562 research outputs found

    Stasiun Pemantau Cuaca Berbasis IoT (Internet of Things) dengan Metode Exponential Smoothing

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     Cuaca merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kelancaran suatu aktifitas. Sehingga diperlukan sebuah alat yang dapat memprediksi kondisi cuaca secara real time dengan berbasis IoT (Internet of Things) yang dapat di akses menggunakan aplikasi Blynk yang telah ditanam di smartphone. Kemudian untuk memastikan keakurasian peramalan maka digunakan metode exponential smoothing. Untuk mengetahui keefektifan metode yang digunakan dilakukan perbandingan pengukuran dengan metode exponential smoothing dan tanpa menggunakan metode. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, nilai persentase error dengan menggunakan metode exponential smoothing lebih baik dari pada tanpa menggunakan metode apapun dalam melakukan peramalan cuaca. Pengukuran suhu dengan metode exponential memiliki persentase error sebesar 3.57% sedangkan pengukuran suhu tanpa menggunakan metode memiliki persentase error sebesar 7.41%. Untuk pengukuran kelembaban udara dengan metode exponential memiliki persentase error sebesar 6.74% sedangkan pengukuran kelembaban udara tanpa menggunakan metode memiliki persentase error sebesar 10.07%. Dan pengukuran kecepatan angin dengan metode exponential memiliki persentase error sebesar 12.55% sedangkan pengukuran kecepatan udara tanpa menggunakan metode memiliki persentase error sebesar 34.53%.   Cuaca merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kelancaran suatu aktifitas. Sehingga diperlukan sebuah alat yang dapat memprediksi kondisi cuaca secara real time dengan berbasis IoT (Internet of Things) yang dapat di akses menggunakan aplikasi Blynk yang telah ditanam di smartphone. Kemudian untuk memastikan keakurasian peramalan maka digunakan metode exponential smoothing. Untuk mengetahui keefektifan metode yang digunakan dilakukan perbandingan pengukuran dengan metode exponential smoothing dan tanpa menggunakan metode. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, nilai persentase error dengan menggunakan metode exponential smoothing lebih baik dari pada tanpa menggunakan metode apapun dalam melakukan peramalan cuaca. Pengukuran suhu dengan metode exponential memiliki persentase error sebesar 3.57% sedangkan pengukuran suhu tanpa menggunakan metode memiliki persentase error sebesar 7.41%. Untuk pengukuran kelembaban udara dengan metode exponential memiliki persentase error sebesar 6.74% sedangkan pengukuran kelembaban udara tanpa menggunakan metode memiliki persentase error sebesar 10.07%. Dan pengukuran kecepatan angin dengan metode exponential memiliki persentase error sebesar 12.55% sedangkan pengukuran kecepatan udara tanpa menggunakan metode memiliki persentase error sebesar 34.53%

    Correlation Of Change Communication Factorswith Perceived Success Of Change Initiatives In A Selected Organization

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    Everybody is aware of the fact that today, everything (almost everything) is changing and the only constant is change itself. Regardless of who we are – students, workers, stakeholders, shareholders and so forth, we are all subjected to various types of changes in our lives. In other words, change is a part of our life. Change has intrigued, scared, excited, and mystified man for many centuries and continues to challenge individuals from all walks of life, yet it is inevitable and has become the very nucleus of human life (Szamosi & Duxbury, 2002). Correspondingly, the ter

    Conceptualizing Muslim Consumer Religiosity: Challenges and Recommendations for Future Research

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    Recent trends focused on religion as an essential aspect of culture that affects Muslim consumer behavior, especially religiosity. Nonetheless, conceptualizing religiosity for Muslims shows the complexity of the concept that transcends culture and fields of study. Therefore, researchers face challenges in understanding religiosity and its role in predicting consumer behavior. This paper sheds some light on the topic by highlighting these challenges to provide insight for future research agendas

    Innovation of product modularity development through the integration of a formal Industrial Design framework

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    Growing numbers of global manufacturers are not only adopting the modularity concept, but integrating design methodologies that explicitly focused on achieving a range of competitive advantages through the enhancement of product appearance and utilities designs. The rising interest in industrial design is also an interesting symptom of changes in the approach to new product development, hence, integrating industrial design in modular product design posed a new challenge. In meeting these challenges, a formal Industrial Design framework known as InDFM (Industrial Design Framework for Modular Product Design/Development) was developed to support the innovation of design in modular product development. Within the InDFM, a methodology is developed for modular product design realisation. This research embarked with identifying the appropriate range of product as the focus of the investigation, followed by qualitative surveys on the design and development processes relevant to the selected product. The surveys were conducted in modular product companies within a range of industries related to the product, in the U.K., Belgium and Malaysia. Literatures reviews were also conducted on related domains across a range of application to understand the fundamentals of modularity and industrial design processes that are relevant to the domains. Data findings from these exercises were used to identify InDFM construction components, which were also vital to develop a technical standard for implementation of the InDFM. To evaluate its practicability, the InDFM was retrospectively applied in an existing modular product design process of a selected company. The evaluation focused on process compatibility of industrial design and modular design processes. Validation of the process compatibility emphasised the quality of integration at all stages of the design and development process. In conclusion, industrial design applications in a highly technical process of modular product design provide a design-driven innovation to complement the engineering driven innovation in the process. The combinations were proven to enhance the visual, interactive, and the feasibility contents of a modular product apart from providing a broader perspective to the objective of product modularity. InDFM also provides design practitioners with systematic design methodology to integrate both processes, thus performed as a tool for innovation that facilitate the revision of object identity, break away from the existing design rules and generating new rules. Additionally, as InDFM is a flexible methodology, innovation of modular product design through industrial design is accessible to any product company, small scale or big organisation that would want to acquire an advanced interactive version of the InDFM in the future


