1,715 research outputs found

    A Tissue Specific Transcriptomic, Proteomic and Phospho-proteomic Atlas of the Translational Machinery of Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Gene expression encompasses the flow of genetic information from DNA to mRNA (transcription) and from mRNA to protein (translation) along with the regulatory mechanisms underlying these processes. Omics technologies offer a powerful toolset with which to study gene expression at each of these stages. A recently published dataset integrating transcriptomic, proteomic and phospho-proteomic measurements from 30 Arabidopsis thaliana tissues provides a unique resource to explore gene expression.1 The translational machinery (the ribosome, and its initiation, elongation, and termination factors) are a core component in gene expression. Defects in translation can be lethal or lead to major developmental defects and hold keys to better understand crop immunity and yield. In this work we have developed a suite of visualizations for genes found in the translational machinery for each omics dataset. Furthermore, we examine ribosomal heterogeneity across tissues and estimate the stoichiometry of subcomponents of the translational machinery. We also describe phosphorylation patterns across tissues, elucidating potential translational regulatory patterns across tissues. The conclusions of this project can be utilized to enhance understanding of the regulation of translational machinery and generate new hypotheses that can be tested in a wet lab setting. 1Mergner, J., Frejno, M., List, M. et al. Mass-spectrometry-based draft of the Arabidopsis proteome. Nature 579, 409–414 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2094-


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    Fenomena dalam penelitian ini didasarkan pada perkembangan bisnis travel Haji dan Umrah yang cepat namun banyak menimbulkan problem diantaranya penipuan dengan berbagai motif dan menggunakan skema ponzi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat implementasi marketing mix syariah oleh Zahara Tour Depok. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis menggunakan statistika desktiptif. Adapun jumlah sampel penelitian berjumlah 83 orang jamaah umrah Zahara Tour tahun 2017 dengan berbagai macam perbedaan latar belakang jenis kelamin, pendapatan, usia, pendidikan, dan pekerjaan. Secara umum dimensi marketing mix syariah Zahara Tour Depok masuk kriteria baik, hanya terdapat beberapa dimensi yang perlu ditingkatkan diantaranya dimensi produk dan promosi. Sedangkan dimensi harga, proses, orang, tempat, janji, bukti fisik dan sabar masuk dalam kriteria sangat baik. Adapun indikator yang mempunyai nilai terendah adalah tingkat keberagaman paket umrah yang ditawarkan dan tingkat daya tarik iklan yang di promosikan. Beberapa dimensi dan indikator yang perlu ditingkatkan berimplikasi terhadap peningkatan volume penjualan yang dicapai, kepuasan jamaah menggunakan jasa Zahara Tour, peningkatan pelayanan dan peningkatan daya saing Penyelenggara Perjalanan Ibadah Umrah (PPIU). Implementasi marketing mix syairah dalam dimensi produk dan promosi perlu ditingkatkan lagi dari segi strategi dan pelaksanaanya dengan menambah pilihan paket umrah yang menarik dan mampu bersaing dengan travel umrah lainnya. Zahara Tour juga perlu memahami bagaimana mengoptimalisasi penggunaan media sosial sebagai alat promosi dengan maksimal agar dapat menjangkau potensi pasar yang lebih luas.;--The phenomenon in this study is based on the rapid development of the travel business of Hajj and Umrah, but many have caused problems including fraud with various motives and using the Ponzi scheme. This study aims to measure the level of implementation of sharia marketing mix by Zahara Tour Depok. The research method used is descriptive quantitative analysis techniques using desktiptif statistics. The number of research samples is 83 people in the 2017 Umrah Zahara Tour congregation with a variety of differences in gender, income, age, education and employment. In general, the dimensions of the Shariah Zahara Tour Depok marketing mix are in good criteria, there are only a few dimensions that need to be improved including product dimensions and promotions. While the dimensions of price, process, people, place, promise, physical evidence and patience are included in the criteria very well. The indicator that has the lowest value is the level of diversity of the Umrah package offered and the attractiveness of the advertisements that are promoted. Some dimensions and indicators that need to be improved have implications for the increase in sales volume achieved, satisfaction of pilgrims using the services of Zahara Tour, improving services and increasing competitiveness of Umrah Travel Organizers (PPIU). The implementation of Syairah's marketing mix in the dimensions of products and promotions needs to be improved in terms of strategy and implementation by increasing the choice of attractive Umrah packages and being able to compete with other Umrah. Zahara Tour also needs to discuss how to optimize the use of social media as a promotional tool to the fullest to be able to take advantage of the wider market potential


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    Exploration activity in Batu Hijau and Elang Dodo has been conducted since contract of work was settled between PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara and government of Indonesia. In practical level, dispute arose out between local people of Samaw a ethnicity and the government Indonesia against PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara. Research show, that the causing factors for the dispute are, among other things, the unresolved compensation, worliforce issue, and an unexpected their party intervening into the contract. The society wishes to resolve this dispute through adat law by negotiating or mediating with adat leaders as the mediator. Kegiatan eksplorasi di Batu Hijau dan Elang Dodo dilakukan sejak kontrak karya disetujui antara PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara dengan Pemerintah Indonesia. Dalam praktiknya, kontrak ini menimbulkan sengketa antara masyarakat etnis Samawa dan pemerintah Indonesia melawan PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara. HasHpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor penyebab terjadinya sengketa antara lain adalah belum dipenuhinya permintaan ganti rugi, masalah ketenagakerjaan, serta adanya pihak ketiga yang masuk dalam kontrak. Masyarakat menginginkan penyelesaian secara adat melalui negosiasi atau mediasi tetua adat

    Securing passive optical network against signal injection attack

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    Passive Optical Network (PON) is a promising solution to the last-mile problem in access networks. Security is a very crucial aspect to be considered especially in the current environments that are characterized by much larger data transport capacity. Moreover, securing the physical layer requires urgent attention as it will become more critical in future PON that has much longer distance with the involvement of more users. Thus, it is vulnerable to a variety of attacks, including denial of service (DoS) which jams a network, eavesdropping and masquerade. DoS attack can take place when a continuous upstream signal is transmitted from Optical Network Unit (ONU) to Optical Line Terminal (OLT) with high enough power, causing the OLT to receive the data with high bit error rate. This research proposes a method to secure PON from high power injection attack. The solution is based on the idea of deploying an optical attenuator in the upstream communication towards the splitter to prevent any high signal power injection attack and restrict it up to an acceptable power level. One of the most important benefits of the proposed work is its straightforward implementation in the existing GPON network with minimum cost and effort. The GPON network under studied that focuses on the upstream communication based on standard ITU-T G.984 ( data rate of 1.25 Gbps) examined the effects of varied optical fiber distances and number of ONUs. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated using Optisystem to determine the feasibility of the concept. Findings from the simulation results revealed that the optical attenuator compensated the jamming degradation attack up to eight ONUs and maximum distance of 20 km. The proposed system design also found that the method has limitation to reduce the attack at higher ONU numbers e.g. 16 and 32 due to high insertion loss. The overall performance confirms that this method is useful to protect the GPON system and minimize the high power for low insertion loss power splitter

    The Prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus in High Risk Groups in Nineveh Governorate / Iraq

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    Hepatitis B is an inflammation of the liver that caused by Hepatitis B virus (HBV) which is DNA virus that infects the human and some kinds of animals such as chimpanzees and birds. This disease considered as the major disease of mankind and a serious global public health problem. HBsAg, HBeAg, HBcAb, HBeAb and HBsAb are markers used to detect the presence and the stage of infection. The current study included (181) individuals from both sexes, (137) males and (44) females. By ratio 3.11: 1.The mean age of patients 2.4033 ± 0.83519 (range 18-73) years as follows 60 (11.0%) . These patients are 73 (40.4%) Blood donors from Central Blood Bank, 88 (48.6%) Chronic kidney failure at Ibn – Sina Teaching Hospital and 20 (11.0%) Thalassemic patients at Ibn – Alatheer Teaching Hospital, Nineveh Governorate / Iraq. For the period from July 2011 till May 2012.The results indicated that the number of serum patients infected with HBV was 90 (49.7%) using Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay technique. These patients had many markers named HBsAg, HBeAg, HBcAb, HBeAb and HBsAb with percentages 90 (49.7%), 47 (26.0%), 89 (49.2%), 53 (29.3%) and5 (2.8%) respectively. Ninety three patients infected with HBV ninety of them gave positive results using ELISA and rt-PCR technique, and three gave positive results using rt-PCR only inspite of their negative results in ELISA. We concluded that HBV infection remains a serious issue because it's prevalence is still significant among patients, all viral markers are very important for the diagnosis of infection, rt-PCR is a very sensitive scientific technique gave the exactly number of copies/ml in a closed system

