836 research outputs found

    Chillón, Nieves, El libro de Laura Laurel, Valencia, Pre-Textos, XXXI Premio Unicaja de Poesía, 2017, 47 págs.

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    James Durbin: a life devoted to statistics

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    El Profesor James Durbin ha fallecido en la tarde del sábado 23 de Junio de 2012, en Londres, a la edad de 88 años. El Profesor Durbin fue una de las figuras más importantes de la Estadística. Sus contribuciones cubren áreas de muestreo, teoría de las distribuciones, estadística no paramétrica, procesos estocásticos, y por sobre todo series de tiempo y econometría. Por su trascendencia científica, sus aportes a la Estadística y por la gran amistad de más de 38 años que me unía a él, presento este homenaje en donde se resaltan la trayectoria y la personalidad del Profesor Durbin, y sus importantes contribuciones a la ciencia.Professor James Durbin has died in the afternoon of Saturday June 23, 2012, in London, at the age of 88. He was one of the most important figures of Statistics. His contributions cover areas of sampling, theory of distributions, nonparametric statistics, stochastic processes, and above all time series and econometrics. For his scientific significance, his contributions to Statistics and the great friendship of over 38 years that I had with him, I present this tribute in which highlights the career and personality of Professor Durbin, and his important contributions to science.Fil: Abril, Juan Carlos. Universidad Nacional de Tucuman. Facultad de Cs.economicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Estadisticas

    Refl exiones benjaminianas sobre poesía española contemporánea

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    Una serie de refl exiones sociológicas y estéticas, de herencia benjaminiana,presentan la poesía española contemporánea entre las visiones de conjuntounifi cadoras y el análisis particular de tendencias, invidualizadas en unsolo autor. También se aborda el manido uso de las emociones en un poema, lacomunicabilidad de la poesía, su repercusión en los mercados y en el lector, y lapoesía concebida como conocimiento. Si el poeta es el pastor del lenguaje, ya queel lenguaje es la esencia del ser –Heidegger– y tenemos al menos la primera razónpara elevar la poesía a la categoría de lenguaje quitaesenciado. La poesía debehuir de la prisa. El poeta puede perder el fi n de semana –o el tiempo necesario–buscando el adjetivo. La poesía como reivindicación de la lentitud y, por ende,rebeldía e inconformismo frente a las prisas del capitalismo avanzado

    Entrevista a cinco editores españoles de poesía: Manuel Borrás (Pre-Textos), Jesús García Sánchez (Visor), Jesús Munárriz (Hiperión), Pepo Paz (Bartleby) y Javier Sánchez Menéndez (La Isla de Siltolá)

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    Cinco representativos editores españoles de poesía –Manuel Borrás, JesúsGarcía Sánchez, Jesús Munárriz, Pepo Paz, Javier Sánchez Menéndez– contestanal cuestionario elaborado por los coordinadores de este número

    Stylized Facts of the Gross National Product of Argentina: 1875 - 1999

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    The stylized facts of macroeconomic time series can be presented by fitting structural time series models. Within this framework, we study the behaviour of the gross national product of Argentina in the long run and provide a method for modelling this behaviour, which in turn is equivalent to establishing the stylized facts associated with these time series. We analyse the annual data of the gross national product and the gross national product per capita of Argentina from 1875 to 1999. The study of these variables allows, among other things, to know the changes that have been taking place in the economy. The evolution of these variables in time tells us, roughly, if there was progress or not.Fil: Abril, Juan Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Estadísticas; ArgentinaFil: Blanco, Maria Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Estadísticas; Argentin

    Experiencia docente ante maltrato de los estudiantes en el contexto de la pandemia por Covid-19

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    The mistreatment towards the teachers is an incipient phenomenonkwon internationally, it gets relevant to start investigative approaches about thisin Colombia. The results of the research Experiencias docentes ante maltrato de losestudiantes en Bogotá, made in the pandemic context, are presented, the findingscorrespond to situations that take place during the isolation period. There’ve beenmade semi-structured interviews to twenty teachers, the contents analysis allowedto identify the mistreatment forms and their incidence regarding the social link,the process of integration to school life, the hindering in the pedagogic strategiesdevelopment and the manifestation of discomfort.There’ve been known various subjective positionings of the participantteachers, from evasive postures to proactive attitudes towards the mistreatmentexperienced. The teaching experience provides sense to the practice’s contradictionsfor relaunch the pedagogical process in an educational relationship based on respectand the transmission of an interest in learning in the student. The problem of mistreatment of teachers is interpreted from the sociology of social experience, which states that the answers from the roles and functions are insufficient to address a chaotic and incoherent daily world, so the subject must assume the construction of his experience to give a sense of unity and a horizon to guide his social action, in the case of teachers, their educational acts. A flexible qualitative design was assumed, carrying out 20 semi-structured interviews with teachers from public schools in Bogota, these were recorded and transcribed in their entirety, then a content analysis was made identifying forms of mistreatment and its incidence at the level of the social bond and processes of integration to the school culture, the hindrance in the development of pedagogical strategies and manifestations of the subjectivation of the teachers in front of them, having as conceptual references the contributions of François Dubet. At the beginning of the research, the pandemic occurred, making visible forms of mistreatment that were previously simple anecdotes, or were mostly dismissed, which led to the recognition of emotional and behavioral affectations. As a result, an active positioning of teachers in the face of situations of mistreatment was recognized; their work is not limited to the fulfillment of roles and functions, forms of teaching experience were defined that give a sense to the contradictions of practice in order to guide the educational process of their students, specifically the definition of two possible responses was observed, some attached to compliance with current regulations and others from the development of pedagogical innovations.El maltrato hacia el docente es un fenómeno incipientemente reconocido internacionalmente, se hace relevante iniciar abordajes investigativos sobre este en Colombia. Se presentan resultados de la investigación Experiencias docentes ante maltrato de los estudiantes en Bogotá , realizada en el contexto de la pandemia, los hallazgos corresponden a situaciones ocurridas durante el periodo de aislamiento. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a 20 docentes, el análisis del contenido permitió identificar formas de maltrato y su incidencia respecto al vínculo social, procesos de integración a la cultura escolar, la obstaculización en el desarrollo de estrategias pedagógicas y manifestaciones de malestar. Se reconocen varios posicionamientos subjetivos de los docentes participantes, desde posturas evasivas, hasta actitudes proactivas frente al maltrato experimentado. La construcción de experiencia docente da un sentido a las contradicciones de la práctica para relanzar el proceso pedagógico en una relación educativa basada en el respeto y la transmisión de un interés por aprender en el estudiante

    Resilience of nitrification process in agricultural and restored soils of central Argentina

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    The aim of this study was to assess the resilience degree of soil nitrification process (by nitrate content, nitrification rate, and nitrifier abundance measurements), in soils of central Argentina. Soil nitrification process from cultivated farmlands (no-tillage soybean/sorghum and soybean monoculture and plow tillage peanut/sorghum) was compared to those from under restoration and control sites (native woodland). Nitrate content increased in peanut and soybean monoculture fields. Nitrification rate was higher in the control site, although nitrifier abundance did not differ between all the analyzed sites. All productive sites lead to the loss of the resilience capacity of global nitrification process in the semi-arid central area of Argentina. We conclude that no-tillage and crop rotations have a poor interactive effect on resilience of nitrification process in the short term of the transition from plow tillage. Moreover, closure is not a suitable practice for restoring nitrification process in the short-term.Fil: Romero, Carlos. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Departamento de Recursos Naturales. Cátedra de Microbiología Agrícola; ArgentinaFil: Noe, Laura Belén. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Departamento de Recursos Naturales. Cátedra de Microbiología Agrícola; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Abril, Adriana. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Departamento de Recursos Naturales. Cátedra de Microbiología Agrícola; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Educación Musical Escolar en las Américas: Condiciones, Prácticas, y Políticas desde una Perspectiva Socio-Ecológica

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    La educación musical formal está presente en un gran número de escuelas primarias y secundarias a lo largo de las Américas, aunque tanto las políticas educativas, planes de estudios y su implementación varían según regiones, estados e instituciones educativas. El conocimiento de las condiciones actuales de la educación musical en un hemisferio, cada vez más interconectado e interdependiente, podría ofrecer ideas para resolver desafíos de acceso, igualdad, y equidad hacia una educación artística de calidad. Este artículo ha sido escrito para proporcionar una sintaxis general, no exhaustiva, de la investigación sobre programas y políticas de música escolar a lo largo de las Américas. Más específicamente, dentro de un marco socioeconómico, hemos tratado de determinar de qué manera factores externos afectan las prácticas docentes así como el impacto de los docentes de aula en estas fuerzas. Se espera que esta examinación ofrezca ideas a quienes elaboran y promueven políticas educativas en artes, para asegurar que los estudiantes tengan igualdad de oportunidades y acceso a una educación musical escolar de calidad

    A Combined Approach for Detection of Ovine Small Ruminant Retrovirus Co-Infections

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    Jaagsiekte retrovirus (JSRV)-induced ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (OPA) is an important ovine respiratory disease in Switzerland. Furthermore, ovine lungs with OPA frequently exhibited lesions suggestive of maedi-visna virus (MVV) or caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) infection, indicating that co-morbidities might occur. Lungs and pulmonary lymph nodes were sampled from suspected OPA cases, inflammatory lung lesions and control lungs (total of 110 cases). Tissues were (a) processed for histology and immunohistochemistry (IHC), and (b) underwent DNA extraction and real-time PCR for JSRV, MVV and CAEV. Peptide sequences were used to generate virus-specific customized polyclonal antibodies. PCR-positive OPA cases and formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded MVV- and CAEV-infected synovial cell pellets served as positive controls. Fifty-two lungs were histologically diagnosed with OPA. Histological evidence of MVV/CAEV infection was detected in 25 lungs. JSRV was detected by PCR in 84% of the suspected OPA cases; six were co-infected with MVV and one with CAEV. MVV was detected by PCR in 14 cases, and four lungs were positive for CAEV. Three lungs had MVV/CAEV co-infection. In IHC, JSRV was detected in 91% of the PCR-positive cases, whereas MVV and CAEV immunoreactivity was seen in all PCR-positive lungs. Although PCR showed a higher sensitivity compared to IHC, the combined approach allows for investigations on viral cell tropism and pathogenic processes in co-morbidities, including their potential interdependency. Furthermore, an immunohistochemical tool for specific differentiation of MVV and/or CAEV infection was implemented
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