71 research outputs found

    Drowning and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Relevance of the Problem and Effect of Physical Training on Resuscitation Quality

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    "Every hour, every day, more than 40 people lose their lives by drowning." These are the first words of one of the different Drowning reports published by the World Health Organization, which consideres Drowning as a neglected public health issue. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is the main early treatment in the unconscious not-breating Drowning patient, and it is broached from the Sport Sciences field. Therefore, in this Thesis by Compendium of Publications, the aim was to review the main important factors related to Drowning. In addition, acute muscle fatigue casued by cardiopulmonary resuscitation was assesed just as the effect of a strength-training program in resuscitation quality

    Basic life-support learning in undergraduate students of sports sciences : efficacy of 150 minutes of training and retention after eight months

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    Several professional groups, which are not health professionals, are more likely to witness situations requiring basic life support (BLS) due to the nature of their job. The aim of this study was to assess BLS learning after 150 min of training in undergraduate students of sports science and their retention after eight months. Participants trained on BLS (150-min session: 30 theory, 120 practice). After training (T1) and after 8 months (T2), we evaluated their performance of the BLS sequence and two minutes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). At T1, the 23 participants presented a mean score of 72.5 21.0% in the quality of the CPRs (compressions: 78.6 25.9%, ventilation: 69.9 30.1%). More than 90% of the participants acted correctly in each step of the BLS sequence. At T2, although the overall quality of the CPR performed did not decrease, significant decreases were observed for: correct hand position (T1: 98.2 8.8, T2: 77.2 39.7%), compression depth (T1: 51.4 7.9, T2: 56.0 5.7 mm), and compression rate. They worsened opening the airway and checking for breathing. In conclusions, participants learned BLS and good-quality CPR after the 150-min training session. At eight months they had good retention of the BLS sequence and CPR skills. Training on airway management and the position of the hands during CPR should be reinforced.S

    Lay-rescuers in drowning incidents: A scoping review

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    Objective: Many victims of drowning fatalities are lay-people attempting to rescue another. This review aims to identify the safest techniques and equipment (improved or purpose made) for an untrained bystander to use when attempting a water rescue. Method: A sample of 249 papers were included after the bibliographic search, in which 19 were finally selected following PRISMA methodology and 3 peer review proceeding presented at international conferences. A total of 22 documents were added to qualitative synthesis. Results: Geographical location, economic level, physical fitness, or experience may vary the profile of the layrescuers and how to safely performa water rescue. Four lay-rescuers profiles were identified: 1) Children rescuing children in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), 2) Adults rescuing adults or children, 3) Lay-people with some experience and rescue training, 4) Lay-people with cultural or professional motivations. Three types of techniques used by those lay-rescuers profiles: a) non-contact techniques for rescues from land: throwand reach, b) non-contact techniques for rescue using a flotation device and, c) contact techniques for rescue into the water: swim and tow with or without fins. Conclusion: The expert recommendation of the safest technique for a lay-rescuer is to attempt rescue using a pole, rope, or flotation equipment without entering the water. However, despite the recommendations of non-contact rescues from land, there is a global tendency to attempt contact rescues in the water, despite a lack of evidence onwhich technique, procedure or equipment contributes to a safer rescue. Training strategies for lay-people should be considered.Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Overweight and obesity: a descriptive study in schools from Santiago de Compostela

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    A lo largo de la última década ha aumentado considerablemente el sobrepeso y la obesidad a nivel mundial, siendo los niños y niñas una de las principales víctimas. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar el peso, talla y hábitos saludables de niños y niñas de 4-6 años de diferentes colegios de la ciudad de Santiago de Compostela. Se presenta un estudio descriptivo sobre obesidad infantil. Se solicitó la participación a 12 colegios de Santiago de Compostela para medir y pesar al alumnado de 4-6 años. Además, las maestras cubrieron un cuestionario sobre diferentes hábitos saludables de los niños y niñas. Participaron finalmente en el estudio dos centros de Santiago de Compostela, 9 maestras y 181 niños y niñas que fuero pesados y tallados. En ninguna clase se establecía horario de meriendas, siendo la fruta y el agua los alimentos más frecuentados. Todas las clases realizaban dos sesiones de psicomotricidad a la semana. Sin embargo, 27 (14,92%) participantes [niñas: 17 (9,39%); niños: 10 (5,52%)] tenían sobrepeso y 26 (14,37%) obesidad [niñas: 13 (7,18%); niños: 13 (7,18%)]. A modo de conclusión, casi una tercera parte de la muestra padecía sobrepeso u obesidad. Deberían establecerse estrategias más efectivas para combatir la obesidad infantil.Over the past decade, overweight and obesity have considerably increased worldwide, being boys and girls one of the main victims. This study aimed to analyse weight, height and healthy habits in children aged 4-6 years old from several schools of Santiago de Compostela. It is presented a descriptive study about children obesity. Twelve schools from Santiago de Compostela were asked to collaborate in this study in order to measure the weight and height of children (4-6 years). In addition, teachers filled a questionnaire about different healthy behaviours of the children. Finally, two schools and 9 teachers took part in this study. It was also measure the weight and height of 181 pupils. Meal schedule was not stablished in any class, and fruit and water were the most used aliments. Children had psychomotricity sessions twice a week. However, 27 (14.92%) participants [girls: 17 (9.40%); boys: 10 (6.08%)] were overweight y 26 (14.37%) obesity [girls: 13 (7.18%); boys: 13 (7.18%)]. To conclude, almost a third part of the sample were overweight or obesity. More effective strategies must be stablished to combat childhood obesity.S

    Cooperative games: incidence in motivation, basic psychological needs and enjoyment in Primary School

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    El propósito de este trabajo fue analizar los efectos de una unidad didáctica de juegos cooperativos sobre la motivación autodeterminada, las necesidades psicológicas básicas y el disfrute en escolares de 5º y 6º de educación primaria, dentro de las clases de educación física. Se empleó un diseño cuasi-experimental pre-post test con un grupo control. Los participantes fueron 104 escolares (10.29 ± .62 años) de Lugo (España). El grupo control y el experimental estuvieron constituidos por 50 y 54 alumnos, respectivamente. Para medir motivación, necesidades psicológicas básicas y disfrute se usó un cuestionario ad hoc utilizado en otras investigaciones. Los resultados indicaron efectos positivos del programa sobre la motivación intrínseca (p<.001); motivación externa (p=.044); desmotivación (p=.014); relación con los demás (p=.004), autonomía percibida (p=.001) y disfrute (p=.021). Los datos encontrados sugieren que la aplicación de unidades didácticas o programas basados en los juegos cooperativos podrían incidir de manera positiva en la motivación autodeterminada, la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas y el disfrute de los escolares de educación primaria dentro de las clases de educación físicaThis research’s aim was to analyse the effects of a cooperative games didactic unit on selfdetermined motivation, basic psychological needs and enjoyment, in physical education sessions, with primary school students. A quasi-experimental pre-post-test design with a control group was used. 104 schoolchildren were the participants (10.29 ± .62 years old) from Lugo (Spain). The control and experimental groups consisted of 50 and 54 students, respectively. To measure motivation, basic psychological needs and enjoyment, an ad hoc questionnaire used in other researches was used. Results indicated positive effects of the program on intrinsic motivation (p <.001); external motivation (p = .044); demotivation (p = .014); relationships (p = .004), perceived autonomy (p = .001) and enjoyment (p = .021). Data suggest that the application of didactic units or programs based on cooperative games could positively influence self-determined motivation, satisfaction of basic psychological needs and enjoyment of schoolchildren in physical education sessionsS

    School sport and gender role from the point of view of teachers

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue estudiar desde el punto de vista de los docentes, las prácticas deportivas de los escolares de sus centros en función del género del alumnado. En el presente trabajo, se identifica, a partir de un análisis de la percepción que poseen las maestras y maestros de Educación Primaria, los deportes y juegos deportivos más populares así como sus manifestaciones en el entorno de la escuela, empleándose para ello un cuestionario “ad hoc” como técnica de investigación. Entre los resultados obtenidos se destaca: la representación de que determinadas actividades físico-deportivas y deportes continúan siendo específicas de género; la percepción de que los chicos hacen más cantidad de actividad física fundamentalmente por cuestiones de mayor competencia motriz y la percepción de desigualdades de género en las clases de Educación Física principalmente en relación con los contenidos del programa que se imparteThe aim of this research was to study from the point of view of the teachers,sports practices of schoolchildren from their centers depending on the gender of their pupils. In the present work, it is identified, from an analysis of the perception held by teachers of Primary Education, the sports and popular sports games as well as its manifestations in the school environment, using a questionnaire "ad hoc" as a research technique. Among the results it stands out: the fact that certain physical-sports activities and sports continue being specific gender; the perception that boys do more amount of physical activity fundamentally because of greater competition drive and the perception of gender inequalities in Physical Education classes mainly made in relation with the contents of the program that is taughtS

    Analysis of the use of the old gymnastic and athletics material of the General Law on Education in present physical education classes

