268 research outputs found

    Synthesis and antimicrobial evaluation of some new polyheterocyclic systems containing 1,2,4-triazine moiety

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    7-(4-Chloro/3-nitrophenyl)-8-[5,6-diphenyl-4-(1,3-thiazol-2-yl)-1,4-dihydro-1,2,4-triazin-3-yl]-5-oxo-1,5-dihydro[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a]pyridine-6-carbonitrile (6a, b) was utilized as a key intermediate for the target polyheterocyclic systems. Reactions of 6a, b with halocarbonyl reagents followed by heterocyclization with bi-nitrogen nucleophiles gave some new nitrogen heterocycles (7-13). Structures of the new compounds were established by elemental analyses and spectral data. The synthesized compounds were screened for their antimicrobial activity

    Preparation and characterization of starch /cellulose composite

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    Novel preparative method for starch/cellulose composite in different ratios has been reported. The composite is obtained by mixing cellulose extracted from paper garbage and corn starch in PEG/NaOH solution. Starch/cellulose composite is characterized by different techniques, namely XRD, TGA and optical absorption measurements. From XRD data, it is observed that cellulose would lead to expand the d-spacing of (1ī0 plane and decrease the d-spacing of (110) plane of starch. The UV absorption peaks are shifted towards the longest wavelengths in the visible region for starch/cellulose composite. However, the refractive index value decreases from 1.44 to 1.08 and consequently the dielectric constant value decreases from 2.07 to 1.16 with increasing the starch ratio. Furthermore, the glass transition temperature increases from 107 °C for starch to 115 °C for starch/cellulose composite. However, the excess in starch ratio leads to increase in local crosslink density in the composite network


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    ABSTRACTObjectives: Free radicals generation, inflammation, and nitric oxide (NO) modulation are involved in indomethacin (IND)-induced gastric ulcers.Most of the drugs used for the treatment of gastric ulcer have various side effects. Genistein (GEN), the natural isoflavones isolated from soya beanhas an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and NO modulating activity. These properties could make GEN a promising and safe, natural candidate againstIND-induced peptic ulcers.Methods: Rats were divided into four groups. Control group; GEN group (10 mg/kg, p.o.); IND group (48 mg/kg, orally); and GEN+IND group (GENadministered 1 week before IND injection). 6 hrs after IND administration, all rats were sacrificed. Gastric juice acidity and gastric injury wereevaluated directly. The levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), myeloperoxidase (MPO), and NO were determined in gastric tissues. Moreover,glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity were determined in mucosal tissues.Results: Several mechanisms are involved in IND-induced ulcers as evidenced from the increase in TNF-α, MPO, and reduction in NO levels. In addition,free radicals also participate in the pathogenesis as evidenced from the increase in MDA levels and reduction in GSH levels and SOD activity. On theother hand, pre-administration of GEN markedly attenuated IND-induced ulcers without affecting gastric acidity, through a reduction of the elevatedTNF-α and MPO levels. Moreover, GEN significantly restored the declined NO level and ameliorated the unbalanced oxidative stress parameters.Conclusion: GEN markedly protects against IND-induced ulcers as revealed from biochemical data and amelioration of IND-induced lesions.Therefore, GEN may be a promising candidate for protection against IND-induced gastropathy.Keywords: Genistein, Ulcers, Indomethacin, Nitric oxide, Myeloperoxidase, Tumor necrosis factor alpha

    Role of Private Agricultural Extension Sector in Gezira State, Sudan

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    The aim of this study was to assess the role of private agricultural extension sector in  Gezira State ,Sudan. Field survey was used to collect data from  100 small scale farmers in 2014/2015 growing season using full count methods. The collected data were statistically analyzed and interpreted using percentage, frequency distribution and chi-square test. The majority of the results showed significant association between all kind of  extension services provided by private agricultural extension sector and increase in farmer`s production. It can be concluded that private agricultural extension sector in  Gezira State can play more effective role if it can be supported by enough well trained extension officers . Thus, The private agricultural extension sector in  Gezira State should be supported by all concerned  input companies, local NGOS , individuals and other agribusiness enterprises and the number of extension field staff should be increases and well trained.

    Glucose (xylose) isomerase production from thermotolerant and thermophilic bacteria

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    Glucose (xylose) isomerase (GI) is one of the most important industrial enzymes. It is used widely to catalyze the reversible conversion of D-glucose to D-fructose in vivo. The latter is used on a wide scale in the production of the high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) from corn starch. The great need of a thermostable GI, which is still active at higher temperatures (up to 90°C), opened the door to screen more microorganisms for the production of a more efficient industrial enzyme. Whole cells of 50 thermotole-rant/thermophilic bacterial isolates were used to evaluate their potential to produce GI when they were grown in broth medium (pH 7.0) containing D-xylose as a sole carbon source. Klebsiella and Pseudomonas showed the highest enzyme activity of 0.7; Bacillus came second with an activity of 0.3; while Acetobacter and Staphylococcus showed moderate activity of 0.3 for both, and Clostridium, Corynebacterium and Enterobacter showed the lowest enzyme activity of 0.2 each. The results reveal the need for optimizing the conditions for enhancing the production of the enzyme from Klebsiella and Pseudomonas isolates.Key words: Glucose isomerase, xylose isomerase, enzyme activity, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas

    Wind Power Ramps Analysis for High Shares of Variable Renewable Generation in Power Systems

