370 research outputs found

    Crime in Institution of Learning: Some Theoretical Explanations of Engaging in Sex Deviance.

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    Common-sense understandings of crime also tend to rely on legal definitions and those behaviors and events that are specified in criminal law. They imply there is some underlying consensus about what constitutes criminality and what does not. But conceptions of crime clearly vary from place to place and change over time. At some time or another, some form of society or another has defined almost all forms of behavior that we now call “criminal” as desirable for the functioning of that form of society.’ Scholars have developed a variety of theories to explain various forms of deviant behavior. Such explanations revolve around why the individuals commit crime and why crime and criminal behavior is more prevalent in some locations and periods than others. It is against this backdrop that this paper attempts to analyze the various explanations of crime institution of learning from some theoretical explanation

    Crisis of Supremacy Among Indigenous Nigerian Communities: Ankpa And Idah Since The Pre-Colonial Period

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    Crisis has been an integral part of human relations. Right from the early period the contest for supremacy especially among the ruling house(s) has shape and shall continue to reshape relations amongst clans and lineages who hold claim to certain indigenous political institutions. Such contest emanates out of claims and counter claims as to who rightly succeeds to any vacant throne in the event of the demise of the sitting ruler. The respect accorded to the stool and the political and economic benefits associated with it generate serious crisis in such contest. It is against this backdrop that this paper intends to take a historical look at the political relationship between Ankpa and Idah beginning from the pre-colonial period.


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    The weapon of every growing economy can be associated with governance, as good governance put all action and inaction in one basket and make sure that is channel through transparent, effective, and accountable to provide enabling atmosphere for the economy to strive for the betterment of the citizen. It is on this remark, this study investigates the effect of governance in the agricultural expenditure in Nigeria, Error Correction mechanism was employed on the time-series data collected from National statistics bulletins and the empirical results revealed that accountability and corruption control have a positive and statistically significant effect on the agricultural expenditure in the short run within the sample period. However, the agricultural output was found to have a decline effect on the agricultural expenditure in the short run in Nigeria. This study, therefore, recommended that the government at all levels should ensure that corrupt governance is fought or reduced to a minimum level in order to achieve an effective allocation of funds to the agricultural sector to improve performance and contribution to economic growth and development. Accountability should be adopted in every level of government to reduce waste, encourage competence and consistency, liable, responsible to promote investment, and ethics

    Financial inclusion and women participation in gainful employment: an empirical analysis of Nigeria

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    The paper examines the effect of financial inclusion on women participation in gainful employment in Nigeria for the period 1980 – 2018, employing the ARDL method. Both in the short run, and long-run the results obtained indicated a positive relationship between financial inclusion and women participation in gainful employment. Thus, the paper recommends that the government should ensure that the barriers to financial inclusion is reduced or removed. This will increase women participation in economic activities, since measures regarding financial inclusion is adjudged as convenient, safety and prompt. Measures that will enhance private deposit and expansion of more commercials banks branch in rural areas to enhance women’s access to financial services which discourage the use of informal financial services should be encouraged

    Police-Public Media Relations: Issues and Challenges

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    Police-Public relations is the subject of Police-Media Relations. The Police and the media are two institutions that are aimed at ensuring that the society lives well based on lawful and orderly conduct in the interest of justice, fairness and development of the society. The two institutions require information from the public to perform their duties prudently and diligently. However,  they differ in orientation, operational techniques, platforms and public perception. A typical scenario for instance, if there is an uprising, attack, disaster or any such unfortunate occurence, members of the public will be running to safer areas.  It is common see the Police and the media are pushing their way forward into that ‘danger zone’ to perform their individual responsibilities. Both the Police and the media depend on sources for information to facilitate their work, though they differ significantly in approaching the subject matter; thus the Police interrogate to get information, the journalist on the otherhand, interviews to secure information. It is undeniable fact that, the two institutions require each other in the performance of their responsibilities and therefore need to develop a harmonious and cordial relations. One fact is that the Police have bags of information that the media require, likewise, the Police require the visibility and bridge that the media provide to link them with the society in a positive manner in order to have a goodwill from the public. Daily, the media reports on issues partaining crime or about the Police, the crime news and other sensational events excite the public and it enables them to appreciate the effort of the government or that of the Police on crime prevention and control. These inevitably indicates that the media and the police must work together. However, over the years there exists a mixed relation between them, this paper identifies those challenges affecting the duo relations and recommends ways to overcome those challenges. Keywords: Police;  Media and public relations challenges

    Kawasaki disease associated with streptococcal infection and facial nerve palsy: a case report

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    Kawasaki disease (mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome), an acute febrile vasculitis of childhood that affects medium and small-sized arteries, is uncommonly reported in the West African sub[1]region. Its diagnosis relies on the presence of a constellation of clinical signs which could mimic or coexist with infectious viral or bacterial agents, thereby requiring a high index of suspicion. Case presentation: We report a two-year, ten months-old boy who presented with prolonged high-grade fever for over 3 three weeks; non-purulent conjunctivitis, unilateral cervical lymphadenopathy, cracked lips, reddish tongue, diffuse oedema, erythema of his palms and soles; skin desquamation over the tips of his digits and left-sided facial nerve palsy. He had leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia, and elevated inflammatory markers. Throat swab yielded Streptococcus pyogenes species; however, serial echocardiography was unrevealing. He was managed with aspirin, steroids, bed rest, and antibiotics (based on culture sensitivity), but intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) was not readily available and therefore was not administered. His inpatient clinical course showed fever persisting into the second week of inpatient management that gradually became undulating by the third week before lysing. Conclusion: The rare complication of facial nerve palsy is highlighted, while the evidence for acute bacterial infection posed further diagnostic challenges in this child with clinical features of Kawasaki disease. The unavailability of IVIG also portends a prolonged course for the acute stages, which are largely unresponsive to antipyretics and antibiotics. The importance of long-term follow-up for potential coronary artery aneurysms in the face of risk factors is further emphasized

    Effect of Resource Factors and Quality of Instruction on Performance in Mathematics of Nigeria Secondary School Students

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    It seems that Nigeria's educational system has been undergoing improvement only on quantitative when it comes to the number of enrolments in students and schools. However, little effort has been put in place in terms of capacity (physical and material resources, human and financial resources) to manage high enrollment. Resources capacity in secondary schools was nothing to write home about. Most of these resources in secondary school were dilapidated. To worsen the scenario, the scarce resources allocated to these schools are grossly inadequate compared to students' enrollment and come late to the end-users in the public secondary schools. The various stakeholders in the education sector express stern concern about the consistently poor performance of students in secondary schools, especially in mathematics. Since secondary school education is expected to be free by the government, coupled with population increase, it is reasonable for people to take advantage of the free education program. Although the government and private sector of education keep providing qualified teaching staff and non-teaching staff, students in secondary schools still face poor performance in mathematics. The effect of all these on the academic performance in Nigeria's mathematics secondary school students concerns researchers of this empirical work. It is based on these issues and many more that this work sought to empirically investigate the impact of resource factors and quality of instruction on the performance of Nigeria secondary school students in mathematics

    The Effect of Electronic Payment Systems on Financial Performance of Microfinance Banks in Niger State

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    This study employs the cross sectional survey research design and the descriptive and ordinary least square regressions to examine the impact of Electronic-Payment Systems on the financial performance of Microfinance Banks and Institutions in Niger state, Nigeria. The results of the analysis indicate the presence of e-payment systems  in the bank, which enjoys impressive acceptability, due to its ease of use and convenience. In addition, ATM facility, Internet payment options, e-payment cards, and mobile banking platforms shows a significant positive impact on the financial performance of COE-Minna microfinance bank. In essence, the improvement and review of e-payment platforms’ security, so as to attract more users, coupled with the reduction of charges associated with the use of the platforms as well as sensitization of potential users were recommended

    Equilibrium and kinetic studies on the removal of mordant black 11 dye from aqueous solution and real tannery effluents using CuFe2O4/Ac nanocomposites

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    Copper ferrite activated carbon nanocomposites (CFACNC) has been used as adsorbent for the removal of mordant black 11 dye from aqueous solution and real tannery effluents. The nanocomposites was characterized using Fourier Transform infrared (FTIR), Brunauer–Emmet–Teller (BET), Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Transmission electron microscope (TEM). Batch adsorption experiments were investigated and the effects of various parameters were studied and their optimum conditions were then applied on the selected real tannery effluents. The study showed that the maximum adsorption capacities for dye onto CFACNC at pH 4 were found to be 0.73 and 4.13 mg/g for tannery A and B respectively. Langmuir isotherm described the adsorption of dye onto CFACNC while kinetic studies followed pseudo second-order.Keywords: Adsorption, tannery, effluents , dy

    Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and measurement of reporting quality : a review of methodologies

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    This paper conceptually review the various models employed by previous studies in the measurement of reporting quality following the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) around the world. In the review, attention is paid to the nature, appropriateness and limitations of each of the models identified. It was found that, the methodologies used in studying the relationship and impact of IFRS on reporting quality are classified into qualitative, quantitative and firm-specific attributes models on one hand, and direct and indirect models on the other hand. Finally, the study calls on researchers to be wary, by selecting appropriate method that commensurates with the objectives of their studies, and their ability to adequately mitigate the limitation of the model highlighted in the review.peer-reviewe
