52 research outputs found

    Hukum Menghadirkan Saksi Pada Transaksi Utang Piutang Perspektif Muhammad Abduh

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    Debt Receivable In Islam is a Jaiz thing or is allowed, but Islam regulates the systematic debt indebtedness. Fluctuations in economic conditions sometimes force someone to borrow money. The loan application is usually diverse, ranging from official financial institutions such as banking or any dimension online. However, there are also some circles who prefer to borrow on friends and relatives. Not without reason, the loan is certainly no frills interest and any collateral. As long as mutual trust, loans will certainly be given. Unfortunately, however, many are abusing the belief by not paying the debt on time. In fact, there are also deliberately pretending to forget


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    This study discusses the human ta'zir perspective of Imam Malik. Imam Malik argues that there is no minimum and maximum limit for uqubah / ta'zir punishment. It is well known in the Maliki madzhab, especially Imam Malik, that ta'zir punishment can exceed the limits of had punishment in some conditions and situations. Imam Malik once flogged a man who was found with a boy 400 lashes. Imam Malik's opinion is based on the actions of Umar bin Khatab r.a. where he flogged a man who faked Umar bin Khatab's ring to trick the baitul mal guard, with the aim of taking some of the baitul mal treasures. Caliph Umar at that time whipped him 100 times on the first, second and third day. If accumulated, umar bin khattab whipped the man 300 lashes. If we look at the istinbath method / method of determining the law used by Imam Malik r.a on this issue is to take the fatawa of the companions / mauquf hadith as a conceptual basis for determining the law and leave the Prophet's hadith which expressly prohibits the implementation of the ta'zir punishment beyond ten lashes. It is clearly seen in this problem that the characteristics of Imam Malik and his followers are very respectful of the words and actions of the companions even though at first glance they contradict the text

    Periode Kritis Tanaman Bawang Merah Varietas Bima (Allium Ascalonicum L.) Terhadap Persaingan Gulma

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    The weed throughout the life cycle of crops doesn't give negative impact as always. The survival period of crops which is very sensitive toward weeds is called by critical period. This study aims to determine the critical period of Bima onion (Allium ascalonicum L.) towardweeds. The research was conducted in Dukuhwaluh, Kembaran, Banyumas regency, from February to June 2016.Research compiled in a randomized completely block design. Factors studied were eight treatment levels namely G0 : clean weeding on 0–60 dap, G1 : clean weeding on 0–20 dap, G2 : clean weeding on 20–40 dap, G3 : clean weeding on 40–60 dap, G4 : clean weedingon 0–20 dap and 40–60 dap, G5 : clean weeding on 0–40 dap, G6 : clean weeding on 20–60 dap, dan G7 : clean weeding on 0–60 dap was repeated 4 times. The variables measured were leaf length, leaf number, the number of bulbs, tubers fresh weight per hill, tuber dry weightper hill, tuber diameter, and the total dominance of weeds.The results showed the competition period of weeds affect the growth and yield of Bima Onion (Allium ascalonicum L.), a critical period of this onion occurred on 20-40 dap. The dominant weeds grew in onion during this study was Cyperus imbricatus, Cyperus kyllingia,and Cyperus rotundus. Weeding session of this Bima onion will be efficiently implemented at age 20-40 dap to prevent yield loss

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan untuk Rekomendasi Promosi Jabatan Menggunakan Metode Profile Matching dan Electre

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    Promosi jabatan adalah perpindahan suatu jabatan ke jabatan lain yang memiliki wewenang dan tanggung jawab yang lebih besar. Promosi jabatan merupakan hal yang penting karena hal tersebut merupakan peremajaan setiap posisi jabatan agar diduduki oleh karyawan yang memiliki kriteria penilaian yang cocok untuk menduduki jabatan tersebut. Dengan adanya promosi, akan menjaga kestabilan manajemen pada Perusahaan . Dalam pelaksanaannya, promosi jabatan seringkali mengalami kendala, salah satunya ialah karena kriteria penilaian yang berbeda-beda pada setiap jabatan serta banyaknya jumlah karyawan, menyebabkan kegiatan promosi jabatan memakan waktu yang cukup lama dalam pelaksanaannya. Sistem pendukung keputusan untuk rekomendasi promosi jabatan memiliki 4 aspek penilaian kriteria diantaranya aspek perilaku personal, aspek pengetahuan dasar, aspek keterampilan dasar, dan aspek pencapaian kinerja. Metode Profile Matching digunakan untuk menghitung nilai subkriteria dari setiap aspek yang terdiri dari 4 tahapan diantaranya perhitungan nilai GAP, perhitungan nilai core dan secondary factor, dan perhitungan nilai total.Serta penggunaan metode Electre untuk melakukan perankingan. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa rekomendasi karyawan dengan nilai tertinggi dari hasil perhitungan metode yang digunakan

