10 research outputs found


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    This journal is written as the author's sensitivity to the reality of social and moral life that is less humanistic at this time. One way to have a humanist attitude and behavior in the spiritual and emotional side is to study the Koran. This journal raises the formulation of the problem as follows; What aspects of spiritual and emotional intelligence are contained in Surah Luqman verses 12-19? What is the value of spiritual and emotional intelligence education in Surah Luqman verses 12-19? This research is a type of library research using a descriptive-analytical approach. The data collection method in this research is tracing material related to Surah Luqman verses 12-19 and documentation. The data sources used are primary and secondary data sources. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis. Descriptive, namely presenting data as realistically as possible according to the research results obtained, then analyzed to reduce the data set through descriptions to obtain conclusions. In this study, there are several aspects contained in the Al-Quran Surah Luqman verses 12-19 which are sourced from 3 interpretations, from the three interpretations, the verse that has aspects of spiritual intelligence is found in the verses 12,13,15,16,17 and the verse which has spiritual intelligence. aspects of emotional intelligence are found in verses 14, 17, 18, and 19. In the Al-Quran Surah Luqman which contains several aspects of spiritual and emotional intelligence and educational values ​​that are building principles of life between God and fellow human beings, namely, starting with of how; being grateful to God's destiny, uniting God, doing good to both parents, spiritually (conscience), worshiping and doing amar ma'ruf nahi munkar, to how to live socially and ethically. After discussing aspects of spiritual and emotional intelligence along with educational values, it is necessary to make efforts to increase spiritual and emotional intelligence which includes aspects of spiritual intelligence and emotional intelligence in order to place behavior in life through a wider context of meaning. People who have spiritual intelligence usually have concern for others. Like the character Lukman Hakim in Surah Luqman, who teaches his children about commanding ma'ruf nahi munkar. The results showed that Islam has a strong guideline in living a spiritual and emotional life, namely the Koran. Therefore, the Koran needs to be studied in depth, not just reading and listening

    KONSEP PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DALAM AL-QUR’AN SURAH AL-ALAQ AYAT 1-5 (Telaah Pemikiran Quraish Shihab dalam Tafsir Al-Mishbah)

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    This journal discusses the concept of Islamic education in the Koran surah Al-Alaq verses 1-5 (a study of the thoughts of Quraish Shihab in the interpretation of al-Misbah). This study aims to analyze: The concept of Islamic education in the Qur'an surah Al-Alaq verses 1-5 (a study of the thoughts of Quraish Shihab in the interpretation of al-Misbah), basically this research is a qualitative research with the type of library research with an approach philosophical history. The data sources used are primary data sources which are the main data sources that are directly related to the object of research including QS Al-Alaq verses 1-5 and the interpretation of al-Misbah then secondary sources include books or documents that support and complement the data primary data. The data collection method in this study is documentation. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate that there are three concepts of children's education in surah Al-Alaq verses 1-5 according to Quraish Shihab, namely: 1) Tawhid Education (faith), 2) Skills education, 3) Intellect education, and 4) Psychology Educatio

    Pendidikan dalam Al-Qur'an Kajian pada QS. Al-Rahman 1-4

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    Education is a planned and practical activity process that has goals to be achieved. Thus the importance of a goal, so it is not surprising that there are many studies among experts regarding the importance of education. Many books that study education, many theories have emerged, many patented good formulas from God come from humans regarding education. In the Qur'an there has never been found an educational concept which was stopped at a certain level, but education lasted a lifetime at all stages of human growth and development. This research is based on a research library in the QS study. Al Rahman 1-4 and various expert views on education. The combination of the understanding of the Qur'an with the theory of education experts will give birth to a generation that is intelligent in its mind, polite and prudently spiritual

    Konsep Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Ilmu Hikmah Pada Institut Parahikma Indonesia (IPI) Gowa

