394 research outputs found

    Understanding of teaching and its manifestation among excellent educators in a selected public university

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    The research was conducted to explore the understanding of teaching of excellent educators in a selected public university. Three research questions guided the study; first, what do educators believe to be the purposes of education?, second, what facilitated the understanding of teaching development?, and third, how is the understanding of teaching adhered to, manifested in their teaching practice? The study employed qualitative multiple case study approach to answer the research questions. The primary data were collected through in depth interviews and the secondary data were collected through observations in the classroom, laboratory and discussion sessions after lectures. The analyses of this study were done through within-case analysis and cross-case analysis explained the findings from the four excellent educators. The study discovered that the purposes of education were for change, transmitting knowledge, and character building. Respondents’ background as well as understanding of learning and teaching concepts had contributed to the development of the understanding of teaching. The adhered understanding was manifested in their teaching. These can be observed through their preparation and openness to assists students. Their teaching roles as experts and organizers were reflected in their teaching. They have been a major source of reference for their students as well as the society at large

    Modelling interfacial tribochemistry in the mixed lubrication regime

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    The need to reduce the cost of components is driving more and more machine elements to operate under mixed lubrication conditions. With higher operating pressures, the lubricant film is becoming thinner and eventually reaches nanometre scales, comparable to the surface roughness. Thus, understanding the mixed lubrication phenomenon is becoming increasingly important. However, the mixed lubrication phenomenon is difficult to capture experimentally and the lubricant additive ZDDP (Zinc Dialkyl Dithio Phosphate) shows its full antiwear character in the mixed lubrication conditions. This research stems from the need for models that can simulate contact mechanics, lubrication and tribochemistry in a single framework. This is the key to understanding and optimizing the lubrication systems to meet future needs. To this end, a numerically efficient procedure based upon the tridiagonal solution of the Reynolds equation is developed and is implemented, in Fortran to solve the equations line by line to incorporate more information from the current iteration step. The asperity contacts are handled by the unified solution algorithm. A new strategy to simulate plastic deformation in a lubricated contact is developed. Under practical loading conditions, the pressures inside the contact can reach values far above the material yielding limit. Thus, an efficient numerical scheme is devised to include the elastic perfectly plastic behaviour in the EHL solution procedure to simulate realistic contact conditions with minimal increase in computational cost. The Boussinesq deformation integrals result in a convolution of pressure and the deformation which is solved using Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) by modifying the solution domain to create a cyclic convolution. Code is developed to allow exploration of the highly optimized C-based library (www.fftw.org). The use of FFTs speeds up the solution process many times and makes the use of denser grids and larger time scales accessible. A mesh size of 129 x 129 is found to give reasonable results. The simulation results from the current study agree very well with the previously published results. The evolution of contact area ratio and the central film thickness exhibit a Stribeck type behaviour and the transition speeds at which the contact transits from EHL to mixed and from mixed to complete boundary lubrication can be precisely identified. Existing tribofilm growth models developed for boundary lubrication are reviewed and a model based on the interface thermodynamics is adapted and integrated with the mixed lubrication model to simulate tribochemistry. The problems with existing EHL concepts such as lambda ratio and central film thickness are identified and new definitions are proposed to allow understanding of the mixed lubrication mechanics. The mutual interaction between the tribofilm growth and lubricant film formation is studied. Finally the wear of the tribological system is studied and the wear track profiles are predicted. The new model is then applied to study a ball-on-disc system to explore wear, tribochemistry and roughness evolution. The ZDDP tribofilm growth is studied and the it is found that the final ZDDP tribofilm thickness is very weakly affected by increasing SRR but the rate of formation and removal are strongly affected by the SRR value. The tribofilm growth results are validated against published numerical and experimental results. It is found that the antiwear action of the ZDDP tribofilm is not only due to its chemical action but the ZDDP tribofilm helps to entrain more lubricant and improves contact performance. The presence of tribofilm roughens the contact and the contact area and load ratio both increase due to tribofilm growth. It was also found that the use of conventional EHL parameters to analyse the behaviour of tribosystem is misleading. The flattening of the roughness inside the contact and the proper identification of the central film thickness are crucial to the interpretation of the mixed lubrication results. The roughness of the ball generally decreases due to wear but the presence of tribofilm limits this reduction. Contrary to this, the surface roughness of the ball generally increases due to wear but the presence of tribofilm results in increased roughness of the ball

