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    Karakteristik permainan bolavoli dapat di simpulkan bahwa atlet bolavoli harus memiliki tinggi tubuh yang bagus dan tinggi dilihat dari adanya pembatas di tengah lapangan yaitu net setinggi lebih dari 2 meter dan didukunng komponen biomotorik seperti kecepatan, daya ledak otot tungkai dan kelincahan untuk menjadi atlet voli profesional. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui komponen biomotor dan tingkat antropometri dari atlet bolavoli putra Indomaret yang merupakan persatuan bolavoli level Nasional di Indonesia dan menjadikan data yang sudah didapatkan sebagai standar atau acuan untuk mencetak pembinaan usia dini atlet bolavoli di Indonesia. Dari hasil penelitian tentang antropometri dan biomotorik atlet bolavoli putra Indomaret dapat di simpulkan dapat memberiakan informasi mengenai data komponen biomotor dan antropometri sebagai standar untuk mamilih atlet binaan bolavoli seluruh Indonesia atau sebagai acuan bakat atlet bolavoli seluruh Indonesia

    Impact of light quality on leafy green vegetables

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    Fruits and vegetables are a vital part of the human diet, and their consumption is on the rise because they are considered as a healthy intake. However, ingredients of fruits and vegetables are vulnerable in postharvest handling like moisture loss, wrong handling, physical damage, and microbial contamination. Postharvest moisture loss in fruits and vegetables affects weight, texture, appearance, acridness, vitamins, sugar and phenolic. Outbreaks of food borne related illnesses have been increasing during the last two decades. Many of the diseases have been associated with leafy green vegetables contaminated with human pathogens such as shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli O157:H7. To eradicate the pathogens from the surfaces of vegetables and fruits in postharvest handling, chlorine-based sanitizers treatments are widely used. But there are some complications of using chlorine-based sanitizers for example, producing harmful compounds like chloroform and its residual toxicity supposed to have negative repercussions on human health. Therefore, researchers are looking for alternative safe and less expensive methods for sanitization, one of which is the use of blue light. In the field of microbiology recent studies showed the potential of influencing the behavior of E. coli O157:H7 by using a certain wavelength of light within the visible spectrum can help to kill the bacterial pathogens with a positive effect on maintaining quality. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of blue light dose on spinach baby leaves in terms of freshness and weight retention during shelf life. To conduct this study, spinach leaves were exposed to blue light with a wavelength of approximately 460 nm for 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours intervals. The weight and leaf firmness were measured after each time interval. In the control samples, the same methodology was applied on spinach leaves without being exposed to blue light dose. The results have shown no significant effect on spinach leaves weight and hardness under blue light dose exposure. However, a significant loss in weight was observed when spinach leaves were not exposed to blue light. This study has shown that there is a possibility of using blue light as a disinfectant, but more research is needed to optimize the dose and exposure duration of blue light so that the product itself is not damaged in terms of quality and freshness taking into account various factors such as growing conditions, logistics and storage climate conditions etc. The combined effect of blue light with other light spectrums such as green and red could be a future action point

    Keluarga Sakinah dalam Pandangan K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari (1871-1947 M) dan Relevansinya dengan Hukum Keluarga Islam di Indonesia: The Sakinah Family In The View of K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari (1871-1947 AD) And Its Relevance To Islamic Family Law In Indonesia

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    This study aims to describe indicators of the formation of a sakinah family according to K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari and its relevance to the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI). This qualitative research in the form of literature study uses philosophical normative. The main data source, namely the book Dhau' al-Mishbah fi Bayani Ahkam an-Nikah by K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari. Several articles in the KHI as the theory of analysis of this research. The results of the study show that there is a relevance between indicators for the formation of a sakinah family according to K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari with the construction of legal provisions in the Kompilasi Huukum Islam (KHI). First, the indicators of complying with the legal principles, requirements, and pillars of marriage that are relevant to KHI articles 4, 16, 20, and 27. It's just that the view of K.H. Hasyim in this first indicator tends to be textual. In contrast to KHI which is more contextual. Second, the recommendation indicator in choosing a life partner that is relevant to KHI Articles Articles 15, 16, 17, and 61. In this case, the criteria for the recommendation to choose a partner by K.H. Hasyim is more detailed covering various aspects, including religion, physical, lineage, economy, psychological and social status. Third, the indicator understands the principles of the purpose and benefits of marriage that are relevant to Articles 2 and 3. Third, the indicator is to build a good partnership in carrying out the rights and obligations of husband and wife that are relevant to the KHI Article 80. However, regarding the duties or obligations of the wife, K.H. Hasyim is more detailed than KHI. The theoretical implications of this research show indicators of the formation of a sakinah family in the view of K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari has relevance as well as can be the basis for formulas in the development and renewal of Islamic marriage law in Indonesia. The limitation of this research is that it has not studied in depth the heurmenetic aspects of the construction of the views of K.H. Hasyim is related to four indicators of the formation of a sakinah family

    Inovasi Pendidikan Bertunjangkan Implimentasi Teknologi Dalam Blended Teaching

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    Penulisan ini memberi fokus kepada penyelidikan serta penekanan bagi penambahbaikan ke atas kepenggunaan inovasi pendidikan dalam Implimentasi Teknologi dalam karya penulisan Adziah Aziz (2014a) yang bertajuk ‘The Awareness of Blended Teaching In Malaysian Educational Institution’ yang perlu diberi keutamaan dalam perkongsian ilmu di antara para pendidik, guru, ibubapa, karyawan dan masyarakat. Mengapa? Kerana kehadiran inovasi pendidikan dalam mempertingkatkan lagi penguasaan pelajar dalam pembelajaran yakni Pembelajaran abad ke 21 amat digalakkan di mana pelajar akan mengalami satu proses input yang merangsang perkembangan minda dan kreativiti dalam pelbagai kemahiran. Kajian ini adalah berdasarkan kepada pemerhatian serta pengenalan ke atas pelbagai implimentasi teknologi pengajaran dalam ‘Blended Teaching’ yang dinyatakan dalam hasil kajian dan tuntasnya, ia adalah teknologi pembelajaran yang memperkembangkan kecerdasan dan kemahiran berfikir dalam memperkasakan nilai intrinsik dan ekstrinsik agar pembelajaran dicapai secara berinovasi sementelah ilmu perlu sentiasa ditambah dan searus dengan teknologi agar perkembangan potensi manusia dipandu ke arah yang lebih positif

    Elastisitas Maqāṣid al-Sharī‘ah dalam Pencegahan Fenomena Lost Generation

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    Among the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic is the potential occurrence of the so-called lost generation chiefly at the age of children. This phenomenon is marked by a certain generation's loss of direction in life, including the process of acquiring knowledge and applying it in the way of thinking and daily behaviors. With a descriptive-explanatory method, the present study seeks to reveal a correspondence between the flexibility of the Indonesian Government's measures in averting lost generation and the principle of elasticity (murūnah) inherent in the concept of maqāṣid al-sharī‘ah. First, to reduce the spread of the disease and its death toll, the Government has restricted access to, and even prohibited the gathering of congregations in, mosques. This research concluded that in this emergent circumstance applies the elasticity of the al-ḍarūriyyāt al-khams with ḥifẓ al-nafs taking precedence over ḥifẓ al-dīn. Second, given the relatively low ratio of the Covid-19 cases mainly in children, the Government has called for a "Back to School" (face-to-face learning method) campaign. This policy proved corresponding to the prioritization of hifz al-‘aql over ḥifẓ al-nafs and ḥifẓ al-dīn. Third, the Government's decision to use Covid-19 vaccines amid public questions about the permissibility of the vaccine is also in accordance with the prioritization of ḥifẓ al-nasl over al-dīn, al-nafs, and al-‘aql. Based on the misunderstanding amid the Muslim ummah, the author also elastically recommended a further observation on the appropriateness of the nomenclature of “religion” among the other four protections of the al-ḍarūriyyāt al-khams. In a nutshel, normally, ḥifẓ al-dīn remains the top priority; however, in case of emergency, it can elastically swap places with the other four protections. It is in terms of this flexibility that lies the superiority and compassion (raḥmah) of Islamic law with maqāṣid al-sharī‘ah serving as one of its central points. &nbsp

    Suru Maca: Tradisi Menyambut Bulan Ramadan Masyarakat Desa Pakkabba Kabupaten Takalar Sulawesi Selatan

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    The suru maca ritual is a tradition of the Islamic community of Pakkabba Village in Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi province, to welcome Ramadan's arrival. At present, the implementation of this tradition is enjoyed by local communities and enjoyed by immigrant communities of different ethnicities and religions. This tradition is alive and well in society because it is functional and has a significant symbolic meaning for this culture's owner. This study aims to determine the purpose and function of the suru maca ritual for Pakkabba Village people. This research is a qualitative study that uses an ethnographic approach. Data was collected through literature review, participatory observation, and in-depth interviews. Data were analyzed using a functional, structural approach. The results showed that the existence of Islam had been accepted and became part of the Pakkabba village community's social system so that the month of Ramadan, which is the holy month of Muslims, is expressed through the local tradition of suru maca. The suru maca ritual means a communicative act and is an arena of women's power. At the same time, its functions include expressing feelings, strengthening solidarity, strengthening kinship relationships, moral renewing, and maintaining identit


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    ABSTRAK Skripsi ini berjudul “Perkembangan Kesenian Singa Manuk di Desa Anggasari Kecamatan Suksasari Kabupaten Subang tahun 2003-2015”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dinamika dari perkembangan kesenian Singa Manuk di Desa Anggasari, Kabupaten Subang tahun 2003-2015. Hal tersebut menyebabkan penulis berkeinginan untuk mengkaji lebih dalam mengenai kesenian Singa Manuk, dengan rumusan masalah sebagai berikut: (1) Bagaimana latar belakang munculnya kesenian Singa Manuk di Desa Anggasari, Kecamatan Sukasari, Kabupaten Subang? (2) Bagaimana kondisi kesenain Singa Manuk di Desa Anggasari Kecamatan Sukasari Kabupaten Subang tahun 2003-2015? (3) Bagaimana upaya para seniman, pemerintah Kabupaten Subang, dan masyarakat dalam melestarikan kesenian Singa Manuk tahun 2003-2015?. Penulis menggunakan metode historis, yaitu heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Teknik penelitiannya menggunakan studi lapangan dan studi literatur. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dijelaskan bahwa latar belakang lahirnya kesenian Singa Manuk di Desa Anggasari dikarenakan adanya percampuran budaya antara budaya Subang lewat kesenian Sisingaan nya dengan musik dangdut khas Pantura yang didasari oleh keresahan para seniman di Desa Anggasari tentang semakin redupnya kesenian tersebut sehingga melahirkan inovasi baru yaitu kesenian Singa Manuk. Kesenian Singa Manuk mengalami perkembangan yang dinamis, dimulai dari tahun 2003 oleh Sanggar Genades hingga 2015 kesenian Singa Manuk di Desa Anggasari mengalami perkembangan dan inovasi terus-menerus oleh para seniman di desa tersebut, sehingga kesenian Singa Manuk terus diminati oleh masyarakat dan terlestarikan. Upaya pelestarian kesenian Singa Manuk melibatkan berbagai pihak, yaitu para seniman, pemerintah kabupaten, pemerintah desa juga masyarakat yang ikut andil dalam melestarikan kesenian Singa Manuk. Kata Kunci: Pelestarian Kesenian, Kesenian Singa Manuk, Kesenian Subang ABSTRACT This title of this research is "The Development of Singa Manuk Art in Anggasari Village, Suksasari Sub-District, Subang Regency in 2003-2015". This study aims to describe the dynamics of the development of the Singa Manuk art in the village of Anggasari, Subang Regency in 2003-2015. This causes the author wishes to examine more deeply about the art of Singa Manuk, with the formulation of the problem as follows: (1) What is the background of the appearance of the Singa Manuk art in Anggasari Village, Sukasari District, Subang Regency? (2) What is the condition of Singa Manuk's condition in Anggasari Village, Sukasari Subdistrict, Subang Regency in 2003-2015? (3) What are the efforts of the artists, the Subang Regency government, and the community in preserving the Singa Manuk art in 2003-2015?. The author uses historical methods, namely heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The research technique uses field studies and literature studies. Based on the results of the study, it was explained that the background of the birth of Singa Manuk art in Anggasari Village was due to a cultural mix between Subang culture through its Sisingaan art and typical Pantura’s dangdut music which was based on the unrest of the artists in Anggasari Village about the dimming of the artistry so that it gave birth to new innovations namely Singa Manuk art. Singa Manuk art experiences a dynamic development, starting from 2003 by Sanggar Genades until 2015 Singa Manuk art in Anggasari Village is experiencing continuous development and innovation by artists in the village, so that Singa Manuk art continues to be in demand by the community and is preserved. The effort to preserve the Singa Manuk art involves various parties, namely artists, district governments, village governments as well as the community who take part in preserving Singa Manuk art. Keywords: Art Preservation, Singa Manuk Art, Subang Ar