12 research outputs found

    Seminar publikasi artikel di jurnal internasional pada bidang pendidikan jasmani adaptif berbasis online

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    Kesulitan publikasi yang di alami oleh dosen, guru, dan mahasiswa dalam publikasi artikel di jurnal internasional di bidang pendidikan jasmani adaptif sehingga kegiatan ini menjadi penting untuk diadakannya kegiatan seminar ini. Tujuan dari web seminar (webinar) ini adalah memberikan gambaran dan strategi terkait publikasi ilmiah di bidang pendidikan jasmani adaptif pada jurnal internasional bereputasi. Metode pelaksanaan webinar ini adalah  jarak jauh secara online. Peserta webinar terdiri dari berbagai profesi atau pekerjaan di antaranya peneliti, dosen, mahasiswa, dan guru yang memiliki ketertarikan pada bidang ilmu pendidikan jasmani adaptif. Peserta webinar mengikuti kegiatan ini dalam rangka tugas kewajiban mereka dan upgrade keilmua dalam publikasi internasional. Kegiatan ini memberikan implikasi dari sisi bekal pengetahuan terkait publikasi internasional di bidang pendidikan jasmani adaptif. Kontribusi kegiatan ini untuk berikutnya diadakan pelatihan dan pendampingan intensif yaitu dengan adanya workshop pendampingan pada satuan waktu tertentu dimulai dari penulisan artikel hingga submit atau bahkan pendampingan hingga accepted pada jurnal yang dituju

    Perbandingan metakognitif pada peserta didik yang tinggal di asrama dan non asrama pada pembelajaran biologi

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    ABSTRAKHasil belajar peserta didik dapat dipengaruhi oleh komponen metakognitif dan juga lingkungan sekitar. Peserta didik MAN 1 Tasikmalaya tergolong menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu yang tinggal di asrama dan non asrama. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan metakognitif antara peserta didik yang tinggal di asrama dan di non asrama. Metode penelitian berupa kausal komparatif dengan purposive sampling. Sampel berupa masing-masing 29 peserta didik kelas XI MIPA 1 dan XI MIPA 2. Tes dilakukan dengan Metacognitive Awareness Inventory. Data dianalisis menggunakan Uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov untuk mengetahui normalitas data, dilanjutkan dengan uji homogenitas dengan Levene Test dan Uji t untuk mengetahui perbandingan antara kedua data tersebut. Skor rata-rata metakognitif peserta didik asrama sebesar 91,96% sedangkan untuk peserta didik non asrama sebesar 88,1%. Data menunjukkan adanya perbedaan metakognitif antara peserta didik yang tinggal di asrama dan non asrama. Kata kunci: asrama; metakognitif; non asrama; perbandingan ABSTRACTMetacognitive comparisons of students living in dormitories and non- dormitories in learning biology The learning outcomes of a student are influenced not only by the metacognitive components they have but also by the surrounding environment. The students of MAN 1 Tasikmalaya can be classified into two groups, who live in dormitories and in non-dormitories. This study aims to determine the metacognitive differences between students who live in dormitories and non-dormitories. The method used is causal-comparative with a purposive sampling technique and obtained 29 students each in XI MIPA 1 and XI MIPA 2 as samples. The test was conducted with Metacognitive Awareness Inventory. The data were analyzed with Kolmogorov-Smirnov,, the homogeneity test using the Levene test, and the t test to determine the comparasion between two data. The average metacognitive score for boarding students was 91.96%, while for non-boarding students was 88.1%. That data showed there are metacognitive differences between students in dormitories and non-dormitories. Keywords: boarding; comparison; metacognitive; non-boardin

    Profile of Cholelithiasis Underwent Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Patients at The Aloei Saboe Hospital

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    Introduction: Cholelithiasis is one of the critical health problems. Modern lifestyles can allow gallstone disease in Indonesia to become a health problem that needs attention. The research objective is to know the profile of patients with cholelithiasis who performed laparoscopic cholecystectomy in Aloei Saboe Hospital.Method: The research design is a retrospective descriptive study. The population of this study was cholelithiasis patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy and were treated from January 2020 - December 2021, totaling 234 people. The number of samples is 86 people. We were using a purposive sampling data analysis technique, namely univariate analysis.Results: Regarding the distribution of patients based on sex, the most results were obtained from females (70 people, 81.4%), the largest age group is 46-55 years old (23 people, 26.7%), and the majority of patients did not have a history of diabetes mellitus (76 people, 88.4%).Conclusion: The distribution of cholelithiasis patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the Aloei Saboe Hospital is most common in women aged 46-55, and most patients have no history of diabetes mellitus. This finding may offer a primary data reference for further research adding the number of variables to determine the risk factors for cholelithiasis

    Characteristics of Thyroid Neoplasm Patients in the Department of Anatomic Pathology, Aloei Saboe Hospital

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    Introduction: Thyroid Neoplasm is a tumor originating from the thyroid gland. Thyroid neoplasms encompass both benign and malignant tumors. Thyroid malignancies are among the most frequently encountered malignancies of the endocrine glands. Thyroid neoplasms generally have a relatively good prognosis when detected early. This study aims to determine the characteristics of thyroid neoplasm patients in the Department of Anatomic Pathology, Aloei Saboe Hospital.Method: This study is descriptive research using secondary data from medical records. Data was collected using a total sampling technique with a sample size of 58 patients. The study was conducted in the Department of Anatomic Pathology, Aloei Saboe Hospital, from January 2021 to October 2022.Results: The distribution of thyroid neoplasm patients is highest in late adulthood (36-45 years) with 15 patients (25.9%), followed by early elderly (46-55 years) with 15 patients (25.9%). The gender distribution shows more female patients, accounting for 43 (77.6%). The most common histopathological type is Colloid Goiter, with 20 patients (34.5%).Conclusion: The distribution of thyroid neoplasm patients is most prevalent between the ages of 35 to 55 years, predominantly in females, with the most common histopathological finding being Colloid Goiter. This study is expected to serve as a valuable source of information, enhancing public knowledge and awareness regarding thyroid neoplasm patients' characteristics

    High performance methylated DNA markers for detection of colon adenocarcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: Colon cancer (CC) is treatable if detected in its early stages. Improved CC detection assays that are highly sensitive, specific, and available at point of care are needed. In this study, we systematically selected and tested methylated markers that demonstrate high sensitivity and specificity for detection of CC in tissue and circulating cell-free DNA. METHODS: Hierarchical analysis of 22 candidate CpG loci was conducted using The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) COAD 450K HumanMethylation database. Methylation of 13 loci was analyzed using quantitative multiplex methylation-specific PCR (QM-MSP) in a training set of fresh frozen colon tissues (N = 53). Hypermethylated markers were identified that were highest in cancer and lowest in normal colon tissue using the 75th percentile in Mann–Whitney analyses and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) statistic. The cumulative methylation status of the marker panel was assayed in an independent test set of fresh frozen colon tissues (N = 52) using conditions defined and locked in the training set. A minimal marker panel of 6 genes was defined based on ROC area under the curve (AUC). Plasma samples (N = 20 colorectal cancers, stage IV and N = 20 normal) were tested by cMethDNA assay to evaluate marker performance in liquid biopsy. RESULTS: In the test set of samples, compared to normal tissue, a 6-gene panel showed 100% sensitivity and 90% specificity for detection of CC, and an AUC of 1.00 (95% CI 1.00, 1.00). In stage IV colorectal cancer plasma versus normal, an 8-gene panel showed 95% sensitivity, 100% specificity, and an AUC of 0.996 (95% CI 0.986, 1.00) while a 5-gene subset showed 100% sensitivity, 100% specificity, and an AUC of 1.00 (95% CI 1.00, 1.00), highly concordant with our observations in tissue. CONCLUSIONS: We identified high performance methylated DNA marker panels for detection of CC. This knowledge has set the stage for development and implementation of novel, automated, self-contained CC detection assays in tissue and blood which can expeditiously and accurately detect colon cancer in both developed and underdeveloped regions of the world, enabling optimal use of limited resources in low- and middle-income countries. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13148-021-01206-2

