1,551 research outputs found

    Hopscotch Building: A Model for the Generation of Qualitative Research Designs

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    In this article we describe the process followed in the creation of the “Hopscotch Model,” a tool to help novice researchers thoroughly design qualitative research studies while learning the philosophical underpinnings of this particular form of research. The model helps to incorporate the theoretical background behind any qualitative study, as well as the intrinsic complexity of the multiple technical procedures that could be followed within the many different traditions in the field. Hopscotch is supported by an easy to use web-tool that drives potential users through the design of qualitative studies. In this article we describe the phases followed to generate the conceptual model and the web-tool. We conceived the Hopscotch model as a “boundary object,” plastic-enough to adapt to local needs and constraints of the stakeholders using it, yet robust enough to maintain a common identity across different communities, frameworks and possible scenarios in which it could be employed. Therefore, the proposed model is not intended to be complete nor prescriptive, but a flexible tool that can evolve and be completed by anyone. Even though a formal evaluation of the model and web-tool has not been conducted, in this work we present usage data supporting the usefulness of our proposal

    Hopscotch 2.0: an enhanced version of the Model for the Generation of Research Designs in Social Sciences and Education

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    The development of educational research designs might be daunting for novice researchers that have to make choices among the plethora of philosophical frameworks, research traditions, and different methods existing in the field. In this article we describe the process followed to formally evaluate Hopscotch, a model and a web-tool created by the author in 2015 to help novice researchers in the generation of solid and well-informed qualitative research designs. To do so, a responsive evaluation based on case study methods was conducted. The obtained results led us build a new 2.0 version of the Hopscotch\u27s web-tool overcoming the limitations identified by the users of the initial version launched in 2015. Among others, the web-tool now offers the possibility of creating not only qualitative research designs, but also quantitative and mixed-methods designs. The system also allows for the collaboration and sharing of research designs among its users. It also provides the option of generating visual representations of the key components of six different types of qualitative research designs, four types of quantitative research designs, and four types of mixed-methods research designs. This newly developed tool based on the principles of Open Science, aims at helping novice researchers to deeply reflect on the research designs for their dissertations, research studies and even capstone projects

    Variation propagation of bench vises in multi-stage machining processes

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    Comunicación presentada a MESIC 2019 8th Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference (Madrid, 19-21 de Junio de 2019)Variation propagation has been successfully modeled by the Stream of Variation (SoV) approach in multistage machining processes. However, the SoV model basically supports 3-2-1 fixtures based on punctual locators and other workholding systems such as conventional vises are not considered yet. In this paper, the SoV model is expanded to include the fixture- and datum-induced variations on workholding devices such as bench vises. The model derivation is validated through assembly and machining simulations on Computer Aided Design software. The case study analyzed shows an average error of part quality prediction between the SoV model and the CAD simulations of 0.26%

    Incorporation of form deviations into the matrix transformation method for tolerance analysis in assemblies

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    Comunicación presentada a MESIC 2019 8th Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference (Madrid, 19-21 de Junio de 2019)Mathematical models for tolerance representation are used to assess how the geometrical variation of a specific component feature propagates along the assembly, so that tolerance analysis in assemblies can be carried out using a specific tolerance propagation method. Several methods for tolerance analysis have been proposed in the literature, being some of them implemented in CAD systems. All these methods require modelling the geometrical variations of the component surfaces: parametric models, variational models, DoF models, etc. One of the most commonly used models is the DoF model, which is employed in a number of tolerance analysis methods: Small Displacement Torsor (SDT), Technologically and Topologically Related Surfaces (TTRS), Matrix Transformation, Unified Jacobian–Torsor model. However, none of the DoF-based tolerance analysis methods incorporates the effect of form deviations. Among the non DoF-based methods, there are two that include form tolerances: the Vector Loop or Kinematic method and the Tolerance Map (T-Map) model, although the latter is still under development. In this work, a proposal to incorporate form deviations into the matrix transformation method for tolerance analysis in assemblies is developed using a geometrical variation model based on the DoF model. The proposal is evaluated applying it to a 2D case study with components that only have flat surfaces, but the proposal can be extrapolated to 3D cases

