48 research outputs found

    Prevalencia de Enterobacterias productoras de ß-lactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE), en exudados rectales de pollos de engorde en granjas avícolas en la isla de Tenerife, España

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    El fenómeno de la resistencia a los antibióticos es una amenaza global, que afecta a todos los ámbitos (medicina, veterinaria, seguridad alimentaria y medioambiente) y es una preocupación de carácter mundial. El aumento de la resistencia a antimicrobianos debida a la presencia de ß-lactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE) tiene un impacto significativo en la salud pública. Las BLEEs son enzimas producidas por bacilos gramnegativos y confieren resistencia a las penicilinas, a todas las cefalosporinas y a los monobactámicos, pero no a los carbapenémicos ni a las cefamicinas y la mayoría son inhibidas por el ácido clavulánico. Los objetivos de este trabajo fue determinar la prevalencia de colonización de Enterobacterias productoras de ß-lactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE), evaluar la resistencia a antimicrobianos y caracterizar las ß-lactamasas responsables de dicha resistencia del total de cepas aisladas en pollos sanos de engorde

    Sistemas urbanos de drenagem sustentáveis

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    O desenvolvimento e a expansão dos núcleos urbanos conduziram a um aumento das taxas de impermeabilização do solo. Em termos de drenagem urbana, este processo é bastante nefasto, visto que reduz a capacidade de infiltração da água pluvial no solo, aumentando o volume de escoamento superficial, e reduzindo os tempos de concentração, provocando um agravamento nos caudais de ponta. A consequência direta dos fenómenos apontados é a ocorrência de inundações, causadas pela falta de capacidade dos sistemas de drenagem face aos novos caudais de ponta decorrentes das novas urbanizações. Para prevenir estas situações podem implementar-se duas soluções distintas: reforçar a capacidade dos sistemas de drenagem existentes (solução bastante dispendiosa e nem sempre exequível) ou implementar soluções de sistemas de drenagem de águas pluviais alternativos. Esta dissertação apresenta uma forma alternativa de gestão das águas pluviais designada de Sistemas Urbanos de Drenagem Sustentáveis (SUDS), que através de técnicas de controlo na origem (soluções que favorecem a infiltração da água pluvial no solo ou aumentam a capacidade de retenção/armazenamento da água pluvial), reduzem o caudal de ponta e, consequentemente, o risco de inundação

    A case study on surplus mushrooms production: extraction and recovery of vitamin D

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    The presented case study illustrates the possibility of adding value to the biological surplus remaining from the mushroom cultivation industry. In essence, the unused mushroom parts were submitted to UV-C irradiation, with the purpose of increasing the vitamin D2 content and validat-ing its extraction. Vitamin D2 concentration in three different mushroom species (Agaricus bisporus, A. bisporus Portobello, and Pleurotus ostreatus) was obtained by high-performance liquid chromatogra-phy (HPLC), by means of an ultraviolet (UV) detector. The method was validated using an A. bisporus Portobello sample, and its reproducibility and accuracy were confirmed. Independently of the UV-C irradiation dose, the effect on vitamin D2 concentration was significant, allowing it to increase from less than 4 µg/g dry weight (dw) to more than 100 µg/g dw in all mushroom species. These results are good indicators of the feasibility of industrial surplus mushrooms as sustainable vitamin D2 food sources, besides contributing to strengthen the circularity principals associated to the mushroom production chain.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Lisboa, Portugal) for financial support by national funds FCT/MCTES to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020), and R.V.C.C.’s PhD grant (SFRH/BD/137436/2018). The authors are also grateful to “Ponto Agricola” for providing the mushroom materials. A.F., J.C.M.B. and L.B. also thank the national funding by FCT, P.I. through the institutional scientific employment program contract. This work is funded by the ERDF through the Regional Operational Program North 2020, within the scope of Project Mobilizador Norte-01-0247-FEDER-024479: ValorNatural®.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prevalence and characteristics of methicillin-resistant staphylococci in goats on the island of Tenerife, Spain

