92 research outputs found

    A systematic bibliometric review of the United Nation’s SDGS: Which are the most related to higher education institutions?

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    Purpose: This study aims to provide the current and future state of United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the higher education institutions (HEIs). Since the SDGs’ proliferation, HEIs have played a crucial part in meeting the goals. Despite the central role of HEIs in accomplishing the SDGs, there has been little attention in providing a comprehensive overview of the SDGs in relation to HEIs. Design/methodology/approach: A total of 280 publications in the Web of Science database were analyzed through a bibliometric approach consisting of citation analysis, co-citation analysis and co-occurrence of keywords analysis. This review explores the current state of SDGs, its central themes of research streams and predicts future direction in the context of HEIs. Findings: The findings would assist stakeholders to strategize the SDGs on HEIs, including the government and policymakers, university top management, benefactors and academics. Three main research streams were observed sustainable curriculum; challenges and barriers of SDGs; and COVID-19 and health management. Research limitations/implications: Implications suggest that to achieve the stipulated goals in the SDGs, proper planning and strategy should be aligned proportionate to the national agenda. Originality/value: This paper presents a novel knowledge structure by mapping the most relevant SDGs in the context of HEIs based on bibliometric analysis

    Heterotrigona Itama Kelulut honey eehydration process to prolong shelf life

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    Oneofthemainchallengesinthetropicalhoneyindustrysuchaskelulut honey is the naturally occurring high water content in the kelulut honey composi- tion. If water content exceeds 22%, the fermentation process will occur at ambient temperature, spoiling the kelulut honey taste and reducing its shelf life. Therefore, the dehydration process is highly important to reduce the water content to less than 22% to halt the fermentation process in the kelulut honey. Nevertheless, the dehydra- tion process has its own risk, it had been known that prolonged heating at elevated temperature has adverse effects on the quality of kelulut honey. In this study, a dehy- dration process was applied using indirect heating system to achieve a reduction of water content below 22% adhering to MS 2683:2017. The results have shown that for the lowest capacity of 1 kg kelulut honey, a reduction of water content below 22% was achieved in 2 hours while the highest capacity of 30 kg kelulut honey took 15 hours to achieve the reduction of water content below 22%. Finding from this study will benefit the small-scale kelulut breeders to prolong the kelulut honey shelf life via dehydration process

    Bibliometric review on human resources management and big data analytics

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    Purpose; This study aims to provide an in-depth understanding of big data analytics (BDA) in human resource management (HRM). The emergence of digital technology and the availability of large volume, high velocity and a great variety of data has forced the HRM to adopt the BDA in managing the workforce. Design/methodology/approach; This paper evaluates the past, present and future trends of HRM through the bibliometric analysis of citation, co-citation and co-word analysis. Findings; Findings from the analysis present significant research clusters that imply the knowledge structure and mapping of research streams in HRM. Challenges in BDA application and firm performances appear in all three bibliometric analyses, indicating this subject’s past, current and future trends in HRM. Practical implications; Implications on the HRM landscape include fostering a data-driven culture in the workplace to reap the potential benefits of BDA. Firms must strategically adapt BDA as a change management initiative to transform the traditional way of managing the workforce toward adapting BDA as analytical tool in HRM decision-making. Originality/value; This study presents past, present and future trends in BDA knowledge structure in human resources management

    Role of sustainable development goals in advancing the circular economy: A state-of-the-art review on past, present and future directions

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    The purpose of this study is to review the relationship between the highly anticipated concept of circular economy (CE) and sustainable development goals (SDGs). These two sustainability principles have transformed organizations and countries in their quest to achieve sustainable development. Despite their importance to the business and corporate realm, the discussion of these two concepts has been developed in silos, arbitrarily connected. Through a bibliometric approach, this study reviewed 226 journal publications and 16,008 cited references from the Web of Science (WoS) to understand the past, present and future trends of the two concepts and their impact on the sustainability development. The bibliometric approach of citation, co-citation and co-word analysis uncovers the relevant and significant themes and research streams. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed within the broader business and governance perspective to develop a substantial triple bottom line in creating a sustainable future for civil society

    Validation of a Scale for the Measurement of Employee Competency in Relation to Succession Planning Amongst Administrators in Higher Education Institutions

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    Purpose: This paper examines the validity and reliability of an instrument to evaluate employee competency in the context of succession planning using a sample of administrators within the 48 to 54 grades in Malaysian public universities.   Theoretical framework: Shaping the qualities and competencies of university administrators can serve as a model of competent leadership for the sustainability of succession planning for higher education institutions.   Design/methodology/approach: Systematic random sampling was used for data collection using questionnaires, including pilot studies and subsequent field studies. The survey was administered to 430 respondents from the administrators of 20 public universities. The study conducted an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using the pilot study data (n = 102) to identify potential factor structures. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using field study data (n = 328) was conducted to confirm the construct measurement model.   Findings: The EFA and CFA validation processes suggested that only 10 modified items with 4 components remained to achieve a better fit model: Interpersonal (IP), Personal Effectiveness (PE), Teamwork (TW), and Self-Development (SD). All composite reliability (CR) measures for these 4 components exceeded the required value of 0.6. Since the values of these indices fall within the range of their respective cutoff values, the model meets the goodness-of-fit criterion:  RMSEA = 0.070,GFI=0.955, CFI = 0.953, TLI = 0.926, and a normalized chi-square = 2.605. According to the study, the instrument is valid and reliable for assessing the components of the employee competency model.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The scale validated in this study could be used by human resource managers in public universities as a tool to better understand the belief systems of their employees. It could help them make an informed decision that will enable them to provide competent administrators for succession planning.   Originality/value: This study is a catalyst to assess and highlight the current status and impact of employee competency on succession planning in Malaysian higher education institutions

    Digital campus

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    Mobile is everywhere, changing the way we work, play, socialize, and learn. Students nowadays are immersed in a digital culture driven by mobile consumer experiences across a range of devices, from wearable to phones, tablets and virtual-reality platforms. Digital Campus is a website application that is in University Tun Hussien Onn Pagoh Campus. The purpose of this website is to search all locations located in Pagoh Campus such as laboratory, admin office, dean office, cafe and classroom. Digital campus website is embedded with Open Street Map. It is open databased licensing and it is a collaborative mapping. This website is developed using Joomla 3.8.13 with PHP version, 5.6.25. There are 204 locations were plotted using this link https://digitalcampus.uthm.edu.my/index.php. Digital campus based on Open Street Map can helps students, admin staff, lectures and visitors to find location in very easy way by using digital platform. Thus, this application facilities can optimization of administration work and promote university management to higher performances

    Validation of a scale for the measurement of employee competency in relation to succession planning amongst administrators in higher education institutions

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    Purpose: This paper examines the validity and reliability of an instrument to evaluate employee competency in the context of succession planning using a sample of administrators within the 48 to 54 grades in Malaysian public universities. Theoretical framework: Shaping the qualities and competencies of university administrators can serve as a model of competent leadership for the sustainability of succession planning for higher education institutions. Design/methodology/approach: Systematic random sampling was used for data collection using questionnaires, including pilot studies and subsequent field studies. The survey was administered to 430 respondents from the administrators of 20 public universities. The study conducted an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using the pilot study data (n = 102) to identify potential factor structures. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using field study data (n = 328) was conducted to confirm the construct measurement model. Findings: The EFA and CFA validation processes suggested that only 10 modified items with 4 components remained to achieve a better fit model: Interpersonal (IP), Personal Effectiveness (PE), Teamwork (TW), and Self-Development (SD). All composite reliability (CR) measures for these 4 components exceeded the required value of 0.6. Since the values of these indices fall within the range of their respective cutoff values, the model meets the goodness-of-fit criterion: RMSEA = 0.070,GFI=0.955, CFI = 0.953, TLI = 0.926, and a normalized chi-square = 2.605. According to the study, the instrument is valid and reliable for assessing the components of the employee competency model. Research, Practical & Social implications: The scale validated in this study could be used by human resource managers in public universities as a tool to better understand the belief systems of their employees. It could help them make an informed decision that will enable them to provide competent administrators for succession planning. Originality/value: This study is a catalyst to assess and highlight the current status and impact of employee competency on succession planning in Malaysian higher education institutions

    Existing and emerging breast cancer detection technologies and its challenges: a review

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    Breast cancer is the most leading cancer occurring in women and is a significant factor in female mortality. Early diagnosis of breast cancer with Artificial Intelligent (AI) developments for breast cancer detection can lead to a proper treatment to affected patients as early as possible that eventually help reduce the women mortality rate. Reliability issues limit the current clinical detection techniques, such as Ultra-Sound, Mammography, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) from screening images for precise elucidation. The capability to detect a tumor in early diagnosis, expensive, relatively long waiting time due to pandemic and painful procedure for a patient to perform. This article aims to review breast cancer screening methods and recent technological advancements systematically. In addition, this paper intends to explore the progression and challenges of AI in breast cancer detection. The next state of the art between image and signal processing will be presented, and their performance is compared. This review will facilitate the researcher to insight the view of breast cancer detection technologies advancement and its challenges

    Assessment of governance and ecological status of Terengganu Marine Park, Malaysia: toward marine spatial planning

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    Terengganu Marine Parks (TMP) is a 591.37 km2 marine protected area. TMP are popular tourist destinations that significantly generate revenue to the government and local businesses through tourism sector. However, the anthropogenic activities have contributed to TMP’s declining ecosystem health, particularly the coral reefs. Therefore, a sustainable ecosystem-based management is required to maintain the ecosystem. In this study, we identify issues related to the marine park’s governance, development on islands, tourist activities and coral health status in the TMP for assessing potential management strategy for conserving the ecosystem. The findings on management in TMP found that there is an overlapping in managing the marine park between the federal and state government. Unintegrated development to accommodate rising number of tourist and their activities in the marine parks are identified as the factors contributing towards degradation of the ecosystems. Relatively, reef areas close to these local pressures are in ‘poor’ condition, indicating that threats arising from the activities affecting the marine ecosystem. Hence, this study analyses the potentials in adopting Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) in the TMP for managing the conflict between user and the ecosystem. The Australian Great Barrier Reef Marine Park which applied the zoning of marine area is used as a benchmark to examine the best practices of MSP to govern the TMP. At present, we suggest using coral reef health status as an early alternative and best practice to provide different zoning criteria for strategic marine protected area (MPA) management for TMP

    Design and development of trash trap of stream for mini hydro

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    The river became increasingly contaminated over the years and in the wake of rapid development in the town. The purpose of this paper is to invent and provide a trash collector for mini hydro that is readily removable so that the trashes collected can be easily disposed of. Design of the trash trap should be compatible with existing stream structures. Trash trap must prevent any trash and debris from passing through the mini hydro. Fieldwork was done at the stream river to investigate the surrounding and stream structure. The data collected were mass of trash collected with diverter and without diverter. A total of 10.0 kg of trashes were collected. The efficiency of the trash trap was calculated by the proportion of the average mass of diverted trashes by the total mass of trapped trashes. The targeted efficiency for this trash trap project is 70.0%. Based on the data collected, the efficiency of this trash trap is 84.12%. The targeted efficiency was achieved and design improvement of this trash trap will be discussed at the recommendation. In conclusion, the trash trap had been proven as a potential solution for the mini hydro machine problem, diverts and prevents most of the trashes from entering the mini hydro and blocked the turbine from rotating