70 research outputs found

    Prevalência de dor crônica e fatores associados na população de Salvador, Bahia

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of chronic pain, identifying the associated factors. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a population sample of 2,297 individuals aged 20 years or more, in Salvador, Northeastern Brazil, in 1999 and 2000. A standardized questionnaire was administered at the individuals' home to collect data about pain, sociodemographic characteristics, and abdominal circumference measurement. The criterion for chronic pain classification was duration above six months. Prevalence of pain was estimated by adjusted prevalence ratio with confidence interval of 95% and pOBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia de dolor crónico, identificando los factores asociados. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal realizado en muestra poblacional de 2.297 individuos con edad igual o superior a 20 años, en Salvador (Noreste de Brasil), en 1999 y 2000. Se aplicó en domicilio cuestionario estandarizado para colectar datos sobre dolor y características sociodemográficas y la medida de la circunferencia abdominal. El criterio para clasificación de dolor crónico fue duración superior a seis meses. Fueron estimadas las prevalencias de dolor por razón de prevalencia ajustada con intervalo con 95% de confianza y valor de pOBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de dor crônica, identificando os fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado em amostra populacional de 2.297 indivíduos com idade igual ou superior a 20 anos, em Salvador (BA), em 1999 e 2000. Aplicou-se em domicílio questionário padronizado para coleta de dados sobre dor e características sociodemográficas e a medida da circunferência abdominal. O critério para classificação de dor crônica foi duração superior a seis meses. Foram estimadas as prevalências de dor por razão de prevalência ajustada com intervalo com 95% de confiança e valor de

    Perfil de resiliencia en pacientes con dolor crónico

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar perfis de resiliência em paciente com dor crônica. Utilizando a Análise de Classes Latentes, em uma amostra de 414 pacientes com dor crônica musculoesquelética, foram identificados três perfis: resiliência primária (40%), composto por indivíduos de até 40 anos, que têm alta escolaridade, buscam os cuidados médicos, não trabalham e não apresentam sintomas de estresse psicológico; resiliência secundária (30%), composto por mulheres com mais de 54 anos, que têm baixo nível de escolaridade, buscam cuidados médicos, não trabalham e apresentam baixa probabilidade de experimentar sintomas de estresse psicológico; resiliência terciária (29%), composto por mulheres com médio nível de escolaridade, idade entre 40 e 54 anos, que trabalham, não buscam cuidados médicos e têm alta probabilidade de experimentar sintomas de estresse psicológico. Os três perfis revelam caminhos distintos de resiliência na dor crônica com relevância para prática clínica, destacando a atuação multidisciplinar nos cuidados ao paciente com dor crônica.The aim of this study was to identify resilience profiles of patients with chronic pain. Using latent class analysis in a sample of 414 patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain, three profiles were identified: primary resilience (40%), consisting of individuals 40 years or younger with high education, who seek medical care, are not working, and without symptoms of psychological stress; secondary resilience (30%), consisting of women over 54 years of age with low schooling, who seek medical care, are not working, and with low likelihood of symptoms of psychological stress; tertiary resilience (29%), women with medium schooling, 40 to 54 years old, working, who do not seek medical care, and with a high likelihood of symptoms of psychological stress. The three profiles display different paths of resilience in chronic pain that are relevant to clinical practice, highlighting the importance of multidisciplinary care for patients with chronic pain.El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar perfiles de resiliencia en pacientes con dolor crónico. Utilizando el análisis de clases latentes, en una muestra de 414 pacientes con dolor crónico musculoesquelético, fueron identificados tres perfiles: resiliencia primaria (40%), compuesto por individuos de hasta 40 años, que tienen una alta escolaridad, buscan cuidados médicos, no trabajan y no presentan síntomas de estrés psicológico; resiliencia secundaria (30%), compuesto por mujeres con más de 54 años, que tienen bajo nivel de escolaridad, buscan cuidados médicos, no trabajan y presentan baja probabilidad de experimentar síntomas de estrés psicológico; resiliencia terciaria (29%), compuesto por mujeres con medio nivel de escolaridad, edad entre 40 y 54 años, que trabajan, no buscan cuidados médicos y tienen una alta probabilidad de experimentar síntomas de estrés psicológi-co. Los tres perfiles revelan caminos distintos de resiliencia en el dolor crónico, con relevancia para la práctica clínica, destacando la actuación multidisciplinaria en los cuidados al paciente con dolor crónico

    Methods of preparation of health education materials for adults: an integrative review

