165 research outputs found

    النصائح في كتاب الأفية لابن مالك: دراسة دلالية

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    Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari bahasa sangat dibutuhkan sebagai sarana untuk menyampaikan suatu maksudtertentu kepada orang lain. Setelah mengalami perkembangan, penggunaan bahasa tidak terbatas hanya pada pengungkapan sederhana kemudian selesai. Akan tetapi sudah menggunakan variasi-variasi tertentu sehingga menjadi menarik dan tidak membosankan, misalkan analogi bahasa, majaz, kiasan dan bahkan ada yang menyuplik dari ungkapan-ungkapan tenar tanpa merubah rangkaian kata, Seperti yang sudah lazim berlaku yaitu menyuplik nadzam Alfiyah lbnu Malik digunakan sebagai sarana ungkap untuk memberi nasehat-nsehat keagamaan, sosial dan bahkan politik

    A simulation study of data discovery mechanism for scientific data grid environment

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    Research in the area of grid computing has given us various ideas and solutions to address the requirements in a modern scientific computing community that managed massive amounts of a very large data collections in a geographically distributed environment. Data Grids mostly deal with large computational problems and provide geographically distributed resources for large-scale data-intensive applications that generate large data sets. A number of research groups are working on the data distribution problems in Data Grids and they are investigating the data replication approaches on the data distribution. This leads to a new problem in discovery and access to data in Data Grid environment. To address this problem we have developed a model to study various discovery mechanisms and investigate these mechanisms for Dynamic Scientific Data Grid Environments using our Grid Simulator. In this paper, we illustrate our model and our Grid Simulator


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    Purpose: The objectives of the study are to analyze ways through which technology introduced in Sohar University is helping the lectures teaching in the University and improves their research activities and to analyze the methods of administrative works of lectures in the University. Design/methodology/approach: To carry out this research study, 133 samples were collected from academic staff working in all the faculties of Sohar University using a questionnaire. The questionnaire was containing the personal details, teaching, research and administration related factors. The data obtained was analyzed, and interpreted to obtain the result. Main Findings: The study reveals that the academic staff feels the technology implementation has improved the teaching pattern and standards of the university and hence their teaching style also has changed. It is also proven that the academic staff feels the technology implementation has helped to improve their research career. It is shown that the academic staff feels the technology implementation has helped to reduce their administrative work. Research limitations/Implications: It was reported that the technology implementation would be successful only when adequate training is given beforehand and most time is wasted for rectifying the technical bugs arising due to technological implementation. Social implications: The study suggests that technology implementation is successful only if technical staff regularly maintains computers. They also suggested that there is a need for software skills training though it is time-consuming. Originality/Value: Only a very few have examined the perception of the academic staff of all the faculties at University level in Oman, and it is a first-hand study of its kind, and the results will be useful to IT departments

    Characterization of Enzyme Produced from Pseudomonas Putida for BTX (Benzene, Toluene & Xylene) Treatment in Petrochemical Industry Wastewater System

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    One of the big challenges in petrochemical industries is waste management. Currently, huge money was spending on the disposal of the waste. Industries are trying hard to find an alternative method to reduce the cost and improve the effectiveness of current waste management including treatment efficiency. Most of petrochemical wastes are containing benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX) which are very harmful to environment and living organisms. Common method used to separate the BTX from the waste are by using liquid-liquid and stripping process. One of the alternative to treat BTX is biological treatment method that used the natural capability of microorganisms to degrade to less harmful product is been applied. Some of examples are Pseudomonas Putida. (P. putida), Rhizobium, and Agrobacterium. P. putida is selected in this study for the biological treatment of BTX in petrochemical wastewater because it can produce an enzyme that has the capability of breakdown the aromatic hydrocarbon to carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). The main objective of this study is to produce and extract the enzymes produce, characterised the enzymes. This study also to investigate the effect of different concentration on the treatment as well as the growth of the bacteria. The enzyme is purified using salt precipitation and analysed using SDS_PAGE technique. UV-Vis is used to study the growth of the bacteria in the culture stock by measuring its optical density. The concentration of BTX was varied to determine the effect of the concentration on the percentage removal and the growth of P. putida. Enzymes detected or purified in this study was benzene reductase. Other expected enzymes were not able to be purified or analysed. It was found that in this experimental study, the removal of benzene is at 74% to 80%. The removal of toluene is at 62% to 75%. The removal of xylene is at 23% to 42%. Increasing the concentration of contaminants will reduce the removal capabilities

    Quality of Life and its Relation to Self-Esteem for a Sample of Drugs Addicts

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    The study aimed to identify the quality of life and its relation to self-esteem for a sample of drug addicts, as well as the differences between returning to addiction once and returning to addiction more than once in these variables. The study sample consisted of 70 male drug addicts using tramadol, cannabis, and alcohol who frequented the drug treatment center of the anti-narcotics program in Jordan. Two scales were used to assess the quality of life and self- esteem. The study results showed a significant correlation between quality of life and self-esteem. Moreover, the results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the means of drug addicts in favor of addiction once and those returning to addiction more than once in both quality of life and self-esteem for the drug addicts returning to addiction once

    Aplikasi GIS di dalam pemilihan lokasi "Vertical Park": kajian kes di Kuala Lumpur

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    Creating the public spaces for the community has become a crucial need in this nowaday urban township.The advantages in terms of enhacing the social, economical and the environmental issue are undeniable. However, the process of creating this public spaces that required huge amount of area become the main restriction especially in the urban township area. The increasing land value contributed to a new and inovative idea of designing the new concept of having a park which known as a ’Vertical Park’. To bring forward the idea of all the ameneties and facilities that are basically have in the public spaces but in a vertical development to save spaces. However, the most potential site that can comply to all the special requirements needed have to be determined properly, hence the Geographic Information System (GIS) will come in handy to solve the matter. Based on the criterias that have been listed in order to determine the suitable area, several outcomes or potential suggested site has been detected within the area of Kuala Lumpur (Jalan Prima Dua,Metro Prima,Kepong) by using this Geopgraphic Information System

    Human activity in covered urban space a case study of Petaling street, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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    Streets are channels of movement and a symbolic representation of local tradition and culture. In South East Asian cities like Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, they are avenues for socialization just as what plazas are in Europe. They are publicly acknowledged joints for entertainment of peer groups, family members, and guests alike. The physical quality of a street determines the human activities it could support. The changing identity of Petaling Street activity character with the introduction of a permanent cover for the traditional market altered its original activity pattern. It is therefore imperative to evaluate the impact of the new physical environment on human activities within it. The behavioural analysis of the covered street was conducted to appraise its ability to support or restrict human behaviour. User activities of the environment were observed systematically to establish behaviour pattern of the street. Behavioural mapping, behaviour categorisation and behaviour analysis were carried out to identify the functional characteristics associated with covered streets. The research findings show that there is a very strong functional characteristic of the covered street which is consistent with theories of environmental quality enhances human activity. They play a very important role in determining the user of the street, their activities and behavioural patterns. It also realized that the built environment could be to be manipulated to control human behaviour. The research identified that elements such as pedestrian comfort and adjacent land uses appear to influence the level of use within the pedestrian malls. This research will enhance the understanding of design decisions at different scales, such as the introduction of covered streets in Malaysian traditional markets like Petaling Street

    The Factor structure of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale among school students and university students in Oman

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    هدفت الدراسة الحالية إلى اختبار البنية العاملية لمقياس روزنبرغ لتقدير الذات، وفحص ما إذا كانت هذه البنية تتساوى لدى عينتين عمريتين. فقد أفادت دراسات عدة أن تقدير الذات ينمو ويتطور ويصبح أكثر واقعية وتمايزًا مع التقدم في العمر. وقد استجاب لمقياس تقدير الذات 365 طالبًا من طلبة المدارس و119 من طلبة الجامعة. يتكون مقياس تقدير الذات لروزنبرغ من 10 فقرات، نصفها تمت صياغته صياغة موجبة، والنصف الآخر تمت صياغته صياغة سالبة. وقد تبين أن مقياس تقدير الذات يتمتع بثبات مقبول لا سيما لدى طلبة الجامعة. وقد تبين أن المقياس يتمتع ببنية عاملية مقبولة لدى كل من العينتين، فقد تشبعت كل فقرات المقياس على عامل تقدير الذات بدرجة جوهرية. إلا أن وجود عامل واحد فقط؛ لم يمثل البيانات بشكل مقبول، فقد كان التطابق ضعيفًا بين العامل الواحد والبيانات. في حين أن وجود عاملين أحدهما موجب والآخر سالب، مثّلا البيانات بدرجة معقولة. ولكن عند اختبار فرضية تساوي المعالم لدى العينتين، اتضح أن المعالم التي تمثل التشبعات كانت متساوية لدى المجموعتين، بينما لم تتساو معالم الثوابت والبواقي والعلاقات بين البواقي. وخلصت الدراسة إلى أن النموذج الأكثر مطابقة للبيانات هو نموذج عامل السمة وعامل الطريقة السالبة في الصياغة، في إشارة إلى تأثير طريقة الصياغة على البنية العاملية، والدرجة التي يفرزها مقياس روزنبرغ. كما تبين الدراسة أهمية الانتباه إلى طريقة صياغة الفقرات عند تفسير الدرجات التي يفرزها هذا المقياس وغيره من المقاييس التي تحوي عبارات موجبة وأخرى سالبة.The aim of this study was to test the structure of Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) and explore if the structure is invariant across school students (n=365) and university students (n=119). Previous research has shown that self-esteem so as other personality traits are developmental in nature; and self-esteem becomes more differentiated and realistic with age. Two samples responded to RSES which has 10 items half of which was written in the positive format and the other half in negative format. RSES showed reasonable internal consistency, especially among university students. Also, the scale produced a reasonable structure among both groups as the items measured the factor substantially. Item loadings were invariant across the two groups. However, other parameters (intercepts, residuals and correlations among residuals) were not invariant indicating that the items measured the trait equally valid for school and university students. However, the level of self-esteem as indicated by item scores was not invariant as school children scored higher than university students in most of the items. The results imply that using negative items has an effect on both the structure and magnitude of self-esteem. Scale developers and users may need to be cautioned when they interpret the resultant scores of scales with positive and negative items


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    OLIMPÍADA DO CONHECIMENTO JURÍDICO tem por propósito fomentar o estudo e a pesquisa do direito privado em todas as Faculdades de Direito, das Instituições de Ensino Superior (doravante denominada IES) públicas e/ou privadas