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    The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus (MRS) in healthy goats on the Island of Tenerife, Spain, as well as to identify the phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of the strains found. A cross-sectional prevalence study was conducted. A total of 158 goats from 15 different farms were sampled between September 2017 and January 2018. The percentage of positive samples of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was 15.8% (25/158) and that of methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci (MRCoNS) was 6.9% (11/158). All MRSA isolates from goats belonged to one clonal group showing Multi-Locus Sequence type 398. All strains studied (n = 36) were resistant to non-carbapenem beta-lactam antibiotics and susceptible to teicoplanin, linezolid, vancomycin, rifampicin, quinupristin-dalfospristin and mupirocine. In MRSA isolates, the highest percentage of resistance obtained, besides beta-lactam non-carbapenem antibiotics, was to trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole and, in the case of MRCoNS isolates, to phosphomycin and erythromycin. A total of 12 resistance patterns were obtained, presenting differences between patterns obtained for MRSA and MRCoNS, with 7 different patterns for MRSA and 5 for MRCoNS. We therefore consider it essential to expand the epidemiological study of these strains of animal origin, as well as to increase surveillance and control measures at all stages of the food chain

    Adults and elderly individuals with chronic diseases: implications for nursing care

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    Doenças crônicas são geralmente incuráveis e incapacitantes. Os enfermeiros têm responsabilidade na educação dos pacientes sobre problemas de saúde, autocuidado e prevenção de danos. Para estudar a perspectiva de saúde de indivíduos portadores de doenças crônicas que são assistidos no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, criamos o Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Enfermagem no Cuidado ao Adulto e Idoso. Em 2005 realizamos um estudo transversal com análise de 1665 prontuários de pacientes com 60 anos ou mais, internados em unidades clínicas com o objetivo de um diagnóstico situacional. Os diagnósticos de enfermagem prevalentes (Déficit no Autocuidado: banho e/ou higiene, Alteração na Nutrição: menos do que o corpo necessita, Risco para Infecção, Padrão Respiratório Ineficaz) foram identificados e relacionados aos cuidados prescritos e ao tempo de permanência hospitalar. Como muitos idosos têm déficit no autocuidado e alteração na nutrição, que são fatores de risco para o surgimento de úlceras de pressão, está sendo desenvolvido o Protocolo Assistencial de Prevenção e Tratamento de Úlcera de Pressão, que é baseado na avaliação de risco através da escala de Braden, e aplicado a todos os pacientes nas unidades de internação, emergência e Centro de Tratamento Intensivo. Acreditamos que o grupo poderá contribuir com ações educativas, assistenciais e de pesquisa que repercutam em comportamentos saudáveis de adultos e idosos, suas famílias e comunidade.Chronic diseases are generaly descapacitating and have no cure. Nurses have a important role in educating patiens on health problems, selfcare, and harm reduction. A stydy group (the Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Enfermagem no Cuidado ao Adulto e Idoso (GEPECADI) has been created in order to study care providing aspects of persons with chronic diseases. In 2005, the group conducted a cross-sectional study for situacional diagnosis. Medical records of 1665 patients aged 60-years and older were reviewd. Most frequent nursing diagnosis (Self-Care Deficit: bathing/hygiene, Imbalanced Nutrition: less than body requirements, Risk for Infection, Ineffective Breathing Patters), prescribing care measures and time of permanency in the hospital were identified. A protocol for prevention and treatment of pression ulcers based on the Brade Scale is being developed, since many aged patients have selfcare deficits and malnutricion. It will be used in clinical and surgical wards, emergency and intensive care units. We believe that the group will contribute to the improvement of educative, research and health care measures that stimulate heathy behaviors in adults and senior individuals, in their families and in the community

    Caloric reductions needed to achieve obesity goals in Mexico for 2030 and 2040: A modeling study