    An Analysis Of Grammatical Errors In Learners' Descriptive Writings At SMA Al-kautsar Bandar Lampung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu jenis kesalahan yang siswa buat yang tergolong ke dalam surface strategy taxonomy dan communicative effect taxonomy dalam menulis karangan deskriptif, serta untuk menyelidiki jenis kesalahan yang sering dan jarang muncul pada karangan siswa tersebut. Penelitian ini bersifat qualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 24 siswa kelas XI IPA2 dari SMA Al-Kautsar Bandar Lampung. Tes menulis digunakan sebagai instrumen penelitian. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa siswa membuat semua jenis kesalahan dari surface strategy taxonomy, yaitu omission, addition, misformation, and misordering; maupun communicative effect taxonomy, yaitu kesalahan global dan lokal. Dalam surface strategy taxonomy, jenis kesalahan yang sering muncul adalah misformation; dan jenis yang jarang muncul adalah misordering. Dalam communicative effect taxonomy, jenis kesalahan yang dominan adalah kesalahan lokal, sedangkan kesalahan global merupakan jenis kesalahan yang jarang terjadi. Ha ini menunujukkan bahwa kesalahan selalu terjadi dalam penulisan siswa. This study aimed at finding out the types of error that learners committed in terms of surface strategy and communicative effect taxonomies in their descriptive writings; and investigating which error types most and least frequently appeared in their writings. This study was a qualitative research. The subjects were 24 learners of class XI IPA2 of SMA Al-Kautsar Bandar Lampung. Writing test was used as the instrument. The findings revealed that the learners committed all error types in terms of surface strategy taxonomy: omission, addition, misformation, and misordering; and communicative effect taxonomy: global and local errors. In terms of surface strategy taxonomy, misformation was the most frequent error type, while misordering was the least frequent error type. In terms of communicative effect taxonomy, the most dominant error type was local error; while the least frequent error type was global error. This evidences that errors always occor in learners English writing


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    Bata ringan atau Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) merupakan bahan material pengisi dinding yang saat ini sering digunakan. Pemilihan bata ringan sebagai penyusun dinding bangunan karena memiliki bentuk yang seragam, beratnya yang ringan, dan dapat mempercepat kinerja pekerjaan dinding. Pemasangan bata ringan pada umumnya menggunakan mortar dengan lapisan tipis atau dapat disebut sebagai thin bed mortar. Meskipun dinding bukan termasuk bagian struktural pada bangunan, perlu adanya penelitian mengenai kekuatan pasangan bata ringan. Hal tersebut bertujuan untuk meminimalisir keruntuhan dinding bangunan akibat gaya lateral saat terjadi gempa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menciptakan komposisi baru thin bed mortar berbasis semen dengan penambahan polivinil asetat (PVAc) atau dapat disebut sebagai thin bed mortar inovasi (TBMI) untuk meningkatkan nilai kuat tekan dan kuat tarik belah pasangan bata ringan. Penggunaan PVAc pada TBMI diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kekuatan dan keamanan dinding bata ringan dan dapat menjadi alternatif dari penggunaan mortar instan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam lingkungan eksperimental dan mengikuti prosedur pengujian sesuai ASTM dan SNI. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu TBMI dengan substitusi 15% PVAc terhadap berat semen mampu memberikan nilai kuat tekan pasangan bata ringan sama besar dengan mortar instan dan kuat tarik belah sebesar 23% lebih besar daripada mortar instan

    Potensi Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Etanol Alga Merah (Kappaphycus Alvarezii) Sebagai Pengawet Alami Pengganti Formalin Pada Daging Ikan [Potential Use of Red Algae Ethanol Extract (Kappaphycus Alvarezii) as Formalin Substitute Natural Preservative in Meat Fish]

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    Fish meat is more nutritious source of protein and relatively safe for human consumption. Fish meat more easily damaged than red meat product quality, so it is necessary that the process of pickling fish maintained in fresh condition and suitable for consumption. The ethanol extract of red algae Kappaphycus alvarezii been known have antioxidant and antimicrobial effects, so need some research on the use of red algae extract as a preservative. Red algae extract with a concentration of 400 ppm, 500 ppm, 600 ppm and 1 % formalin, each sample is used as a meat preservative for tilapia fillets as 40 grams. Samples of tilapia meat is soaked in an preservative solution as long as 60 minutes. During immersion, the samples of tilapia meat stored at room temperature. Observation of tilapia meat quality is done about six hours after meat removed from the preservative solution. Fish meat quality were analyzed to describe the organoleptic quality, methods of the TPC, and proximate analysis. The results showed that the ethanol extract of red algae Kappaphycus alvarezii 600 ppm has potential as a natural preservative based on test results of TPC, proximate and organoleptic test