    Business Intelligence Model for a Student Data Warehouse in UUM Environment

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    Organization was and still in a need for the data warehouse techniques to keep itself in the lead, the best in using these techniques and come up with the desired results are the applications that are using the OLAP techniques and the BI methods, in this study there was a need for a data warehouse, BI model and the OLAP techniques to analyze the data so I had addressed these three factors as my problem and solve it by building the BI model, building a system and use the OLAP techniques in the system to the decision makers in the UUM university make better decisions for the benefit of the university and its students


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    Kondisi sakit yang dialami oleh anak usia sekolah dapat menyebabkannya harus dilakukan perawatan di rumah sakit. Keadaan tersebut bisa menyebabkan anak usia sekolah mengalami krisis atau yang disebut sebagai hospitalisasi. Hospitalisasi bisa mengakibatkan anak mengalami kecemasan sebagai penilaian suatu hal yang membahayakan, terkait dengan rasa ketidakpastian, tidak mampu, kekhawatiran dan ketakutan yang tidak jelas penyebabnya. Salah satu intervensi yang bisa diberikan untuk menangani permasalahan kecemasan adalah pemberian biblioterapi. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis efek biblioterapi islami terhadap tingkat ansietas pada anak usia sekolah selama dilakukan perawatan di rumah sakit. Metode penelitian dengan quashi eksperimen menggunakan desain one group pre-test dan post-test. Responden penelitian adalah anak usia sekolah yang sedang menjalani perawatan di rumah sakit. Responden dilakukan pengukuran tingkat kecemasan dengan Skala Kecemasan HARS (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale) sebelum dan sesudah diberikan intervensi biblioterapi islami. Data penelitian dilakukan analisis normalitas data dan dilakukan uji beda untuk megetahui perbedaan tingkat ansietas responden penelitian sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan tingkat ansietas pada responden penelitian sebelum diberikan perlakuan mengalami ansietas ringan 7 (23,3%), ansietas sedang 10 (33,3%), ansietas berat 5 (16,7%) dan ansietas sangat berat 2 (6,7%). Setelah diberikan perlakuan tingkat ansietas responden mengalami penurunan responden yang mengalami ketidakcemasan 18 (60%), ansietas ringan 7 (23,3%), ansietas sedang 4 (13,4%), ansietas berat 1 (3,3%). Kesimpulan pemberian biblioterapi islami berpengaruh terhadap tingkat ansietas anak usia sekolah yang dirawat di rumah sakit. Penelitian selanjutnya bisa melakukan penelitian quashi eksperimen dengan desain two group with control group pretest-posttest.Kondisi sakit yang dialami oleh anak usia sekolah dapat menyebabkannya harus dilakukan perawatan di rumah sakit. Keadaan tersebut bisa menyebabkan anak usia sekolah mengalami krisis atau yang disebut sebagai hospitalisasi. Hospitalisasi bisa mengakibatkan anak mengalami kecemasan sebagai penilaian suatu hal yang membahayakan, terkait dengan rasa ketidakpastian, tidak mampu, kekhawatiran dan ketakutan yang tidak jelas penyebabnya. Salah satu intervensi yang bisa diberikan untuk menangani permasalahan kecemasan adalah pemberian biblioterapi. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis efek biblioterapi islami terhadap tingkat ansietas pada anak usia sekolah selama dilakukan perawatan di rumah sakit. Metode penelitian dengan quashi eksperimen menggunakan desain one group pre-test dan post-test. Responden penelitian adalah anak usia sekolah yang sedang menjalani perawatan di rumah sakit. Responden dilakukan pengukuran tingkat kecemasan dengan Skala Kecemasan HARS (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale) sebelum dan sesudah diberikan intervensi biblioterapi islami. Data penelitian dilakukan analisis normalitas data dan dilakukan uji beda untuk megetahui perbedaan tingkat ansietas responden penelitian sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan tingkat ansietas pada responden penelitian sebelum diberikan perlakuan mengalami ansietas ringan 7 (23,3%), ansietas sedang 10 (33,3%), ansietas berat 5 (16,7%) dan ansietas sangat berat 2 (6,7%). Setelah diberikan perlakuan tingkat ansietas responden mengalami penurunan responden yang mengalami ketidakcemasan 18 (60%), ansietas ringan 7 (23,3%), ansietas sedang 4 (13,4%), ansietas berat 1 (3,3%). Kesimpulan pemberian biblioterapi islami berpengaruh terhadap tingkat ansietas anak usia sekolah yang dirawat di rumah sakit. Penelitian selanjutnya bisa melakukan penelitian quashi eksperimen dengan desain two group with control group pretest-posttest

