867 research outputs found


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    The Istana Sprei Shop has been selling products in the form of bed sheets and bed covers since 2011. Almost all of the bed sheet and bed cover products offered are self-produced and the Istana Bed Cover Shop serves orders according to customer wishes. The Istana Bed Sheet Store uses Instagram as a medium to communicate with consumers. From these promotional activities, consumers will go through the stages of Attention, Interest, Desire, and take action. The aim of this research is to find out and analyze the grouping of AIDA stages via Instagram social media among consumers of the Istana Sprei shop. The analysis technique used is non-hierarchical clustering or k-means clustering. From the calculations, 2 clusters were formed. The first cluster consisted of 81 members and was named Peduli AIDA. The second cluster consists of 19 members and is called Don't Care AIDA. Based on these results, it is recommended that Istana Sprei shop pay more attention to the promotions it carries out via Instagram social media so that consumers buy the products being promoted and it is hoped that the Istana Sprei shop will use social media such as Tiktok, Facebook, Telegram or the like so that the marketing reach at the Istana Sprei shop is greater. The area and decline in sales volume of the Istana Sprei store can now be overcome

    1D Modelling Electromagnetic (Em) Waves For Offshore Application

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    This project is to develop 1D plane modeling of Electromagnetic (EM) waves for seabed logging application using MATLAB

    Synthesis of a Cinnamic Acid Derivative and Bioactivity as an Anticancer Based on Result Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) Analysis

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    Synthesis of compound (E)-4-(3-oxo-3-(phenethylamino)prop-1-en-1-il)-1,2-phenylene diacetate (3) analogue (E)-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-N-phenethylacrylamide as a recommendation from the QSAR analysis was carried out. The synthesis of these compounds uses the starting material of caffeic acid through the stages of the reaction of acetylation, chlorination, and amidation. Acetylation was carried out using acetic anhydride in pyridine at room temperature for 4 hours. Chlorination was carried out using thionyl chloride reagent in dimethylphromamide solvent under reflux conditions at 80ºC for 4 hours, followed by amidation using phenethylamine in dichloromethane solvent at room temperature for 1 hour. The structure of each phase of the reaction product is identified using FT-IR spectroscopy. Acetylation produces white crystalline solids with melting point 182-184oC, and amidation produces compound 3 in the form of white crystals with melting point 170-173oC. The results of activity tests on murine leukaemia P-388  cells showed that the activity of compound 3 was classified as very strong (IC50 = 0,5 µg /mL) so that it was potentially used as an anticancer drug

    Design Strategy for State Islamic Universities (PTKIN) Towards Science and Technology Development In Indonesia

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    One of the issues most discussed in the arena of contemporary Muslim thought in the last few decades is about Islam and science. Muslim intellectuals provide diverse responses to these issues, particularly associated with the character of modern science and technology. Some people regard science and technology as something neutral and universal. While others assess the science and technology is not neutral, depending on its creator. Therefore, Muslims must be careful with science and technology from the West. Noteworthy together is a contemporary Muslim scholar realized that the only way to drink in the glory (golden age) of Muslims is through the mastery of science and technology. In terms of locality Indonesia, the expectations of many lay on the State Islamic Universities (UIN, IAIN, and STAIN), especially in the framework of the integration between Islam and science and to eliminate the dichotomy of science that has made Muslims excluded from the global science and technology arena


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    Konsep Pendidikan Karakter dalam Perspektif Hadits