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    Introdução – Uma boa comunicação entre profissionais de saúde e pacientes favorece vínculos e transmissão de conhecimento. Os materiais socioeducativos podem ampliar essa comunicação, complementar informações, favorecer a autonomia e serem consultados inúmeras vezes. Objetivo – Identificar a metodologia utilizada para a elaboração de materiais de educação em saúde impressos para adultos. Métodos – Foi realizada uma revisão integrativa, de acordo com o PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis), por dois investigadores independentes nas bases de dados PubMed e SciELO. A seleção envolveu a leitura de títulos, resumos e textos completos. Foram incluídos estudos reprodutíveis, sem delimitação de tempo e idioma; e foram excluídos os materiais para educação profissional, de crianças e duplicados. Resultados – Foram selecionados treze artigos que envolveram a aproximação do público-alvo e/ou pesquisa do tema na literatura nas bases PubMed, SciELO, Lilacs e literatura cinzenta. Houve um consenso quanto à necessidade de linguagem clara e compreensível, ilustrações e diagramação para facilitar a compreensão. Conclusões – A metodologia para elaboração de materiais educativos em saúde é diversa, baseia-se em revisão da literatura, aproximação com o público-alvo, mas nem sempre avalia o nível de alfabetização em saúde do público-alvo.ABSTRACT: Introduction – Good communication between health professionals and patients favors links and knowledge transfer. Socio-educational materials can extend or expand this communication, complement information, promote autonomy as well as the possibility to be consulted repeatedly. Objective – To identify the methodology used for the elaboration of printed health education materials for adults Methods – Integrative review according to the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) was performed by two independent researchers in the Pubmed, and SciELO, and Lilacs, and gray literature databases. The selection involved reading titles, abstracts, and full texts. Reproducible studies were included, without confining time and language. Also, materials for professional and child education were excluded along with recurrences. Results – Thirteen articles selected involved the approximation to the target public and/or search of the topic in the literature. There was a consensus regarding the need for a clear and understandable language, illustrations and diagrams to ease understanding. Conclusion – Methodology for the elaboration of educational materials in the health area is diverse. It is based on a literature review together with an approach to the target audience, but it does not always evaluate the health literacy level of the targeted public.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Métodos de elaboração de materiais de educação em saúde para adultos: revisão integrativa

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    Introdução – Uma boa comunicação entre profissionais de saúde e pacientes favorece vínculos e transmissão de conhecimento. Os materiais socioeducativos podem ampliar essa comunicação, complementar informações, favorecer a autonomia e serem consultados inúmeras vezes. Objetivo – Identificar a metodologia utilizada para a elaboração de materiais de educação em saúde impressos para adultos. Métodos – Foi realizada uma revisão integrativa, de acordo com o PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis), por dois investigadores independentes nas bases de dados PubMed e SciELO. A seleção envolveu a leitura de títulos, resumos e textos completos. Foram incluídos estudos reprodutíveis, sem delimitação de tempo e idioma; e foram excluídos os materiais para educação profissional, de crianças e duplicados. Resultados – Foram selecionados treze artigos que envolveram a aproximação do público-alvo e/ou pesquisa do tema na literatura nas bases PubMed, SciELO, Lilacs e literatura cinzenta. Houve um consenso quanto à necessidade de linguagem clara e compreensível, ilustrações e diagramação para facilitar a compreensão. Conclusões – A metodologia para elaboração de materiais educativos em saúde é diversa, baseia-se em revisão da literatura, aproximação com o público-alvo, mas nem sempre avalia o nível de alfabetização em saúde do público-alvo

    Balance assessment in HTLV-1 associated myelopathy or tropical spastic paraparesis

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    INTRODUCTION: A good rating of the device in people with HTLV-1 in this population is essential for accuracy in prescribing data (walking). Thus, this study aimed to analyze the counterpart assessment methods that are best suited to patients with human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV)-1 associated myelopathy or tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). METHODS: This cross-sectional study related stabilometric and kinematic variables of postural oscillations with Berg’s balance scale (BBS) and Timed Up and Go (TUG) in subjects with HAM/TSP compared to asymptomatic subjects. To assess the posterior and lateral postural projection, baropodometry and the Footwork® system was used, and the CVMob system was applied to kinematic parameters. The means comparison tests and correlations were applied with an alpha of 5%. RESULTS: Thirty-nine subjects (predominantly female) made up the sample. There was an increase in barodopometric oscillations, in the total oscillation area (p = 0.004), in the anteroposterior oscillation in the left (p = 0.015) and right views (p = 0.036), and in the lateral oscillation (p = 0.039) in the HAM/TSP group. Moderate correlations were found between oscillation baropodometry and the angular variation of the ankle, as well as with the BBS in the three angles and the TUG for lateral oscillation (p = 0.406). CONCLUSIONS: Each method has advantages and disadvantages, including cost accuracy. The best resources available at no additional cost for outpatient to use are the kinematic evaluation using a simple smartphone camera and free analysis software, and the TUG.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The immediate effect of transcranial direct current stimulation combined with peripheral electrical stimulation in the control of temporomandibular pain in subjects with sickle cell disease: A protocol for one session randomized, crossover, double-blind clinical trial

