724 research outputs found

    Pembingkaian Berita Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Untuk Coblos Ulang Pilkada Surabaya (Studi Analisis Framing Tentang Berita Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Untuk Coblos Ulang Pilkada Surabaya Pada Surat Kabar Jawa Pos dan Surya edisi 1 s.d 6 Juli 2010

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the framing of news in newspapers Jawa Pos and Surya in the news of the Constitutional Court for re-election in Surabaya. The theory used in this study is the Mass Media and Politics, Mass Media as Agent of Reality Construction, Ideology Media and Framing Analysis. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method, which uses a framing analysis of Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki. The corpus of news that is: news stories that discuss the decision of the Constitutional Court for re-election in Surabaya on Jawa Pos and Surya newspaper, 1 to 4 July 2010. The results of the Jawa Pos, the Constitutional Court ruling is not fair and more profitable partner Arif Afandi and Adies Kadir. While the Surya, the result of research that is the decision of the Constitutional Court is reasonable

    Total Quality Management Enablers for SMEs: A Study of Malaysian Companies

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    This study was designed to identify the enablersof successful TQM implementation by Malaysian SMEbusinesses. The study is importance due to the facts thatSMEs are left behind in TQM implementation as compareto large organizations. The survey questionnairedistributed to 500 Malaysian small businesses and 153responded which contribute to 30.6% response rate. Theaim of this survey was to gain a general understanding ofTQM implementation and to identify the enablers fromthe respective respondents. The study investigated andidentified the enablers of TQM implementation that arecontributing to the SMEs performance

    Development of green banana (Musa paradisiaca) as potential food packaging films and coatings

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    The aim of this study was to develop biodegradable packaging films based on a unripe green banana (Musa paradisiaca L.) with different plasticizers; glycerol, polyethylene glycol (PEG) and sorbitol at various concentrations (10-50%). Banana films were produced by using casting method and physical properties of these films were determined. Banana films with 10% of PEG showed the lowest water solubility (P≤0.05) followed by films with glycerol and sorbitol. Banana films with 40% plasticizers possessed the lowest water vapour permeability (WVP) whereas films with 30% glycerol exhibited higher values of tensile strength (P≤0.05) compared to films with PEG and sorbitol. However, types of plasticizers did not influence the thickness of the films. Also, used of higher concentrations of plasticizers had increased the solubility values. These findings reveal that concentrations and types of plasticizers have significant roles to provide banana film or coating with good physical properties


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini untuk, mendeskripasikan perencanaan bimbingan keterampilan bagi warga lansia pada Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Pagar Dewa Kota Bengkulu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriftif kualitatif, peneliti berperan sebagai penelitian nonpartisipatif, teknik pengumpulan data adalah wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Untuk menguji validasi data peneliti menggunakan teknik trianggulasi. Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan maka dapat disimpulkan: Perencanaan bimbingan keterampilan bagi warga lansia pada Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Pagar Dewa Kota Bengkulu dilakukan melihat permasalahan yang di alami warga lansia yang tinggal di panti yang dapat merasakan rasa jenuh, bosan, bahkan kesepian maka di perlukan kegiatan yang dapat mengisi waktu luang dan memberdayakan warga lansia dengan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai dan tenaga kerja melalui tes pegawai negeri sipil. Dengan indikator keberhasilan yaitu meningkatkan sosialisasi lansia dengan berkembangnya aktivitas yang dilakukan, warga lansia dapat menyalurkan keterampilan yang dimiliki dengan minat dan keahliannya, memiliki dampak positif bagi kesehatan melalui kegiatan yang aktif dan produktif, dan seksi bimbingan keterampilan menuntaskan tugas

    Re-attachment of a Fractured Maxillary Central Incisor: A Case with Two Years Follow-up

