24 research outputs found

    Logistic collaboration and improvement of the quality of care: Case of “Hôpital du Mali” (the Hospital of Mali)

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    In recent years, Mali has initiated a reform of its hospitals in order to ameliorate the quality of care. Within the frame of a management vision, this research consists in trying to understand how inter-organizational logistics, through the analysis of physical (medicines, materials, and equipment) flows and information flows, contributes to improving the quality of care within the Hospital of Mali. The analysis of semi-structured interviews has allowed us to discuss research proposals from the literature review and their degree of acceptance. Then, we have formulated some recommendations on logistic best practices to improve the quality of care. Specially, we made these recommendations toward hospital, distribution centre, authorities and national agency for evaluation. In doing so, our research contributes to understand the logistical issues in Africa, particularly in Mali. It also contributes to the literature on hospital logistics and gives way to future research in the field of healthcare logistics

    Propositions de mesures à court terme pour réduire le haut niveau des prix de certaines denrées de premiÚre nécessité notamment les céréales, le bétail-viande et le ciment

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    The high increase in the prices of cereals, meat, and building materials is due to the weakness of stocks, increased exports, and the increase of internal demand. To attenuate the effect of the high increase in the price of cereals, meat and cement, the following measures are necessary: ‱ Import important quantities of maize ‱ Draw down on the national security stock, in consultation with the donors. ‱ Reduce the price of animal feeds through reduction in the price of cotton-seed from the state-run cotton ginning facilities ‱ Reduce slaughter fees ‱ Reduce the cost of transportation through reduction in taxes on fuel and spare parts, and ‱ Reduce the tariff on imports of cement Elements of a medium-term strategy to hold down food prices include: ‱ At the production level, focus on better water management, the organization and training of farmers in improved techniques, and the development of the input markets as first priorities. ‱ At the marketing level, take actions to facilitate domestic trade of cereals within the country, reduce barriers to external trade, and promote a series of actions to develop further cereals and livestock processing within the country. ‱ At the consumption level, promote creation of consumer cooperatives, create a second intervention stock, and promote employment generation.Food Security, Food Policy, Mali, Agricultural and Food Policy, Q18,

    Situation Synthétique de la CMDT

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    This note presents the situation of the Malian cotton sector as of 2001/02, with emphasis on the possibility of emerging from the crisis at that time. ] The CMDT, the Malian company for textile development, has as its mission the production, storage, and marketing of cotton. Despite excellent performance over the years, CMDT was faced by a major crisis in 1999/2000 which has persisted. Cotton is very important to the Malian economy. The area of the cotton zone is about 163,303 km2, and included a population of about 3.8 million in 2000. Income from cotton was 96.5 billion CFA francs in 1998/99. However, since the 1999/00 campaign, the producers’ income decreased, falling to 41.3 billion CFA francs in 2000/01. Since the devaluation of the CFA franc in January 1994, the cotton sector regained its profitability and competitiveness, with a production of 523,000 tons in 1997/98. However, the production boycott undertaken by many producers in 2000/01 caused a huge production decrease of more than 200,000 tons. Producers were angered at the decision of CMDT to reduce the producer price by 35 CFA francs. Thus, the producer’s price went down from 185 CFA francs/kg in 1997/98 to 150 CFA francs/kg in 1999/00. Since 1998, the world price of cotton fiber has fallen, which caused the current crises in the cotton sector. The average price of cotton fiber in the international market went down from 925 CFA francs. The CMDT has announced higher seed cotton prices for the current campaign, with an expected commercialization of 575,000 tons. However, the cotton sector is not out of crisis yet. First, there is a question of whether the CMDT is financially able to honor the promise made by the Malian authorities that the company will buy all cotton produced in the country at 200 CFA francs/kg, in view of the continuing decrease of cotton fiber price on the international market. Second, the costs of cotton fiber to the CMDT calculated for the current campaign are higher than the decennial world average. Therefore, the 2002 exercise risks to be a deficit year again for the CMDT. The solution to this crisis would be to maintain the producers’ price at 200 CFA francs/kg and to restructure the CMDT. However, restructuring CMDT does not mean to privatize it , even though some of its functions can be managed by private sectors. Restructuring CMDT needs to be accompanied with a financial support of about 55 billion CFA francs for layoff costs of “excess” employees and other restructuring costs. The functions that need to be transferred to other players may be the supply of agricultural inputs, construction, planning, or management of natural resources.food security, food policy, Mali, cotton, Crop Production/Industries, International Development, Q18,

