294 research outputs found

    Nisan kuno di Jailolo: bukti perkembangan Islam abad ke-18 di Maluku Utara

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    Kepulauan Maluku yang kaya akan rempah-rempah telah menjadi daya tarik bagi para pedagang asing untuk datang dan berdagang rempah-rempah. Pedagang asing yang pertama mendatangi Kepulauan Maluku adalah pedagang Arab muslim. Masuknya Islam ke Jailolo ditandai dengan keberadaan nisan-nisan kuno di Desa Galala dan Gam Lamo. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses masuknya Islam melalui variasi nisan kuno di Jailolo. Penelitian awal mengenai peninggalan arkeologi Islam di Jailolo ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analisi

    The Campaign of Ali Bik Al Kabeer on Hijaz (1184H/ 1770 BC) The Effectiveness on the Political, Economic and Social Situation in Hejaz

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    This study came to cover the lack of the studies about Ali Bik AL Kabeer (Ali Bik the Great) campaign against hijaz. The last study was done before more than fifty years ago, it was done by Dr. Mohammad Refat Ramadan, his study was in general, the information about the campaign of Ali Bik on Hijaz was very few in that study,  due to the lack of resources and specialized references about that campaign. My study about the campaign of Ali Bik AL kabeer on Hijaz came to study that campaign from another side, that any researcher didn’t address before, I tried to clear the reflection of   this campaign on Mecca specially and Hijaz in General.  I will try to highlight the reasons of the campaign, financially and military preparation and track the procession from Egypt until the arrival to Hijaz. Later I will extract the most important outcomes; politically, economically, socially, depending on the multi references and resources such as history books and Pilgrim books, and documents of the Ottoman and modern Arab and foreign references, and periodicals, which I mentioned some of them in the list of sources and references. These studies followed the investigative and analytical and historical approach beside interpretation and clarify of unclear terms or phrases, characters, and places. Depending  on scientific methodology  which is  approved and addressed in the list of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research in  King Abdul Aziz University, taking into account the interdependence of subjects , events, and historical sequence, while appearing  the character of the  researcher, with a commitment to objectivity and impartiality. The reasons for the campaign on Hijaz: Several reasons have emerged called Ali Bik to send his campaign to Hijaz in 1184 AH / 1770 AD .one of important reasons was, his desire to revive the Mamluk (Slaves) State, once he took a chieftain in Egypt, he started to get rid of all his competitor and started to impose his control by placing more Mamluks in the entities on the state. He also started to make a limitation of the influence of the rest of the Mamluk princes that he was feared of their power by not allowing them to buy more Mamluks 1. He started seriously to rebuilding the Mamluk state as it was before Ottomans destroy it.  He was planning to make Egypt as a new base of the Mamluk state while the holy cities in Hijaz Mecca and Medina will belong to the new state, In addition to the coast of the eastern Mediterranean which had a very active ports booming with trade to make up the other wing of his state.  The establishment of this state will depends on the strength of the new armies of Ali Bik.2 Ali Bik got rid of the Ottoman viceroy in Egypt and ousted him3, he declared himself the district head of Egypt on Sunday, the first of Sha’ban 1181 AH (October 1768 m). He did not allow any ottoman (Wali) to enter Egypt for four years4.  Ali Bik Took advantage of the situation and try to influence the Mamluks and convince them that the Ottoman state is planning to kill them all, and reminded them of the glories of Mamluks sultans’ .he said according to Jabarti:  The kings of Egypt were like us Mamluks, such as Sultan Baybars and Sultan Qalawun and their sons.   Ottomans controlled and take over Egypt by hypocrisy 5 to the people of Egypt, Ali Bik said.  He began preparing for the above-mentioned -Mamluk state 6. Ali Bik the Great was planning out of his campaign to revive his state by controlling Hijaz and Yemen through serious economic project, he was encouraged by Venetian merchant Carlo rosti, as well as the director of his Accountants the Coptic accountant   AL Moalem Rizq to make a project lies in the seizure of the port of Jeddah the famous Port in the Region

    Membangun Lingkungan Belajar Online Yang Kondusif Dalam Proses Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam

