378 research outputs found

    R-symmetry and Supersymmetry Breaking at Finite Temperature

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    We analyze the spontaneous U(1)RU(1)_R symmetry breaking at finite temperature for the simple O'Raifeartaigh-type model introduced in [1] in connection with spontaneous supersymmetry breaking. We calculate the finite temperature effective potential (free energy) to one loop order and study the thermal evolution of the model. We find that the R-symmetry breaking occurs through a second order phase transition. Its associated meta-stable supersymmetry breaking vacuum is thermodynamically favored at high temperatures and the model remains trapped in this state by a potential barrier, as the temperature lowers all the way until T=0.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures - Minor revisions, references added. To appear in JHE

    On the Thermal History of Calculable Gauge Mediation

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    Many messenger models with realistic gaugino masses are based on meta-stable vacua. In this work we study the thermal history of some of these models. Analyzing R-symmetric models, we point out that while some of the known messenger models clearly prefer the supersymmetric vacuum, there is a vast class of models where the answer depends on the initial conditions. Along with the vacuum at the origin, the high temperature thermal potential also possesses a local minimum far away from the origin. This vacuum has no analog at zero temperature. The first order phase transition from this vacuum into the supersymmetric vacuum is parametrically suppressed, and the theory, starting from that vacuum, is likely to evolve to the desired gauge-mediation vacuum. We also comment on the thermal evolution of models without R-symmetry.Comment: 22 pages. V2: Comments on the SM effects added. Minor corrections. Reference added. Valuable discussion with S. Abel, J. Jaeckel and V. Khoze acknowledged. V3: Types of EOGM explicitly defined in the introduction. Discussions about the phase transitions expanded. Typo corrected. Journal versio

    Flavour Democracy in Strong Unification

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    We show that the fermion mass spectrum may naturally be understood in terms of flavour democratic fixed points in supersymmetric theories which have a large domain of attraction in the presence of "strong unification". Our approach provides an alternative to the approximate Yukawa texture zeroes of the Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism. We discuss a particular model based on a broken gauged SU(3)LĂ—SU(3)RSU(3)_L\times SU(3)_R family symmetry which illustrates our approach.Comment: 21 Pages plain latex; includes 5 eps figure

    Meta-stable SUSY Breaking Model in Supergravity

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    We analyze a supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking model proposed by Intriligator, Seiberg and Shih in a supergravity (SUGRA) framework. This is a simple and natural setup which demands neither extra superpotential interactions nor an additional gauge symmetry. In the SUGRA setup, the U(1)R symmetry is explicitly broken by the constant term in the superpotential, and pseudo-moduli field naturally takes non-zero vacuum expectation value through a vanishing cosmological constant condition. Sfermions tend to be heavier than gauginos, and the strong-coupling scale is determined once a ratio of sfermion to gaugino masses is fixed.Comment: 13 page

    Direct Mediation, Duality and Unification

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    It is well-known that in scenarios with direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking the messenger fields significantly affect the running of Standard Model couplings and introduce Landau poles which are difficult to avoid. This appears to remove any possibility of a meaningful unification prediction and is often viewed as a strong argument against direct mediation. We propose two ways that Seiberg duality can circumvent this problem. In the first, which we call "deflected-unification", the SUSY-breaking hidden sector is a magnetic theory which undergoes a duality to an electric phase, with fewer elementary degrees of freedom coupled to the MSSM. This changes the beta-functions of the MSSM gauge couplings so as to push their Landau poles above the unification scale. We show that this scenario is realised for recently suggested models of gauge mediation based on a metastable SCQD-type hidden sector directly coupled to MSSM. The second possibility, which we call "dual-unification", begins with the observation that, if the mediating fields fall into complete SU(5) multiplets, then the MSSM+messengers exhibits a fake unification at unphysical values of the gauge couplings. We show that, in known examples of electric/magnetic duals, such a fake unification in the magnetic theory reflects a real unification in the electric theory. We therefore propose that the Standard Model could itself be a magnetic dual of some unknown electric theory in which the true unification takes place. This scenario maintains the unification prediction (and unification scale) even in the presence of Landau poles in the magnetic theory below the GUT scale. We further note that this dual realization of grand unification can explain why Nature appears to unify, but the proton does not decay

    Natural supersymmetry and dynamical flavour with meta-stable vacua

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    We show how gauged flavour breaking and N = 1 supersymmetry breaking can be dynamically aligned to produce natural models. Supersymmetry is broken in a metastable vacuum, while a weakly gauged flavour symmetry is identified with an SU (3) F subgroup of the global symmetry of the SQCD model. We find that alignment can easily occur either through strongly coupled flavour models, with SQCD bound states playing the role of flavons, or entirely weakly coupled and renormalizable models with elementary SU (3) F adjoint flavons. In both cases it is essential that the SU (3) F breaking, and hence all the flavour structure, is driven dynamically by the SUSY breaking. The resulting flavour gauge mediation in conjunction with the usual gauge mediation contribution leads to naturally light third generations squarks, with first and second generations above exclusions

    Noncommutativity from the string perspective: modification of gravity at a mm without mm sized extra dimensions

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    We explore how the IR pathologies of noncommutative field theory are resolved when the theory is realized as open strings in background B-fields: essentially, since the IR singularities are induced by UV/IR mixing, string theory brings them under control in much the same way as it does the UV singularities. We show that at intermediate scales (where the Seiberg-Witten limit is a good approximation) the theory reproduces the noncommutative field theory with all the (un)usual features such as UV/IR mixing, but that outside this regime, in the deep infra-red, the theory flows continuously to the commutative theory and normal Wilsonian behaviour is restored. The resulting low energy physics resembles normal commutative physics, but with additional suppressed Lorentz violating operators. We also show that the phenomenon of UV/IR mixing occurs for the graviton as well, with the result that, in configurations where Planck's constant receives a significant one-loop correction (for example brane-induced gravity), the distance scale below which gravity becomes non-Newtonian can be much greater than any compact dimensions.Comment: 30 pages. Slight revision: clarified some points and added a referenc

    One-loop Yukawas on Intersecting Branes

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    We calculate Yukawa interactions at one-loop on intersecting D6 branes. We demonstrate the non-renormalization theorem in supersymmetric configurations, and show how Yukawa beta functions may be extracted. In addition to the usual logarithmic running, we find the power-law dependence on the infra-red cut-off associated with Kaluza-Klein modes. Our results may also be used to evaluate coupling renormalization in non-supersymmetric cases.Comment: 48 pages, 9 figures; minor corrections, JHEP styl

    A natural renormalizable model of metastable SUSY breaking

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    We propose a model of metastable dynamical supersymmetry breaking in which all scales are generated dynamically. Our construction is a simple variant of the Intriligator-Seiberg-Shih model, with quark masses induced by renormalizable couplings to an auxiliary supersymmetric QCD sector. Since all scales arise from dimensional transmutation, the model has no fundamental dimensionful parameters. It also does not rely on higher-dimensional operators.Comment: 9 pages; v2: typos correcte

    Charge and Colour Breaking Constraints in the MSSM With Non-Universal SUSY Breaking

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    We examine charge/colour breaking along directions in supersymmetric field space which are F and D-flat. We catalogue the dangerous directions and include some new ones which have not previously been considered. Analytic expressions for the resulting constraints are provided which are valid for all patterns of supersymmetry breaking. As an example we consider a recently proposed pattern of supersymmetry breaking derived in Horava-Witten M-theory, and show that there is no choice of parameters for which the physical vacuum is a global minimum.Comment: 12 Pages plain latex; includes 1 postscript figure. Final version to appear in PL
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