    The political change in Oman from 1970: transition towards democracy

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    The aim of this thesis is to study the political changes in Oman from 1970 with the focus on the transition towards democracy. The core issue is the change from the policy of the previous sultan, who banned the participation of the nation and oppressed it. This led the country to civil war, isolation and the end of the regime. The current sultan, who launched a coup against his father in 1970, adopted various changes in areas such as the economy, politics and infrastructure, and allowed the people to run the country. The important changes were the process of democratisation in Oman, which is discussed in the context both of democratic theory, and change in the South. The thesis will offer an overview of democratic political theory, an account of political change in the South in general, and in the Middle East region in particular. The focus on Oman will seek to answer three questions: when did the process of democratisation begin; why was it begun, and how has it been managed? The core of the argument will look at the creation of formal institutions of democracy, such as the Majlis Ash-Shura (Consultative Council), and the State Council, and informal institutions, such as the media, the Chamber of Commerce, the Businessmen's Council, Sablat Alarab (the Arab Council Web Site), and the role of leading individuals in the democratic debate. These changes led the current sultan to receive internal and extemallegitimacy. Omani citizens are now aware of the development in other parts of the world and they will force the current sultan to add further changes. He should respond positively in order to remain in power

    Removal of nitrogen pollutant from domestic wastewater

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    Water as a medium for waste transport would be easily contaminated by human activities. Many methods have been proposed to treat contaminated water to protect human health and biodiversity (Z. Daud et al., 2017). Due to upgrade the existing wastewater treatment plant facilities, the typically advanced technologies have been proposed to remove many types of pollutant, effectively (Tchobanoglous, Burton, & Stensel, 2004). The development of wastewater treatment plant needs to be considered leading economic indicators to have low operational and maintenance costs (Lewandowski, 2015; Shammas, Wang, & Wu, 2009). Aerobic digestion (AD) has been known since 1950 as biological wastewater treatment process to treat wastewater by removing the pollutants for instance colloids, organic compounds and suspended solids to avoid the excessive pollutants released into the receiving water (Shammas and Wang, 2007)

    Respons Pertumbuhan Bibit Pinang (Areca catechu L.) Terhadap Aplikasi Limbah Solid Kelapa Sawit

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk melihat pengaruh pemberian dosis limbah solid kelapa sawit terhadap pertumbuhan bibit pinang dan untuk mendapatkan dosis limbah solid kelapa sawit yang memberikan pertumbuhan bibit pinang terbaik. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jambi yang terletak di Desa Mendalo Darat Kecamatan Jambi Luar Kota Kabupaten Muaro Jambi dengan ketinggian tempat ± 35 meter dpl dari bulan Maret sampai Juni 2021. Rancangan yang digunakan yaitu Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan tinggi bibit dengan 6 taraf perlakuan dosis limbah solid kelapa sawit (d) yaitu: Tanpa perlakuaan/Kontrol (d0), 100 g/Tanaman (d1), 150 g/Tanaman (d2), 200 g /Tanaman (d3), 250 g/Tanaman (d4), 300 g/Tanaman (d5). Variabel yang diamati yaitu Pertambahan tinggi bibit, pertambahan diameter batang, jumlah daun, berat kering tajuk, berat kering akar, dan rasio tajuk akar bibit pinang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemberian limbah solid kelapa sawit berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan bibit pinang, yaitu pada variabel pertambahan tinggi bibit, pertambahan diameter batang, berat kering tajuk, dan rasio tajuk akar bibit pinang. Namun, tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah daun dan berat kering akar bibit pinang. Dosis limbah solid kelapa sawit yang memberikan pertumbuhan bibit pinang terbaik dalam penelitian ini yaitu 100 g/tanaman