59 research outputs found

    Comparison of Levetiracetam and sodium Valproate in the prevention of migraine: a randomized clinical trial study

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    Background: Sodium valproate is an anti-seizure drug used for prophylactic use of migraine headaches. Despite the efficacy of this drug due to complications that cause some patients to not tolerate the drug. The purpose of this study was to Comparison of levotiracetam and Sodium valproate in migraine prophylaxis.Methods: This is a clinical trials study. 100 migraineurs who referred to the Alavi neurology clinic and indicated the onset of prophylaxis of migraine were studied in two groups of 50, one of which was a group of levetiracetam and another group of sodium valproate Received. Patients received daily 500mg of drug for 3 months and the effect of the drug on the number of attacks, severity of attacks, and MIDAS score was measured. Collected data analyzed by statistical methods in SPSS version 19. P<0.05 was considered as significant.Results: In both cases, significant improvement was observed in the number of attacks, severity and MIDAS score. In all of the criteria, levetiracetam and sodium valproate were almost identical, except for reducing the number of headache attacks that had a significantly in levothyramine group less than sodium valporoste group (P = 0.0001).Conclusions: This study showed that levothyramineacetamin can be used as a good alternative in those who do not tolerate sodium valproate

    Investigation of the development obstacles of the informational literacy of faculty members in Region 1 Universities, Iran

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    The present research investigates the development of obstacles to the informational literacy of faculty member in Islamic Azad Universities, and presents the proposed methods to improve this skill. The present research appraises the technological, economic, cultural, structural and human obstacles in university environments. The present research is survey-descriptive and Statistical population consists of 2131 faculty members of region1 Islamic Azad Universities in 2011-2012. The sample consists of 325 professors based on Morgan’s table. We selected them using cluster random sampling, so we selected several universities and appraised their professors. The data collected by a questionnaire that is made by researcher based on liker’s spectrum. This questionnaire was used after the determination of its validity by specialists and its stability was conformed using Cronbach Alpha coefficient (Alpha: 0.941). The analysis of data carried out using descriptive statistics methods (frequency, the percent of frequency, mean and standard deviation) and SPSS software. The results of research show that economic and technological obstacles are the most important obstacles of the informational literacy of faculty members

    Investigation of the development obstacles of the informational literacy of faculty members in Region 1 Universities, Iran

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    The present research investigates the development of obstacles to the informational literacy of faculty member in Islamic Azad Universities, and presents the proposed methods to improve this skill. The present research appraises the technological, economic, cultural, structural and human obstacles in university environments. The present research is survey-descriptive and Statistical population consists of 2131 faculty members of region1 Islamic Azad Universities in 2011-2012. The sample consists of 325 professors based on Morgan’s table. We selected them using cluster random sampling, so we selected several universities and appraised their professors. The data collected by a questionnaire that is made by researcher based on liker’s spectrum. This questionnaire was used after the determination of its validity by specialists and its stability was conformed using Cronbach Alpha coefficient (Alpha: 0.941). The analysis of data carried out using descriptive statistics methods (frequency, the percent of frequency, mean and standard deviation) and SPSS software. The results of research show that economic and technological obstacles are the most important obstacles of the informational literacy of faculty members

    Assessment of relative efficiency of countries in attaining human development sub indexes

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    Competitiveness and human development are two major aspects of nations' performance. However, the main objective of competitiveness should be to improve human development. In the current study, we aimed to examine the relative efficiency of countries in achieving the aforementioned target. In other words, the question is whether competitiveness has led to human development. To this end, we selected 31 countries with the same category in human development (high human development) and also with available data on competitiveness and its components. Due to the nature of the study, we used Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method. The model used in this study employed three subindexes of global competitiveness including basic requirements, efficiency enhancers, and innovation and sophistication factors as input variables and three subindexes of human development including life expectancy at birth, mean years of schooling, and per capita national income as output variables. Since, as noted, the goal of countries (DMUs) is to improve human development; this study employed an output-oriented DEA model. Though, a DEA model with either constant or variable return to scale could be used, this paper employs DEA with constant return to scale because variable case has extended to accommodate scale effects while in our case (where countries in the role of units under assessment are large enough) intrinsic scale effects do not exist and also CRS models have higher separable power for differentiating efficient and inefficient units. And finally after running the model we found that 9 out of 31 assessed countries are technically efficient which implies that these 9 countries have used competitiveness subindexes to attain expected values of human development sub-indexes. In 2012 Iran is an inefficient unit, having a technical efficiency rank of 19th among the assessed countries. As in this paper there are two kinds of variables, i.e. input and output variables, the most effective subindex which have lowered Iran's rank are life expectancy at birth for input variables and efficiency enhancers for output variables. Moreover, Albania and Venezuela have been introduced as reference set for Iran in this year

    Investigation of the development obstacles of the informational literacy of faculty members in Region 1 Universities, Iran

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    The present research investigates the development of obstacles to the informational literacy of faculty member in Islamic Azad Universities, and presents the proposed methods to improve this skill. The present research appraises the technological, economic, cultural, structural and human obstacles in university environments. The present research is survey-descriptive and Statistical population consists of 2131 faculty members of region1 Islamic Azad Universities in 2011-2012. The sample consists of 325 professors based on Morgan’s table. We selected them using cluster random sampling, so we selected several universities and appraised their professors. The data collected by a questionnaire that is made by researcher based on liker’s spectrum. This questionnaire was used after the determination of its validity by specialists and its stability was conformed using Cronbach Alpha coefficient (Alpha: 0.941). The analysis of data carried out using descriptive statistics methods (frequency, the percent of frequency, mean and standard deviation) and SPSS software. The results of research show that economic and technological obstacles are the most important obstacles of the informational literacy of faculty members

    Commencement and Development Processes of Flow Unsteadiness at Tip Clearance Region of a Low Speed Axial Compressor Rotor Blade Row

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    Commencement and development processes of unsteadiness, caused by blade row tip leakage flow in a low speed axial compressor, are investigated and results are presented in this paper. Analyses are based on results obtained through numerical simulation of unsteady three dimensional viscous flows. Discretization of the Navier-Stokes’s equations has been carried out based on upwind second-order scheme and k-ω-SST turbulence modeling was used for estimation of eddy viscosity.Three different circumstances, including design point and two near stall conditions are considered for investigation and discussion. Tip leakage flow frequency spectrums were examined through surveying instantaneous static pressure signals imposed on the blades surfaces. Focusing on time dependent flow structure results signified existence of some pressure peaks at near stall conditions. These regions, which are created as a result of interaction between main inflow and tip leakage flow, lead to occurrence of self-induced unsteadiness. However, at design condition, flow is more affected by the main inflow instead of the tip leakage flow. By occurrence of self-induced unsteadiness, which occurs at near stall condition, tip leakage vortex flow starts to fluctuate at a frequency about the blade passing frequency. Further decrease in the flow rate up to a specified value showed no significant variations in the leakage flow frequency, but, on the other hand, magnified amplitudes of this unsteadiness

    Assessment of the Prevalence of Staphylococcus Areus in Nose of the Surgical Staff of Hajar and kashani's Hospital in 2015

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    زمینه و هدف: استافیلوکوک طلایی یکی از شایع ترین علل عفونت های بیمارستانی است. این مطالعه با هدف بررسی میزان فراوانی حاملین بینی استافیلوکوکوس اورئوس و ارتباط آن با آلودگی صورت گرفت. روش بررسی: در این مقاله تحقیقاتی کوتاه در مرحله ی اول، نمونه ها به صورت تصادفی از دست کارکنان بخش های مختلف بیمارستان کاشانی و هاجر شهرکرد اخذ شد و پس از کشت، نتایج توسط نرم افزار SPSS و آزمون های آماری کای اسکویر و دقیق فیشر مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت. یافته ها: از 90 نفری که در مرحله ی اول انتخاب شدند، 44 نفر (8/48) در هر دو نوبت، نمونه ی دست آلوده داشتند. ارتباط معنی داری از نظر آماری بین تعداد حاملین بینی و آلودگی دست ها مشاهده شد (0/05&gt;P). نتیجه گیری: این مطالعه نشان داد که حاملین بینی استافیلوکوک طلایی می توانند باعث آلودگی دست ها به این باکتری شده و این امر به انتشار این باکتری به خصوص در محیط بیمارستانی کمک می نماید


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    Abstract. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of job stress on the commitment and turnover of the employees of Saderat Bank in Zabol by considering the mediating role of job burnout. The statistical population of this study consists of all employees and managers of branches of Saderat Bank in Zabol, who are currently working. According to the prosecution, the size of the population is estimated 1248 people. For sampling, the Cochran sample size formula with limited population was used. Finally, 295 statistical units were analyzed. The data collection instrument used in this study was a series of standard questionnaires. Additionally, in order to describe the data analysis and to test the hypothesis of the research, inferential statistics and structural equation modeling method have been usedand analyzed via LISREL. After analyzing the data, the results of research hypothesis testing indicate that job stress has a positive effect on job burnout and job stress has positive effect on turnover. In addition, the negative effect of job burnout on organizational commitment was accepted.Keywords: Job Stress, Job Burnout, Organizational Commitment, Branches of Saderat Bank in Zabol

    Prevalence of constitutive and inducible resistance to clindamycin in staphylococci isolates from Hajar and Kashani hospitals in Shahrekord, 2014

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    چکیده مقدمه: مقاومت به کلیندامایسین در استافیلوکوکها به دو صورت بنیادی و القایی ایجاد می شود. درسویه هایی از این باکتریها که به اریترومایسین مقاوم هستند، ممکن است مقاومت القایی به کلیندامایسین نیز رخ دهد که با روش&zwnj;های معمول آنتی بیوگرام قابل تشخیص نیست. این مطالعه با هدف تعیین فنوتیپ های القایی مقاوم به کلیندامایسین در سویه&zwnj;های استافیلوکوک جدا شده ازبیماران بستری در بیمارستان&zwnj;های هاجر و کاشانی شهرکرد انجام شد. روش بررسی: این مطالعه توصیفی &ndash;تحلیلی برروی 200 ایزوله استافیلوکوکوس اورئوس و استافیلوکوک کواگولاز منفی مقاوم به متی سیلین که ازنمونه های بالینی بیماران جدا شده بودند با استفاده ازروش دیسک دیفیوژن انجام گرفت. مقاومت به کلیندامایسین درایزوله ها یی که به اریترومایسین مقاوم بودند، با ظهورهاله حساسیت به شکل D مشخص گردید. یافته&zwnj;ها: از بین 200 ایزوله استافیلوکوک مقاوم به متی سیلین، فنوتیپ D در ۶ ایزوله (3) (یک ایزوله استافیلوکوکوس اورئوس و ۵ ایزوله استافیلوکوک کواگولاز منفی) مشاهده شد. در چهار ایزوله فنوتیپ مثبت Dمشاهده شد. 13 ایزوله نیز فنوتیپ D منفی رانشان دادند. نتیجه گیری: تست تعیین مقاومتهای القایی روش مناسبی برای شناسایی الگوهای مقاومت در بین سویه های مختلف استافیلوکوک می باشد. به نظر می رسد انجام تست D درسویه های با فنوتیپ مقاوم به اریترومایسین ضروری بوده، وبا انجام این آزمایش می توان گزارش صحیح تری از حساسیت واقعی این سویه ها نسبت به کلیندامایسین ارائه داد. واژگان کلیدی: تست القا، کلیندامایسین، استافیلوکوکوس اورئوس، استافیلوکوکهای کوآگولازمنف

    Knowledge of Medical University Students over Osteoporosis

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     Introduction: Osteoporosis is called “silent  illness", in  which   the  bones  get  lost  without  any  signs  , with symptoms  of  pain  and  fracture  developing in advanced stages . According to the World Health Organization statistics, about 40% of women and 10%   of men are at risk of osteoporosis during their lifetime. Osteoporosis is more common among women than in men   and in Iran half of women over the age of 45 and 90% of women over 75 are afflicted with it. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge of Ardabil medical university students toward osteoporosis.Materials and Methods: This  is  a descriptive  cross-sectional  study  that has been performed over  258  students  of  Ardabil  medical university in different fields  of  study.  The data collection method was a research based questionnaire including demographic data and questions about knowledge of osteoporosis. Data were analyzed using statistical methods in SPSS version 16. P value of less than 5% was considered as significant.Results:  69.5 percent of students were female students and the rest were male. 31.2 percent had good knowledge, 61.3   percent average   knowledge and 7.5 percent poor knowledge toward osteoporosis. The most correct answer was “to have suitable  nutrition in preventing osteoporosis” and “high risk to older people  for  osteoporosis” which were  statistically  significant  and   the  lowest  correct  answer  (5.8%)  was  related  to “increase the  risk  of  osteoporosis by removing ovaries”.Conclusion: Considering the high prevalence of osteoporosis and increasing the number of seniors over the past decades, the country should take necessary measures in order  to  raise  the  level  of  awareness  of  the  community  and  especially  students  about  osteoporosis such as the risk factors, prevention  and  complications  of  the  disease through  the  health  system  and  governmental or non-governmental organs .   