invasive, and late stage SBT and SCC, high grade, invasive, and late stage NSBT. EGFR was associated with invasive SCC in SBT and invasive, high grade, and late stage TCC in NSBT. ki-67 was associated with invasive SBT and high grade late stage NSBT. Conclusion: SBT and NSBT showed distinct molecular profile of tumor development and progression which can be taken into consideration in fine adjusting the anti-cancer therapy for SBT and NSBT

    Piezoelectric properties of zinc oxide nanostructure synthesized via chemical bath solution

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    We report our investigation on the growth of ZnO nanostructure on a patterned interdigitated microelectrode (IDE) using chemical bath deposition (CBD). Piezoresponse force microscopic techniques were used to characterise the piezoelectric material domain of the grown ZnO nanostructures. The synthesised ZnO nanostructures exhibits a hexagonal wurtzite structure with the c-axis preferred crystal orientation in the (002) plane. The average thickness of the ZnO seed layer was 467.5 nm, whereas the diameter and length of ZnO nanostructure were measured to be 2.73 μm and 6.96 μm respectively. The combine effect of Zinc nitrate and HTMA concentration and seed layer thickness are considered as the main reason for crystal morphology evolution. The ZnO nanostructures exhibited a phase switch of the response and hysteresis in the plot of phase versus dc voltage, as evidenced by the polarization exchanging of its ferroelectric behaviour. These results provide a fundamental understanding of piezoresponse ZnO nanostructure for future energy applications

    Antibacterial Activity, Phytochemical and Proximate Analysis of Moringa Oleifera Seeds Against Clinical Isolates

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    This study was carried out to determine the antibacterial activity, phytochemical and proximate analysis of Moringa oleifera seeds extracts against some clinical isolates. The antibacterial activity for Aqueous and Ethanol extracts was determined using the agar diffusion method. The Phytochemical Screening of the seed was carried out using Qualitative Analysis (QA) and proximate analysis was carried out according to AOAC methods. The aqueous seed extract showed varying degrees of antimicrobial activity over that of ethanol extract on the microorganisms tested. Two species (Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhi) presented the lowest MIC of 31.25 and 125mg/ml compared to MBC of 250mg/ml respectively. The phytochemical revealed the presence of Flavonoids, Tannins, Alkaloid, and Saponins. The Proximate Analysis revealed high concentration of Crude lipid (35.58 ± 0.42%) and lowest concentration of Moisture content (2.03 ± 0.01%). This study shows that moringa oleifera seeds can be as effective as synthetic medicine to combat pathogenic microorganisms if properly utilized. Keywords:   Moringa oleifera seeds; Proximate analysis; Phytochemicals; Staphylococcus aureu

    Prevalence and factors associated with fire outbreak among traders in Kwari market, Kano

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    Fire outbreak in business places can result in losses in production, unemployment, morbidity and mortality and significant psycho-social problems Objective: This study aimed to determine the prevalence, socio-demographic and other factors associated with fire outbreaks amongst traders in Kwari market, Kano state. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study design was used to study 442 traders in Kwari market, selected using a two-stage sampling technique. Data were collected using interviewer- statistically significant. Results: A total of 442 traders were studied. The age of the traders ranged between 18 and 70 years with a mean± SD of 38.3±9.8 years. Majority of the traders 416 (94.1%) and 425 (96.2%) were greater than or equal to 24 years of age and were males respectively. Only 21 (4.8%) of them acquired post-secondary educational qualification. The prevalence of fire outbreak among the traders was 73(16.5%). Significantly higher fire outbreak (17.5%, p=0.02) was found among traders aged 24 years and above. Similarly, male sex (15.5%, p=0.05), secondary level education (16.8%, p=0.001), cleaning job (24.4%, p=0.02) were significantly associated with higher fire outbreak. A significantly higher fire outbreak (17.6%, p=0.03) was found among traders with no prior knowledge of the need for safety guidelines and emergency contact numbers. Ever having power fluctuations in the shop was associated with 35folds increased in likelihood of fire outbreak {aOR= 35, 95%CI= (4.8-257)} while not having firefighting equipment currently was associated with two folds increased in likelihood of fire outbreak {aOR=2.0, 95%CI= (1.2-2.3)}. Conclusion: The prevalence of fire outbreaks is high and significantly associated with socio-demographic factors and poor fire safety practices, therefore all the relevant stakeholders should ensure the enforcement of fire control guidelines among traders

    Effect of early tranexamic acid administration on mortality, hysterectomy, and other morbidities in women with post-partum haemorrhage (WOMAN): an international, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

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    Background Post-partum haemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal death worldwide. Early administration of tranexamic acid reduces deaths due to bleeding in trauma patients. We aimed to assess the effects of early administration of tranexamic acid on death, hysterectomy, and other relevant outcomes in women with post-partum haemorrhage. Methods In this randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, we recruited women aged 16 years and older with a clinical diagnosis of post-partum haemorrhage after a vaginal birth or caesarean section from 193 hospitals in 21 countries. We randomly assigned women to receive either 1 g intravenous tranexamic acid or matching placebo in addition to usual care. If bleeding continued after 30 min, or stopped and restarted within 24 h of the first dose, a second dose of 1 g of tranexamic acid or placebo could be given. Patients were assigned by selection of a numbered treatment pack from a box containing eight numbered packs that were identical apart from the pack number. Participants, care givers, and those assessing outcomes were masked to allocation. We originally planned to enrol 15 000 women with a composite primary endpoint of death from all-causes or hysterectomy within 42 days of giving birth. However, during the trial it became apparent that the decision to conduct a hysterectomy was often made at the same time as randomisation. Although tranexamic acid could influence the risk of death in these cases, it could not affect the risk of hysterectomy. We therefore increased the sample size from 15 000 to 20 000 women in order to estimate the effect of tranexamic acid on the risk of death from post-partum haemorrhage. All analyses were done on an intention-to-treat basis. This trial is registered with ISRCTN76912190 (Dec 8, 2008); ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00872469; and PACTR201007000192283. Findings Between March, 2010, and April, 2016, 20 060 women were enrolled and randomly assigned to receive tranexamic acid (n=10 051) or placebo (n=10 009), of whom 10 036 and 9985, respectively, were included in the analysis. Death due to bleeding was significantly reduced in women given tranexamic acid (155 [1·5%] of 10 036 patients vs 191 [1·9%] of 9985 in the placebo group, risk ratio [RR] 0·81, 95% CI 0·65–1·00; p=0·045), especially in women given treatment within 3 h of giving birth (89 [1·2%] in the tranexamic acid group vs 127 [1·7%] in the placebo group, RR 0·69, 95% CI 0·52–0·91; p=0·008). All other causes of death did not differ significantly by group. Hysterectomy was not reduced with tranexamic acid (358 [3·6%] patients in the tranexamic acid group vs 351 [3·5%] in the placebo group, RR 1·02, 95% CI 0·88–1·07; p=0·84). The composite primary endpoint of death from all causes or hysterectomy was not reduced with tranexamic acid (534 [5·3%] deaths or hysterectomies in the tranexamic acid group vs 546 [5·5%] in the placebo group, RR 0·97, 95% CI 0·87-1·09; p=0·65). Adverse events (including thromboembolic events) did not differ significantly in the tranexamic acid versus placebo group. Interpretation Tranexamic acid reduces death due to bleeding in women with post-partum haemorrhage with no adverse effects. When used as a treatment for postpartum haemorrhage, tranexamic acid should be given as soon as possible after bleeding onset. Funding London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Pfizer, UK Department of Health, Wellcome Trust, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation