652 research outputs found

    CMB anisotropies from acausal scaling seeds

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    We investigate models where structure formation is initiated by scaling seeds: We consider rapidly expanding relativistic shells of energy and show that they can fit current CMB and large scale structure data if they expand with super-luminal velocities. These acausally expanding shells provide a viable alternative to inflation for cosmological structure formation with the same minimal number of parameters to characterize the initial fluctuations. Causally expanding shells alone cannot fit present data. Hybrid models where causal shells and inflation are mixed also provide good fits.Comment: 9 pages,13 figures, revised version accepted for publication in PR

    Birefringent Gravitational Waves and the Consistency Check of Inflation

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    In this work we show that the gravitational Chern-Simons term, aside from being a key ingredient in inflationary baryogenesis, modifies super-horizon gravitational waves produced during inflation. We compute the super-Hubble gravitational power spectrum in the slow-roll approximation and show that its overall amplitude is modified while its spectral index remains unchanged (at leading order in the slow-roll parameters). Then, we calculate the correction to the tensor to scalar ratio, T/S. We find a correction of T/S which is dependent on N\cal{N} (more precisely quadratic in N{\cal N}), the parameter characterizing the amplitude of the Chern-Simons terms. In a stringy embedding of the leptogenesis mechanism, N\cal{N} is the ratio between the Planck scale and the fundamental string scale. Thus, in principle, we provide a direct probe of leptogenesis due to stringy dynamics in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). However, we demonstrate that the corresponding correction of T/S is in fact very small and not observable in the regime where our calculations are valid. To obtain a sizable effect, we argue that a non-linear calculation is necessary.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, RevTe

    Ballistic aggregation: a solvable model of irreversible many particles dynamics

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    The adhesive dynamics of a one-dimensional aggregating gas of point particles is rigorously described. The infinite hierarchy of kinetic equations for the distributions of clusters of nearest neighbours is shown to be equivalent to a system of two coupled equations for a large class of initial conditions. The solution to these nonlinear equations is found by a direct construction of the relevant probability distributions in the limit of a continuous initial mass distribution. We show that those limiting distributions are identical to those of the statistics of shocks in the Burgers turbulence. The analysis relies on a mapping on a Brownian motion problem with parabolic constraints.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures include

    Self Similar Solutions of the Evolution Equation of a Scalar Field in an Expanding Geometry

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    We consider the functional Schrodinger equation for a self interacting scalar field in an expanding geometry. By performing a time dependent scale transformation on the argument of the field we derive a functional Schrodinger equation whose hamiltonian is time independent but involves a time-odd term associated to a constraint on the expansion current. We study the mean field approximation to this equation and generalize in this case, for interacting fields, the solutions worked out by Bunch and Davies for free fields.Comment: 8 pages, Latex, IPNO/TH 94-3

    A New Approach to Lower Dimensional Gauge Theories

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    We apply the method of differential renormalization to two and three dimensional abelian gauge theories. The method is especially well suited for these theories as the problems of defining the antisymmetric tensor are avoided and the calculus involved is impressively simple. The topological and dynamical photon masses are obtained.Comment: 8 pag. in Late

    A complete criterion for separability detection

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    Using new results on the separability properties of bosonic systems, we provide a new complete criterion for separability. This criterion aims at characterizing the set of separable states from the inside by means of a sequence of efficiently solvable semidefinite programs. We apply this method to derive arbitrarily good approximations to the optimal measure-and-prepare strategy in generic state estimation problems. Finally, we report its performance in combination with the criterion developed by Doherty et al. [1] for the calculation of the entanglement robustness of a relevant family of quantum states whose separability properties were unknown

    Exact Green's Function of the reversible diffusion-influenced reaction for an isolated pair in 2D

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    We derive an exact Green's function of the diffusion equation for a pair of spherical interacting particles in 2D subject to a back-reaction boundary condition.Comment: 6 pages, 1 Figur

    Geometrically Consistent Approach to Stochastic DBI Inflation

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    Stochastic effects during inflation can be addressed by averaging the quantum inflaton field over Hubble-patch sized domains. The averaged field then obeys a Langevin-type equation into which short-scale fluctuations enter as a noise term. We solve the Langevin equation for a inflaton field with Dirac Born Infeld (DBI) kinetic term perturbatively in the noise and use the result to determine the field value's Probability Density Function (PDF). In this calculation, both the shape of the potential and the warp factor are arbitrary functions, and the PDF is obtained with and without volume effects due to the finite size of the averaging domain. DBI kinetic terms typically arise in string-inspired inflationary scenarios in which the scalar field is associated with some distance within the (compact) extra dimensions. The inflaton's accessible range of field values therefore is limited because of the extra dimensions' finite size. We argue that in a consistent stochastic approach the distance-inflaton's PDF must vanish for geometrically forbidden field values. We propose to implement these extra-dimensional spatial restrictions into the PDF by installing absorbing (or reflecting) walls at the respective boundaries in field space. As a toy model, we consider a DBI inflaton between two absorbing walls and use the method of images to determine its most general PDF. The resulting PDF is studied in detail for the example of a quartic warp factor and a chaotic inflaton potential. The presence of the walls is shown to affect the inflaton trajectory for a given set of parameters.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Fractional photon-assisted tunneling in an optical superlattice: large contribution to particle transfer

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    Fractional photon-assisted tunneling is investigated both analytically and numerically for few interacting ultra-cold atoms in the double-wells of an optical superlattice. This can be realized experimentally by adding periodic shaking to an existing experimental setup [Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 090404 (2008)]. Photon-assisted tunneling is visible in the particle transfer between the wells of the individual double wells. In order to understand the physics of the photon-assisted tunneling, an effective model based on the rotating wave approximation is introduced. The validity of this effective approach is tested for wide parameter ranges which are accessible to experiments in double-well lattices. The effective model goes well beyond previous perturbation theory approaches and is useful to investigate in particular the fractional photon-assisted tunneling resonances. Analytic results on the level of the experimentally realizable two-particle quantum dynamics show very good agreement with the numerical solution of the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation. Far from being a small effect, both the one-half-photon and the one-third-photon resonance are shown to have large effects on the particle transfer.Comment: 9 pages, 11 png-figure

    One-dimensional infinite component vector spin glass with long-range interactions

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    We investigate zero and finite temperature properties of the one-dimensional spin-glass model for vector spins in the limit of an infinite number m of spin components where the interactions decay with a power, \sigma, of the distance. A diluted version of this model is also studied, but found to deviate significantly from the fully connected model. At zero temperature, defect energies are determined from the difference in ground-state energies between systems with periodic and antiperiodic boundary conditions to determine the dependence of the defect-energy exponent \theta on \sigma. A good fit to this dependence is \theta =3/4-\sigma. This implies that the upper critical value of \sigma is 3/4, corresponding to the lower critical dimension in the d-dimensional short-range version of the model. For finite temperatures the large m saddle-point equations are solved self-consistently which gives access to the correlation function, the order parameter and the spin-glass susceptibility. Special attention is paid to the different forms of finite-size scaling effects below and above the lower critical value, \sigma =5/8, which corresponds to the upper critical dimension 8 of the hypercubic short-range model.Comment: 27 pages, 27 figures, 4 table
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