345 research outputs found

    Teletraffic Performance of Hierarchical Cellular Network in Different Populations of Slow Mobile Generated Traffics

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    Ever since the first analogue mobile cellular was launched 15 years ago, the growth of and demand for the cellular communications have never reached its saturation stage. The technological change from analogue to digital and now the merging of cellular mobile and personal communications system (peS) have already taken place. All of these changes will tremendously increase in the number of mobile communication users which leads to serious Quality of Service (QoS) problems. The objective of layered network architecture comprising a hierarchical layer of different cell sizes is to provide increased capacity and alternate routes for calls that may be otherwise blocked when parts of the network are congested. Thus, this configuration results in higher traffic capacity and improves the quality of service (QoS) of the network. Today, teletraffic problems present a much greater challenge than when the first analogue mobile cellular was launched. The coming of hierarchical network makes it even more challenging to the network designers to design the hierarchical network structure that is able to cope with the huge growth of traffic and provide acceptable QoS to the customers at the same time. In this study two types of cell sizes were used whereby the upper layers are of large cell radius known as macrocells and the lower layers are of small cells radius size known as microcells. The hierarchical structure of cells serves two purposes. Firstly, the cells of small and large radius provide a more economically efficient system for higher and lower traffic densities, respectively, and secondly the subscribers of lower and higher mobility can efficiently be served in small and large cell radius, respectively. Two types of users' mobility patterns within the layers were included in the model. They were fast mobile low traffic density users travelling at the speed of 9 m/s and slow mobile high traffic density moving at the speed of 1.5 m/s. These basically represent the vehicular and pedestrian traffic respectively. Three models for two different categories of slow mobile high traffic densities known as independent model, semi-interactive and fully-interactive model were simulated. They were analysed for 50% and 70% slow mobile high traffic densities


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    The Indonesian Mualaf Center Foundation (MCI) is a social institution operating in the social and religious sectors, with a growing number of converted converts. As of November 2022, there have been 113 Muslim converts in Jambi Province. It was MCI's fourth year in Jambi Province. The growth in the number of assisted converts to Islam positively responds to their presence in Jambi Province. This independent social institution has no affiliation with any party. Its existence is even needed, and it supports government programs for developing Muslim converts. Then, how this institution guides converts to Islam will be described in this article, which is the final report of the community service program. The mentoring method used is PAR (Participatory Action Research), focusing on three fundamental aspects of Islamic teachings: circumcision for men, assistance in reading and writing the Al-Qur'an for male and female converts to Islam and strengthening lessons in the practice of religious fiqh. The inhibiting factor in this activity comes from the converts, who still need to be consistent in their learning. Various programs have been prepared by the administrators and volunteers of the Indonesian Mualaf Center, but due to busy schedules and economic factors, only a few converts regularly attend and participate in the scheduled activities. Abstrak: Yayasan Mualaf Center Indonesia (MCI) adalah lembaga social yang bergerak dibidang social dan keagamaan yang memiliki mualaf binaan yang terus mengalami penigkatan mencapai 113 binaan sampai November 2022 pada tahun tahun keempat MCI di Provinsi Jambi. Pertumbuhan jumlah mualaf binaan tersebut dapat dikatakan sebagai respon positif atas kehadiarannya di Provinsi Jambi. Lembaga sosial independent ini tidak memiliki afiliasi dengan pihak manapun. Keberadaannya bahkan dibutuhkan dan mendukung program pemerintah dalam pembinaan terhadap para mualaf. Lalu bagaimana lembaga ini melakukan pembinaan terhadap para mualaf diuraikan pada artikel ini yang merupakan laporan akhir dari program pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Metode pendampingan yang digunakan adalah PAR (Partisipation Action Research) dengan berfokus pada tiga aspek dasar ajaran Islam, yakni; berkhitan bagi laki-laki, pendampingan baca tulis al-Quran bagi mualaf laki-laki maupun perempuan, dan penguatan pelajaran praktek fiqh ibadah. Adapun faktor penghambat pada kegiatan ini adalah berasal dari pihak mualaf itu sendiri yang belum konsisten untuk belajar. Berbagai program telah disusun oleh para pengurus dan relawan Mualaf Center Indonesia, namun karena kesibukan dan faktor ekonomi sehingga hanya beberapa mualaf saja yang secara rutin hadir dan mengikuti kegiatan yang telah dijadwalkan. Kata Kunci: Mualaf, Binaan Mualaf Center Indonesia (MCI) Regional Jambi. &nbsp

