239 research outputs found

    Surrogate Assisted Optimisation for Travelling Thief Problems

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    The travelling thief problem (TTP) is a multi-component optimisation problem involving two interdependent NP-hard components: the travelling salesman problem (TSP) and the knapsack problem (KP). Recent state-of-the-art TTP solvers modify the underlying TSP and KP solutions in an iterative and interleaved fashion. The TSP solution (cyclic tour) is typically changed in a deterministic way, while changes to the KP solution typically involve a random search, effectively resulting in a quasi-meandering exploration of the TTP solution space. Once a plateau is reached, the iterative search of the TTP solution space is restarted by using a new initial TSP tour. We propose to make the search more efficient through an adaptive surrogate model (based on a customised form of Support Vector Regression) that learns the characteristics of initial TSP tours that lead to good TTP solutions. The model is used to filter out non-promising initial TSP tours, in effect reducing the amount of time spent to find a good TTP solution. Experiments on a broad range of benchmark TTP instances indicate that the proposed approach filters out a considerable number of non-promising initial tours, at the cost of omitting only a small number of the best TTP solutions

    Studi Komparasiā€Buku Teks Pelajaran IPA SMP/MTS Kelas VIII Semesterā€II Buku Sekolah Elektronik (BSE), Balitbang dan Erlangga dalam Aspek Literasi Sains

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    Literasi sains merupakan kemampuan siswa untuk mengatur informasi logis dalam proses pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan perbandingan buku IPA siswa SMP dalam.kategori literasi sains. Penggolongan.kategori literasi.ilmiah aspek.yang digunakan.adalah aspekā€sains sebagai batang tubuh pengetahuan, aspek sains sebagai cara menyelidiki, aspek.sains sebagi cara untuk berpikir dan.aspek`interaksi sains, teknologi serta masyarakat.ā€Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif melalui analisis isi/dokumentasiā€buku teks. Sebanyak tiga buku sains digunakan sebagai subjek dalam penelitian ini. Pengumpulan informasi penelitian digunakan instrument lembar pengamatan literasi sains. Teknik analisis digunakan untuk menentukan jumlah setiap kemunculan kategori literasi sains. Teknik Triangulasi digunakan untuk mengukur reabilitas pengamatan . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa.literasiā€sains yang paling banyak muncul adalah kategori pengetahuanā€ilmiah. Kategori penyelidikan hakikat sains adalah dominasi tertinggi kedua, sains sebagai cara berpikir adalah dominasi tertinggi ketiga. Sedangkan untuk.yang terendah yaitu literasi sains pada interaksi sains;teknologi serta masyarakat. Sehingga kesimpulannya buku ajar peserta didik telah termasuk literasi sains tetapi tidak seimbang karena lebih mengutamakan pada aspek pengetahuan ilmiah dan kurang pada aspek interaksi antara teknologiā€dan ilmu sosial


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    Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia berdampak pada segala bidang, khususnya pendidikan tinggi. Sistem perkuliahan daring pada pendidikan tinggi menjadi solusi efektif dan telah diterapkan dalam proses perkuliahan. Kendala terjadi pada perkuliahan yang mengandalkan model praktek di lapangan seperti pada jurusan olahraga. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui gambaran perkuliahan daring mahasiswa ilmu keolahragaan Universitas Negeri Surabaya di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode survei. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner pertanyaan yang dikirim melalui aplikasi google form. Sampel penelitian berasal dari populasi mahasiswa ilmu keolahragaan angkatan 2017, 2018, dan 2019. 59 sampel secara acak telah memberikan tanggapan dan disajikan dalam diagram persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa kendala perkuliahan daring yang diterapkan di Program Studi Ilmu Keolahragaan Universitas Negeri Surabaya

    Efficient Toxicity Prediction via Simple Features Using Shallow Neural Networks and Decision Trees

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    Toxicity prediction of chemical compounds is a grand challenge. Lately, it achieved significant progress in accuracy but using a huge set of features, implementing a complex blackbox technique such as a deep neural network, and exploiting enormous computational resources. In this paper, we strongly argue for the models and methods that are simple in machine learning characteristics, efficient in computing resource usage, and powerful to achieve very high accuracy levels. To demonstrate this, we develop a single task-based chemical toxicity prediction framework using only 2D features that are less compute intensive. We effectively use a decision tree to obtain an optimum number of features from a collection of thousands of them. We use a shallow neural network and jointly optimize it with decision tree taking both network parameters and input features into account. Our model needs only a minute on a single CPU for its training while existing methods using deep neural networks need about 10 min on NVidia Tesla K40 GPU. However, we obtain similar or better performance on several toxicity benchmark tasks. We also develop a cumulative feature ranking method which enables us to identify features that can help chemists perform prescreening of toxic compounds effectively

    Indeks Pembangunan Manusia Indonesia

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    : Human Development Index of Indonesia. This paper models the behavior of Human Development Index (HDI). Independent variables included in the model are Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Income Tax (PPN), a dummy variable on government decentralization, a dummy variable on the 1997 economic crisis, and a dummy variable on the 2008 crisis. The paper finds that GDP and PPN significantly influence IPM both in the short run and in the long run. The Error Correction Model (ECM) estimation finds that the crises of 2008 influences IPM, while the crises in 1997 and government decentralization do not influence HDI


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    Kota Makassar merupakan daerah daratan rendah yang berada pada ketinggian antara 0-25 m dari permukaan laut. Pada akhir-akhir ini, curah hujan yang tinggi serta kondisi pasang surut air laut yang bersamaan terjadi, sehingga beberapa wilayah pesisir Kota Makassar mengalami bencana banjir rob. Dampak yang dirasakan masyarakat khsusnya pada daerah pesisir pantai adalah terhambatnya mata pencaharian, timbulnya penyakit dan juga kerugian materi yang disebabkan oleh banjir rob. Studi penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memetakan daerah yang berpotensi mengalami bencana banjir pasang (rob) menggunakan software ArcGIS. Elevasi tinggi pasang surut dianalisis dengan  menggunakan metode Admiralty. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan elevasi muka air banjir pasang (rob) tertinggi berada pada ketinggian 0,96 m diatas permukaan laut rata-rata (MSL) dan mengakibatkan potensi luas daerah genangan mencapai 20,83 km2. Daerah genangan banjir tertinggi berada pada Kecamatan Tamalate bagian pesisir dan bagian Sungai Jeneberang dengan persentase luas genangan sebesar 32,59 % &nbsp


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    The problem of this research is that students concentrate on learning activities because the teaching materials used by educators are not varied with a wide range of material descriptions, which results in students being less active in learning because they do not understand and master the learning material. It is not in accordance with the 2013 curriculum which requires learning to be centered on learning. students (student center). In this research there are several objectives, namely to 1) determine the level of need 2) design learning videos 3) determine validation 4) determine practicality. The research uses a Research and Development (R&D) approach and type of research and uses a development model, namely the 4D model (define, design, development, desseminate). The subjects of this research were 25 students, and one teacher who taught Indonesian language subjects. Data collection techniques used interview and questionnaire techniques. The results of the research show that 1) identification of the level of need obtained a score of 87% for the development of learning videos in the required qualifications, 2) testing the validity of learning videos by content/material experts obtained a total average score of 98% in the very valid qualifications and validation results by experts design/media obtained a total average score of 85% in very valid qualifications, 3) practicality testing carried out on two teachers who taught Indonesian language subjects obtained a total average score of 92% in very practical qualifications and trials on students Class VI elementary school consists of 25 students who obtained a total average score of 88% which is in the very practical qualification. Based on the results of this analysis, it can be concluded that the Nonfiction Text Learning Video teaching materials are valid and practical to use in the learning process

    Performance of Bali Cattle on Substitution Feeding Fermented Straw

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    The purpose of this research is to know the increase of body weight, feed consumption, feed efficiency and conversion of Bali cattle feed given fermented straw as substitution of Elephant Grass. The method used in this Experimental study Method with Randomized Block Design with four treatments and three replications. P2: Elephant Grass 100% (control) P1: Elephant Grass 75% + 25% fermented straw, P2 treatment: Elephant Grass 50% + 50% fermentation straw and P3 Treatment: 25% Grass + Finger straw 75 %. The observed changes were weight gain (kg/day), feed consumption (kg/day), feed efficiency and feed conversion in Bali cattle. The data obtained were analyzed in various ways with Duncan. The result of this research showed that by giving substitution of fermented straw to determine the performance of bovine cow have a real effect (P ā‰¤.05) to the value of body weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion and efficiency of feed. It shows that with the difference of feeding substitution of fermented straw can give the real effect on the increase of body weight of Bali cattle with feeding of forage grass 50% elephant + 50% fermented straw

    Implementasi Sistem Informasi Puskesmas Elektronik (SIMPUSTRONIK) dan Hubungan dengan Pelayanan Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (KIA) (Studi Perbandingan Implementasi di Puskesmas Sumberasih dan Puskesmas Paiton Kabupaten Probolinggo)

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    Puskesmas sebagai penyedia sarana pelayanan kesehatan dituntut untuk memberikan pelayanan kesehatan yang cepat, tepat dan akurat. Oleh karena itu, merupakan suatu keharusan bahwa puskesmas memanfaatkan kemajuan informasi teknologi dalam memenuhi tuntutan pelayanan tersebut. Dengan pendekatan kuantitatif positivitik untuk menjelaskan hipotesa penelitian guna menjawab faktor implementasi yang mendukung dan kemanfaatan SIMPUSTRONIK. Survey yang dilakukan kepada bidan sebagai pelaksana SIMPUSTRONIK di Puskesmas Paiton dan Puskesmas Sumberasih Kabupaten Probolinggo menghasilkan 3 indikator implementasi yang tidak mendukung keberhasilan implementasi SIMPUSTRONIK yaitu pembagian tugas dan wewenang, keikutsertaan pengguna dalam pengembangan implementasi dan keikutsertaan pengguna dalam evaluasi implementasi. Sedang indikator yang diteliti lainnya menunjukkan adanya hubungan. indikator implementasi tersebut berhubungan erat dengan kesiapan SDM (pengetahuan SDM) serta keterkaitan keikutseraan (partisipasi) implementor. Hampir semua responden menunjukkan bahwa implementasi SIMPUSTRONIK bermanfaat dan mendukung kegiatan mereka dalam pelayanan KIA, tetapi yang terbesar adalah kemanfaatan penemuan ibu hamil resiko tinggi yang dirujuk
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