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    INTRODUCTION: Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is currently considered a central sensitization syndrome that belongs to the orofacial nociplastic pain group and offers great challenges for clinical practice. It can also be identified in individuals with sickle cell disease. Neuromodulation is a promising therapy that can help individuals with refractory chronic pain. To our knowledge, there is no treatment proposal for these individuals with chronic orofacial pain resulting from sickle cell disease. OBJECTIVE: This is a protocol of a randomized, double-blind, cross-over clinical trial. The purpose of this protocol is to investigate whether the immediate effect of transcranial direct current stimulation can be increased by adding the effect of peripheral sensory electrical stimulation. METHODS: Twenty women between 18 and 49 years of age will be screened to participate in this cross-over study where they will all receive the three types of protocol with a one-week washout. Active transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) + active Peripheral Electrical Stimulation (PES); Active tDCS + PES sham and tDCS sham + PES sham. Stimulation with tDCS will be at 2 mA anodic over the motor cortex for 20 minutes ipsilateral to the most painful temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Peripheral electrical stimulation will be at 100 Hz over the most painful TMJ masseter muscle for 30 min. OUTCOME: The main outcome will be pain intensity assessed by VAS scale and by a pressure algometer in grams. In addition, endogenous pain modulation will be analyzed through the temporal summation of pain with Aesthesio precision tactile sensory filaments and conditioned pain modulation (CPM) evaluated by an algometer and thermal conditioned stimulus, as secondary outcomes. Data will be analyzed using ANOVA of repeated measures, controlling for confounding variables

    Analgesic Effect of Cathodal Transcranial Current Stimulation Over Right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Subjects with Muscular Temporomandibular Disorders: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Temporomandibular disorders are a group of orofacial pain conditions that are commonly identified in the general population. Like many other chronic pain conditions, they can be associated with anxiety/depression, which can be related to changes in the activity of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Some studies have demonstrated clinical improvement in subjects with chronic pain who are given therapeutic neuromodulation. Transcranial direct current stimulation is a noninvasive brain stimulation technique that allows the modulation of neuronal membranes. This therapy can enhance or inhibit action potential generation in cortical neurons. In some instances, medications acting in the central nervous system may be helpful despite their adverse side effects. It is important to determine if cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, an area that modulates emotion and motor cortex excitability, has an analgesic effect on chronic temporomandibular disorders pain. METHOD/DESIGN: The investigators will run a randomized, controlled crossover double blind study with 15 chronic muscular temporomandibular disorder subjects. Each subject will undergo active (1 mA and 2 mA) and sham transcranial direct current stimulation. Inclusion criteria will be determined by the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders questionnaire, with subjects who have a pain visual analogic scale score of greater than 4/10 and whose pain has been present for the previous 6 months, and with a State-Trait Anxiety Inventory score of more than 42. The influence of transcranial direct current stimulation will be assessed through a visual analogic scale, quantitative sensory testing, quantitative electroencephalogram, and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory score. DISCUSSION: Some studies have demonstrated a strong association between anxiety/depression and chronic pain, where one may be the cause of the other. This is especially true in chronic temporomandibular disorders, and breaking this cycle may have an effect over the symptoms and associated dysfunction. We believe that by inhibiting activity of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex though cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation, there may be a change in both anxiety/depression and pain level. Transcranial direct current stimulation may emerge as a new tool to be considered for managing these patients. We envision that the information obtained from this study will provide a better understanding of the management of chronic temporomandibular disorders. TRIAL REGISTRATION: This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov on 24 May 2014 (Identifier: NCT02152267 )