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    The results of fluid flow simulation around an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) are presented in this paper. The UUV represents a small submarine for underwater search and rescue operation, which suits the local river conditions. The flow simulation was performed with a commercially available computational fluid dynamics package, Star-CD. The effects of the UUV geometry on the velocity and pressure distributions on the UUV surface were discussed for Re=500,000 and 3,000,000. The discussion led to an improved design of the UUV with a smoother velocity profile around the UUV body

    Cabaran atasi kepelbagaian

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    Ada tiga istilah menarik yang membuahkan bualan berlanjutan berikutan "Seminar Gagasan Satu malaysia: Kesinambungan Satu Perjuangan" di Kuala Terengganu Ahad lalu. Tiga istilah itu ialah 'kecacamarbaan,' 'kepelbagaian' dan 'keterpinggiran'

    Development of a virtual counseling room model to increase student interest in using guidance and counseling services

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    The objectives of this study: (1) to describe the need for developing a virtual boarding school room model to attract students' interest in participating in counseling and guidance services, (2) to determine the prototype of a virtual boarding school room model and (3) to determine the validity and practicality of the virtual boarding school room model. This study uses the research and development method (Research & Development) developed by Borg and Gall. Data analysis used quantitative data analysis. The subjects in this study consisted of learning media experts, counseling guidance experts, BK practices and students who were taken using random sampling techniques. The results showed that (1) the development of a virtual counseling room model was needed by BK teachers and students, (2) a prototype virtual counseling room model was a media created using a google slide application that contained several counseling guidance services, (3) a room model Virtual counseling has the value of usability, service, and accuracy so that it is declared valid and practical to be used as media guidance and counseling

    Pemikiran politik dan kenegaraan Muhammad Iqbal

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    Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mendedahkan pemikiran politik Muhammad Iqbal dan melihat bagaimana pandangan tokoh berkenaan dalam mengemukakan dasar negara dan konsep pentadbiran negara. Artikel ini berdasarkan kepada sebuah penyelidikan yang telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan menggunakan metod analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa konsep negara Islam adalah berdasarkan kedaulatan Tuhan, prinsip tauhid telah menjadi asas pembangunan masyarakat Islam (Millat), melalui pembinaan karakter individu yang berdasarkan persamaan, perpaduan dan kebebasan berpandukan wahyu dan Tradisi Kenabian

    Emergence of multiple seedlings from seed of Garcinia mangostana L. (Clusiaceae).

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    Polyembryony is the formation of multiple embryos in a single seed. It was reported to occur in Garcinia mangostana through sporophytic adventitious embryony. This paper reports new insight of multiple shoot formation on seed of G. mangostana and a different finding compare to previous studies. A germination study was carried out during the July to August mangosteen fruiting season at University Agriculture Park, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Ten trees were randomly selected and 20 fruits samples were collected. From each fruit, only the biggest seed was used. Seed was disinfected using benomyl and sown on sterilized sand. Flower buds and flowers were also collected. Histological studies were carried out following the TBA series and dyed with Fast Green and Safranin O. For scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations, samples were fixed in 70% formalin acetic acid and dehydrated using critical point dryer. Samples were mounted on aluminum stubs and finally coated twice with gold for two minutes. The percentage of seed germination was 47% and from that 11% of seeds were with multiple shoots. The morphology of the mangosteen seed was made of hypocotyl with two long strips of vascular bundle. From the histology and SEM, it was shown that shoot and root arises from the end of the vascular bundle. It was also observed that in some instance there were two ovules per locule that further developed into hypocotyls. The hypocotyls carrying their own vascular bundles will unite and enclosed by a single testa and form the “seed”. From each hypocotyl single shoot will emerged. When there are two to three hypocotyls united, two to three shoot will emerged thus displaying multiple shoots per seed. This study concluded that the term polyembryony is not suitable because there was only a single embryo per hypocotyl

    Analisis Sifat Mekanik Karet Silikon sebagai Kandidat Prepusium Sintetik pada Alat Peraga Khitan

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    Khitan atau sunat (sirkumsisi) merupakan proses tindakan medis berupa pembuangan sebagian dari kulit luar penis (prepusium) yang membungkus kepala penis (glans). Di Indonesia, khitan banyak dilakukan pada anak laki-laki ketika mencapai masa usia 7 sampai 12 tahun. Tindakan khitan dapat dilakukan oleh berbagai profesi tenaga kesehatan, seperti dokter, perawat, dan mantri sunat. Untuk melatih keterampilan tindakan khitan, salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan alat peraga khitan sebagai sarana latihan memotong dan menjahit kulit penis. Tetapi, alat peraga khitan masih minim ditemukan di Indonesia. Salah satu poin penting dari alat peraga khitan adalah adanya kulit sintetis yang sifat mekaniknya mirip kulit asli agar ketika latihan memotong dan menjahit mempunyai feeling yang sama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat dan menganalisis sifat mekanik karet jenis silikon sebagai material pengganti prepusium pada alat peraga khitan. Pengujian sifat mekanik dari prepusium dan karet silikon menggunakan Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan modulus elastisitas prepusium dan silikon mempunyai tren yang sama, tetapi mempunyai nilai eksak yang berbeda. Berdasarkan hasil survei yang dilakukan terhadap beberapa praktisi khitan di Yogyakarta, kulit sintetis mudah dipotong dan dijahit serta mempunyai feeling yang mendekati sebenarnya