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    The learning environment is one of the keys to the success of the learning process and the achievement of learning objectives. A conducive learning environment can increase students ' interest in learning and activeness of learning. However, since the Covid-19 pandemic, the education system has undergone many changes, especially in the implementation process. Learning that was initially offline becomes online. This is certainly a challenge for every teacher. Building the conductivity of the online learning environment with offline is certainly very different, both in terms of obstacles, methods, and efforts that can be done. This research aims to find out how efforts to build the conductivity of the online learning environment in the PAI learning process in order to achieve the maximum PAI learning objectives. The research method used is qualitative with library research method on online learning environment, conducive learning environment, conducive online learning environment, and PAI learning. The research hypothesis suggests that efforts to build a conducive online learning environment in the PAI learning process are by utilizing a fun online platform, building a positive perception of online learning, streamlining the role of the family as a relationship with teachers, and optimizing several existing theories in educational psychology

    Brunei Darussalam: Mangrove-friendly aquaculture

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    Aquaculture in Brunei Darussalam is quite recent compared to other countries. Cage culture of marine fishes and pond culture of marine shrimp are popular. Mangrove area utilized for aquaculture (shrimp ponds) is very minimal, 190 ha of the total 18,418 ha. This report describes the status of mangroves and practices of aquaculture in Brunei Darussalam

    Aeroelastic Tailoring Of Woven Cantilevered Glass-Epoxy Plate-Like Aircraft Wing

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    The application of uni-directional composites in aeroelastic tailoring has long been established due to their highly directional properties. However, the use of woven, bi-directional textile composite in this area is practically nil due to their lower strength and stiffness, although this class of material is generally cheaper and more conforming. Therefore, the current work presents a new prospect for this type of material in the aeroelastic tailoring of aircraft wings. The aeroelastic flutter and divergence behaviour of rectangular, woven glass/epoxy cantilevered plates with varying amount of bending and torsion stiffness coupling is investigated in subsonic flow. To do so, a range of tailored plate configurations with various stacking sequence having 6-plies thickness were considered. The ply orientation was varied from -450 to 450 to provide the widest range of negative and positive bend-twist coupling. Test plates without stiffness coupling were first constructed and subjected to static and dynamic testing in order to characterize the elastic and dynamic behaviour of the plate. Secondly, tailored configurations with varying stiffness coupling were fabricated and tested for flutter in wind tunnel tests. Numerical analyses were also conducted using MSc.Nastran structural analysis in conjunction with ZAERO’s flutter program to verify the mechanical and dynamic properties as well as predict the occurrence of flutter and divergence. Results from the extensive experimental and computational works had successfully shown that flutter speed can be optimized by tailoring the woven composite laminates. It was found that the torsional stiffness and bend-twist coupling play a major role in the aeroelastic behaviour of the woven laminate as compared to the bending stiffness. The bend-twist flutter that occurred was dominated by the torsion mode, thus explained the significant effect it has on the flutter speed. The numerical calculations predicted a 37% improvement whereas the experimental results are more understated at 29%. This improvement is remarkable considering that the configurations are symmetric. Both agreed well in terms of the optimized configuration that gave the maximum flutter speed. The flutter frequency and flutter mode shape was shown to be highly dependent on the coupled structural modes. In addition, divergence occurred when the plate-like wing is swept forward


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Model Dakwah Islamiyah Dalam Pembinaan Keagamaan Masyarakat Nelayan di Desa Lebiti Kecamatan Togean Kabupaten Tojo Una-Una. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptip kualitatip yaitu sebuah penelitian yang dimaksudkan untuk mengunkap sebuah fakta empiris secara objektif ilmiah dengan berlandaskan pada logika keilmuan, prosedur dan didukung oleh metodologi dan teoritis yang kuat sesuai disiplin keilmuan yang ditekuni. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui: 1. secara mendalam tipe atau kegiatan masyarakat nelayan desa lebiti 2. model dakwah islam dalam pembinaan keagamaan  masyarakat nelayan desa lebiti 3. perkembangan Masalah atau rintangan dakwah islamiyah dalam pembinaan keagamaan masyarakat nelayan di desa lebiti kec, togean kab. Tojo una-una sulawesi tengah. Adapun hasil penelitian ini ialah menunjukkan dengan adanya Pembinaan Keagamaan Masyarakat Nelayan bagaimana agar masyarakat nelayan yang ada di desa lebiti agar lebih giat lagi mempelajari agama islam karena diantara mereka banyak yang masih jauh dari tuntunan Al-qur’an dan as-sunnah