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    Crown re-attachment is the most conservative treatment that can be used to restore fractured tooth, even in an emergency situation. The re-attachment maintains original contour and incisal translucency of the tooth, and reduces the chair time and cost. In case of crown fracture with pin-point pulp exposure, irritation to the pulp should be minimised and consideration must be taken for pre-treatment pulpal status, choice of pulp capping material, choice of bonding system and treatment sequence during crown re-attachment procedures. This article reported a crown fracture case with pin-point pulp exposure that was treated using crown re-attachment with direct pulp capping. At two-year follow-up, the tooth was asymptomatic, remained functional, vital, and the appearance of restoration was acceptable with no colour change to the crown

    Melaka Broadband : The Competency Study To The Performance On Sales Workforce In Consumer Sales Unit TM Melaka

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    Competent sales workforce is crucial for TM Melaka to face the global challenges and stiff competition. Competency is very much linked to workforce performance; and with proper competency and capabilities, it will increase sales productivity. The objective of the study is to examine the level of generic sales competencies of the sales workforce in Consumer Sales Unit in TM Melaka. Since competency-based training is an important element for the competency level, the study examined the preferred competency in behavioral, functional link to the performance of the sales workforce. The study also examined the relationship between the dependent variables (work performance) and selected independent variables. It will also measure the effect of technology as an enabler to assist the sales workforce in delivering exceptional service to the consumer. This study also investigates how competencies with the help of technology lead to broadband acceptance to the mass consumer. Further, it is argued that the level of sales workforce competencies is positively related to his/her performance, and that the quality of leader-member exchange positively moderates the relationship between competencies and performance especially to the know-how. Results based on analyses of data from a sample of 26 sales workforces, executives and managers from Consumer Sales Unit (CS), TM Melaka to support the researcher research model

    Low-temperature synthesis of ZnO by wet chemical method

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    Zinc oxide (ZnO) wire was synthesized by hydrothermal method at 70° C by using Zn acetate dihydrate and ammonium hydroxide as the starting material. The sample was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron disperse X-ray (EDX), electro diffraction (ED) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The XRD result confirmed the formation of ZnO with wurtzite structure. The ED reveals that ZnO wire is single crystal and grows up along [001] direction. Influence of temperature on crystal growth was evaluated. Results shown that increase in temperature shorten the length of wire

    OOP-AR: Learn Object Oriented Programming Using Augmented Reality

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    Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is one of the challenging concept in computer science education especially for novice programmers. To help students understand this concept, this research try to blend OOP with Augmented Reality (AR). The reason because AR can give fun aspect to the learner, which can also help learner to focus longer without distraction. For this research purpose, the target audience is 20 university students with different ability in programming and augmented reality experience. The overall results of this research show that OOP-AR received positive feedback from users. It also proved that OOP-AR is a necessary product for students who need to improvise their knowledge in OOP and its concepts and gain interest in using AR applicatio

    Benefits and Returns of Adopt-A-Park Programme in Kuala Lumpur

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    A collaborative partnership between local authorities and corporate agencies in maintaining and managing urban public parks through the Adopt-A-Park Programme has become a standard approach throughout the United States and Europe. In the Malaysian context, this programme came into the limelight of the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) practices via the Greener Kuala Lumpur initiatives. Between 2012 and 2018, fifteen corporate agencies have shown their proactive involvement through corporate social responsibility (CSR) to beautify and maintain the urban green spaces in Kuala Lumpur via the park adoption programme which helped Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur / KL City Hall (DBKL) to manage its public parks effectively despite the limited budget. This paper aims to examine the benefits and returns of the Adopt-A-Park Programme at the Laman @ Eco Sky and the Metropolis Park to DBKL, park users and park adopters. Park users' satisfaction and allocations spent by the corporate adopters are analysed descriptively. Results show that while DBKL saved about RM24 million of the maintenance cost, 94% of the adopted park users are satisfied with the quality of the park. This programme should include more parks, especially in low-income communities.Keywords: Adopt-A-Park Programme, Adoption, Urban Park, Benefits and ReturnseISSN: 2398-4287 © 2019. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/e-bpj.v4i12.193