    Flutter analysis of supersonic wing with external stores

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    One of the most dangerous aeroelastic failure phenomenon is flutter. The flutter characteristic is different for each type of aircraft depends on the wing geometry and its operational region of subsonic, transonic or supersonic. Prior to performing flight flutter test, extensive numerical simulations and Ground Vibration Test should be conducted where the structural finite element modes and the experimentation results should be matched otherwise the numerical simulation model could be rejected. In the present paper, the simulation of supersonic wing equipped with external loads of missiles on the wing had been analyzed at high supersonic region. The structural mode shapes at each generated frequency mode are also visually presented. The analysis is carried out using FEM software of MSC Nastran. The wing flutter with the external stores had been simulated at different altitudes. The result shows that the flutter velocity is sensitive to the flight altitude. For this reason, the flutter analysis is conducted also for a negative altitude. The negative altitude is obtained by considering the constant equivalent speed-Mach number rule at flutter speed boundary as a requirement in standard regulation of transport aircraft


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    The Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) was declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020. The main pandemic countermeasure with physical distancing and limitation to travel heavily damaged the airline industry around the world, which slumps the direct revenue to the company. Hence, the industry should utilize this tight cash flow and the volatility business due to high operating costs and the high cost of labor. This situation could be worsening to the various national carrier in Asia already performs poorly far before COVID-19. Therefore, this research will predict the bankruptcy of four national airline companies in regional Asia using a modified version of Altman Z Score and Zmijewski Model. This research will show the current and future condition of financial performance in each company. Those National Airlines, namely PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk. (IHSG: GIAA), Singapore Airlines Ltd. (SGX: CL6), Thai Airways International (BKK: THAI), and Eva Air (TPE:2618). This study's results indicate financial distress and possibly to be bankrupt for two national airlines company, especially in Garuda Indonesia and Thai Airways, compared to other selected national airlines. Thus, those financial distress companies should carefully allocate remaining assets, liquidate the unproductive entities, and perform a company reconstruction to avoid bankruptcy in the future. Keywords: covid-19, bankruptcy analysis, regional airlines industry, modified altman z-score, financial distres

    Desain Kapal Katamaran 3-in-1 Penumpang-Kontainer-Kendaraan dengan Rute Dermaga Boom Marina, Banyuwangi - Pelabuhan Benoa, Bali

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    Sejak 12 September 2015 lalu Pantai Boom Banyuwangi sedang dalam proses pembangunan oleh pemerintah daerah menjadi dermaga kapal pesiar dan berganti nama menjadi Dermaga Boom Marina Banyuwangi yang diharapkan menjadi bagian dari jaringan marina dunia sekaligus untuk mempromosikan wisata bahari Indonesia di dunia Internasional. Dermaga ini kemudian dikoneksikan dengan pelabuhan Benoa, Bali. Namun hingga saat ini belum ada alat transportasi laut yang beroperasi di jalur pelayaran tersebut. Pada Tugas Akhir ini akan didesain kapal katamaran 3-in-1 penumpang-kontainer-kendaraan dengan metode point-based design hingga tahap analisis ekonomisnya. Dari serangkaian proses desain didapatkan kapasitas penumpang sebanyak 65 orang, kapasitas kendaraan sebanyak 12 unit mobil jenis SUVdan kontainer sebanyak 6 TEU’s dengan jenis muatan berupa buah, sayur, dan daging ternak. Berdasarkan perhitungan yang telah dilakukan didapatkan ukuran utama kapal yaitu LOA = 54 m, B =16 m, B1 =4.2 m, H = 3.6 m, T =2 m. Hasil penilitian menunjukkan bahwa desain kapal katamaran 3-in-1 layak dibangung dan investasi terhadap pembangunan kapal katamaran 3-in-1 dilakukan dengan Net Present Value Rp Rp1,679,747,762, Internal Rate of Return 21%, dan Payback Period dalam empat tahun satu bulan 13 hari. =============================================================================================================================== Since September 2015, Boom Beach Banyuwangi has been constructed by the Local Government to be a yacht quay and renamed to Boom Marina Quay, Banyuwangi which is expected to be part of world’s marine network and also to promote Indonesia’s marine tourism to the world. The quay will then be connected to Benoa Port, Bali. Yet, there hasn’t been any sea transportations operated on its traffic lane. This Final Project designed 3-in-1 Catamaran Passenger-Container-Vehicle with Point-Based Design method. By a series of design processes, has been obtained the passenger capacity of 65 persons, vehicle capacity of 12 units SUV type of car, and 6 TEU’s containers which carry fruits, vegetables, and meats; The result of this research shows that 3-in-1 Catamaran is deserved to be built and its dimensions LOA = 54 m, B = 16 m, B1 = 16 m, H = 3,6 m, T = 2 m. The investment of building this 3-in-1 Catamaran is feasible with the NPV Rp 13.917.091.275, IRR 3%, and Payback Period is 8 years 6 months and 16 days