    Una modelización de los años de vida ajustados por la calidad como utilidades esperadas

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    En el presente trabajo, los a\~nos de vida ajustados por la calidad (AVAC), son caracterizados como funciones de utilidad von Newman--Morgenstern. Esta caracterizaci\'on se efect\'ua para dos problemas de elecci\'on: la elecci\'on entre loter{\'\i}as definidas sobre estados de salud cr\'onicos y la elecci\'on entre loter{\'\i}as definidas sobre estados de salud temporales. En el primer caso, deducimos las mismas condiciones que Pliskin et al. (1980), s\'olo que siguiendo un camino m\'as directo. En el segundo caso, una vez establecida una condici\'on de independencia aditiva basada en Fishburn (1970), inferimos una nueva condici\'on en la literatura sobre AVAC que denominamos \underline{condici\'on de simetr{\'\i}a}.QALYs, expected utility, medical decision making

    El papel facilitador de las TIC en un proceso de aprendizaje colaborativo.

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    La docencia universitaria no siempre responde a las demandas que la sociedad impondrá a los ahora estudiantes de enseñanza suprior. En numerosas ocasiones el afán por dar respuesta al mayor número posible de contenidos conceptuales hace que se disperse la atnción, tanto de la enseñanza como del aprendizaje, de formas de hacer y actitudes. En el presente artículo exponemos una experiencia de aprendizaje colaborativo que en buena medida trata de paliar estos ʺefectos secundariosʺ, propios de los tradicionales métodos de enseñanza universitaria. Nos centraremos aquí en las innovaciones en las que el docente puede incidir de manera más directa, las relacionadas con el proceso de enseñanza, puesto que sobre los procesos de aprendizaje quien mejor puede hacerlo es el alumnado (Bartolomé, 2004). Desarrollamos la innovación propuesta en la asignatura Organización y Desarrollo de Instituciones Educativas de quinto curso dl plan de estudios de la licenciatura en Psicopedagogía. La citada asignatura representa un claro ejemplo de lo que podría ser una materia teórica dentro de cualquier plan de estudios superiores de nuestro país. Apoyándonos en el aprendizaje por proyectos (Thomas,2000) y en el aprendizaje colaborativo apoyado por ordenador (Computer Supported collaborative learning),(Koschmann,1994) pretendemos generar una dinámica de cambio en el estilo docente, que acerque al alumnado a las tareas que en su futuro profesional deberá asumir, a la vez que facilitamos la adquisición de un amplio abanico de contenidos, necesarios para su formación como psicopedagogos/as. Como discusión final aportamos algunas consecuencias, positivas y negativas, que se desprenden de los procesos formativos de estas características; nos centraremos esencialmente en los perfiles del alumno y del profesorado implicados en procesos de innovación educativotecnológica.University teaching not always responds to the requests that the society will impose to the present‐day students. Nowadays the enthusiasm to give answer to the bigger possible number of conceptual contentses makes that attention scatter of procedures and attitudes. In the present article we display a learning collaborative experience that tries to palliate these side effects of traditional university teaching methods. We develop the innovation proposed in the subject ʺOrganización y Desarrollo de Instituciones Educativaʺ of the fifth course of bachelorʹs degree in Psicopedagogist. Aforementioned subject represents an example of a theoretic matter within any superior curriculum in our country. Starting from the Project Based Lerning methods ( Thomas, 2000 ) and in the Computer Supported collaborative learning ones ,we intend to generate a dynamics of change in the teaching style, to bring near the students to the tasks than in their professional future will have to assume

    Organización de la asignatura de nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la educación con una herramienta telemática colaborativa (BSCW).

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    Partiendo de la estructura y la organización curricular de la asignatura de Nuevas Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Educación y de la idea educativa central sobre la que se organiza, como es la colaboración entre el alumnado, se expone una experiencia que se está llevando a cabo con la misma utilizando una herramienta telemática que permite el trabajo colaborativo, BSCW. Este trabajo pretende ser un documento de debate y reflexión acerca del uso de esta herramienta telemática colaborativa en un contexto docente determinado, que es el de la asignatura de Nuevas Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Educación de los títulos de maestro en la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Valladolid. Queremos dejar claro, por tanto, que no se ha realizado una investigación exhaustiva y rigurosa sobre la aplicación de dicha herramienta, sino que se trata de describir en un documento de debate los pasos que hemos ido dando y algunas de las posibilidades que se pueden abrir desde una perspectiva didáctica y docente.Starting from the structure and the curricular organization of the subject ʺNew Technologies applied to educationʺ, and understanding the collaboration as one of the main objectives to reach, we display an experience in which a telematic tool, BSCW, supports the collaborative work among the students of it. This paper intends to be a document of debate and reflection about the use of this collaborative tool in a determined teaching context, the New Technologies applied to education subject in teacherʹs studies in the Faculty of Education in the University of Valladolid. Therefore we want to leave obvious, that we did not make an exhaustive and rigorous investigation on the application of the mentioned tool, rather we try to describe the steps we have gone giving and some of the possibilities that can be expand from a didactic perspective

    Initial teaching experience. A case study in the subject «New technologies applied to education»

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    En numerosas ocasiones no prestamos la atención que merece al proceso que una persona experimenta al iniciarse en el complejo mundo de la docencia. Cada etapa educativa tiene unas características bien definidas que condicionarán el trabajo y la adaptación del docente novel, en un proceso que no siempre es fácil. El presente artículo analiza la incorporación a la enseñanza de un profesor novel en la asignatura de Nuevas Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Educación (NNTT), en la Facultad de Educación y Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Valladolid (UVa). Para ello, hemos puesto en práctica un proceso de investigación interpretativo, siguiendo los principios del análisis cualitativo con estudio de casos (Stake, 1998) durante el curso académico 2007-2008. Las distintas peculiaridades teórico-prácticas del diseño de la asignatura se asientan en los principios establecidos dentro del campo del Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) (Koschman, 1996) como mediador de procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, que a su vez, se apoyan en una metodología participativa basada en el Inquiry based Learning (IBL) (Bruce, 2000). Ante este diseño innovador, compartido a su vez por otros tres docentes en el seno de una comunidad de práctica educativa, hemos analizado el proceso de formación tecnológico-educativo llevado a cabo por este docente. A su vez, el análisis de esta experiencia nos ha ayudado a profundizar en la comprensión del tipo de competencias que los docentes noveles necesitan en diseños educativos como éste, en el proceso de convergencia propuesto por el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES).Sometimes, we do not pay enough attention to the process experienced by a novice teacher when he plunges into the complex world of teaching. Each educational stage possesses some well-defined features which would influence the work and the adaptation of the novice teacher, everything immersed in a process which is not always easy. This paper analyzes the incorporation of a novice teacher into the teaching of an undergraduate course on Information and Communication Technologies to preservice teachers at the Faculty of Education and Social Work of the University of Valladolid. For that purpose, we have established an interpretative research process, following a Case Study approach (Stake, 1998) during the current academic year (2007-2008). The different theoretical and practical foundations of the curricular design of the course are based on the principles of the Computer Supported Collaborative Learning field (CSCL) (Koschman, 1996). As a well as in the ones promoted by Inquiry based Learning approach (IBL) (Bruce, 2000).Collaboration and technology are understood as mediators between teaching and learning processes. Through this innovative design— shared by a community of practice formed by other three teachers as well—, we have analysed both the technological and educative training process performed by this novice teacher. Moreover, the analysis of this experience has helped us to deepen in the understanding of the kind of competences which novice teachers require in curricular designs similar to this one within the European Convergence Process proposed by the European Space of Higher Education (ESHE)

    Innovating in a 4th course of Chemical Engineering: A Bolognese Recipe

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    In this article we analyze a case study conducted within a pilot innovation experience in an undergraduate course on Chemical Engineering. The study was developed during three years, 2005/06, 2006/07 y 2007/08, at the University of Valladolid (Spain). The main goal of this work is to show evidence to better understand the methodological changes promoted by the aforementioned pilot experience, as well as to reflect on whether or not this sort of innovations help to reach EHEA thorny demands. The methodological innovation carried out in the course was based on active learning methods, such as Project-based Learning, and the study of real cases from multiple perspectives and subjects