11,968 research outputs found

    Development of Hybrid Block Integrator for the Numerical solution of Stiff and Oscillatory Differential Equations for first order Ordinary Differential Equations

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    This paper discussed the development of a new numerical hybrid block integrator for the numerical solution of stiff and oscillatory differential equations for first order ordinary differential equations. The method of interpolation and collocation at some selected grid point to generate the continuous scheme was adopted. The research also investigates the consistency, convergence, zero-stability and region of absolute stability of the integrator using matlab and the integrator was tested on some numerical experiments for comparism. The analysis of the method showed that the method is Zero-stable, consistent, convergent and computationally stable. The method handles stiff and Oscillatory differential equations effectively. AMS Subject Classification: 65L05, 65L06, 65D3

    The architecture and chemistry of a dug-out : the Dufuna canoe in ethno-archaeological perspective

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    This research work emanated from a joint research project between the Johann-Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany and the University of Maiduguri, Nigeria; as outlined in the Bilateral Agreement of July 21st 1988.1 The research program is interdisciplinary in nature involving these areas: Archaeology, Geography, Linguistics and Historical Ethnology; all under the general theme of West African Savannah. Considerable research work has already been carried out in these areas by German explorers and scholars dating back to the mid-nineteenth century. The project is funded by the German Research Foundation. The present paper addresses itself purely to one and very important aspect of an archaeological campaign undertaken in the Chad Region of Nigeria in late 1990/1991 season. In consequence to reconnaissance survey and excavation conducted at a site called Gajiganna, abundant lithic materials were noticed and collected. The crucial question one poses to the site which lacks physical outcrops in and within the precinct of the settlement are, what could have been the source of the raw materials at the site? Were they transported from somewhere to the site? If so, why was it necessary for the materials to be brought to this site? These and other related questions posed a serious commodity problem for most sites in Borno with lithic materials

    Pengaruh Kemampuan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Penggalian Dana Dan Akuntabilitas Sekolah Terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja Sekolah

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    Kepala sekolah adalah key person yang menentukan keberhasilan pencapaian program di sekolah. Dalam konteks, otonomi pendidikan ya n g menerapkan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (MBS), sekolah dituntut untuk dapat menggali sumber dana dari berbagai sumber yang dapat diakses sekolah dan selanjutnya digunakan untuk pembiayaan program di sekolah Kenyataan sekolah masih mengandalkan dana yang bersumber dari pemerintah Meski kalau di telisik lebih lanjut selama itu sumber dana sebagian besar berasal dari masyarakat atau orang tua murid. Berapa pun dana publik yang diterima sekolah, maka sekolah harus akuntabel dan dana yang diserap pada akhirnya mendukung peningkatkan kinerja sekolah

    Model Prosedur Sertifikasi Guru

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    Program sertifikasi profesi bagi guru berimplikasi pada berbagai aspek. Dari 2,7 guru di negara kita baru 900 ribu yang memenuhi kualifikasi dan sisanya 1,8 juta masih belum berkualifikasi. 900 ribu guru yang sudah berkualifikasi (S 1/D4) belum memiliki sertifikasi profesi. Bagaimana model prosedur sertifikasi profesi. Depdiknas melalui Diijen Profesi memberikan informasi tentang mekanisme penyelenggaran, rekruitmen dan pendaftaran, kuota, pembiayaan, dan LPTK penyelenggara. Untuk tahun anggaran 2007, rencananya ada 190.450 guru yang akan mengikuti program sertifikasi profesi. Sedangkan materi sertifikasi menyangkut: ilmu pendidikan, ICT, Psikologi, Sosiologi, Antropologi, dan Sains

    Environmental regulation of emerging offshore oil and gas activities in Somalia

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    Big data analytics: a state-of-the-art review

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    International Conference on Data Science and Applications (ICONDATA'19) (2. : 2019 : Balıkesir, Turkey)Big data analytics has been a subject for debate, discussions and arguments. However, the applicability and challenges of big data in terms of three views (i.e., data diagnosticity, data diversity and data governance) has been widely ignored. This paper provides a brief overview for data diagnosticity, data diversity and data governance in line with information value. In essence, this paper raises interesting and importance issues facing big data usage and concludes with a number of research questions that needs urgent attention.Büyük veri analizi, müzakere, fikir çatışma ve tartışmalara konu olmuştur. Bununla birlikte, büyük verilerin üç farklı bakış açısından (yani veri tanılaması, veri çeşitliliği ve veri yönetişimi) uygulanabilirliği ve dezavantajlarına rağmen, aralarındaki ilişkiyi inceleyen çalışmalar ilginç bir şekilde sınırlı düzeydedir. Bu çalışmada, bilgi değeri doğrultusunda veri tanılaması, veri çeşitliliği ve veri yönetişimi hakkında kısa bir genel değerlendirme sunulmaktadır. Bu konu esasıyla, bu çalışmada büyük veri kullanımının karşı karşıya kaldığı enteresan ve önemli konuları gündeme getirmekte ve acil dikkat gerektiren bir dizi araştırma sorusu ile sonuçlanmaktadır.No sponso

    Hukum Vaksin MR: Teori Istihalah dan Istihlak versus Fatwa MUI

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    Measles and rubella are infectious diseases that cause very dangerous diseases throughout the world. Both diseases are incurable; can only be prevented by administering the MR (Measles Rubella) vaccine. However, in Indonesia, the implementation of vaccination for these two diseases did not run smoothly due to the circulation of information that the basic ingredients or the process of making vaccines involved elements of pigs. On that basis, the Indonesian Ulema Council issued Fatwa Number 33 of 2018 concerning the Use of Mr (Measles Rubella) Vaccine Products from SII (Serum Institute Of India) for Immunization which stipulates that "the use of vaccines that utilize pig elements and their derivatives is unlawful". The MUI equates the involvement of pork as the main ingredient and as a medium for making vaccines. This paper relates the fatwa to the prohibition of certain objects in the Qur'an, hadith, and interpretations made by scholars, especially related to the theory of istihālah (perfect change) and istihlāk (mixing). Both of these theories are used in the thought of the scholars of schools and at the present time, especially in objects that are changed through fermentation and synthetic processes, which can be called chemical engineering. Campak dan rubella merupakan penyakit infeksi yang mengakibatkan pernyakit sangat berbahaya  di seluruh dunia. Kedua penyakit tidak dapat diobati; hanya dapat dicegah dengan pemberian vaksin MR (Measles Rubella). Namun demikian, di Indonesia, pelaksanaan vaksinasi untuk kedua penyakit ini tidak berjalan lancar karena beredarnya informasi bahwa bahan dasar atau proses pembuatan vaksin terlibat unsur babi. Atas dasar itu,   Majelis Ulama Indonesia menerbitkan Fatwa Nomor  33 Tahun 2018 tentang Penggunaan Vaksin Mr (Measles Rubella) Produk dari SII (Serum Intitute Of India) untuk Imunisasi yang menentukan bahwa  “penggunaan vaksin yang memanfaatkan unsur babi dan turunannya hukumnya haram”.  MUI menyamakan keterlibatan unsur babi sebagai bahan utama dan sebagai media pembuatan vaksin. Tulisan ini mengubungkan fatwa tersebut dengan keharaman benda tertentu dalam al-Qur'an,  hadis,  dan penafsiran yang dilakukan para ulama, terutama terkait dengan teori istihālah (perubahan sempurna) dan istihlāk (percampuran). Kedua teori ini digunakan dalam pemikiran para ulama mazhab dan pada masa sekarang, terutama sekali pada benda-benda yang berubah melalui proses fermentasi dan sintetis, yang dapat disebut sebagai rekayasa kimiawi

    Intangible Assets and Value Relevance of Accounting Information of Listed High-Tech Firms in Nigeria

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    Accounting has been developed overtime in response to the needs of users of financial statements for information relevant to support economic decisions and judgments. During industrial era this prime role of accounting was discharged accordingly. However, in this information era, firms particularly high-technology firms are operating on intangible assets and some of them are not recognized by the accounting system. This is in spite of their critical role in enhancing the value of firms, together with the major role of accounting in providing information relevant for economic decisions. Therefore, there is a great concern that the absence of some of these intangible assets on the balance sheets have led to the deterioration of the quality of accounting information. As evident in the wide gap between market values and book values of equity, and the decline in the value relevance of accounting information, which is usually attributed to the absence of some of intangible assets in the balance sheets. However, it is argued that intangible assets lack reliability due to their accruals nature. Therefore, this study is aimed at assessing the joint incremental value relevance of intangibles assets, brands, not recognized in the current accounting practice. The study also explores the contribution of these assets towards improving the informative quality of accounting information to the users; and assesses the reliability of reporting intangible as assets. Using a sample of nine high-technology firms during the period of seven years (2005-2011), the study employed Ordinary Least Square Regression technique for data analysis using Edward, Bells and Ohlson Price model. We found that, there is joint incremental value relevance of recognizing intangible assets in the statement of financial positions of High-Technology firms in Nigeria at 99% confidence level. That is, recognizing intangible assets, brand in this case in the statement of financial position of listed high-technology firms in Nigeria will increase the quality of accounting information of the firms. Similarly, the study found that intangible assets are value relevance and reliable. We recommend amongst others that, IAS 38 should be broadened to include brand assets. Keywords: Intangible Assets, Brand Assets, Value Relevance, Accounting Information Qualit

    The configurational effects of task‑technology fit, technology‑induced engagement and motivation on learning performance during Covid‑19 pandemic: An fsQCA approach

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    At the onset of 2020, Covid-19 pandemic began and disrupted teaching and learning activities with substantial implications for resources and operations. Against this backdrop, the configural causal effects of task-technology fit, technology-induced engagement and motivation, gender, and residential location on learning performance are examined. The proposed association was tested with a dyad sample of faculty members and students (n = 16) using fuzzy sets (fsQCA) analysis. Results show that (i) task-technology fit, and technology-induced motivation emerge as necessary conditions for high learning performance; (ii) task-technology fit, technology-induced engagement and motivation are sufficient conditions for high learning performance among female students, (iii) task-technology fit, technology-induced engagement and motivation are sufficient conditions for high learning performance among students living in urban areas and (iv) task-technology fit is a sufficient condition for high learning performance among female students living in rural areas irrespective of technology-induced engagement and motivation. Implications for theory and policy prescriptions are offered for practitioners.No sponso