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    Aqua DM (demineralisasi) merupakan air yang bebas ion atau tanpa mineral, aqua DM diperoleh dari air mineral yang mengandung ion yang dilewatkan dalam beberapa kolom resin sehingga mineral yang terbawa tertahan pada kolom resin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memanfaatkan air buangan AC sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan aqua DM. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan mengalirkan air AC pada resin penukar kation dan anion. Resin kation diaktifkan dengan HCl dan resin anion diaktifkan dengan NaOH. Untuk mengetahui karakteristik kerja resin penukar ion dilakukan pengukuran konduktivitas, TDS (Total Dissolve Solid), serta pH pada keluaran kolom resin penukar kation dan anion. Dan kadar Pb dalam keluaran kolom resin penukar kation dan anion dengan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya kenaikan pH serta penurunan konduktivitas dan TDS dari air keluaran kolom resin penukar kation dan anion. Data yang diperoleh pada sampel studio foto Walet di Setiabudi (±15 meter dari jalan raya) memiliki konduktivitas 4,1 μS, TDS 2,3 ppm dan pH 7,42. Sampel di pabrik CocaCola Ungaran (±50 meter dari jalan raya) nilai konduktivitasnya 3,1 μS, TDS 1,7 ppm dan pH 7,09. Dan tempat isi ulang air minum Fine di Jati Raya Banyumanik (±8 km dari jalan raya) nilai konduktivitasnya 5,87 μS, 2,88 ppm dan pH 7,71. Kadar Pb sebesar 0,03 ppm hanya terdapat pada sampel pabrik CocaCola Ungaran dan dapat dihilangkan dengan resin

    Pencegahan Radikalisme melalui Penanaman Nilai Profil Pelajar Pancasila di SMA Muhammadiyah 8 Gresik

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    . Remaja sebagai penerus bangsa memerlukan karakter yang lengkap untuk menghadapi tantangan global. Paham radikal dapat diminimalisir dan dicegah dengan serangkaian program dan kegiatan. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mencegah paham radikalisme pada remaja sekolah menengah atas (SMA). Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdaian masyarakat adalah sosialisasi dan postering. Diikuti sebanyak 245 Siswa kelas 10-12. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa metode sosilasasi dengan kuis yang menyenangkan dan menggembirakan dapat menanamkan subtansi materi kepada siswa. Postering sebagai media efektif untuk mendukung ingatan siswa terhadap materi yang telah dipelajari. Sekaligus sebagai hidden curriculum pendidikan karakter dilingkungan sekolah. Diharapkan adanya kegiatan yang berkelanjutan untuk mendukung keberhasilan penanaman karakter dalam rangka pencegahan paham radikalime remaj


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    Dengan semakin pesatnya industri sepeda motor di Indonesia, sehingga perusahaan harus dapat menentukan strategi pemasaran yang tepat agar usahanya dapat bertahan dan memenangi persaingan. Untuk memperluas pangsa pasar, maka perusahaan harus mampu mengetahui apa yang dibutuhkan atau  diharapkan oleh konsumennya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adahkah pengaruh biaya promosi terhadap tingkat penjualan kendaraan bermotor merk Honda pada PT. Tunas Dwipa Matra Cabang Jambi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang berjenis assosiatif, yaitu untuk mengetahui dua variabel atau lebih yang dapat dijadikan unit penelitian. Variable yang digunakan adalah biaya promosi dan penjualan dengan indikator jumlah dari tahun 2018-2022. Pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil analisis regresi sederhana yaitu, Y = 5,1738 + 2,088 X dengan nilai R Square atau koefisien determinasi R2 menunjukkan besar kontribusi 57,54 atau 57,54 % sedangkan sisanya 42,46 atau 42,46 % dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain