568 research outputs found

    wild life

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    Poetry by Jordan Abel. This poem is composed from 91 public domain Western novels that are freely available on Project Gutenberg. In total, the source text is over 10,000 pages long and is authored by 20 different writers. When all of the novels were searched simultaneously, there were 41 instances of the phrase wild life. The resulting poem provides a contextual space where the language of a single word or phrase can be read

    “I don’t want to look sick skinny”: Perceptions of body image and weight loss in Hispanics living with HIV in South Texas

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    Objective: Obesity is rising in people with HIV (PLWH) and Hispanics. Both HIV and obesity are associated with cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality. Our goal is to understand perceptions of body image and lifestyle in Hispanics with HIV to adapt interventions appropriately. Methods: We conducted semi-structured interviews with 22 Hispanic PLWH and 6 providers. Purposive sampling selected patient participants across weights and genders. Interviews were coded and analyzed using grounded theory, comparing perspectives between patients with and without obesity, and patients and providers. Results: Participants felt obesity and diabetes were “normal” in the community. Patients exhibited understanding of healthy diet and lifestyle but felt incapable of maintaining either. Traditionally Hispanic foods were blamed for local obesity prevalence. Five patients equated weight with health and weight loss with illness, and four expressed concerns that weight loss could lead to unintentional disclosure of HIV status. Participants with overweight or obesity expressed awareness of their weight and felt shamed by providers. Providers found weight loss interventions to be ineffective. Conclusion: Interventions in this population must address identified barriers: overweight/obesity as a normative value, lack of self-efficacy, cultural beliefs surrounding food, fear of HIV-associated weight loss and stigma, and provider perspectives on intervention futility

    Optimized Multi-Frequency Spectra for Applications in Radiative Feedback and Cosmological Reionization

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    The recent implementation of radiative transfer algorithms in numerous hydrodynamics codes has led to a dramatic improvement in studies of feedback in various astrophysical environments. However, because of methodological limitations and computational expense, the spectra of radiation sources are generally sampled at only a few evenly-spaced discrete emission frequencies. Using one-dimensional radiative transfer calculations, we investigate the discrepancies in gas properties surrounding model stars and accreting black holes that arise solely due to spectral discretization. We find that even in the idealized case of a static and uniform density field, commonly used discretization schemes induce errors in the neutral fraction and temperature by factors of two to three on average, and by over an order of magnitude in certain column density regimes. The consequences are most severe for radiative feedback operating on large scales, dense clumps of gas, and media consisting of multiple chemical species. We have developed a method for optimally constructing discrete spectra, and show that for two test cases of interest, carefully chosen four-bin spectra can eliminate errors associated with frequency resolution to high precision. Applying these findings to a fully three-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamic simulation of the early universe, we find that the HII region around a primordial star is substantially altered in both size and morphology, corroborating the one-dimensional prediction that discrete spectral energy distributions can lead to sizable inaccuracies in the physical properties of a medium, and as a result, the subsequent evolution and observable signatures of objects embedded within it.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The recruitment of knowledge regarding plurality and compound formation during language comprehension

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    Compound formation has been a major focus of research and debate in mental lexicon research. In particular, it has been widely observed that compounds with a regular plural non-head are dispreferred, and a long line of research has examined the nature of this constraint, including which morphological, semantic or phonological properties of the non-head underlie this dispreference. While it is typically assumed that this constraint in fact leads to the barring of a compound analysis to a noun-noun string which would otherwise violate the constraint, its implementation during sentence comprehension has not been thoroughly examined. Using self-paced reading, we demonstrate that knowledge of pluralization and compound formation is immediately utilized in the assignment of structure to noun-noun strings, and that the dispreference for regular plural non-heads in fact leads the parser away from the compound analysis in favor of a more complex grammatical alternative. These results provide new evidence for the online deployment of knowledge regarding pluralization and its interaction with compound formation, and inform our understanding of how morphological information is deployed during, and impacts real-time sentence comprehension

    Análisis de la problemática y evaluación técnica de la rehabilitación del camino vecinal Nueva Esperanza – Pajatèn distrito de Huicungo provincia Mariscal Cáceres – región San Martín