    DĂ©terminants De La Fertilisation Dans Les SystĂšmes De Riziculture Pluviale Stricte Dans Les Zones Nord Et Sud Soudaniennes Du Burkina Faso

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    Knowledge, attitudes and the practices of farmers influence greatly rice productivity. The goal of this study is to identify the determiners of the number of organic manure and chemical fertilizers (NPK, Urea) in rice production. This study has been conducted as a survey and the sample includes 293 peasants from 14 villages in the East, Hauts bassins and Plateau Central regions of Burkina Faso. The logistic regression method was used to characterize the determinants of the value of organic manure, NPK and urea in rice farming. The results indicate that they were 40 years old in average and 37% of them women. Half of them use line pits sowing system with a spacing of 25-30 cm. The quantity of fertilizers per hectare is less elevated with an average of 398,44 kg for organic manure, 90,88 kg for NPK and 56,36 kg for Urea. Upland rice is produced without using Burkina Phosphorus and poultry manure. We consider that age, the size and the number of active workers are the determiners of the value of organic manure, NPK and Urea input in upland rice production in the regions of plateau central, east and hauts bassins. With very expensive chemical fertilizers today, the contribution of the study would be the testing in agronomy of the relevance of endogenous solutions in the broad scale definition of new practices in rainy season rice production. Les connaissances, les attitudes et les pratiques des agriculteurs influencent insidieusement le niveau de production rizicole. L’objectif de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude est de connaĂźtre les facteurs dĂ©terminants du nombre d’apports de fumure organique, d’engrais NPK et d’urĂ©e en riziculture. Une enquĂȘte a Ă©tĂ© conduite et a concernĂ© un Ă©chantillon de 293 riziculteurs rĂ©partis dans 14 villages, dans les rĂ©gions de l’Est, des Hauts Bassins et du Plateau Central du Burkina Faso. La population enquĂȘtĂ©e avait une moyenne d’ñge de 40 ans et 37% de l’échantillon sont de sexe fĂ©minin. La mĂ©thode de la rĂ©gression logistique a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour caractĂ©riser les dĂ©terminants de la fertilisation en riziculture. Les rĂ©sultats de l’étude indiquent que la moyenne d’ñge est de 40 ans et 37% de l’échantillon sont de sexe fĂ©minin. La moitiĂ© des riziculteurs enquĂȘtĂ©s pratique les semis en lignes dans des poquets, avec un Ă©cartement de 25*30 cm. Les quantitĂ©s d’engrais par hectare sont faibles et sont de 398,44 kg pour la fumure organique, de 90,88 kg pour l’engrais NPK et de 56,36 kg pour l’engrais urĂ©e. Le riz pluvial strict est cultivĂ© sans apport de Burkina Phosphate et de fumier de volaille. On note que l’ñge du producteur, la superficie des parcelles et le nombre d’actifs agricoles sont les facteurs qui influencent le nombre d’apports de fumure organique, d’engrais NPK et d’UrĂ©e en riziculture pluviale stricte dans les zones d’étude. Dans le contexte de coĂ»t Ă©levĂ© des engrais minĂ©raux, des solutions endogĂšnes pourraient ĂȘtre testĂ©es dans le cadre plus large de la dĂ©finition de nouvelles pratiques de fertilisation de riz pluvial strict

    The Plasmodium falciparum-Specific Human Memory B Cell Compartment Expands Gradually with Repeated Malaria Infections

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    Immunity to Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) malaria is only acquired after years of repeated infections and wanes rapidly without ongoing parasite exposure. Antibodies are central to malaria immunity, yet little is known about the B-cell biology that underlies the inefficient acquisition of Pf-specific humoral immunity. This year-long prospective study in Mali of 185 individuals aged 2 to 25 years shows that Pf-specific memory B-cells and antibodies are acquired gradually in a stepwise fashion over years of repeated Pf exposure. Both Pf-specific memory B cells and antibody titers increased after acute malaria and then, after six months of decreased Pf exposure, contracted to a point slightly higher than pre-infection levels. This inefficient, stepwise expansion of both the Pf-specific memory B-cell and long-lived antibody compartments depends on Pf exposure rather than age, based on the comparator response to tetanus vaccination that was efficient and stable. These observations lend new insights into the cellular basis of the delayed acquisition of malaria immunity

    Customs and indigenous justice in French Sudan (1892-1946)

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    Fruit d’une recherche basĂ©e essentiellement sur des archives coloniales, cette Ă©tude s’est donnĂ©e pour mission de mieux comprendre, Ă  travers des exemples concrets, le sort rĂ©servĂ© aux coutumes dans la colonie du Soudan français entre 1892 (date de sa crĂ©ation) et 1946 (date de la fin de la justice indigĂšne). Il s’agit alors de dĂ©terminer dans quelles proportions ces coutumes ont pu ĂȘtre altĂ©rĂ©es et d’analyser quels ont Ă©tĂ© les processus mis en place pour y parvenir. Le colonisateur français a initialement proclamĂ© le principe du respect des coutumes indigĂšnes : dans ses interdits, il se limite alors Ă  des coutumes dont la seule pensĂ©e provoque l’exĂ©cration de l’europĂ©en ; c’est-Ă -dire celles qui s’opposent frontalement au respect de la vie, de la libertĂ© et de la dignitĂ© des individus. Il oscille entre un souhait d’afficher une modĂ©ration de son empreinte et une dynamique d’acculturation juridique. La justice indigĂšne, considĂ©rĂ©e comme l’un des meilleurs moyens pouvant conduire les indigĂšnes Ă  un niveau de civilisation jugĂ© supĂ©rieur, intĂšgre alors progressivement les rĂšgles du droit mĂ©tropolitain tout en tenant compte d’une certaine « mentalitĂ© primitive » des autochtones. Par la suite, l’autoritĂ© coloniale s’autorise un lent et complexe processus de mise en forme des coutumes indigĂšnes tendant progressivement vers une intĂ©gration des principes essentiels de la civilisation française. Ce processus est Ă©galement Ă©troitement liĂ© aux circonstances et intĂ©rĂȘts en cause. L’activitĂ© des juridictions indigĂšnes a donc constituĂ© un Ă©lĂ©ment dĂ©terminant dans cette continuelle et longue transformation.This study is the result of a research mainly based on colonial archives. Through concrete examples, it aims at gaining a better understanding of the way Indigenous practices were developed in Sudan French colony between 1892 (date of creation of the colony) and 1946 (date of the end of Indigenous justice). It tends to determine to what extent these customs were modified and to analyze the processes put in place to achieve this modification.The French colonizer initially proclaimed the principle of respect for Indigenous customs. Only the customs that would provoke Europeans’ revulsion would be submitted to prohibition; in other words, customs that were in direct opposition with principles such as respect for life, freedom, and dignity of individuals. The French colonizer’s policy varies between a desire to show a moderated imprint and a dynamic legal acculturation. Indigenous justice was perceived as one of the best avenues to lead the Natives to a level of civilization considered as superior. Thus, the rules of metropolitan law were gradually integrated while a certain “primitive mentality” of the Natives was taken into account. Subsequently, a slow and complex process of shaping Indigenous customs was followed by colonial authority, and gradually led to the integration of French civilization’s essential principles. This process is also related to the circumstances and interests involved. The activity of the Indigenous courts was therefore a crucial factor in this long and continuous transformation

    Logistic collaboration and improvement of the quality of care : case of Mali hospital

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    Ces derniĂšres annĂ©es, le Mali a initiĂ© une sĂ©rie de rĂ©formes visant Ă  amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© des soins dans les hĂŽpitaux publics. Cette recherche consiste dans une vision managĂ©riale Ă  comprendre comment la collaboration logistique inter-organisationnelle sur les flux physiques (mĂ©dicaments, matĂ©riels et Ă©quipements) et d’informations contribue Ă  l’amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© des soins. L’analyse du contenu des entretiens semi-directifs nous a permis de discuter les cinq propositions de recherche issues de la revue de littĂ©rature et leur degrĂ© d’acceptation. Des recommandations Ă  l’endroit de nombreuses structures (hĂŽpital du Mali, PPM, DPM, pouvoirs publics et ANEH) ont Ă©tĂ© formulĂ©es afin d’amĂ©liorer la pratique logistique et la qualitĂ© des soins prodiguĂ©s aux patients. Ce faisant, notre recherche contribue ainsi Ă  la littĂ©rature sur la logistique hospitaliĂšre et ouvre la voie Ă  d’autres recherches futures dans le domaine de la logistique dans les structures de soins.In recent years, Mali has initiated a reform of hospital. This research consists in the managerial visions, try to understand how inter-organizational logistic through the analysis of physical flows (drugs, materials and equipment) and information flows contribute to improve the quality of care within Mali hospital.The analysis of the semi-structured interviews allowed us to discuss the research proposals from the literature review and their degree of acceptance. After, we formulated some recommendations on logistic practices to improve the quality of care. In doing so, our research contributes to the literature on hospital logistics and give the way for other future research in the field of healthcare logistics

    Contribution de la logistique Ă  la qualitĂ© des soins dans les hĂŽpitaux du Mali : une Ă©valuation de l’hĂŽpital du Mali

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    Cette recherche s’inscrit dans la dynamique de comprendre les enjeux de la logistique hospitaliĂšre au Mali. Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude transversale descriptive Ă  visĂ©e Ă©valuative couplĂ©e Ă  un sondage d’opinion. L’étude porte sur les moyens logistiques de l’hĂŽpital du Mali (les infrastructures, les Ă©quipements et matĂ©riels, les mĂ©dicaments et consommables) et la qualitĂ© de soins. La collecte des donnĂ©es s’est faite Ă  travers des entretiens semi directifs, un questionnaire pour les patients ainsi que l’analyse des documents et rapports de l’hĂŽpital du Mali. L’étude tente d’évaluer le niveau de la qualitĂ© des soins Ă  travers les moyens logistique dĂ©ployĂ© au sein de l’hĂŽpital du Mali


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    Cet article, est une contribution Ă  la rĂ©flexion sur le statut de l’arbitre en droit OHADA, entamĂ©e par plusieurs chercheurs africains, et au centre de laquelle se trouve la problĂ©matique de l’immunitĂ© en droit de l’arbitrage OHADA. Le dĂ©bat sur le choix d’un systĂšme d’immunitĂ© et la dĂ©finition d’un vĂ©ritable statut pour l’arbitre est toujours d’actualitĂ©. Cet article fait le point global des approches et conceptions sur l’immunitĂ© diplomatique des arbitres de la CCJA. En effet, le dĂ©bat sur la responsabilitĂ© touche de façon Ă©troite celui du statut de l’arbitre : la responsabilitĂ© Ă©tant la rĂ©sultante d’un statut, cela nous permettra d’aborder la question du statut juridique de l’arbitre en droit OHADA. Dans un contexte oĂč les diffĂ©rentes lĂ©gislations, la jurisprudence ou encore les conventions internationales, n’abordent que trĂšs peu le statut de l’arbitre, la dĂ©termination des Ă©lĂ©ments permettant de prĂ©ciser les contours des devoirs, droits et obligations de l’arbitre, contribuera de façon certaine Ă  mieux apprĂ©hender la mission de l’arbitre

    Propositions de mesures à court terme pour réduire le haut niveau des prix de certaines denrées de premiÚre nécessité notamment les céréales, le bétail-viande et le ciment

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    The high increase in the prices of cereals, meat, and building materials is due to the weakness of stocks, increased exports, and the increase of internal demand. To attenuate the effect of the high increase in the price of cereals, meat and cement, the following measures are necessary: ‱ Import important quantities of maize ‱ Draw down on the national security stock, in consultation with the donors. ‱ Reduce the price of animal feeds through reduction in the price of cotton-seed from the state-run cotton ginning facilities ‱ Reduce slaughter fees ‱ Reduce the cost of transportation through reduction in taxes on fuel and spare parts, and ‱ Reduce the tariff on imports of cement Elements of a medium-term strategy to hold down food prices include: ‱ At the production level, focus on better water management, the organization and training of farmers in improved techniques, and the development of the input markets as first priorities. ‱ At the marketing level, take actions to facilitate domestic trade of cereals within the country, reduce barriers to external trade, and promote a series of actions to develop further cereals and livestock processing within the country. ‱ At the consumption level, promote creation of consumer cooperatives, create a second intervention stock, and promote employment generation