582 research outputs found

    A internacionalização empresarial numa economia mundializada

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    O estudo da internacionalização das empresas, como parte da economia e finanças internacionais, assume uma importância cada vez maior

    Portugal’s health in 2027

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    Doentes pagam saúde

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    Políticas de inclusão das pessoas com deficiência no mercado de trabalho

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    A presente dissertação incide sobre a temática das Políticas de Inclusão das Pessoas com Deficiência e Incapacidade no Mercado de Trabalho, sendo composta por uma revisão de literatura com o objetivo de retratar de um modo abrangente a realidade das pessoas com deficiência e incapacidade, a evolução dos modelos de deficiência bem como a evolução dos esforços a nível mundial e nacional para promover a sua inclusão na sociedade mas sobretudo no mercado de trabalho, considerado por muitos como o principal mecanismo de inclusão social. A dimensão desta temática permite o desenvolvimento de diversas abordagens de estudo todavia, para o desenvolvimento desta dissertação a abordagem escolhida consistiu em perceber qual seria a perceção e importância das medidas de formação e de emprego para as pessoas com deficiência e incapacidade junto das "organizações não governamentais para pessoas com deficiência" (ONGPD's), não só por serem um dos atores sociais que lidam diariamente com estas pessoas mas também por algumas serem subcontratadas pelo Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional (IEFP) para promoverem a empregabilidade das pessoas com deficiência e incapacidade.The present dissertation focuses on the subject of Inclusion Politics in the Labour Market to Disabled People, it is composed by a literature review with the purpose of portraying in a comprehensive way the reality of people with disabilities, the evolution of disability models, as well as, the effort evolution at the international and national levels to promote their inclusion in society but above all in the labour market, considered by many as the main mechanism to promote social inclusion. The dimension of this subject allows the development of many different study approaches however, to the development of this dissertation the chosen approach consisted in understanding the perception and importance of training and employment measurements to the disabled people near the "non governmental organizations to disabled people" (NGODP’s), not only for being one of the social actors that deal on a daily basis with this people, but also because some are subcontracted by the Professional Institute of Employment and Training (PIET) to promote the employability of disabled people

