12 research outputs found

    Keharmonian Kaum Berasaskan Sunnah: Kajian Terhadap Piagam Madinah

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    Masyarakat yang terdiri daripada pelbagai latar belakang sosial sering terdedah kepada konflik. Hal ini boleh menimbulkan isu seperti diskriminasi, pergaduhan, peperangan, penindasan dan sebagainya. Oleh sebab itu, kesepaduan sosial memainkan peranan penting untuk mencapai keharmonian dalam masyarakat majmuk. Yathrib (nama Madinah sebelum berlakunya peristiwa hijrah) umpamanya, terpahat dalam sejarah peradaban Semenanjung Tanah Arab sebagai ‘kawasan konflik’ kerana pergaduhan dan peperangan berterusan antara kaum Aus dan Khazraj. Nabi Muhammad SAW selaku ketua negara telah menggubal Piagam Madinah dalam usaha mengurus penduduk Madinah yang berbeza kaum, bahasa, agama dan adat budaya. Piagam Madinah merupakan perlembagaan bertulis pertama di dunia yang berjaya mengurus masyarakat majmuk sehingga Madinah menjadi sebuah negara yang disegani. Selain aspek kewarganegaraan, Piagam Madinah juga diyakini mengandungi ramuan yang mampu mengharmonikan hubungan antara kaum. Walau bagaimanapun, ia belum pernah disoroti secara kritikal dalam kajian-kajian semasa. Justeru, penulisan ini bertujuan untuk menyingkap beberapa panduan Islam dalam mewujudkan keharmonian kaum melalui Piagam Madinah yang dianggap sebagai perintis idea perlembagaan dalam sejarah Islam. Hasil kajian menunjukkan Islam tidak memusuhi kepelbagaian etnik. Sebaliknya ia dianggap sebagai salah satu pemangkin budaya, ekonomi dan politik negara bertamadun

    Strengthening Spiritual Practices among Community: Dhikr Activities in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

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    Tarekat tasawuf has been established in Negeri Sembilan since 1900 and began to strengthen its existence in spiritual activities such as the implementation of zikr tarekat tasawuf activities among the local community. This article will highlight the impact of implementing the zikr activities tarekat tasawuf, which is implemented periodically on the spiritual strengthening of the community in Negeri Sembilan. A qualitative approach is used involving library studies, review of relevant documents, and interviews with the Registrar of Tarekat, Tasawuf Division of the Negeri Sembilan Mufti Department, and the Syeikh of the tarekat involved. Basically, there are 13 Sufi practice centers around Negeri Sembilan that conduct regular zikr activities that impact the community. The existence of tarekat practice centers in Negeri Sembilan has been plotted to see the distribution and centralization of tarekat centers. In addition, the form of zikr practiced in the zikr ceremony is also explained through a simple framework built. The results also showed that the Seremban district is the highest area with a tarekat practice center. Indirectly, the zikr activities, tarekat tasawuf, have provided space for the local community to engage in more systematic spiritual activities. The efforts implemented by the Sufi tarekat practice center in Negeri Sembilan are expected to be used as an example by other states in Malaysia so that the community is more interested in the Sufi tarekat zikr ceremony

    From Christianity to Islam: an analysis of Ibn Rabban’s approach towards Sira Nabawiyya

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    With the expansion of Muslim territory in the ninth century, non-Muslim communities’ reactions to the denials of the prophethood of Muhammad created an impact on the development of Islamic prophetology. Vigorous refutations from non-Muslim community, specifically the Jews, Christians and Brahmins urged Muslims to develop a solid mechanism in defence of the status of their beloved Prophet. One of the works that has been recognized as an apparatus to defend the Prophet Muhammad veracity is al-Din wa al-Dawla composed by Ibn Rabban, a physician of the Caliph’s court. This study analyses the novelty of his approaches in exploring Sira Nabawiyya and defending the prophethood of Muhammad. The study employed a descriptive, comparative and critical approach where it analyses and extracts the author original approach in explaining the legitimacy of Muhammad’s prophethood and enlightening the Prophet’s biography. The study argues that most of Ibn Rabban arguments in this work are actually developed from the foundations of Biblical scripture. His style of interpreting Biblical passages indicates a possible dependence on Ibn al-Layth’s letter. However, the way in which he presents Quranic references seems not to be in accordance with Ibn al-Layth’s perspective. This is where the novelty of his approach is distinguished. As a result, the study also affirms that Ibn Rabban imposes his own standards of selection and interpretation of Quranic verses when he applies it as reference to the Prophet’s life

    Beauty Lia Entreprise / Wan Iffah Aida Wan Mohamad Isa...[et al.]