    Frequência Alfa na meditação Gurdjieff

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    Introdução: A meditação é uma prática que visa regular o estado mental e as emoções, podendo induzir a estados alterados de consciência. Dentre inúmeras técnicas de meditação, o trabalho proposto por George I. Gurdjieff, inclui práticas voltadas para o recolhimento da atenção e o equilíbrio entre a atividade do corpo, da mente e do sentimento. Estudos realizados com eletroencefalografia (EEG), avaliando o estado meditativo em geral, demonstraram um padrão cerebral caracterizado pelo aumento da amplitude dos ritmos eletroencefalográficos alfa e teta, bem como diferenças na atividade alfa entre a meditação e o relaxamento. Entretanto, isto não está caracterizado em meditadores da linha de G.I. Gurdjieff, que praticam, além de meditações sentadas, exercícios corporais acompanhados de uma música própria e exercícios de atenção durante a vida diária. Objetivo: Comparar a atividade cerebral da frequência alfa durante os estágios de meditação e relaxamento e avaliar as diferenças entre as regiões frontal, central e occipital nesses dois estados, em meditadores experientes do grupo Gurdjieff, de Salvador-Bahia-Brasil. Metodologia: A coleta da atividade cerebral dos 8 voluntários foi realizada através do EEG. O protocolo de coleta adotado foi de 6 minutos de relaxamento e 12 minutos de meditação. Resultados: Foi encontrado aumento significativo da potência alfa durante a meditação, quando comparada ao relaxamento. As regiões frontal e central não apresentaram diferenças entre si para a potência alfa, enquanto a região occipital apresentou aumento da potência alfa em comparação com as regiões frontal e central. Existe um aumento da densidade de alfa durante a meditação em todas as regiões cerebrais testadas, com maior densidade na região occipital. Conclusão: A frequência alfa comporta-se de forma diferente durante a meditação, comparada ao relaxamento, com um aumento da densidade de potência durante o estado meditativo em todas as regiões avaliadas, sendo a região occipital a que apresentou maior potência

    Update on the Use of Transcranial Electrical Brain Stimulation to Manage Acute and Chronic COVID-19 Symptoms

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    The coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in the urgent need to develop and deploy treatment approaches that can minimize mortality and morbidity. As infection, resulting illness, and the often prolonged recovery period continue to be characterized, therapeutic roles for transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) have emerged as promising non-pharmacological interventions. tES techniques have established therapeutic potential for managing a range of conditions relevant to COVID-19 illness and recovery, and may further be relevant for the general management of increased mental health problems during this time. Furthermore, these tES techniques can be inexpensive, portable, and allow for trained self-administration. Here, we summarize the rationale for using tES techniques, specifically transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS), across the COVID-19 clinical course, and index ongoing efforts to evaluate the inclusion of tES optimal clinical care

    Effect of neuromodulation on pain and functional mobility in people with HTLV-1: randomized clinical trial protocol

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    BACKGROUND: The main symptoms of myelopathy associated with human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 or tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM / TSP) are the presence of high intensity pain in the lower back, spasticity and weakness in the lower limbs, loss of balance and difficulties in locomotion.  Pulsed Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) has been able to influence cortical plasticity, decreasing spasticity, increasing motor performance and promoting analgesia in several similar conditions.  OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effect of neuromodulation by pulsed transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on pain and functional mobility in individuals with HAM / TSP.  METHODOLOGY: A randomized clinical trial will be conducted in a sample made up of 40 participants randomly allocated into two groups: Sham Group (SG) with 20 and Test Group (TG) with 20 patients.  Individuals aged> 20 years, community walkers with or without orthosis, with chronic pain (? 6 months) in the lumbar region and / or lower limbs will be included.  Individuals with epilepsy, cancer, pregnant women, patients with cardiac pacemakers, metallic implants in the brain or skull, users of illicit drugs and / or use of controlled medications in the last six months will be excluded.  The protocol will be applied for 10 consecutive days with eight months of follow-up.  Our hypothesis is that when using rTMs according to the proposed procedure, it will be possible to relieve pain and improve the functional mobility of these individuals with a long-lasting effect.  CONCLUSION: We hope that rTMS is a promising treatment to reduce pain intensity and to improve functional mobility in individuals undergoing active modality. We declare this protocol a promising resource for the treatment of htlv-1 individuals in reducing pain and improving functional mobility. Yes, this protocol has already been applied to 6 patients. However, with the pandemic the study had to be discontinued. However, despite the small sample size and not being fully applied as suggested by the protocol, it was possible to notice a satisfactory result of the intervention. Thus, the application of this protocol can contribute to identify the result of this therapeutic modality in a safer way, as well as assist in the treatment of symptoms of this population, favoring a better quality of life
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