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    El presente trabajo de Tesis para optar el Título Profesional de Ingeniero Civil, se ha desarrollado con la finalidad de efectuar un aporte técnico científico para contribuir a resolver un problema de transitabilidad de una vía, que al ser ejecutado permitirá contar con un Camino Vecinal que coadyuvará al desarrollo socioeconómico de la población beneficiada. La investigación es de tipo aplicada y se ha llevado a cabo por la Facultad de Ingeniería Civil y Arquitectura, de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín, desarrollando el proyecto en el Distrito de Huicungo , Provincia de Mariscal Caceres, en la Región San Martín. Este trabajo se ha desarrollado aplicando sobre el terreno las teorías y normas existentes de topografía, mecánica de suelos, impacto ambiental, hidrología, drenaje vial, concreto y otros afines, y que han permitido contar con el Análisis de la problemática y evaluación técnica de la rehabilitación del camino vecinal Nueva Esperanza – Pajaten distrito de Huicungo provincia Mariscal Cáceres – región San Martin Para el estudio de Análisis de la problemática y evaluación técnica de la rehabilitación del camino vecinal en estudio, se emplearon los métodos de ingeniería conocidos para estos tipos de estudios, en dos fases de trabajo: de campo y gabinete Durante la Fase de campo se realizó la evaluación e inventario de la vía actual: definición del trazo final, levantamiento topográfico de la vía, consistente en el trazo, nivelación, seccionamiento y colocación de Bench Mark, estudios de ubicación y evaluación de obras de arte a proyectarse; preparación de calicatas a lo largo de la vía para los estudios de mecánica de suelos; estudio de impacto ambiental, necesario para el diseño de la vía. En la Fase de gabinete se procedió a procesar e interpretar los datos de campo obtenidos, se realizó los diferentes ensayos de mecánica de suelos y se procesó los planos topográficos y de obras de arte que se adjunta al estudio, de igual forma se realizó el diseño del pavimento a nivel de afirmado.The present work of Thesis to opt for the Professional Title of Civil Engineer, has been developed with the purpose of making a scientific technical contribution to help solve a problem of trafficability of a road, which when executed will allow a road neighbor who will help to the socioeconomic development of the beneficiary population. The research is of applied type and has been carried out by the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the National University of San Martín, developing the project in the District of Huicungo, Province of Mariscal Caceres, in the San Martín Region. This work has been developed applying in the field the existing theories and norms of topography, soil mechanics, environmental impact, hydrology, road drainage, concrete and other related, and that have allowed to have the analysis of the problematic and technical evaluation of the rehabilitation of the Nueva Esperanza neighborhood road - Pajaten district of Huicungo province Mariscal Cáceres - San Martin region For the study of the analysis of the problem and technical evaluation of the rehabilitation of the neighborhood road under study, the engineering methods known for these types of studies were used, in two phases of work: field and cabinet During the Field Phase the evaluation and inventory of the current road was carried out: definition of the final trace, topographic survey of the road, consisting of the tracing, leveling, sectioning and placement of Bench Mark, location studies and evaluation of works of art to project itself; preparation of test pits along the track for soil mechanics studies; Environmental impact study, necessary for the design of the road.TesisAp

    Bloque de concreto prefabricado incorporando ceniza de bagazo de caña de azúcar, para mejorar su resistencia a compresión, Tarapoto – 2023

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar las propiedades físicas y mecánicas del bloque de concreto con ceniza de bagazo de la caña de azúcar (CBCA) como sustituto parcial del cemento, a fin de reducir el impacto que tiene este en el medio ambiente. Para ello, se sustituyó la CBCA en cuatro porcentajes: 0% (bloque patrón referencial), 3%, 5% y 8%, evaluando sus propiedades mecánicas (resistencia a la compresión) y físicas (humedad natural, peso unitario y específico, absorción de agua e índice de vacíos). Los resultados obtenidos fueron favorables al incorporar el 3% de CBCA en el bloque de concreto; el bloque patrón tubo un f’c=26.20 kg/cm2 siendo superado por el bloque de concreto con 3% de CBCA con un f’c=26.77 kg/cm2, el bloque patrón costó S/. 339.38 mientras que el bloque de concreto con 3% de CBCA fue de S/. 337.74, resultando el costo por m3 más económico por S/. 1.64

    Cementado de postes de fibra de vidrio con sistemas autoacondicionantes

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    El advenimiento de los sistemas autoacondicionates simplificaron las técnicas operatorias. Los cementos resinosos pueden presentar en su interior un sistema adhesivos basado en ácidos débiles o bien utilizar un adhesivo dentinario como complemento para el cementado. Objetivos. Determinar el grado de filtración de un colorante en el cementado de postes de fibra de vidrio utilizando dos sistemas de fijación autoacondicionantes.Facultad de Odontología (FOLP

    Análisis de diferentes sistemas adhesivos sobre estructuras cerámicas basadas en disilicato de litio y circonio

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    Objetivos: Visualizar el comportamiento de dos medios cementantes de diferente estructura en la fijación de cerámicas de disilicato de litio y circonio con la variable de un acondicionador. Métodos: Cuatro grupos con diez especímenes cada uno fueron confeccionados.Facultad de Odontologí

    Valoración de la radiopacidad de diversos medios cementantes

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    Objetivo: Determinar la radiopacidad de diferentes medios cementantes utilizando un sofware informático. Métodos: Se conformaron 9 grupos de acuerdo a los medios cementantes: tres con cementos de Ionómero Vítreo convencional, dos con Ionómeros Vítreos resinosos y cuatro con cementos resinosos. Para cada grupos se realizó la endodoncia correspondiente y se cementó un poste de fibra de vidrio. Se tomó la RX correspondiente y se analizó la densidad radiográfica con un software informático Epson Scan CX 3700 versión 2.70 S. Para la medición se tomó como referencia la radiopacidad dentinaria y se valoró de la siguiente manera: menor, igual o mayor, de acuerdo al porcentaje de luminiscencia.Sociedada Argentina de Sociedad Argentin

    Alteraciones superficiales en cerámicas dentales de estratificación

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    Las técnicas de Blanquemiento o las topicaciones con fluoruros requieren de cubetas específicas para su aplicación. Ante la presencia de estructuras protéticas de cerámicas dentales es posible el contacto sobre dichas estructuras de sustancias blanquedoras o fluoruros preventivos. Objetivos: Visualizar microscopicamente la superficie de dos cerámicas dentales antes y después de la aplicación de sustancias blanquedoras y flururos dentales.Facultad de Odontologí