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    As a guideline for managing the business. First, and foremost, it should be used to help run your company with a more cohesive vision It is your roadmap. By truly analyzing your plan for marketing, sales, manufacturing, website design, etc., you greatly improve your chances for success

    Aplikasi Kaedah Usul Fiqh dalam Memahami Hadith-Hadith Berkaitan Wabak dan Penetapan Langkah Keselamatan

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    Artikel ini membahaskan tentang aplikasi beberapa Kaedah Usul Fiqh dalam memahami hadith-hadith wabak dan sejauh mana ia sesuai dijadikan sebagai asas dalam penetapan hukum dan prosidur keselamatan dalam usaha memutuskan rantaian sesuatu wabak melalui kaedah analisis teks. Hadith wabak adalah salah satu daripada teks nabawi yang perlu difahami melalui kerangka ilmu usul fiqh agar prinsip-prinsip Islam yang tersirat di sebaliknya dapat dihayati oleh masyarakat. Para sarjana Islam dilihat telah memainkan peranan dalam mengeluarkan ‘illah yang boleh dijadikan sandaran hukum ke atas situasi semasa yang perlu kepada pandangan dan penyelesaian Islam. Selain kaedah istinbatiyyah, kaedah istidlaliyyah seperti maslahah mursalah yang menjadi sebahagian perbahasan ilmu Usul Fiqh juga dilihat amat signifikan dalam menentukan keharusan atau sebaliknya tindakan pihak berwajib dalam membendung penularan penyakit berjangkit

    التأصيل الشرعي في معالجة كوفيد- 19 باللقاحات: THE ISLAMIC LEGAL BASIS FOR TREATING COVID-19 WITH VACCINES

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    اختلف بعض المسلمين في هذه الأيام في أخذ اللقاحات المضادة للفيروس كورونا ( كوفيد-19) على أساس أن منشأ هذه اللقاحات بلاد غير إسلامية وكذلك عدم توافر المعلومات الكافيىة لمكونات هذه اللقاحات. ونظرًا لأهمّيّة الوقاية من هذا الوباء، جاء هذا البحث ليبيّن حكم الشّرع في أخذ هذه اللقاحات والاستفادة منها لعلاج المرضى المصابين بهذا الوباء، ولسلامة الأصحاء من الإصابة، وسيسلك الباحث المنهج الاستقرائي والمنهج التّحليلي، اللّذين يتمثّلان في استقراء وتتبّع أيات القرآن وأحاديث الرسول وأقوال الفقهاء والأصوليّين وأدلّتهم في هذا الشأن، وتحليلها ومناقشتها، ثمّ استنباط الحكم الشّرعي لها، بما يتوافق مع روح الشّريعة الإسلاميّة ومقاصدها.كما سيعرّج إلى أقوال وآراء الأطبّاء المتخصّصين في هذا المجال من مراجعهم أو المواقع المعتمدة في الطّبّ. وقد خلّص البحث إلى نتائج عديدة، من أهمّها أن التداوي سنّة نبوية مؤكدة، لا تناقض بينها وبين مبدأ التوكل على الله والإيمان بالقضاء والقدر، كما أن الإسلام لا يحرم الاستفادة من الأدوية أو اللقاحات على أساس أنها مصطنعة في غير بلاد المسلمين إذا لم تكن هناك أدلة قاطعة على مكوّنات محرمّة أو نجسة، كما أن الإسلام يجيز الأدوية التي تحتوي على مكونات محرّمة أو نجسة عند الضرورة بقدر الضرورة.Some Muslims these days differed about taking the anti-Coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines based on that the origin of these vaccines is non-Muslim countries, as well as the lack of sufficient information for the components of these vaccines. Given the importance of preventing this epidemic, this research came to show the rule of Islam on taking these vaccines and benefiting from them to treat patients infected with this epidemic, and for the safety of healthy people from infection. The researchers used the inductive and analytical approaches in this study, which consists of extrapolating and following verses of Qur’an and hadith, as well as jurists’ opinions in this regard. Based on that, the researchers analyzed the data gathered and discussed them, as well as deduced the legal ruling for related issues in accordance with the spirit and purposes of Islamic law. Besides, this study referred to opinions of doctors specialized in this field from their references or approved medical resources. The study has concluded several results, the most important result is that medication is a prophetic Sunnah, there is no contradiction between it and the principle of trust in Allah and belief in divine decree. Islam also does not forbid the use of medicines or vaccines even though they are produced by non-Muslim countries as long as there is no conclusive evidence of prohibited or impure ingredients. Similarly, Islam also permits medicines that contain prohibited or impure ingredients, when there is necessity and in time of emergency

    Development of Comprehensive Unattended Child Warning and Feedback System in Vehicle

