83 research outputs found

    The investment location decisions in the steel industry

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    The global dimension of the economy in general and of the steel industry in particular makes the decision regarding the location of new production facilities a challenge for managers. This paper tries to provide tools that make the decision taking process easier. Is assumed that certain tax levy rates are important to this process and they are compared and analyzed. Finally, based on this analysis this paper tries to prioritize some countries in terms of their economic attractiveness in order to identify the most suitable country for placing a steel factory

    Chain of Custody certification among Malaysian wooden furniture manufacturers: status and challenges

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    Malaysia, a major producer and exporter of wood products has been slow to embrace wood products certifi cation. A study was carried out with the intention of assessing the status of chain of custody certifi cation among wooden furniture manufacturers. A structured questionnaire was used to interview fi rms who participated at the annual Malaysian International Furniture Fair in 2007. Results indicate that the readiness to adopt chain of custody certifi cation among wooden furniture manufacturers was low. The lack of price premiums, limited market potential and high cost were cited as the primary reasons deterring furniture manufacturers from adopting chain of custody certifi cation. Furthermore, the use of plantation wood resources, such as Rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.), were perceived by many respondents to be certifi ed wood resources, refl ecting a lack of understanding among manufacturers. It was concluded that the promotion of chain of custody certifi cation in Malaysia must focus on increasing awareness as well as highlighting the tangible and intangible benefi ts to be gained from such a scheme

    VOCE Corpus: Ecologically Collected Speech Annotated with Physiological and Psychological Stress Assessments.

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    Public speaking is a widely requested professional skill, and at the same time an activity that causes one of the most common adult phobias (Miller and Stone, 2009). It is also known that the study of stress under laboratory conditions, as it is most commonly done, may provide only limited ecological validity (Wilhelm and Grossman, 2010). Previously, we introduced an inter-disciplinary methodology to enable collecting a large amount of recordings under consistent conditions (Aguiar et al., 2013). This paper introduces the VOCE corpus of speech annotated with stress indicators under naturalistic public speaking (PS) settings. The novelty of this corpus is that the recordings are carried out in objectively stressful PS situations, as recommended in (Zanstra and Johnston, 2011). The current database contains a total of 38 recordings, 13 of which contain full psychological and physiologic annotation. We show that the collected recordings validate the assumptions of the methodology, namely that participants experience stress during the PS events. We describe the various metrics that can be used for physiologic and psychological annotation, and we characterise the sample collected so far, providing evidence that demographics do not affect the relevant psychological or physiologic annotation. The collection activities are on-going, and we expect to increase the number of complete recordings in the corpus to 30 by June 2014

    The impact of resource dependence of the mechanisms of life on the spatial population dynamics of an in silico microbial community

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    Biodiversity has a critical impact on ecosystem functionality and stability, and thus the current biodiversity crisis has motivated many studies of the mechanisms that sustain biodiversity, a notable example being non-transitive or cyclic competition. We therefore extend existing microscopic models of communities with cyclic competition by incorporating resource dependence in demographic processes, characteristics of natural systems often oversimplified or overlooked by modellers. The spatially explicit nature of our individual-based model of three interacting species results in the formation of stable spatial structures, which have significant effects on community functioning, in agreement with experimental observations of pattern formation in microbial communities. Published by AIP Publishing


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    The paper presents the simulation results for a photovoltaic park in terms of its energy production capability and environmental impact. The energy generated by the photovoltaic system would be used for household purposes, for the nearby villages. In order to accurately simulate the energy production of this renewable energy source there were performed two types of calculation sets and a comparative evaluation between the

    Angular Momentum Flow During Ultrafast Demagnetization of a Ferrimagnet

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    One of the key processes setting the speed of the ultrafast magnetization phenomena is the angular momentum transfer from and into the spin system. However, the way the angular momentum flows during ultrafast demagnetization and magnetization switching phenomena remains elusive so far. We report on time resolved soft x ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements of the ferrimagnetic GdFeCo alloy allowing us to record the dynamics of elemental spin and orbital moments at the Fe and Gd sites during femtosecond laser induced demagnetization. We observe a complete transfer of spin and orbital angular momentum to the lattice during the first hundreds of femtoseconds of the demagnetization proces

    Controlled Magnetic Anisotropy in Single Domain Mn-doped Biosynthesized Nanoparticles

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    Magnetotactic bacteria Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense synthesize cubo-octahedral shaped magnetite nanoparticles, called magnetosomes, with a mean diameter of 40 nm. The high quality of the biosynthesized nanoparticles makes them suitable for numerous applications in fields like cancer therapy, among others. The magnetic properties of magnetite magnetosomes can be tailored by doping them with transition metal elements, increasing their potential applications. In this work, we address the effect of Mn doping on the main properties of magnetosomes by the combination of structural and magnetic characterization techniques. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray absorption nearedge structure, and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism results reveal a Mn dopant percentage of utmost 2.3%, where Mn cations are incorporated as a combination of Mn2+ and Mn3+, preferably occupying tetrahedral and octahedral sites, respectively. Fe substitution by Mn notably alters the magnetic behavior of the doped magnetosomes. Theoretical modeling of the experimental hysteresis loops taken between 5 and 300 K with a modified Stoner-Wohlfarth approach highlights the different anisotropy contributions of the doped magnetosomes as a function of temperature. In comparison with the undoped magnetosomes, Mn incorporation alters the magnetocrystalline anisotropy introducing a negative and larger cubic anisotropy down to the Verwey transition, which appears shifted to lower temperature values as a consequence of Mn doping. On the other hand, Mn-doped magnetosomes show a decrease in the uniaxial anisotropy in the whole temperature range, most likely associated with a morphological modification of the Mn-doped magnetosomes.The Spanish and Basque Governments are acknowledged for funding under project numbers MAT2017- 83631-C3-R and IT-1245-19, respectively

    Ultrafast and Distinct Spin Dynamics in Magnetic Alloys

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    Controlling magnetic order on ultrashort timescales is crucial for engineering the next-generation magnetic devices that combine ultrafast data processing with ultrahigh-density data storage. An appealing scenario in this context is the use of femtosecond (fs) laser pulses as an ultrafast, external stimulus to fully set the orientation and the magnetization magnitude of a spin ensemble. Achieving such control on ultrashort timescales, e.g., comparable to the excitation event itself, remains however a challenge due to the lack of understanding the dynamical behavior of the key parameters governing magnetism: The elemental magnetic moments and the exchange interaction. Here, we investigate the fs laser-induced spin dynamics in a variety of multi-component alloys and reveal a dissimilar dynamics of the constituent magnetic moments on ultrashort timescales. Moreover, we show that such distinct dynamics is a general phenomenon that can be exploited to engineer new magnetic media with tailor-made, optimized dynamic properties. Using phenomenological considerations, atomistic modeling and time-resolved X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD), we demonstrate demagnetization of the constituent sub-lattices on significantly different timescales that depend on their magnetic moments and the sign of the exchange interaction. These results can be used as a “recipe” for manipulation and control of magnetization dynamics in a large class of magnetic materials