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    Abstrak: Sebagian besar Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) menghadapi permasalahan dalam mengelola keuangan dan berperilaku konsumtif. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari tingginya persentase PMI untuk kembali memperpanjang kontrak kerja setelah purna tugas. Kemiskinan yang dialami oleh PMI saat di Indonesia membentuk karakter poor society. Poor society ditandai dengan kesulitan untuk beradaptasi kembali dengan daerah asal pasca kembali ke kampung halaman, pergeseran nilai budaya, muncul perilaku konsumtif dan keterbatasan kemampuan manajerial keuangan. PMI meyakini bahwa berwirausaha memerlukan kemampuan (skill) dalam berbisnis, pengetahuan budaya dan ekonomi, relasi sosial yang kuat, dan tentu saja biaya usaha (modal) yang tidak sedikit. Hal tersebut mendorong tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat untuk mengadakan pelatihan kewirausahaan bagi para PMI aktif agar termotivasi untuk merintis, menjalankan, dan mengembangkan sebuah bentuk usaha yang potensial, memiliki target market, dan resilien. Tahapan kegiatan ini meliputi: (1) Analisis kebutuhan; (2) Kerjasama dengan mitra; (3) Koordinasi dengan pemateri; (4) Pembuatan video best-practice dengan pemateri; (5) Persiapan dan pelaksanaan seminar dalam jaringan (sedaring); (6) Pendampingan penyusunan Business Model Canvas (BMC). Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh total 46 PMI, yang berasal dari Taiwan (50%), Hongkong (13%), Singapura (13%), Indonesia (9%), Malaysia (7%), Korea Selatan (4%), Brunai Darussalam (2%), dan Arab Saudi (2%). Untuk dapat merancang dan menganalisis model usaha, setiap peserta diberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan untuk menyusun BMC sesuai dengan jenis usaha yang diminati. BMC tersebut diharapkan dapat membantu PMI dalam memvisualisasi dan memahami model usaha yang akan dikembangkan nantinya. Abstract: Most of the Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) face problems in managing finances and behave consumptively. This can be seen from the high percentage for PMI to re-extend the work contract after retiring. Poverty that has been experienced for quite a long time by PMI forms the character of poor society. Poor society is marked by the difficulty of Indonesian migrant workers to adapt back to their hometown after returning to their hometowns, a shift in cultural values, consumptive behavior and limited financial managerial ability. Currently digital technology is only used by PMI for communication and activities that are not oriented towards productive things. PMI believes that entrepreneurship requires skills (skills) in doing business, cultural and economic knowledge, strong social relations, and of course, a lot of business costs (capital). This encourages the community service team to hold entrepreneurship training for active PMIs so that they are motivated to start, run and develop a business that is potential, has a target market, and is resilient. The stages of this activity include: (1) making observations; (2) Cooperating with partners; (3) Coordination with presenters; (4) Making best-practice videos with the speakers; (5) Conducting online seminars; (6) Assistance in the preparation of a Business Model Canvas (BMC). This activity was attended by a total of 46 PMIs, originating from Taiwan (50%), Hong Kong (13%), Singapore (13%), Indonesia (9%), Malaysia (7%), South Korea (4%), Brunei Darussalam (2%), and Saudi Arabia (2%). To be able to design and analyze business models, each participant is provided with training and assistance to compile a BMC according to the type of business that he is interested in. BMC is expected to help PMI in visualizing and understanding the business model that will be developed afterwards

    Disregarding the Reproductive Rights of Women in Child Marriage in Indonesia

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    The phenomenon of child marriage frequently disregards children's reproductive rights. This study aims to explain the negligence of reproductive rights in child marriages by examining practices, factors, and the impacts of such neglect on girls' human rights. This paper employs a qualitative descriptive approach, and the data was gathered through the use of keywords to search the term "neglect of women's reproductive rights in child marriage”. The data was analyzed by reducing, describing, and interpreting the data in depth in order to reach a conclusion. This paper demonstrates that the practice of child marriage not only places females in a disadvantageous position, but also has an impact on reproductive rights, which has negative repercussions for survival, such as miscarriage, baby blues syndrome, and death. It is also anticipated that this paper can serve as a resource for conducting research on child marriage and the neglect of girls' reproductive rights from a broader and more multidisciplinary perspective, so that it can be used as a basis for formulating firm policies on reproductive right
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