    The Impact of Fiscal Policy on Economic Growth in ASEAN-5 Countries

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    The issues of fiscal policy dependency, vulnerabilities of domestic economy, frail financial uphold, and small fiscal multiplier motivated this study to examine the relationship between fiscal policy and economic growth in ASEAN-5 for the period of 1970–2016. Based on the nature of the data, the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach has used. The results reveals that fiscal policy instrument namely government expenditure is statistically significant in ASEAN-5 economies except for Indonesia. Results also shows that implementation of non-tax in the long run results in expenditure being significant in ASEAN-5 except in Indonesia; tax and non-tax are significant in the Philippines, Thailand, and Singapore; and debt is significant in Indonesia and Thailand. The policy contributes to the Philippines and Thailand to increase the rate of non-tax in support of the growing expenditure. Results in case of Singapore highly recommends increasing the rate of tax and non-tax to decline its accrued debt. Government authorities should be transparent to ensure growth stability through prudent and effective policy in aggregate demand using the fiscal instrument in ASEAN economies


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    The purpose of this study is to realize the opportunities of Halal industry exploring the driving factors of this fastest growing industry in the world. The global Halal industry as a whole is estimated to worth around USD2.3 trillion (excluding Islamic finance) a year, is now one of the fastest growing markets. Simultaneously, the global market growth is estimated to reach at an annual rate of 20 percent per annum. Such expansion of the industry is because the global halal market of 2.18 billion Muslims is no longer confined Muslims only. Similarly, the Halal industry is no longer confined to food and food-related products, but rather to include pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, health products, toiletries and medical devices as well as service sector components such as logistics, marketing, print and electronic media, packaging, branding, and financing. This paper attempts to examine the current realities of the global halal industry by observing the factors determining such increasing demand for Halal industry in addition to the opportunities that are offered from on recent global development in the market.  According to the Islamic rules and regulations the word halal is rooted from an Arabic word which means ‘permissible’ or ‘lawful’. The concept of halal is not bound to food-related items only but to multiple other aspects such as products, which can be further categorized into various groups, for instance, cosmetics, self-care, health, tourism and services. A global survey discovered that the Muslims spend on food, beverages and lifestyles amounting to USD2trillionin2016.Moreover,theglobalMuslimmarketspendsontravelreachingUSD2 trillion in 2016. Moreover, the global Muslim market spends on travel reaching USD169 billion in 2016 and expected to increase to USD283billionin2022.Meanwhile,theMuslimaveragepercapitaincome(GDP)hasrisenfromUSD283 billion in 2022. Meanwhile, the Muslim average per capita income (GDP) has risen from USD1763 to USD$6530 from 1993 to 2010. To achieve the objectives of the study, a methodology of analyzing secondary data was adopted in this paper. The sources of all secondary data and information were extensive literature review, library search, a number of different websites, online journal publications, conference proceedings, thesis, different institutional reports and publications. The findings show that there are three major factors driving the rapidly growing global halal market. First, sizable and growing Muslim population at 1.8 per cent per annum, Second, growing economic development and hence increasing purchasing power among the Muslim. Lastly, emergence of the potential halal market in non-Muslim nations and halal industry players. Nonetheless, numerous challenges confronting Halal industry players. These include the standardization of halal, lack of data, animal right, halal is not compulsory in many Muslim countries and others. As a way forward, industry players need to deepen knowledge and understanding of the Muslim market (pattern and behavior), regularly update data, and exploit untapped market niches as well as product sales and promotion. Findings and recommendations of this work will be a great resource for future researchers and scholars in relevant areas as well as policy makers to make their strategic decisions in the fields of Halal Industry