    Deteksi Cryptosporidium canis pada Anjing di Kota Surabaya

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    Cryptosporidiosis is a disease caused by Cryptosporidium spp. protozoan parasites and are zoonotic. Cryptosporidium canis is the main species that infects dogs. Transmission of C. canis in dogs to humans is possible. This study aims to detect microscopic C. canis infection based on morphology and molecularity using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) in dogs in Surabaya City. A total of 80 diarrhea dog feces samples were taken from Animal Hospitals and animal clinics in several areas in the Surabaya City, then added potassium dichromate and stored at 4OC. Detection was made of the presence of Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts microscopically which is then confirmed by molecular examination using the PCR method. The results showed 40 positive samples containing Cryptosporidium spp., oocysts, with a size of 2-6 ?m. Ten samples from the total positive sample of Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts by microscopic examination, with the PCR test there were seven positive samples of C. canis. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the species that causes Cryptosporidiosis in dogs in Surabaya City is C. canis. The high cases of Cryptosporidiosis in dogs can be a warning to be able to prevent Cryptosporidium spp. infections, especially in pets that have the potential as a reservoir in spreading disease Keywords: dogs ; Cryptosporidium canis ; Polymerase Chain Reactio

    World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017: Part one

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    Speaker authentication system using soft computing approaches

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    Speaker authentication has been developed rapidly in the last few decades. This research work attempts to extract the hidden features of human voice that is able to simulate human auditory system characteristics in speaker authentication. The hidden features are then presented as inputs to a Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Network and Generic Self-organizing Fuzzy Neural Network to verify the speakers with high accuracy. Based on the experimental results, the two networks are able to verify speakers using two method in extracting hidden features from the recorded voice sources


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    The Advanced Technology Training Centre (ADTEC) institutions under the Ministry of Human Resource are major players for skilled human resource development in Malaysia. In preparing for the competent workforce, ADTECs are taking active measures to ensure that their trainees are equipped with the necessary soft skills –in addition to technical skill - that are much needed to deal with the complex and challenging workplace. However, integrating soft skills into the training that has traditionally emphasised the technical and vocational skills is not an easy task. The diversity of soft skills elements to be developed, the unique nature of the different training programmes and the difficulty in assessing softs skills are some of the challenges that training centres have to contend with.  The purpose of this study was to assess the level of soft skills (communication skills, critical problem solving skills, teamwork skills and leadership skills) acquired by trainees and to identify if there is skills  acquired are influenced by  types of training programmes. A survey design method was used to study two hundred trainees from the final year of four Diploma programmes in the Batu Pahat Advanced Technology Training Centre (ADTEC) who were selected as respondents for the study. Specifically developed soft skills questionnaire was used to gather data on soft skills. Data obtained on soft skills data were subsequently analysed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods.  The results of analysis show that trainees do have high level of soft skills and programmes do not seem to have differential influence on acquisition of soft skills

    Implementasi Fungsi Pengawasan Dprd Terhadap Pembangunan Infrastruktur Daerah (Studi Pada Dprd Komisi C/Pembangunan Kota Malang)

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    Peran DPRD dalam menjalankan fungsi sebagaimana UU No 23 tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, yaitu fungsi legislatif, anggaran dan pengawasan. Fungsi pengawasan sendiri penting adanya untuk dilaksanakan terhadap segala bidang. Fungsi pengawasan yang DPRD berikan terhadap pembangunan dapat berupa rapat kerja ataupun bentuk pengawasan melalui kunjungan kerja dan lainnya. Pengawasan yang diberikan oleh DPRD terhadap pembangunan infrastruktur daerah ini berfungsi agar kegiatan-kegiatan dalam rangka pencapaian tujuan pembangunan harus sesuai dengan prosedur, sehingga pencapaian tujuan pembangunan dapat dicapai secara efektif dan efisien. Pengawasan dilakukan agar tujuan pembangunan infrastruktur dapat dicapai dengan optimal dan dalam proses pelaksanaannya tidak menyimpang dari ketentuan yang berlaku.Organisasi yang melakukan pengawasan terhadap pembangunan infrastruktur daerah di Kota Malang adalah DPRD Komisi C/ Pembangunan Kota Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dokumentasi, observasi dan wawancara. Data primer diperoleh dari hasil wawancara. Sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari dokumen-dokumen. Lokasi Penelitian ini di DPRD Komisi C/Pembangunan Kota Malang