    Estabilidade de ligantes de presa rápida

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    Nesta dissertação, estudaram-se as fases formadas por hidratação de uma combinação de ligantes composta por cimento aluminato de cálcio (CAC), cimento Portland (OPC) e gesso (C)nasuaformahemi−hidratada,avaliandoasuaestabilidadeemvaˊriascondic\co~esdetemperaturaeaolongodediferentesperıˊodos.Foramdefinidasduasformulac\co~es,aformulac\ca~o1(12,50) na sua forma hemi-hidratada, avaliando a sua estabilidade em várias condições de temperatura e ao longo de diferentes períodos. Foram definidas duas formulações, a formulação 1 (12,50% CAC, 7,95% C, 4,17% OPC e 75,38% agregados e aditivos) e a formulação 2 (12,50% CAC, 7,95% C,2,92Atendendoaosresultadosobtidosnaprimeirafasedoestudo,foipropostooestudomaisdetalhadodasfasesformadas.Foramrealizadasavaliac\co~esqualitativasdacomposic\ca~odasfasescristalinasutilizandoadifrac\ca~oderaios−X(DRX),comopropoˊsitodeaveriguarasreac\co~estıˊpicasconducentesaprodutosdehidratac\ca~o.Confirmou−seapresenc\cadeetringite(AFt)aindaqueemquantidadesmenoresqueasesperadasedasrestantesfasesresultantesdahidratac\ca~o(i.eAH3,AFm,CAH10,C2AH8,C3AH6evaˊriossilicatoshidratadosdaformaC−A−S−H).Noentantoencontrou−seumagrandequantidadedeumafaseanidradoCAC,oC12A7,indicandoumestadoincompletonasreac\co~es.Aavaliac\ca~odacomposic\ca~odefasesvemdefenderahipoˊtesedoefeitoaceleradordatemperatura,demonstrandoummaiordeˊficedeetringiteparaasamostrasa70ºCe,indiciandoqueaacelerac\ca~oeˊtalqueexisteconversa~odeAFtemAFmpoucotempoapoˊsaformac\ca~odasagulhasdeetringite.Aoinveˊs,a5ºCtem−seumareac\ca~ota~olentaqueeˊpossıˊvelencontrarpicosdeelevadaintensidadeparaaetringiteaofimdeumlongoperıˊodo,indicandoumabaixaconversa~oemAFt.Emlinhacomestesresultados,observou−sepormicroscopiaeletroˊnicadevarrimento(SEM)queamorfologiaemformadeagulha,tıˊpicadaetringite,seapresentavabemdefinidaedesenvolvidaa5ºC,nocasodasamostraspreparadasa70ºC,asmicrografiasdeSEMevidenciaramestruturassemelhantesaˋsdeetringite,masmuitomenosdesenvolvidasInthisdissertation,thephasesformedbyhydrationofacombinationofbinderscomposedofcalciumaluminatecement(CAC),Portlandcement(OPC)andgypsum(C, 2,92% OPC e 76,63% agregados e aditivos), com as quais foram realizados os testes de caracterização em que se avaliaram parâmetros dimensionais (retração), perda de massa, módulo de elasticidade e resistência à flexão e compressão em diferentes condições de temperatura (5, 22 e 70 ºC) e após vários tempos de cura (7, 14, 28 e 90 dias). Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram instabilidade e diferenças no campo da retração, quer entre as duas formulações quer no que se refere à influência da temperatura. A avaliação das caraterizações dimensionais remetem para efeitos cinéticos que indicam que a temperatura pode ser um ativador reacional, acelerando a formação de fases que por norma demoram vários dias. Atendendo aos resultados obtidos na primeira fase do estudo, foi proposto o estudo mais detalhado das fases formadas. Foram realizadas avaliações qualitativas da composição das fases cristalinas utilizando a difração de raios-X (DRX), com o propósito de averiguar as reações típicas conducentes a produtos de hidratação. Confirmou-se a presença de etringite (AFt) ainda que em quantidades menores que as esperadas e das restantes fases resultantes da hidratação (i.e AH3, AFm, CAH10, C2AH8, C3AH6 e vários silicatos hidratados da forma C-A-S-H). No entanto encontrou-se uma grande quantidade de uma fase anidra do CAC, o C12A7, indicando um estado incompleto nas reações. A avaliação da composição de fases vem defender a hipótese do efeito acelerador da temperatura, demonstrando um maior défice de etringite para as amostras a 70 ºC e, indiciando que a aceleração é tal que existe conversão de AFt em AFm pouco tempo após a formação das agulhas de etringite. Ao invés, a 5 ºC tem-se uma reação tão lenta que é possível encontrar picos de elevada intensidade para a etringite ao fim de um longo período, indicando uma baixa conversão em AFt. Em linha com estes resultados, observou-se por microscopia eletrónica de varrimento (SEM) que a morfologia em forma de agulha, típica da etringite, se apresentava bem definida e desenvolvida a 5 ºC, no caso das amostras preparadas a 70 ºC, as micrografias de SEM evidenciaram estruturas semelhantes às de etringite, mas muito menos desenvolvidasIn this dissertation, the phases formed by hydration of a combination of binders composed of calcium aluminate cement (CAC), Portland cement (OPC) and gypsum (C) in its hemihydrate form were studied, while evaluating their stability in several temperature conditions and over different time periods. Two formulations were prepared: formulation 1 (12.50% CAC, 7.95% C,4.17, 4.17% OPC and 75.38% aggregates and additives) and formulation 2 (12.50% CAC, 7.95 % C, 2.92% OPC and 76.63% aggregates and additives), which were characterized under different conditions of temperature (5, 22 and 70 ºC) and resting times (7, 14, 28 and 90 days), by evaluating dimensional parameters (shrinkage), mass loss, elasticity modulus and resistance to flexion and compression. The results obtained show a lot of instability and significant between the shrinkage of the two formulations and the effects of temperature. The evaluation of dimensional parameters pointed out kinetic questions that indicate that temperature can be an accelerator of the reactions of new phases formation that under normal conditions take several days. Considering the results obtained in the first stage of the study, a more detailed study of the new phases was undertaken. The crystalline phase composition was evaluated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), aiming to access the typical hydration reactions that originate hydrated products. The presence of ettringite (AFt) was confirmed although in small amounts. Also, the remaining phases resulting from hydration (ie AH3, AFm, CAH10, C2AH8, C3AH6 and several hydrated silicates in C-A-S-H form) were detected, although a large amount of an anhydrous phase of CAC, C12A7, was also present, pointing to an incompletion in the reactions. The evaluation of the crystalline phase composition supports the hypothesis of an accelerating effect from the temperature, while demonstrating a greater deficit of ettringite for the samples treated at 70 ºC. Thus, the results indicate that acceleration has such an impact that there is a conversion of AFt into AFm shortly after the formation of ettringite needles. On the contrary, at 5 ºC we have such a slow reaction that it is possible to find XDR peaks of high intensity for ettringite after a long period, thus indicating a low conversion to AFt. In line with these results, it was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) that the needle-shaped morphology, typical of ettringite, was well defined and developed in the samples prepared at 5 ºC; in the case of samples prepared at 70 ºC, SEM micrographs showed structures similar to those of etringitis, however much less developed.Mestrado em Engenharia Químic

    beyond reported deaths

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    © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press International B.V.BACKGROUND: One month after the first COVID-19 infection was recorded, Portugal counted 18,051 cases and 599 deaths from COVID-19. To understand the overall impact on mortality of the pandemic of COVID-19, we estimated the excess mortality registered in Portugal during the first month of the epidemic, from March 16 until April 14 using two different methods. METHODS: We compared the observed and expected daily deaths (historical average number from daily death registrations in the past 10 years) and used 2 standard deviations confidence limit for all-cause mortality by age and specific mortality cause, considering the last 6 years. An adapted Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model was also tested to validate the estimated number of all-cause deaths during the study period. RESULTS: Between March 16 and April 14, there was an excess of 1255 all-cause deaths, 14% more than expected. The number of daily deaths often surpassed the 2 standard deviations confidence limit. The excess mortality occurred mostly in people aged 75+. Forty-nine percent (49%) of the estimated excess deaths were registered as due to COVID-19, the other 51% registered as other natural causes. CONCLUSION: Even though Portugal took early containment measures against COVID-19, and the population complied massively with those measures, there was significant excess mortality during the first month of the pandemic, mostly among people aged 75+. Only half of the excess mortality was registered as directly due do COVID-19. KEY POINTS: An Excess Mortality (EM) of 1255 deaths were estimated 1 month after the first death classified by COVID-19, and it would probably be more if the government had not taken early action. The age group where a significant increase in mortality was noted was above 75 years. 51% of the EM was due to natural causes other than COVID-19.publishersversionpublishe