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    Power system operators should be provided with more information on the characteristics of variable generation power ramps because, although there has been an improvement in the forecasting of wind power, the percentage of error in forecasting is still high to some extent. As a result of the ongoing rise in the participation rate of variable generation, this error will have a significant impact on the balance of power generation and consumption. From the grid operators' viewpoint, in order to balance these ramp events, it is important to get the scale of ramp events in the system as well as the times during which collective events are most likely to arise in order to achieve flexibility and reliability in the power system. Digitization of power systems brings big data which opening opportunities for improving the efficiency of power system operation. This paper analyzes the historical data of power-time curve in two directions: vertical and horizontal, in order to gain details on the behavior of wind power ramps. The method of analysis will be demonstrated by an analysis of actual historical output power of aggregated Belgian wind farms every 15 minutes in 2017 and 2018. Comparing the results of the two years outlined that there are fixed percentages related to wind power ramping behavior and even if the wind capacity is increased, it is possible to determine the extent of these ramps

    Endogenous bone marrow stem cell mobilization in rats: Its potential role in homing and repair of damaged inner ear

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    AbstractThe stem cells are widely used in the last few years in different fields of medicine, either by external transplantation or endogenous mobilization, most of these studies are still experimental on animals; few were tried on humans as in the spinal cord injury or myocardial infarction. As regards its use in the inner ear, stem cell transplantation was examined in many previous studies, while the mobilization idea is a new method to be experimented in inner ear hair cell regeneration.The aim of this work was to assess the use of GCSF to induce bone marrow SC mobilization to home and repair the damaged inner ear hair cells in rats after the damage had been inflicted by Amikacin injection.First we had to develop an animal model for damaged inner ear, so we used the well known ototoxic effect of Amikacin intra-tympanic injection till we reached complete loss of hearing function. And this can be assessed by DPOAEs. Now we have an animal model of damaged inner ear hair cells and mobilization of bone marrow SCs was induced by subcutaneous injection of G-CSF for 5days.Clinical assessment was done using DPOAEs before and after G-CSF injection also histological assessment of the inner ear was done before and after G-CSF by two methods H&E staining and Scanning Electron Microscopy.The results of histological examination of the specimens showed some promising changes that may be responsible for the improvement of hearing function in some rats that was detected by OAEs

    Non-native speakers’ attitudes towards the use of short Arabic stories in language classes

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    This study aims to investigate the attitudes of non-Arabic students towards reading short stories in Arabic at universities in Malaysia, with a focus on three variables: the students’ university, gender, and mother tongue. A mixed-methods approach was employed, using a questionnaire and semi-structured focus group discussion with 58 participants. The study found that the students had positive attitudes toward reading short stories. There were no statistically significant differences between the participants’ attitudes based on type of university, gender, and mother tongue. With respect to the types of short stories students prefer, comic stories were read most frequently by students. Finally, students also found it very encouraging and supporting to use short stories to enhance their Arabic language skills. The study concludes with some recommendations for further research

    The Morphometry of Wadi Karawi Basin (East of Wasit Governorate)

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    تهدف الدراسة إلى استخدام تقنية نظم المعلومات الجغرافية في الكشف عن الخصائص المورفومترية لحوض وادي الكروي والمتمثلة بالخصائص المساحية والشكلية والتضاريس وخصائص شبكة الصرف المائي فضلاً عن أنماط التصريف لبناء قاعدة معلومات جغرافية رقمية للحوض. اعتمدت الدراسة على تحليل المرئيات الفضائية  Landsat ETMونموذج الارتفاع الرقمي (DEM)، واستخدام برنامج Arc map10.6 في اعداد خرائط شبكات التصريف وتحديد رتب المجاري وحساب المتغيرات المورفومترية واجراء القياسات. وبيانات محطات الرصد الجوية وقد تمّ اتباع المنهج التحليلي من حيث دراسة البيئة العاملة لوديان منطقة الدراسة، والمنهج الكمي الذي يهدف إلى تطبيق المعايير والمقاييس الكمية في تحليل العمليات الجيومورفولوجية من أجل تقييم الموارد الطبيعية، وتم انتاج خريطة الشبكة النهرية والتي صنفت بحسب طريقة ستريلر إلى مراتبها النهرية، ودراسة العوامل الطبيعية المؤثرة في الحوض لاسيما الطبيعة الصخرية والمناخ والخصائص الطبوغرافية. بلغت مساحة الحوض الكلية (59.73كم2)، وبلغ عدد المراتب النهرية خمسة مراتب نهرية وتباينت هذه المجاري في اعدادها وأطوالها بحسب مراتبها وأطوالها وبمجموع أعداد المجاري النهرية (86.94). بسبب التباين في عمليات تكوينها ونشاتها فضلاً عن تباين العوامل البيئية المكونة لها، وتباينت الخصائص التضاريسية لحوض وادي كروي.study is to use GIS technology to detect the morphological characteristics of Wadi Al-Karawi basin, which are represented by cadastral, morphological, terrain, and drainage network characteristics, as well as drainage patterns to build a digital geographic database for the basin. The study was basedsed on Landsat ETM analysis and digital elevation model (DEM). The analytical methodology was followed in terms of studying the working environment of the valleys of the study area, and the applied methodology that aims to apply quantitative criteria and measurements in the analysis of geomorphological processes for the assessment of natural resources. And study the natural factors affecting the basin, especially rocky nature, climate and topographic characteristics. The total area of ​​the basin (59.73 km 2), and reached five river beds and these sewers vary in numbers and lengths according to their ranks and lengths and the total number of riverbeds (86.94). Due to the variability in their formation and starch processes, as well as their environmental factors, the terrain of the WadiKarwi basin varie