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    Background In Mexico, obesity prevalence among adults increased from 23% in 2000 to 36% in 2018, approximately. Mexico has not defined short- or long-term obesity goals, obscuring the level of effort required to achieve a relevant impact. We aimed to explore potential obesity goals for 2030 and 2040 in Mexico and to estimate the required caloric reductions to achieve them. Methods and findings We obtained anthropometric and demographic information on the Mexican adult population (age ≥20 years) from the Health and Nutrition Surveys conducted in 2000, 2006, 2012, 2016, and 2018 (n = 137,907). Each survey wave is cross-sectional, multistage, and representative of the Mexican population at the national, regional, and urban/rural levels. Obesity prevalence was projected for 2030 and 2040 by combining population projections of energy intake by socioeconomic status (SES) with a weight-change microsimulation model taking into account individual-level information on sex, age, physical activity, and initial body weight and height. If current trends continue, Mexico’s obesity prevalence is expected to increase from 36% (95% CI 35% to 37%) in 2018 to 45% (uncertainty interval [UI] 41% to 48%) in 2030 and to 48% (UI 41% to 55%) in 2040. Based on expert opinion, we identified 3 obesity goals scenarios: (1) plausible (38% in 2030 and 36% in 2040); (2) intermediate (33% in 2030 and 29% in 2040); and (3) ideal based on the average prevalence of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development countries (OECD; 19%). We estimated the caloric reductions needed to achieve the goal scenarios using the microsimulation model. Obesity was projected to increase more rapidly in the low SES (around 34% in 2018 to 48% (UI 41% to 55%) in 2040), than in the middle (around 38% to 52% (UI 45% to 56%)), or high SES group (around 36% to 45% (UI 36% to 54%)). Caloric reductions of 40 (UI 13 to 60), 75 (UI 49 to 95), and 190 (UI 163 to 215) kcal/person/day would be needed to reach the plausible, intermediate, and the ideal (OECD) average scenarios for 2030, respectively. To reach the 2040 goals, caloric reductions of 74 (UI 28 to 114), 124 (UI 78 to 169), and 209 (UI 163 to 254) kcal/person/day would be required, respectively. Study limitations include assuming a constant and sedentary physical activity level, not considering cohort-specific differences that could occur in the future, and assuming the same caloric trends under no intervention and the obesity goal scenarios. Conclusions To reach the 3 obesity goals in 2040, caloric reductions between 74 and 209 kcal/day/person would be needed in Mexico. A package of new and stronger interventions should be added to existing efforts such as food taxes and warning labels on non-nutritious food

    Descriptive Analysis of Antibiotic-Resistant Patterns of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) st398 Isolated from Healthy Swine

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    Background: Livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) such as the MRSA ST398 strain has spread all over the World and the most worrying aspect of this fact appears to be its capacity to easily spread to humans. The excessive use of antibiotics has made swine a reservoir of MRSA. The aim of the present study was to determine the antibiotic resistance profile of MRSA samples isolated from healthy swine of the island of Tenerife (Spain). Methods: A total of 256 MRSA isolates from swine samples and five MRSA isolates from pig worker samples were investigated for MRSA antibiotic resistant patterns. Results: Analysis of the susceptibility status of MRSA pig isolates revealed that 39 isolates were resistant to one antibiotic, 71 isolates were resistant to two antibiotics and 96 isolates were resistant to three or more antibiotics. SCCmec typing revealed the presence of types IV and V. Isolates having SCCmec IV had an increased resistance to the antimicrobial agents tested than those having SCCmec V. We observed significant differences when comparing the most common resistance patterns and SCCmec type. Conclusions: MRSA isolated from humans showed similar resistance to those isolated from pigs, excepting erythromycin, since all the workers’ isolates were sensitive to this antibiotic. The evolution of new MRSA clones has emphasized the need for infection control practices in animals and humans in close contact