    a longitudinal study for public hospitals, 2009-2014

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    BACKGROUND: The global financial crisis and the economic and financial adjustment programme (EFAP) forced the Portuguese government to adopt austerity measures, which also included the health sector. The aim of this study was to analyse factors associated with HIV/AIDS patients' length of stay (LOS) among Portuguese hospitals, and the potential impact of the EFAP measures on hospitalizations among HIV/AIDS patients. METHODS: Data used in this analysis were collected from the Portuguese database of Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG). We considered only discharges classified under MCD 24 created for patients with HIV infection. A total of 20,361 hospitalizations occurring between 2009 and 2014 in 41 public hospitals were included in the analysis. The outcome was the number of days between hospital admission and discharge dates (LOS). Hierarchical Poisson regression model with random effects was used to analyse the relation between LOS and patient, treatment and setting characteristics. To more effectively analyse the impact of the EFAP implementation on HIV/AIDS hospitalizations, yearly variables, as well as a variable measuring hospitals' financial situation (current ratio) was included. RESULTS: For the 5% level, having HIV/AIDS as the principal diagnosis, the number of secondary diagnoses, the number of procedures, and having tuberculosis have a positive impact in HIV/AIDS LOS; while being female, urgent admission, in-hospital mortality, pneumocystis pneumonia, hepatitis C, and hospital's current ratio contribute to the decrease of LOS. Additionally, LOS between 2010 and 2014 was significantly shorter in comparison to 2009. Differences in LOS across hospitals are significant after controlling for these variables. CONCLUSION: Following the EFAP, a number of cost-containment measures in the health sector were implemented. Results from our analysis suggest that the implementation of these measures contributed to a significant decrease is LOS among HIV/AIDS patients in Portuguese hospitals.publishersversionpublishe

    Years of life lost by COVID-19 in Portugal and comparison with other European countries in 2020

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    Funding Information: The present publication was funded by NOVA National School of Public Health and Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia, IP national support through CHRC (UIDP/04923/2020). Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s).Background: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been measured in different metrics, mostly by counting deaths and its impact on health services. Few studies have attempted to calculate years of life lost (YLL) to COVID-19 and compare it with YLL due to other causes in different countries. Methods: We calculated YLL to COVID-19 from week10 to week52 in 2020 for eight European countries by methods defined by the WHO. We calculated excess YLL by subtracting the average YLL from 2017 to 2019 to the YLL in 2020. Our analysis compared YLL to COVID-19 and the excess YLL of non-COVID-19 causes across countries in Europe. Results: Portugal registered 394,573 cases and 6619 deaths due to COVID-19, accounting for 25,395 YLL in just 10 months. COVID-19 was responsible for 6.7% of all deaths but accounted for only 4.2% of all YLL. We estimate that Portugal experienced an excess of 35,510 YLL (+ 6.2%), of which 72% would have been due to COVID-19 and 28% due to non-COVID-19 causes. Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands experienced excess YLL to non-COVID-19 causes. We also estimated that Portugal experienced an excess of 10,115 YLL due to cancer (3805), cardiovascular diseases (786) and diseases of the respiratory system (525). Conclusion: COVID-19 has had a major impact on mortality rates in Portugal, as well as in other European countries. The relative impact of COVID-19 on the number of deaths has been greater than on the number of YLL, because COVID-19 deaths occur mostly in advanced ages.publishersversionpublishe


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    O significativo processo de evolução da dinâmica dos padrões de comunicação, trazidos no contexto de surgimento do paradigma das tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TICs), das relações culturais, sociais e ambientais, que têm afetado nas últimas décadas setores fundamentais da economia global, evidencia o deslocamento do foco das atividades industriais para atividades intensivas em conhecimento e criatividade, localizadas no setor de serviços. O objetivo deste estudo teórico é analisar as indústrias criativas à luz de conceitos da área de microeconomia, tendo como contexto o paradigma das TICs e um novo formato de indústrias, que apresentam padrão de concorrência, tendo como base recursos intangíveis. Ao longo das discussões teóricas aqui apresentadas, procurou-se introduzir também conceitos microeconômicos para a reflexão deste setor, que apresenta uma nova classe de trabalhadores, especificamente centrando nas questões de análise da rivalidade e interdependência no campo das indústrias criativas e de barreiras à entrada nos mercados criativos. Em termos metodológicos, adotou-se um ensaio teórico com abordagem qualitativa tendo como base o método bibliográfico. Através deste, foi possível realizar o levantamento de informações em livros, artigos científicos e sites especializados sobre o tema tratado. Enquanto contribuição, este estudo possibilita a aproximação da microeconomia, resgatando discussões microeconômicas clássicas, à temática das indústrias criativas, um tema relativamente novo no cenário brasileiro, sendo necessário o desenvolvimento de estudos microeconômicos voltados para as indústrias criativas no intuito de aprofundar a dinâmica destes mercados que introduzem novo padrão de concorrência.Palavras-chave: Indústrias criativas. Microeconomia. Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação.ABSTRACTThe communication patterns dynamics has been going under a significant process of evolution, brought in the context of the emergence of the paradigm of information and communication technologies (ICTs), and associated to the changes in the cultural, social and environmental relations. Such considerable changes that have affected in the last decades fundamental sectors of the global economy shows the displacement from the focus of industrial activities to the intensive activities in knowledge and creativity, located mainly in the services sector. In this context, the objective of this study is to make a theoretical effort to integrate the analysis of the creative industries to some concepts of the microeconomics area, having as a prior base the paradigm of ICTs and a new format of industries that present a standard of competition, which is based over the intangible resources. Throughout the theoretical discussions presented here, it was also tried to introduce microeconomic concepts for the reflection of this creative economy sector, which presents a new class of workers, specifically focusing on the issues of analysis of rivalry and interdependence in the field of creative industries, and barriers to entry creative markets. In methodological terms a theoretical essay with qualitative approach was adopted, based on the bibliographical method. Through this it was possible to carry out the collection of information in books, scientific articles and specialized websites on the theme discussed here. As contributions, it is possible to point that this study brings microeconomics, rescuing the classic macroeconomic discussions, closer to the theme of the creative industries, which is a relatively new topic, specifically in the Brazilian scenario, and it is necessary to develop microeconomic studies aimed at the creative industries, in order to dynamism of these markets which introduce a new pattern of competition.Keywords: Creative indústries. Microeconomics. Information and Communication Technologies.Palavras-chave: Indústrias criativas. Microeconomia. Tecnologias da Informação e comunicação.

    Cross-cultural adaptation and reliability of the Portuguese version of the Lateral Preference Inventory for the laterality profile assessment

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    Objetivo: A avaliação do perfil de lateralidade, medida composta pela avaliação de quatro índices de dominância que incluem a da mão, do pé, visual e auditiva, é amplamente utilizada em várias áreas do conhecimento. O Lateral Preference Inventory (LPI) é um instrumento simples que permite esta avaliação. O objetivo deste estudo é o de traduzir e adaptar culturalmente o LPI para a língua portuguesa, bem como testar a sua fidedignidade. Métodos: O processo de obtenção da versão portuguesa do LPI incluiu a realização de traduções e retroversões, a consulta de painéis de consenso e pré-teste. Medidas de Resultados: Para verificar a fidedignidade da versão portuguesa do LPI foi utilizado o coeficiente de correlação intra-classe (ICC) e respectivo alfa de Cronbach. Resultados: A segunda versão preliminar do LPI foi bem aceite pelos indivíduos no pré-teste com pequenas sugestões a incluir na versão final. A avaliação da fidedignidade mostrou valores excelentes e moderados para 12 itens (0.7<α<α0.8) e baixo no caso da dominância auditiva (αAim: The laterality profile, that comprehends the indexes of handedness, footedness, eyedness and eardness, is widely used in different scopes of scientific knowledge. The Lateral Preference Inventory (LPI) is a simple tool that allows the laterality profile assessment. The objective of the present study is to perform a cross-cultural adaptation and reliability assessment of a Portuguese version of the LPI. Methods: The process of cross-cultural adaptation included the translation and back translation of the instrument, the assessment by a committee of experts and a pre-test. Outcome measures: Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Cronbach’s alpha were used to assess reliability. Results: the second version of the LPI was well accepted by the individuals in the pre-test phase, with only small inclusions to be made in the final version. Reliability assessment revealed excellent to moderate values in 12 items (0.7<α<α0.8), being poor in the case of eardness (αinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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