611 research outputs found

    What is the impact of educational systems on social mobility across Europe? A comparative approach

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    Education is reasonably expected to enhance intergenerational social mobility. However, the extent to which educational systems foster or otherwise constrain social mobility remains controversial. In this paper, data from the European Social Survey covering 22 countries is analysed in order to assess social mobility in the second half of the 20th Century. Variation across five cohesive regional clusters is examined in detail. Results confirm increasing rates of social mobility in Europe and their close relation to massive structural shifts. The erosion of the education-occupation linkage presents a current threat to this trend. Considering formal credentials only, the most equalitarian educational systems are to be found in the United Kingdom and Ireland, but their ability to allocate individuals in the occupational structure is lower than in the other regions. Scandinavian systems show higher chances of social mobility through education, while Mediterranean systems present lower fluidity rates in both the background-education link (like Eastern European countries) and the education-occupation link (like the UK & Ireland). Gender and migration are identified as key factors to explain these differences.Há razões para esperar que a educação promova a mobilidade social intergeracional. Porém, a competência dos sistemas educativos para alimentar ou, pelo contrário, limitar a mobilidade social continua a ser motivo de controvérsia. Neste texto, analisam-se dados do European Social Survey relativos a 22 países com o intuito de aferir os padrões de mobilidade social na segunda metade do século XX. A variação entre cinco grupos regionais coesos merece particular atenção. Os resultados confirmam as taxas crescentes de mobilidade social na Europa e a sua relação estreita com transformações estruturais massivas. Uma ameaça actual a esta tendência é constituída pelo enfraquecimento da relação educação-ocupação. Considerando apenas qualificações formais, os sistemas educativos mais igualitários encontram-se no Reino Unido e na Irlanda, mas a sua capacidade para colocar indivíduos na estrutura ocupacional é menor do que noutras regiões. Os sistemas escandinavos apresentam probabilidades mais elevadas de mobilidade social através da educação, enquanto os sistemas mediterrânicos têm taxas menores de fluidez quer na relação origem-educação (como os países da Europa de Leste), quer na relação educação-ocupação (como o Reino Unido e a Irlanda). Género e migração são identificados como factores fundamentais para entender estas diferenças

    We will always have Tampere: a case study on the regulation of the residence status of long-term migrants

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    While European Union citizenship gradually moved from a matter of employment rights toward a matter of fundamental rights, the status of third-country nationals (TCNs) remained locked in the policy areas of security and economic cooperation. This changed since the late-1990s under gradual developments favouring the centralization of migration policy. The current paper makes a contribution to trace this process by presenting a case study of the 2003 Directive concerning the status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents. An overview of the process leading to the adoption of the Directive is followed by an examination of the practicalities involved in its transposition into domestic law in Portugal, a country in which the relative novelty of the immigration phenomenon and an inconstant economic trajectory are critically entwined. It is concluded that migration policy can be developed at the EU level without a common position on integration being taken. Far from an incidental outcome, this enables nation-states to both concede benefits claimed through political mobilization for the advancement of immigrants’ rights and reassert their gate-keeping capacity in the regulation of migration. The combination of protective advancements for TCNs and increased securitization of their mobility stands out as a piece of key explanatory value to understand the adoption of the Directive in a context of tightening immigration policy in various member-state

    Service interaction and dignity in cleaning work: How important is the organizational context?

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the extent to which the nature of a particular work activity cleaning changes across organizational contexts, considering specific industry characteristics and working conditions in urban settings in Portugal.Design/methodology/approach The paper draws on the qualitative analysis of data collected between 2010 and 2013 using open-ended interviews with employees and direct observation in two shopping malls.Findings The empirical evidence illuminates how the contexts under study shape the behavior of actors and their power relations. By placing the perspective of employees at the core of the analysis, the paper demonstrates that workplaces provide a major site of conflict and negotiation regarding dignity in cleaning work, but this dispute takes on different contours and sources of tension across organizational contexts.Originality/value The seminal comparative analysis of commercial cleaning and housecleaning undertaken in this paper sheds light on the varying distribution of roles and authority at work. Differently than in earlier studies, the actual modes of service interaction in this industry are documented in a detailed and critical manner