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    La Educación Física (EF) en la Ley General de Educación (LGE) de 1970 se alimentaba de los principios generales de este sistema educativo: un modelo cerrado, con una evaluación basada en el producto final, observable y con el planteamiento de objetivos terminales. Dentro de los objetivos generales de la materia de EF estaba “el desarrollo de la capacidad físico-deportiva”, diseñando sesiones, actividades y empleando materiales que ayudaran a conseguir ese propósito. El objetivo de esta investigación fue describir el tipo de material gimnástico y de atletismo característico de la LGE que disponían los centros educativos en los que se imparte Educación Primaria en Galicia y analizar su uso en las clases de EF en la actualidad. Participaron un total de 226 centros (34,61% del total de la población objeto de estudio) a través del docente especialista en EF, quien respondió a un cuestionario sobre el material gimnástico y de atletismo de su centro. Los resultados nos muestran una alta disponibilidad de uso de material gimnástico y de atletismo por su presencia en las instalaciones del centro, sin embargo, los docentes hacen un escaso uso de este material en sus sesiones, por tratarse de material anticuado, difícil de manejar y que, en casos, puede resultar peligroso su uso y manipulación por el alumnado. Además de potenciar su uso específico, los docentes deberían buscar un uso alternativo a este tipo de material, ampliando y diversificando el uso de diferentes materiales didácticos para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el ámbito de la EF.In the 1970 General Law on Education (LGE), Physical Education was supplied with the general principles of this educational system: a closed model, which had an observable evaluation based on the final product and focused on terminal objectives. Within the general objectives of the Physical Education subject, it was found “the development of the physical-sporting capacity”, designing lessons, activities and using materials that help to achieve that purpose. The objective of this research was to describe the type of gymnastic and athletic materials, characteristic of this law, available in the Galician educational centers where Primary Education was offered, and to analyze their use in Physical Education classes today. A total of 226 educational centers participated (34.61% of the total population under study) through the specialist teacher in Physical Education, who have answered a questionnaire about the aforementioned materials from their centers. The results show us a high availability of its use due to its presence in the facilities of the center. However, teachers make little use of these materials in their lessons, as it is outdated, difficult to handle, and which, in some cases, can be dangerous and manipulated by students. In addition to enhancing their specific use, teachers should search for an alternative use to this type of material, increasing ad diversifying the use of different didactic materials to improve the teaching-learning process in the field of Physical EducationS

    Analysis of first aid situation in the curricula of bachelor's degree in elementary education

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    Recientemente se han llevado a cabo modificaciones en las titulaciones universitarias y en sus planes de estudio, motivados por la adaptación de los estudios universitarios al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Ante esto, en el presente artículo queremos analizar cuál es en la actualidad, el tratamiento de la asignatura “Primeros Auxilios” en los planes de estudio conducentes al título de Grado en Maestra y Maestro en Educación PrimariaChanges have recently been carried out in university degrees and their curricula. It was motivated by the university studies adaptation to the European Higher Education. Given this, in this article, we analyse what is currently the treatment of the "First Aid" subject in the curricula leading to a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary EducationS

    Changes in healthy habits regarding physical activity and sedentary lifestyle during a national lockdown due to covid-19

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    El presente estudio analizó el efecto del confinamiento en España derivado de la COVID-19 en niveles de actividad física diaria, ejercicio físico y comportamientos sedentarios. Tras la declaración del estado de alarma, se difundió un cuestionario por redes sociales con preguntas sociodemográficas, actividad física y comportamientos sedentarios. Posteriormente, se envió por correo electrónico otro cuestionario en relación con la nueva situación de confinamiento. Respondieron a ambos cuestionarios 474 participantes. Se registró un aumento del peso e índice de masa corporal durante el confinamiento (p < .001). Aumentó el número de días en los que se realizaba ejercicio físico en tiempo de ocio (p < .001), pero no el tiempo de práctica semanal total. Se redujo el tiempo de actividad física durante actividades académicas y/o profesionales y el tiempo destinado a desplazamientos (p < .001). Se registró un mayor tiempo de sueño, siestas y sedestación (p < .01). El presente estudio evidencia la necesidad de crear estrategias eficaces encaminadas a aumentar la práctica de actividad física y promover los hábitos de vida saludables, especialmente durante la actual crisis humanitaria y posibles futurasThe aim of this study was to analyze the effect of a lockdown in Spain due to COVID-19 on the levels of physical activity, exercise and sedentary lifestyle. After declaring state of alarm in Spain, a questionnaire was distributed via social networks with demographic questions, academic and/or employment status, physical activity and sedentary lifestyle. Subsequently, another questionnaire was sent by email in relation to the new lockdown measures. 474 participants replied to both questionnaires. An increase in weight and body mass index was recorded during lockdown (p <0.001). The number of days in which physical activity was practiced during leisure time increased (p <0.001), but the total time of weekly practice stayed the same. The time of physical activity during academic time and the time spent walking was reduced, as well as was the time spent walking (p <0.001). Longer sleep, naps and sitting time was also recorded (p <0.01). The present study shows the need to create effective strategies aimed to increase the practice of physical activity and promote a healthy lifestyle during the current humanitarian crisis and possible future onesS