    Kerasulan insan kamil membentuk modal insan dalam novel Imam

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    ABSTRAK Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti peranan novel Imam karya Abdullah Hussain sebagai medium untuk mendidik dan membentuk modal insan. Kajian ini dijalankan melalui kajian kepustakaan dengan menganalisis novel Imam sebagai method utama. Novel Imam dianalisis mengikut landasan prinsip kedua Teori Takmilah, iaitu Prinsip Kerasulan sebagai Insan Kamil dengan memberikan fokus kepada peristiwa-peristiwa yang berlaku dalam novel Imam yang dapat membentuk modal insan dan wajar diteladani. Perbincangan dalam kajian ini tertumpu kepada tiga konsep keinsanan, iaitu konsep insan khalifah, insan Rabbani dan insan Kamil yang dimiliki oleh watak-watak dalam novel Imam. Kajian yang dijalankan membuktikan  bahawa novel Imam mengandungi nilai-nilai murni yang wajar dicontohi. Sejajar dengan itu, novel Imam perlu diiktiraf dan diangkat sebagai  teks kesusasteraan di sekolah kerana amat sesuai dijadikan bahan bacaan yang dapat membantu ke arah pembentukan modal insan. Kata kunci: prinsip kerasulan, insan Kamil, modal insan, Imam    ABSTRACT This study aims to identify the role of Imam novel Abdullah Hussain’s novel as a medium for educating and shaping human capital. This study was conducted through a literature review by analyzing the novel Imam as the main method. The Imam novel is analyzed in conjunction with  the second principle of Takmilah Theory, the Principle Mercy as the Kamil Insan, by focusing on the events which must be dealt with and it can shape the development of human capital. The discussion in this study is focusing on three concepts of human nature, namely the concept of the Caliphate, the Rabbani and the Kamil people those are possessed by the characters in the Imam novel. Pure values as well as the rich teaching which the creators emphasize and try to convey through their characters. The character or the community background is very helpful in the formation of pure values in society. Research has shown that the Imam novel contains pure values which are benefited for emulation. In addition, the study also proves that the Imam novel is a great masterpiece. In line with this, the novels needs to be taken up and highlighted as a literary text in school to build the core of the nation’s identity while establishing a well-rounded human capital. Keywords: principle of apostasy, Kamil people, human capital, Ima

    Motif Alam Melayu dalam Puisi-Puisi Terpilih Zurinah Hassan Sebagai Satu Retrospeksi Bahasa Pada Masa Kini

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    Makalah ini menganalisis puisi-puisi Zurinah Hassan dengan memberi tumpuan kepada motif alam Melayu yang terdapat di dalamnya. Oleh yang demikian, perbincangan makalah ini adalah untuk memperlihatkan bagaimana keunikan motif alam Melayu menjadi satu retrospeksi apabila diucapkan kembali oleh penyair dalam puisi-puisi moden dengan penggayaan struktur yang lazim digunakan dalam puisi tradisional, yakni kabahasaannya sebagai satu pernyataan pascakolonial. Motif alam Melayu ini dirakamkan kembali sebagai satu bentuk retrospeksi pascakolonial oleh Zurinah Hassan menerusi puisi-puisi terpilih sama ada secara perseorangan atau menerusi antologi puisi Zurinah Hassan iaitu Kumpulan Puisi Sesayup Jalan (1974), Kumpulan Puisi Di Sini Tiada Perhentian (1977), Kumpulan Puisi Keberangkatan (1985), Kumpulan Puisi Pujangga Tidak Bernama (1994), Antologi Nota Waktu (2000), Kumpulan Puisi Pesanan dari Gunung Ledang (2004) dan yang terakhir Kumpulan Puisi Salasilah (2005). Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif kajian kepustakaan dengan menganalisis teks. Penggunaan motif alam Melayu dalam puisi-puisi kajian merupakan suatu usaha peribumi pascakolonial di alam Melayu mendokumentasikan kembali, sekali gus menjulang budaya leluhurnya ke mata dunia menggunakan bahasa kebangsaan peribumi

    A model-based approach for biomass-to-bioproducts supply chain network planning optimization

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    Supply chain network operation for biomass conversion and utilization is one of the major areas with influence on biomass-related technological progress and commercialization activities. This paper contributes towards optimizing a biomass-to-bioproducts supply chain planning operation by considering multiple cost factors including biomass resource acquisition cost, production cost, and transportation cost as well as direct sales to meet market demands. A superstructure-based modeling approach provides alternatives of biomass processing routes towards an objective of maximizing annualized profit. The formulated model entails five echelons and is implemented on a practical supply chain operational planning case study that involves a biomass-based manufacturing company in southwestern Ontario, Canada intent on long-term business expansion and product portfolio improvement. The results obtained indicates that an optimal product mix comprising a number of products from different processing stages (including preprocessing) can be expected to be achieved, with profit mainly derived through the sales of biofiller, bioethanol, and byproducts. Importantly, the developed model demonstrates the applicability of such a model-based approach in offering insights on operational optimization to attain economic decision-making on biomass resource utilization and processing route selection