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    This article elaborates on the implementation of character-based science education at the Institute of Parahikma Indonesia (IPI) Gowa. The results of this qualitative research indicate that the implementation of character education based on the science of wisdom at the Institute of Parahikma Indonesia (IPI) Gowa is always associated with the five pillars of development, which initially has been preceded by the strengthening of students' understanding of the nature of creation itself on earth. Problems encounter includes three aspects, in this case, the science of wisdom that has not been socialised widely, the understanding of lecturers who have not maximized, and the limitations of students in understanding the effects of several factors. The solution then is to intensify the integration of the science of wisdom on the five pillars of development in a civilized, intelligent, and thriving shrine.Artikel ini mengelaborasi implementasi pendidikan karakter berbasis ilmu hikmah pada Institut Parahikma Indonesia (IPI) Gowa. Hasil penelitian kualitatif ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi pendidikan karakter berbasis ilmu hikmah pada Institut Parahikma Indonesia (IPI) Gowa selalu dikaitkan dengan lima pilar pengembangan yang pada awalnya telah didahului dengan penguatan pemahaman mahasiswa tentang hakikat penciptaan dirinya di muka bumi.Kendala yang dihadapi mencakup tiga aspek yang dalam hal ini ilmu hikmah yang belum memasyarakat, pemahaman dosen yang belum maksimal, serta keterbatasan mahasiswa dalam memahami akibat beberapa faktor. Solusinya kemudian adalah mengintensifkan integrasi ilmu hikmah pada lima pilar pengembangan dalam semboyang berperadaban, cerdas, dan termpil

    Konsep al-Tayyib dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an

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    Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam disertasi ini adalah bagaimana Konsep al-Tayyib dalam perspektif Al-Qur’an,dari masalah pokok tersebut bertujuan untuk mengungkap masalah al-Tayyib dan dijabarkan dalam tiga submasalah yaitu: Apa Hakekat al-Tayyib? usaha-usaha apa yang dilakukan dalam memperoleh al-Tayyib berdasarkan Al-Qur’an? dan bagaimana urgensi al-Tayyib dalam Al-Qur’an? Untuk menjawab permasalahan pokok di atas maka perlu dilakukan penelitian pustaka (library research) dengan menggunakan metodologi kebahasaan,metodologi Syar’i metodologi historis dan metodologi ilmu tafsir.Adapun langkah-langkah yang dilakukandalam pengolahan data dan analisis data yang ditemukan melalui penelitian pustaka, menghubungkan antara sumber yang satu dengan sumber yang lainnya, melakukan interpretasi terhadap data yangdiperolah dan diperbandingkan antara satu dengan yang lainnya serta merumuskan dan mendeskripsikan data dalam bentuk hasil penelitian. Mengenai hasil, setelah diadakan pengkajian terhadap permasalahan tersebut, penulis menemukan bahwa hakekat al-Tayyib, usaha-usaha untuk memperoleh al-Tayyib dan uegensi al-Tayyib dalam Al-Qur’an adalah kesempurnaan imandan taqwa, kebulatan tekad dalam setiap tingkah laku yang baik semata-mata karena Allah Swt. yang Maha Rahman dan Maha Rahim, merasakan tentram dan bahagia serta ketenangan dalam menjalani hidup di dunia ini,pencapaian yangal-Tayyib diupayakan dengan kerja keras dan penuh keikhlasan dalam mencari karunia yang disediakan Allah swt.dengan cara yang baik danbenar, menjauhkan diri dari perbuatan yang keji, dan meningkatkan segala amal ibadah kepada Allah swt.,bersyukur terhadap rezeki yang dianugrahkan Allah swt.Dengan mengimplementasikan al-Tayyib dalam kehidupan, akan memiliki makna yang urgen terhadap perolehan keberkahan, keridhaan, kemuliaan dan kesejahteraan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri konsep dan gambaran al-al-Tayyib perspektif Al-Qur’an. Pemahaman tersebut dapat berimplikasi positif terutama pada sebagian masyarakat yang belum menanamkan sikap dan perilaku al-Tayyib dalam dirinya. Penanaman itu harus dibuktikan dengan kerja keras untuk lebih menghindarkan diridari dorongan hawa nafsu yang cenderung kepada al-sayy’iah, oleh sebab itu, pengkajian terhadap konsep al-Tayyib perspektif Al-Qur’an menjadi kebutuhan

    Relasi Gender terhadap Persaksian Perempuan dalam Perspektif Islam

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    Kajian Islam berkaitan dengan penciptaan manusia, kewarisan, persaksian, kepemimpinan, dan poligami dianggap terkesan diskriminatif terhadap kaum perempuan, dan sering digunakan beberapa kalangan untuk memojokkan perempuan, salah satu contoh bahwa bagian waris seorang laki-laki sama dengan bagian dua orang perempuan. Gender memberikan porsi yang kodrati dan karakter, sifat pekerjaan. Dari itu dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat terutama dalam hal persaksian ada hal yang bisa dimasuki Gender ada hal yang bias Gender

    Ruang Lingkup dan Fungsi Administrasi Pendidikan dalam Perspektif Al-Qur'an

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    This journal discusses "The Effectiveness of the Implementation of the BTQ Program on Increasing Reading and Writing Proficiency in the Qur'an in Semester III Students Class of 2020 majoring in Islamic Religious Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Alauddin Makassar". The problems discussed in this thesis are 1. How is the Implementation of the BTQ Program to Improve Reading and Writing Al-Qur'an Proficiency in Semester III Students Class of 2020 majoring in Islamic Religious Education 2. How is the Effectiveness of the BTQ Program to Increasing Al-Qur'an Reading Proficiency in Semester III Students Class of 2020 majoring in Islamic Religious Education. This type of research is Quantitative where the data is in the form of numbers and uses statistical analysis. The population in this study were all Semester III students Batch 2020 majoring in Islamic Religious Education at the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty of UIN Alauddin Makassar, totaling 194 people. While the sample is 15% of the 30 students with the sampling technique using Random Sampling. Based on the results of collecting and processing data using descriptive statistical analysis, the authors can conclude that the implementation of the BTQ Program in improving Al-Qur'an reading and writing skills in Semester III Students Class of 2020 majoring in Islamic Religious Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Alauddin Makassar is considered very effective because in practice it is in accordance with the established rules as stated by the respondent. The results of the analysis of inferential statistical testing, namely the t test, obtained the results of the hypothesis test that t_0 = 1.071 and t_table = 2.048. t_0<t_table (1.071 <2.048) then H_o is rejected H_I is accepted. Thus it can be concluded that there is a significant influence. The implementation of the BTQ program is very effective on the reading and writing ability of the Qur'an of students majoring in Islamic Religious Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Alauddin Makassar. The implications for this research are that based on the results of the research, the authors think that it is necessary to maintain and support the implementation of the BTQ program at UIN Alauddin Makassar. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Perpustakaan Sekolah terhadap Minat Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas VIII di SMPN 3 Minasate'ne Pangkep

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan perpustakaan sekolah di SMPN 3 Minasate’ne Pangkep, untuk mengetahui minat belajar peserta didik di SMPN 3 Minasate’ne Pangkep dan untuk enganalisis pengaruh penggunaan Perpustakaan Sekolah terhadap Minat Belajar Peserta Didik di SMPN 3 Minasate’ne Pangkep. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode ex post facto. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1) penggunaan perpustakaan sekolah di SMPN 3 Minasate’ne Pangkep berada pada kategori sedang dengan persentase 75% sedangkan minat belajar peserta didik di SMPN 3 Minasate’ne Pangkep juga berada pada kategori sedang dengan presentase 67,5%. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh (thitung) = 2,91 sementara (ttabel) = 1,684 untuk taraf signifikansi 5%. Karena thitung lebih besar dari ttabel maka dapat disimpulkan H0 di tolak dan H 1 diterima. Implikasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagi peserta didik di SMPN 3 Minasate’ne Pangkep untuk lebih menggunakan perpustakaan sekolah dalam pembelajaran. Bagi guru untuk bisa menggunakan perpustakaan sekolah sebagai alat pembelajaran agar minat belajar peserta didik semakin bertambah. Bagi sekolah untuk bisa menjadi bahan masukan serta perbaikan terhadap penggunaan perpustakaan dengan lebih melengkapi buku-buku mata pelajaran atau menyediakan bahan bacaan lainnya untuk lebih menarik minat peserta didik. Bagi peneliti yang akan datang, bisa dijadikan sebagai bahan referensi dalam melakukan penelitian terhadap penggunaan perpustakaan sekolah dan minat belajar