619 research outputs found


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    Pengabdian masyarakat ini berlokasi di masjid jabal holimombo yang terletak di desa holimombo kecamatan wabula di mana masjid ini akan direhap sedang berupa rehap dinding dan rehap teras masjid dari awalnya kayu dengan atap seng dengan ukuran teras keluar 1,2 m kemudian di ganti dengan rabat beton dengan atap dak beton dan teras keluar di perbesar sampai 3m dan dalam tahap ini yang dihasilkan dari pengabdian ini yaitu gambar model untuk masjid baik dari model 3D, gambar tampak baik tampak depan, tampang samping, tampan belakang, dan potongan selain itu untuk gambar kerja yang dihasilkan yaitu gambar denah dari struktur, baik balok, kolom, maupun Plat dan juga gambar Detail untuk pelaksanaan

    Drosophila brca2 Is Required for Mitotic and Meiotic DNA Repair and Efficient Activation of the Meiotic Recombination Checkpoint

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    Heterozygous mutations in the tumor suppressor BRCA2 confer a high risk of breast and other cancers in humans. BRCA2 maintains genome stability in part through the regulation of Rad51-dependent homologous recombination. Much about its precise function in the DNA damage responses is, however, not yet known. We have made null mutations in the Drosophila homolog of BRCA2 and measured the levels of homologous recombination, non-homologous end-joining, and single-strand annealing in the pre-meiotic germline of Drosophila males. We show that repair by homologous recombination is dramatically decreased in Drosophila brca2 mutants. Instead, large flanking deletions are formed, and repair by the non-conservative single-strand annealing pathway predominates. We further show that during meiosis, Drosophila Brca2 has a dual role in the repair of meiotic double-stranded breaks and the efficient activation of the meiotic recombination checkpoint. The eggshell patterning defects that result from activation of the meiotic recombination checkpoint in other meiotic DNA repair mutants can be strongly suppressed by mutations in brca2. In addition, Brca2 co-immunoprecipitates with the checkpoint protein Rad9, suggesting a direct role for Brca2 in the transduction of the meiotic recombination checkpoint signal

    Penentuan Korelasi Perubahan Kecepatan Angin dan Kekuatan Radiasi terhadap Ketinggian Lapisan Inversi dan Hubungannya dengan Kualitas Udara Ambien Kota Surabaya

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    Dispersi polutan pada udara ambien dipengaruhi oleh ketinggian lapisan inversi yang membatasi ruang mixing height di Kota Surabaya. Ketinggian lapisan inversi dipengaruhi oleh faktor meteorologi dan kestabilan atmosfer di suatu daerah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan Perubahan kecepatan angin dan kekuatan radiasi terhadap ketinggian lapisan inversi dan kualitas udara ambien di Kota Surabaya. Metode yang digunakan untuk analisis korelasi dalam penelitian ini adalah metode korelasi Pearson. Data ketinggian lapisan inversi didapatkan dari profil temperatur terhadap ketinggian hasil pengukuran radiosonde BMKG Juanda pada tahun 2009 hingga 2014. Analisis korelasi yang dilakukan diasumsikan dalam keadaan normal sehingga data yang digunakan adalah data hasil pelingkupan pada pukul 00.00 WIB dan 12.00 WIB dengan nilai persentil 10% dari tahun 2009 hingga 2014. Lapisan inversi pada Kota Surabaya kemungkinan merupakan lapisan subsidence inversion. Lapisan inversi tersebut memiliki korelasi berbanding terbalik pada pukul 00.00 WIB dan korelasi berbanding lurus pada pukul 12.00 WIB terhadap kecepatan angin, sedangkan untuk kekuatan radiasi tidak berkorelasi. Korelasi ketinggian lapisan inversi dengan kualitas udara ambien SO2 berbanding terbalik, namun tidak berkorelasi dengan NO2 dan O3

    Rickettsial Infection in Dermacentor variabilis (Acari : Ixodidae) Inhibits Transovarial Transmission of a Second Rickettsia

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    This study examined the ability of ticks to maintain multiple species of spotted fever group rickettsiae via transovarial transmission. Using a capillary feeding method, previously established Rickettsia montana- and Rickettsia rhipicephali-infected cohorts of Dermacentor variabilis (Say) were exposed to R. rhipicephali and R. montana, respectively, in two reciprocal challenge experiments. Eggs collected from individual females, for two successive generations, of each cohort were assessed for rickettsial infection by polymerase chain reaction for each challenge experiment. Assessment of the eggs from challenged ticks identified that both R. montana- and R. rhipicephali-infected ticks were refractory to their respective challenge rickettsiae. The prechallenged infection rate for both F1 and F2 generations (100%) of the R. montana-infected cohort was resistant to transovarial transmission of the second rickettsia species, and only R. montana was detected in the eggs of F1 = (50%) and F2 = (74%) challenged females. The R. rhipicephali-infected cohort maintained a lower level of infection (20%) in the population and did not transovarially transmit the challenge species, however, detectable levels of infection were lost after the first generation. Second-generation ticks, no longer infected with R. rhipicephali, became susceptible to infection with R. montana and female ticks (approximate to 4%) were able to transmit R. montana to their progeny. The resistance of the ovaries to co-infection and apparent host-specific nature of infection suggests that rickettsial infection of tick ovaries may alter the molecular expression of the oocytes so as to preclude secondary infection with other rickettsiae

    Spectrum of Skin Diseases among School Aged Children in Jos North-Central Nigeria

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    Skin diseases are common causes of morbidity among children in developing nations. An awareness of the types of skin morbidities seen in school children and the associated factors may enable individuals’ families and government carry out or direct preventive and therapeutic measures appropriately.The aim of this study was to assess the spectrum of skin diseases among primary school children in Jos North Local Government Area. Three hundred and ninety (390) pupils were recruited from selected public and private primary schools using multistage sampling technique. Structured Interviewer administered questionnaires were used to obtain information. Key diagnostics features were used for clinical diagnosis of major skin diseases. Data collected were analyzed using SPSS version 21. There were a total of 199 males and 191 females. Age range was between 6 and 12 years. Prevalence rate of skin disease was 36.2%. A total of 28 different types of skin diseases were seen among the pupils, with infections making up the bulk (47.3%). Among the infections, Tinea (23.9%) was the most prevalent. while dermatitis accounted for 20.7%. There was no sex predilection. Skin diseases were significantly more prevalent in children between 6-7 years ( p-0.014) and associated with lower socioeconomic class (p-0.001) and children from public schools (p0.000). Preventive and curative health services should be provided in the school health programme especially in public schools for reduction of the prevalence of skin disorders

    Impact of forest rehabilitation using Eucalyptus spp. on soil properties at Sg. Betis Forest Reserve, Lojing, Kelantan

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    The forest reserve of Sg. Betis, Lojing, Kelantan is one of the earliest plots to utilize Eucalyptusfor forest rehabilitation purposes, due to the tree’s fast-growing characteristic that is able to accelerate soil restoration for degraded forest.Eucalyptushas a deep root system that can help to hold the soil and is able to reach moisture deep in the ground, in order to survive droughts.This study was conducted to determine the impact of forest rehabilitation on degraded land using Eucalyptusspp.The soil properties were determined prior to planting (October 2017) and after planting (August 2018). Soil analyses showed that there is improvement in selected soil properties after a year of planting