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    Pendidikan karakter adalah menanamkan karakter tertrtu sekaligus ,memberikan benih agar peserta didik mampu menumbuhkan karakter khasnya pada saat menjalani kehidupan di masyarakat. Dengan menjalani sejumlah gagasan atau model karakter tidak akan membuat peserta menjadi kratif, namun membutuhkan sebuah konsep yang matang mampu menumbuhkan karekter siswa. Salah satu konsep pendidikan karakter yang telah lama dibuat oleh Rasulullah lewat Hadits-haditsnya. Konsep pendidikan karakter yang digambarkan dalam hadist Rasulullah sangat penting untuk di kembangkan dan dipelajari. Adapun kualitas hadis tentang konsep pendidikan karakter adalah dari sanad maka hadis bersatus sahih li zatihi, demikian juga dari sahih segi matan. Sementara konsep pendidikan karakter dalam hadits ada dua. Pertama, pembentukan karakter yang didasari keteladanan akan menuai kebaikan bagi dirinya sendiri dan orang lain. Oleh karenanya pengaruh keluarga sebagai tempat pendidikan pertama bagi sang anak harus berupa orang-orang yang baik pula. Kedua,dalam pandangan Islam, manusia lahir di dunia ini membawa fitrah,potensi, kemampuan dasar, atau pembawaan (hereditas)

    Hambatan dan Tantangan Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka di MTS Raudlatul Uluum Aek Nabara Labuhanbatu

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    This research was conducted because the government issued new regulations regarding the curriculum, namely the implementation of an independent curriculum which focuses on students' abilities/character. So the researcher is interested in studying the implementation of the independent curriculum at MTs Raudlatul Uluum. This research was conducted at Mts Raudlatul Uluum with a qualitative descriptive type of research using the interview method. The sources of informants in this study were school supervisors, principals, vice principals and teachers. The results of this study describe the obstacles to implementing the curriculum, namely teachers still have experience with low learning independence, limited references, uneven access to learning, time management and so on. While the challenges in the Education unit, namely; (1) teacher readiness (human resources) as the main pillar of the implementation of the independent curriculum; (2) the ability of teachers to support digital-based technology facilities; (3) increasing communication and collaboration networks between education units and stakeholders; and (4) the difficulty in implementing the learning evaluation function as an integral part of learning. Learning assessment is an important component that schools often ignore in achieving curriculum goals

    Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think Pair Square untuk Peningkatan Kemampuan Kognitif C2 pada Pembelajaran Fisika di SMP Negeri 10 Purworejo Kelas VIII

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) guna mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan kognitif C2 siswa pada pembelajaran fisika dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran kooperatif tipe think pair square. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII B SMP Negeri 10 Purworejo yang berjumlah 32 siswa yang terdiri dari 16 siswa laki-laki dan 16 siswa perempuan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode observasi, metode tes siklus, dan metode angket. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan teknik persentase. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat menunjukan bahwa dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran kooperatif tipe think pair square pada pembelajaran fisika dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif C2 siswa SMP Negeri 10 Purworejo kelas VIII. Pemahaman konsep fisika siswa pada tahap pra siklus adalah 39,687%, meningkat menjadi 68,125% setelah diberi tindakan pada siklus I, dan meningkat menjadi 74,062% setelah diberi tindakan pada siklus II. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pembelajaran menggunakan metode pembelajaran kooperatif tipe think pair square dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif pembelajaran yang dapat membantu meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif C2 siswa dalam pembelajaran fisika


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    This study aims to determine the effect of adding parts of different level banana heart and the interaction between parts of different level banana to the organoleptic quality of beef sausages. The study design was completely randomized factorial 3 x 3. Factors A banana is a part where the A1 (the inside of the banana white), A2 (the outside of the heart of the banana light purple), and A3 (a mixture of the inner and outer parts banana heart). Factor B is the level where the addition of banana B1 (0%), B2 (15%), and B3 (30%). Parameters measured were the level of resilience, color, aroma, taste and preference. The research result of addition of a section banana heart at different levels indicate that there are highly significant effect on the elasticity, color, aroma, taste and preferences of beef sausage with the average value of 2,804, which means a bit chewy, 2.767 indicates that the sausages brown, 2.433 which shows sausage savoury aroma, which shows the value 2,352 sausages taste bad, 2, 815 which shows the value of rather like. Based on the results of this study concluded that the addition of banana heart mixture of the inner and outer generate resilience, aroma, and taste of the sausages were better than those just added to the inside or the outside only. Additions to the level of 30% better than the addition of 15% and without the addition (0%). Interaction factor and level parts of banana heart showed a different response at the level of resilience, color, aroma, taste and preference of beef sausag
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