    The importance of metacognition in physics problem solving: monitoring skills

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    The purpose of this paper is to show the importance of metacognitive skills in solving force and motion problem. This study consists of 10 students and students were divided into 2 groups based on their test score. One group were classified as more successful (MS) problem solvers and the other one as less successful (LS) problem solvers. Students solved physics problems while talking aloud. Each of the students were videotaped. Interviews were conducted right after the test. Written answers from physics task were marked according to the schema. In this paper, findings from one question were discussed. The question called “lift’ problem. The thinking aloud were transcribed verbatim from the videotapes as well as interviews. Transcripts were coded and examined looking for both similarities and differences. As a conclusion, monitoring were shown as an important metacognitive skills in physics problem solving

    Normal Force Calibration for Optical Based Silicone Tactile Sensor

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    AbstractThe need for calibration is important as ancient humankind at B.C. age pioneered calibration for measurable items such as length, weight, frequency and other basic measurement. In the robotic application, the precision of movement and the sensitivity of reaction also based on the calibration of its sensors and actuators. Therefore it is vital for a newly developed sensor to be calibrated thoroughly before it can be used. In this paper, the authors proposed a calibration of a new optical based silicone tactile sensor developed in our lab. Measurable item which is normal force is relates to the blob area of image recorded in the inner side of optical based silicone tactile sensor. The normal force acquired from digital force sensor in experiment conducted. The experiment produced 9 images. The 9 images acquired is processed in WiT 8.2 image processing software to find the area of the specific spot as known as blob image. A blob area VS normal force graph is plotted using experimental data. The graph is then interpolated using suitable curve fitting technique to get the optimum relationship. The result shows that the quadratic plot is the best suit for the data with the force range from 0 to 3.79N


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    Kemunculan teori-teori sastera janaan sarjana sastera Melayu merupakan satu fenomena baharu dalam dunia sastera di Malaysia. Kemunculan teori-teori difaktorkan oleh kelemahan-kelemahan teori sastera Barat yang disifatkan oleh beberapa sarjana Sastera Melayu di Malaysia sebagai tidak dapat menjelaskan makna dalam sesebuah teks hasil karya penulis Melayu Islam, atas alasan teoriteori sastera Barat tidak menitikberatkan aspek agama dan elemen jati diri Melayu. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk memperincikan asasasas pembinaan teori sastera yang dijana oleh sarjana sastera di Malaysia dan sejauh manakah asas pembinaan teori sejajar dengan agama Islam dan sifat jati diri Melayu. Daripada kajian kepustakaan, terdapat empat asas yang dijadikan sandaran teori, iaitu Islam, Melayu, estetika, bahasa dan potensi kreatif. Teori Takmilah dan Persuratan Baharu berasaskan kepada Islam; Pengkaedahan Melayu berasaskan kepada Melayu dan Islam; Teksdealisme berteraskan potensi kreatif, teori Konseptual Kata Kunci berteraskan bahasa dan teori Rasa-Fenomenologi berteraskan Fenomenologi dan estetik. Teks sandaran penteori pula semuanya bersandarkan teks-teks Melayu dan tokoh-tokoh penulis Melayu, kecuali teori RasaFenomenologi dan teori Konseptual Kata Kunci. Hasil kajian juga ini menunjukkan bahawa teori-teori sastera yang dibina oleh sarjana Melayu di Malaysia tidak sepenuh dapat membebaskan diri daripada pengaruh teori Barat meskipun dalam masa yang sama berjaya menampakkan unsur jati diri Melayu dan Islam.     The proliferation of literary theories by Malay scholars is a new phenomenon in the Malaysian literary world. These theories are mainly reactions against the perceived inadequacies of Western literary theories to fully define and provide meanings to texts written by Malay-Muslim writers. The main justification given is that Western theories pay scant attention to the religious and self- definitive aspects of the Malay world. This paper attempts to provide the finer details of the basis from which the literary theories are formulated and to understand the extent of their relationships with religious and self- definitive aspects of the Malay world. This paper is a library research that advances four assumptions that underlie the theories: Islam, Malay, aesthetics, language and creative potentials. Takmilah theory and Persuratan Baru are based on Islamic principles; Pengkaedahan Melayu on Malay values and Islamic principles; Teksdealism is articulated based on creative potentials, the Konseptual Kata Kunci theory on language and the Rasa- Fenomenologi theory is developed through phenomenology and aesthetics principles. All texts analysed are Malay texts and written by Malay scholars, except for the Rasa-Fenomenologi theory and Konseptual Kata Kunci theory. Research findings explain that Malay theories are susceptible to the influence of Western literary theories although they manage to explore and rationalize ties that bind the theories with the Malay world and Islam