    Botrytis Cinerea mating types distribution and NEP1 protein sequence analysis

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica - Instituto Superior de AgronomiaBotrytis cinerea [teleomorph: Botryotinia fuckeliana] is a heterothallic filamentous plant pathogenic Ascomycete with over two hundred different hosts, and its control at the crop level is still very difficult to achieve. Sexual reproduction as an active part in the fungus dispersal and variability has been underestimated until recent years. Research leading to more insight into the MAT locus and the fundamental principles of the mating process can prompt new strategies for B. cinerea control. During the B. cinerea infection process, phytotoxic proteins such as NEP1 are produced. Their function is yet to be unraveled, but it was postulated that they might play a role in speciation in the genus Botrytis. This report describes a mating type screening of a population of 80 field isolates of B. cinerea. Findings indicate a typical 1:1 Mendelian distribution of the MAT loci, and one strain with both MAT genes is reported. A scan of the MAT locus suggests the absence of the MAT1-1 locus in dual mating strains. Furthermore, Southern blotting demonstrates for the first time the possible presence of a complete MAT1-1 locus in a dual mating strain, instead of the predicted incomplete MAT1-1 locus (dMAT1). Besides the MAT loci, genomic sequences of the BcNEP1 gene in 16 different B. cinerea strains are analyzed, and results demonstrate the existence of three haplotypes and two alleles. Purifying selection is accounted for evolutionary changes within the gene.Finally, four uORF independent knockout mutants were created. This predicted gene is located within the MAT1-1 locus, but its function is yet to be described

    Ateneu Comercial de Lisboa: restructuring a public artery

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    The work will be divided into three parts. The first theory, where reflections are made on the public space in the city as an element of the whole generator; the city as a system, based on the Urban Structuring study of the architects Alison and Peter Smithson; to sum up, the reflection of light and water elements which not only influenced, how were points of departure for formalizing plastic project. Then, in chapter Analyses, is made in macro scale a landscape study of the city of Lisbons addressing the morphological and territorial elements that constitute and define. In the last chapter Practice, is the culmination of the first two chapters in the development of a project for the construction of the Ateneu commercial of Lisbon, where a public program reborn as a urban knit artery, radically transforming the lives of not only the location but also the city. The work will be divided into three parts. The first theory, where reflections are made on the public space in the city as an element of the whole generator; the city as a system, based on the Urban Structuring study of the architects Alison and Peter Smithson; to sum up, the reflection of light and water elements which not only influenced, how were points of departure for formalizing plastic project. Then, in chapter Analyses, is made in macro scale a landscape study of the city of Lisbons addressing the morphological and territorial elements that constitute and define. In the last chapter Practice, is the culmination of the first two chapters in the development of a project for the construction of the Ateneu commercial of Lisbon, where a public program reborn as a urban knit artery, radically transforming the lives of not only the location but also the city

    A densidade da sombra: trabalho doméstico, género e imigração

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    A bibliografia sobre papéis de género, políticas de apoio social e desenvolvimentos do mercado de trabalho ajuda a entender a persistência dos serviços domésticos na economia contemporânea. No entanto, sabe-se muito pouco sobre a composição ou a dinâmica deste ramo de atividade. O presente artigo revê um conjunto de estudos relevantes e examina dados do Instituto Nacional de Estatística e da Segurança Social, mapeando a evolução do trabalho doméstico remunerado na primeira década do século XXI em Portugal. Os dados sugerem um aumento considerável da intensidade e da informalidade do trabalho. Argumenta-se que a aliança conveniente entre desproteção social e flexibilidade está a reverter o processo de crescente formalização que caracterizava o serviço doméstico no início da década, precipitando-o de volta à subterraneidade.The bibliography on gender roles, welfare state policies and labour market developments helps us understand the continued existence of domestic services in the contemporary economy. However, little is known about the composition or dynamic of this branch of activities. The present article looks at a set of relevant studies and examines data from Statistics Portugal and the Social Security Service, mapping the evolution of paid domestic labour in the first decade of the 21st century in Portugal. The data suggest a considerable increase in both the intensity and the informal nature of the work. The author argues that the convenient alliance between a lack of social protection on the one hand and flexibility on the other is reversing the process of growing formalisation that characterised domestic service at the beginning of the decade, casting it back into an underground status.La bibliographie sur les rôles de genre, les politiques d’aide sociale et le développement du marché du travail aide à comprendre la persistance des services domestiques dans l’économie contemporaine. Cependant, nous en savons très peu sur la composition ou la dynamique de cette branche d’activité. Cet article reprend un ensemble d’études importantes et examine les données de l’Institut National de la Statistique et de la Sécurité Sociale, afin de retracer l’évolution du travail domestique rémunéré dans la première décennie du XXIe siècle au Portugal. Les données suggèrent une augmentation considérable de l’intensité du travail et de son caractère informel. L’absence de protection sociale alliée à la flexibilité est en train d’inverser la régularisation croissante qui caractérisait le service domestique au début de la décennie pour le ramener au niveau souterrain.La bibliografía sobre papeles de género, políticas de apoyo social y desarrollos del mercado de trabajo ayuda a entender la persistencia de los servicios domésticos en la economía contemporánea. Sin embargo, poco se sabe sobre la composición o la dinámica de esta rama de actividad. El presente artículo revisa un conjunto de estudios relevantes y examina datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y de La Seguridad Social, mapeando la evolución del trabajo doméstico remunerado en la primera década del siglo XXI en Portugal. Los datos sugieren un aumento considerable de la intensidad y de la informalidad del trabajo. Se argumenta que la alianza conveniente entre desprotección social y flexibilidad está revirtiendo el proceso de creciente formalización que caracterizaba el servicio doméstico en el inicio de la década, precipitándolo de vuelta a la economía subterránea

    Out of the penumbra : dispute and alliance in domestic service employment relationship

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    Doutoramento em Sociologia Económica e das OrganizaçõesThe contemporary features of paid domestic work have been recently documented in a variety of geographic locations, with a notable emphasis on the recruitment of immigrant women to perform cleaning and care tasks in affluent households. This dissertation begins with a review of the existing scholarship on the subject, followed by a discussion of Portugal – and, in particular, the urban area of Lisbon – as a critical case for the empirical examination of domestic service employment relationships today. A complex analytical framework is proposed based on three concomitant processes of structuration in this sector: negotiation, reorganization, and intermediation. Analysis draws on legal documents, official statistics, and a total sum of 77 semi-structured interviews with domestic employees, private employers, company managers, and members of labour, employer, and activist organizations. Fieldwork took place in Lisbon in the 2011-2013 period. The discussion of first-hand evidence covers working contents and conditions, the changing quality of employee- employer arrangements vis-à-vis social hierarchies of class, gender and ethnicity, and the role of a number of formal institutions engaged in the mediation and transformation of domestic service employment relationships. While working conditions are found to be substantially heterogeneous and segmented, the overwhelming recruitment of women in this sector remains key to conceal lingering gender asymmetries within households and society at large. The expected transition of domestic service from a paternalistic model to a commodified model – or from a class status to an employment status – is described as gradual and contested at best. Men are still largely absent from the picture; immigrant women still take up many of the least desired positions, particularly as ‘live-in’ direct care providers; symbolic hierarchy and emotional hostage linger on. Nevertheless, the efforts of domestic employees to transform the rules of the game – both individually and through collective organization – have multiplied and gained strength.Os traços contemporâneos do trabalho doméstico remunerado têm sido examinados em diversas localizações geográficas, com uma ênfase assinalável no recrutamento de mulheres imigrantes para desempenhar tarefas de limpeza e cuidados pessoais em lares abastados. A presente dissertação começa por expor uma revisão da literatura sobre o tema, seguindo-se uma discussão de Portugal – e, em particular, da área urbana de Lisboa – como um caso crítico para a investigação empírica das relações de trabalho no serviço doméstico de hoje. Para esse fim, propomos um quadro analítico complexo com base em três processos concomitantes de estruturação do setor: negociação, reorganização e intermediação. Os dados analisados incluem documentação institucional, estatísticas oficiais e um total de 77 entrevistas semi-estruturadas que realizámos com empregadas e empregadoras do serviço doméstico, gerentes de empresas e membros destacados de organizações sindicais, patronais e ativistas. O trabalho de campo decorreu em Lisboa no período de 2011-2013. A discussão dos dados contempla os conteúdos e as condições de trabalho, a mudança qualitativa dos relacionamentos estabelecidos entre empregada e empregadora face às hierarquias sociais de classe, género e etnicidade, e o papel de algumas instituições formais empenhadas na mediação e transformação das relações de emprego no setor do serviço doméstico. Se constatamos que as condições de trabalho neste setor são substancialmente heterogéneas e segmentadas, o recrutamento esmagador de mulheres permanece uma peça chave para encobrir a perseverança das assimetrias de género na esfera privada e à escala mais ampla da sociedade. A esperada transição do serviço doméstico de um modelo paternalista para um modelo mercadorizado – ou de um estatuto de classe para um estatuto de emprego – é descrita, à luz dos nossos dados, como gradual e em disputa. Os homens permanecem em larga medida ausentes do panorama; as mulheres imigrantes assumem amiúde as posições menos desejadas, em particular enquanto prestadoras de cuidados diretos em regime de internato; persistem as hierarquias simbólicas e os abusos emocionais. Porém, os esforços das empregadas domésticas para transformar as regras do jogo – quer individualmente, quer através da organização coletiva – têm vindo a multiplicar-se e a ganhar força

    A densidade da sombra: trabalho doméstico, género e imigração

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    A bibliografia sobre papéis de género, políticas de apoio social e desenvolvimentos do mercado de trabalho ajuda a entender a persistência dos serviços domésticos na economia contemporânea. No entanto, sabe-se muito pouco sobre a composição ou a dinâmica deste ramo de atividade. O presente artigo revê um conjunto de estudos relevantes e examina dados do Instituto Nacional de Estatística e da Segurança Social, mapeando a evolução do trabalho doméstico remunerado na primeira década do século XXI em Portugal. Os dados sugerem um aumento considerável da intensidade e da informalidade do trabalho. Argumenta-se que a aliança conveniente entre desproteção social e flexibilidade está a reverter o processo de crescente formalização que caracterizava o serviço doméstico no início da década, precipitando-o de volta à subterraneidade.The bibliography on gender roles, welfare state policies and labour market developments helps us understand the continued existence of domestic services in the contemporary economy. However, little is known about the composition or dynamic of this branch of activities. The present article looks at a set of relevant studies and examines data from Statistics Portugal and the Social Security Service, mapping the evolution of paid domestic labour in the first decade of the 21st century in Portugal. The data suggest a considerable increase in both the intensity and the informal nature of the work. The author argues that the convenient alliance between a lack of social protection on the one hand and flexibility on the other is reversing the process of growing formalisation that characterised domestic service at the beginning of the decade, casting it back into an underground status.La bibliographie sur les rôles de genre, les politiques d’aide sociale et le développement du marché du travail aide à comprendre la persistance des services domestiques dans l’économie contemporaine. Cependant, nous en savons très peu sur la composition ou la dynamique de cette branche d’activité. Cet article reprend un ensemble d’études importantes et examine les données de l’Institut National de la Statistique et de la Sécurité Sociale, afin de retracer l’évolution du travail domestique rémunéré dans la première décennie du XXIe siècle au Portugal. Les données suggèrent une augmentation considérable de l’intensité du travail et de son caractère informel. L’absence de protection sociale alliée à la flexibilité est en train d’inverser la régularisation croissante qui caractérisait le service domestique au début de la décennie pour le ramener au niveau souterrain.La bibliografía sobre papeles de género, políticas de apoyo social y desarrollos del mercado de trabajo ayuda a entender la persistencia de los servicios domésticos en la economía contemporánea. Sin embargo, poco se sabe sobre la composición o la dinámica de esta rama de actividad. El presente artículo revisa un conjunto de estudios relevantes y examina datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y de La Seguridad Social, mapeando la evolución del trabajo doméstico remunerado en la primera década del siglo XXI en Portugal. Los datos sugieren un aumento considerable de la intensidad y de la informalidad del trabajo. Se argumenta que la alianza conveniente entre desprotección social y flexibilidad está revirtiendo el proceso de creciente formalización que caracterizaba el servicio doméstico en el inicio de la década, precipitándolo de vuelta a la economía subterránea

    ‘Law reform’ in Portugal. An overview

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    The pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, in Madeira Island

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    The environmental conditions in Madeira Island are favorable for the presence and dissemination of the pinewood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Five hundred Pinus pinaster wood samples were collected in several forest areas and PWN was detected in 22.8 % of the samples. Bursaphelenchus xylophilus isolates from Madeira Island displayed the species-specific diagnostic characters. A morphological variation in the female tail terminus was detected. In most females, the tail presented a broadly rounded terminus and, occasionally, a digitate terminus with a terminal nipple-like extension resembling a mucro. PCR ITS-RFLP analysis revealed that Madeira Island isolates exhibited patterns specific to the species B. xylophilus and similar to virulent isolates. Amplified ITS regions were further sequenced and no genetic diversity was found for this genomic region among 17 Portuguese isolates (Madeira Island and Continental Portugal). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that Portuguese isolates grouped with isolates from China, Korea and one isolate from Japa
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