190 research outputs found

    Nutrient limitation of primary producers affects planktivorous fish condition

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    We investigated whether nutrient limitations of primary producers act upward through food webs only in terms of density effects or if there is a second pathway for nutrient limitation signals channelled upward to higher trophic levels. We used tritrophic food chains to assess the effects of nutrient-limited phytoplankters (the cryptophyte Rhodomonas salina) on herbivorous zooplankters (the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa) and finally zooplanktivores (larval herring Clupea harengus) living on the herbivores. The primary producers� food quality had a significant effect on fish condition. Our experimental phosphorus-limited food chain resulted in larval fish with a significantly poorer condition than their counterparts reared under nitrogen-limited or nutrient-sufficient conditions. Our results show that mineral nutrient requirements of consumers have to be satisfied first before fatty acids can promote further growth. This challenges the match/mismatch hypothesis, which links larval fish survival probability solely to prey availability, and could imply that reduced nutrient releases into the environment may affect fish stocks even more severely than previously believed

    Spectral fingerprinting for specific algal groups on sediments in situ: a new sensor

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    Currently it is still extremely difficult to adequately sample populations of microalgae on sediments for large-scale biomass determination. We have now devised a prototype of a new benthic sensor (BenthoFluor) for the quantitative and qualitative assessment of microphytobenthos populations in situ. This sensor enables a high spatial and temporal resolution and a rapid evaluation of the community structure and distribution. These determinations are based on the concept that five spectral excitation ranges can be used to differentiate groups of microalgae, in situ, within a few seconds. In addition, because sediments contain a lot of yellow substances, which can affect the fluorescence and optical differentiation of the algae, the device was equipped with a UV-LED for yellow substances correction. The device was calibrated against HPLC with cultures and tested in the field. Our real-time approach can be used to monitor algal assemblage composition on sediments and is an ideal tool for investigations on the large-scale spatial and temporal variation of algal populations in sediments. Apart from the differentiation of algal populations, the BenthoFluor allows instantaneous monitoring of the chlorophyll concentrations and determination of which algae are responsible for this on the uppermost surface of sediments in the field and in experimental set-ups

    Effects of high CO2 and warming on a Baltic Sea microzooplankton community

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    Global warming and ocean acidification are among the most important stressors for aquatic ecosystems in the future. To investigate their direct and indirect effects on a near-natural plankton community, a multiple-stressor approach is needed. Hence, we set up mesocosms in a full-factorial design to study the effects of both warming and high CO2 on a Baltic Sea autumn plankton community, concentrating on the impacts on microzooplankton (MZP). MZP abundance, biomass, and species composition were analysed over the course of the experiment. We observed that warming led to a reduced time-lag between the phytoplankton bloom and an MZP biomass maximum. MZP showed a significantly higher growth rate and an earlier biomass peak in the warm treatments while the biomass maximum was not affected. Increased pCO2 did not result in any significant effects on MZP biomass, growth rate, or species composition irrespective of the temperature, nor did we observe any significant interactions between CO2 and temperature. We attribute this to the high tolerance of this estuarine plankton community to fluctuations in pCO2, often resulting in CO2 concentrations higher than the predicted end-of-century concentration for open oceans. In contrast, warming can be expected to directly affect MZP and strengthen its coupling with phytoplankton by enhancing its grazing pressure

    Contrasting phytoplankton-zooplankton distributions observed through autonomous platforms, in-situ optical sensors and discrete sampling

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    Plankton distributions are remarkably ‘patchy’ in the ocean. In this study, we investigated the contrasting phytoplankton-zooplankton distributions in relation to wind mixing events in waters around a biodiversity-rich island (Runde) located off the western coast of Norway. We used adaptive sampling from AUV and shipboard profiles of in-situ phytoplankton photo-physiology and particle identification (copepods, fecal pellets and the dinoflagellate Tripos spp.) and quantification using optical and imaging sensors. Additionally, traditional seawater and net sampling were collected for nutrient and in-vitro chlorophyll a concentrations and phytoplankton and meso-zooplankton abundances. Persistent strong wind conditions (~5 days) disrupted the stratification in offshore regions, while stratification and a subsurface chlorophyll maximum (SCM) were observed above the base of the mixed layer depth (MLD ~30 m) in inshore waters. Contrasting phytoplankton and zooplankton abundances were observed between inshore (with the presence of a SCM) and offshore waters (without the presence of a SCM). At the SCM, phytoplankton abundances (Tripos spp., the diatom Proboscia alata and other flagellates) were half (average of 200 cell L-1) of those observed offshore. On the contrary, meso-zooplankton counts were ~6× higher (732 ind m-3 for Calanus spp.) inshore (where a SCM was observed) compared to offshore areas. In parallel, fecal pellets and ammonium concentrations were high (>1000 ind m-3 for the upper 20 m) at the SCM, suggesting that the shallow mixed layer might have increased encounter rates and promoted strong grazing pressure. Low nutrient concentrations (< 1μM for nitrate) were found below the MLD (60 m) in offshore waters, suggesting that mixing and nutrient availability likely boosted phytoplankton abundances. The size of the absorption cross-section (σPII’) and yield of photosystem II photochemistry under ambient light (φPII’) changed according to depth, while the depth-related electron flow (JPII) was similar between regions, suggesting a high degree of community plasticity to changes in the light regime. Our results emphasize the importance of using multiple instrumentation, in addition to traditional seawater and net sampling for a holistic understanding of plankton distributions.publishedVersio

    Broad-scale distribution of the winter protozooplankton community in the North Sea.

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    Protozooplankton (PZP) (here size range: 12–200 μm) are rarely sampled over a broad scale, especially in ecosystem monitoring programs, despite their trophodynamic importance as grazers in the microbial loop and as prey for larger zooplankton and early life stages of fish. In this study we sampled PZP from Dutch, French,German and Norwegian research vessels taking part in the annual ICES coordinated International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS) which provides data on fish stock abundances and status for the entire North Sea. The abundance,biomass, composition and distribution of PZP were examined at 39 stations across the North Sea (from 3.2°W to 7.6°E and 50.5 to 59.8°N) in mid-winter (January–February 2014), a period of the year which is under-investigated so far. Twenty four taxa of dinoflagellates and ciliates were identified. Two groups comprised 89% of the total abundance of PZP: Gymnodinium spp. and other athecate dinoflagellates (68%) and Strombidium spp. and other naked ciliates (21%). The biomass of PZP at each station ranged between 0.08 and 2.4 μg C L−1, which is much lower than that reported for spring or summer (≥100 μg C L−1) in the North Sea. Relatively small-sized (< 40 μm) PZP contributed 46% of the total biomass. No significant spatial pattern in the composition of the PZP community was found, although the total abundance of tintinnids was highest in the southern North Sea, an important over-wintering area for marine fish larvae. Using this fish survey (IBTS) as a sampling platform allowed us to obtain a synoptic view of the PZP community over a large area. The present collaborative effort provides an example of how existing monitoring platforms can be augmented in the future to collect relevant data and potential ecological indicators needed to advance the ecosystem-based approach to managing marine systems.Broad-scale distribution of the winter protozooplankton community in the North Sea.publishedVersio

    Overview of the MOSAiC expedition:Ecosystem

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    An international and interdisciplinary sea ice drift expedition, the ‘The Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate‘ (MOSAiC), was conducted from October 2019 to September 2020. The aim of MOSAiC was to study the interconnected physical, chemical and biological characteristics and processes from the atmosphere to the deep sea of the central Arctic system. The ecosystem team addressed current knowledge gaps and explored unknown biological properties over a complete seasonal cycle focusing on three major research areas: biodiversity, biogeochemical cycles and linkages to the environment. In addition to the coverage of core properties along a complete seasonal cycle, dedicated projects covered specific processes and habitats, or organisms on higher taxonomic or temporal resolution. A wide range of sampling approaches from sampling, sea ice coring, lead sampling to CTD rosette-based water sampling, plankton nets, ROVs and acoustic buoys was applied to address the science objectives. Further, a wide range of process-related measurements to address e.g. productivity patterns, seasonal migrations and diversity shifts were conducted both in situ and onboard RV Polarstern. This paper provides a detailed overview of the sampling approaches used to address the three main science objectives. It highlights the core sampling program and provides examples of two habitat- or process-specific projects. First results presented include high biological activities in winter time and the discovery of biological hotspots in underexplored habitats. The unique interconnectivity of the coordinated sampling efforts also revealed insights into cross-disciplinary interactions like the impact of biota on Arctic cloud formation. This overview further presents both lessons learned from conducting such a demanding field campaign and an outlook on spin-off projects to be conducted over the next years

    Overview of the MOSAiC expedition:Ecosystem

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    An international and interdisciplinary sea ice drift expedition, the ‘The Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate‘ (MOSAiC), was conducted from October 2019 to September 2020. The aim of MOSAiC was to study the interconnected physical, chemical and biological characteristics and processes from the atmosphere to the deep sea of the central Arctic system. The ecosystem team addressed current knowledge gaps and explored unknown biological properties over a complete seasonal cycle focusing on three major research areas: biodiversity, biogeochemical cycles and linkages to the environment. In addition to the coverage of core properties along a complete seasonal cycle, dedicated projects covered specific processes and habitats, or organisms on higher taxonomic or temporal resolution. A wide range of sampling approaches from sampling, sea ice coring, lead sampling to CTD rosette-based water sampling, plankton nets, ROVs and acoustic buoys was applied to address the science objectives. Further, a wide range of process-related measurements to address e.g. productivity patterns, seasonal migrations and diversity shifts were conducted both in situ and onboard RV Polarstern. This paper provides a detailed overview of the sampling approaches used to address the three main science objectives. It highlights the core sampling program and provides examples of two habitat- or process-specific projects. First results presented include high biological activities in winter time and the discovery of biological hotspots in underexplored habitats. The unique interconnectivity of the coordinated sampling efforts also revealed insights into cross-disciplinary interactions like the impact of biota on Arctic cloud formation. This overview further presents both lessons learned from conducting such a demanding field campaign and an outlook on spin-off projects to be conducted over the next years

    Overview of the MOSAiC expedition:Ecosystem

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    An international and interdisciplinary sea ice drift expedition, the ‘The Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate‘ (MOSAiC), was conducted from October 2019 to September 2020. The aim of MOSAiC was to study the interconnected physical, chemical and biological characteristics and processes from the atmosphere to the deep sea of the central Arctic system. The ecosystem team addressed current knowledge gaps and explored unknown biological properties over a complete seasonal cycle focusing on three major research areas: biodiversity, biogeochemical cycles and linkages to the environment. In addition to the coverage of core properties along a complete seasonal cycle, dedicated projects covered specific processes and habitats, or organisms on higher taxonomic or temporal resolution. A wide range of sampling approaches from sampling, sea ice coring, lead sampling to CTD rosette-based water sampling, plankton nets, ROVs and acoustic buoys was applied to address the science objectives. Further, a wide range of process-related measurements to address e.g. productivity patterns, seasonal migrations and diversity shifts were conducted both in situ and onboard RV Polarstern. This paper provides a detailed overview of the sampling approaches used to address the three main science objectives. It highlights the core sampling program and provides examples of two habitat- or process-specific projects. First results presented include high biological activities in winter time and the discovery of biological hotspots in underexplored habitats. The unique interconnectivity of the coordinated sampling efforts also revealed insights into cross-disciplinary interactions like the impact of biota on Arctic cloud formation. This overview further presents both lessons learned from conducting such a demanding field campaign and an outlook on spin-off projects to be conducted over the next years

    Overview of the MOSAiC expedition:Ecosystem

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    An international and interdisciplinary sea ice drift expedition, the ‘The Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate‘ (MOSAiC), was conducted from October 2019 to September 2020. The aim of MOSAiC was to study the interconnected physical, chemical and biological characteristics and processes from the atmosphere to the deep sea of the central Arctic system. The ecosystem team addressed current knowledge gaps and explored unknown biological properties over a complete seasonal cycle focusing on three major research areas: biodiversity, biogeochemical cycles and linkages to the environment. In addition to the coverage of core properties along a complete seasonal cycle, dedicated projects covered specific processes and habitats, or organisms on higher taxonomic or temporal resolution. A wide range of sampling approaches from sampling, sea ice coring, lead sampling to CTD rosette-based water sampling, plankton nets, ROVs and acoustic buoys was applied to address the science objectives. Further, a wide range of process-related measurements to address e.g. productivity patterns, seasonal migrations and diversity shifts were conducted both in situ and onboard RV Polarstern. This paper provides a detailed overview of the sampling approaches used to address the three main science objectives. It highlights the core sampling program and provides examples of two habitat- or process-specific projects. First results presented include high biological activities in winter time and the discovery of biological hotspots in underexplored habitats. The unique interconnectivity of the coordinated sampling efforts also revealed insights into cross-disciplinary interactions like the impact of biota on Arctic cloud formation. This overview further presents both lessons learned from conducting such a demanding field campaign and an outlook on spin-off projects to be conducted over the next years
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