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    In Malaysia, many cases of children get trapped and suffocated in the unattended vehicle were reported and the cases are in increasing trend. It is very surprising that the death caused by the non-moving vehicle keep increasing even though the awareness campaign on the safety of children in non-moving vehicle were carried out by government. The methods that were introduced by previous researchers to detect the present of the children in the unattended vehicle such as the usage of capacitive sensor, microwave sensor, pressure sensor and image sensor have yet to be effective to reduce the number of death in the unattended vehicle. Thus, the research is carried out to provide a comprehensive child detection and feedback system in unattended vehicle by combining the usage of human physiological signals such as voice and body odor with temperature and motion detection systems. The system will integrate all the detection signals and then provide the efficient feedback system by triggering vehicle alarm system and sending message to parents. If no response from parents or no response on vehicle alarm system, the proposed system then will integrate with the existing vehicle security system, ignition system and power window by activating those system. The proposed system is tested successfully to detect the voice, odor and motion of children in vehicle. The project is now at prototype stage and capable to detect the present of voice, odor, motion and temperature in the vehicle accurately and provide the efficient feedback system by sending the message to parents, activating the alarm system and controlling the window movement in order to release the high temperature and toxic gas from the vehicle. The outcome of the project will benefit the security and vehicle manufacturing industry due to the simple design, low cost and easy handling

    Separation of palm mesocarp fiber and nut by air classifier using air disturbance system

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    The air classifier is a system that used the rising air to separate the specific particles from other mixtures by applying the principle of gravity and air velocity. Air classification is a popular method used by the Malaysian palm oil mill industry to separate the mixture of palm mesocarp fibres and nuts kernel shell (press cake). However, current technology that used by the local palm oil mill industry usually based on know-how without supporting scientific data to improve the separation efficiency. The mesocarp fibres properties typically tend to stick to each other’s after the screw press process affected the ability of separation. The result shows the solution of the previous study where the clod formation of fibre became the main obstacle by introducing the air disturbance system. This system introduces air turbulence to the separator column to break the clod formation of fiber and improve the separation efficiency by 30%. This study will create a foundation to enhance the understanding of the fundamental of air classification and enhance its design efficiency

    Activity of copper and nickel loaded on HZSM-5 zeolite based catalyst for steam reforming of glycerol to hydrogen

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    The study focuses on hydrogen production via glycerol steam reforming over copper and nickel loaded on HZSM-5 zeolite based catalyst. The catalysts were prepared by using different loading amount of copper (0-10wt%) and nickel (0-10wt%) on HZSM-5 zeolite catalysts through wet impregnation method and was characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The performances of catalysts were evaluated in terms of glycerol conversion and hydrogen production at 500°C using 6:1 of water to glycerol molar ratio (WGMR) in a tubular fixed bed reactor. All the catalysts had achieved more than 85% of glycerol conversion except that of 5%Cu loaded on HZSM-5 catalyst. The addition of nickel into 5% Cu/HZSM-5 catalyst had increased the hydrogen yield. Similar trend was observed when copper was added into Ni/HZSM-5 catalyst but using copper loaded on HZSM-5 alone was unable to produce hydrogen compared to using nickel catalyst alone. It showed that copper acted as a promoter for hydrogen production. It was established that a 5wt% of Cu with 10wt% of Ni loaded on HZSM-5 catalyst showed significant improvement in terms of hydrogen yield and gaseous product compositions at selected operating conditions

    Molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations of a mutant Acinetobacter haemolyticus alkaline-stable lipase against tributyrin

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    We previously reported on a mutant lipase KV1 (Mut-LipKV1) from Acinetobacter haemolyticus which optimal pH was raised from 8.0 to 11.0 after triple substitutions of surface aspartic acid (Asp) with lysine (Lys). Herein, this study further examined the Mut-LipKV1 by molecular docking, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and molecular mechanics-Poisson Boltzmann surface area (MM-PBSA) calculations to explore the structural requirements that participated in the effective binding of tributyrin and its catalytic triad (Ser165, Asp259 and His289) and identify detailed changes that occurred post mutation. Mut-LipKV1 bound favorably with tributyrin (-4.1 kcal/mol) and formed a single hydrogen bond with His289, at pH 9.0. Despite the incongruent docking analysis data, results of MD simulations showed configurations of both the tributyrin-Mut-LipKV1 (RMSD 0.3 nm; RMSF 0.05 - 0.3 nm) and the tributyrin-wildtype lipase KV1 (tributyrin-LipKV1) complexes (RMSD 0.35 nm; RMSF 0.05 - 0.4 nm) being comparably stable at pH 8.0. MM-PBSA analysis indicated that van der Waals interactions made the most contribution during the molecular binding process, with the Mut-LipKV1-tributyrin complex (-44.04 kcal/mol) showing relatively lower binding energy than LipKV1-tributyrin (-43.83 kcal/mol), at pH 12.0. All tributyrin-Mut-LipKV1 complexes displayed improved binding free energies over a broader pH range from 8.0 - 12.0, as compared to LipKV1-tributyrin. Future empirical works are thus, important to validate the improved alkaline-stability of Mut-LipKV1. In a nutshell, our research offered a considerable insight for further improving the alkaline tolerance of lipases. Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma