182 research outputs found

    An Economic Study Of The Repercussions Of The Wheat Gap In The Arab Republic Of Egypt

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    Despite an increase in wheat-farmed area and, as a result, an increase in total wheat crop yield. Because of the annual population increase, the consumed quantities of it continue to rise at rates faster than the rates of expanded production. As a result, the nutritional gap in wheat has widened and the sufficiency ratio has decreased. As a result, the study's primary goal is to investigate and estimate the most relevant indicators of food security for Egypt's wheat crop, which is one of the country's most essential strategic crops, during the study period (2001-2020). To achieve the research's goals, it relied heavily on descriptive and quantitative data analysis, including the employment of a linear regression model of the general trend equations to calculate the annual growth rate of the study variables' evolution. When the food gap for Egypt's wheat harvest was calculated, it was discovered to have a general increasing tendency, with an annual increase rate of roughly 5.2%. The annual percentage of wheat self-sufficiency, with an annual growth rate of roughly 1.3%. It also revealed a decline in the value of the wheat crop's food security coefficient, which was around 0.26. The drop is attributable to a greater reliance on imports to meet the essential needs, as well as a reduction in strategic stock. As a result, in order to increase the area of wheat, the value of the food security coefficient must be increased, as well as horizontal expansion. Taking a variety of agricultural strategies and growth plans into consideration

    Vegetation associates of the endangered Randonia africana Coss. and its soil characteristics in an arid desert ecosystem of western Egypt

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    Randonia africana Coss. (Resedaceae) is a perennial endangered vascular plant species in Egypt. It inhabits the sandy plains along the Mersa Matruh-Siwa Oasis road crossing the Western Desert of Egypt, where it represents the easternmost limit of distribution in North Africa. The vegetation associates within each of the five known population sites of R. africana were studied, and their edaphic correlates were analysed. Eight soil variables were included: electric conductivity, pH, calcium carbonate, soil moisture, organicmatter, sand, silt and clay. Classification and ordination techniques were employed to the importance values (IV) of the recorded 29 species in 25 stands. Application of TWINSPAN classified the floristic data into five vegetation groups: (A) Randonia africana-Capparis spinosa var. aegyptia, (B) R. africana, (C) R. africana-Pulicaria undulata, (D) R. africana-Zilla spinosa subsp. biparmata and (E) R. africana-Zygophyllum coccineum. These groups were separated along Detrended Correpondence Analysis (DCA) axes 1 and 2. Group E was the most diversified (10.0 ± 5.6 species stands-1) among the vegetation groups, while monotypic stands of R. africana (group B) were the least (5.1 ± 2.3). Stands of R. africana group (group B) were characterised by the highest levels of soil salinity and fine sediments, and the lowest levels of moisture content and sand. Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis (DCCA) indicated that the distribution of R. africana and its associates was mainly controlled by soil salinity, percentages of surface sediments of different size classes, calcareous deposits, and organic matter. The resulted gradients were related closely to the first three canonical axes, and accounted for 68.5% of the species-environment relationship among stands

    Clinical and electrophysiological study of peripheral and central neuromuscular changes in connective tissue diseases in children

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    AbstractIntroductionChildren with juvenile connective tissue diseases (JCTDs) may have a wide variety of clinical features ranging from fever or a simple arthritis to complex multisystem autoimmune diseases.Aim of the workTo study clinical and electrophysiological peripheral and central neuromuscular changes in children with connective tissue diseases.Patients and methodsThirty children with different JCTDs were enrolled. Clinical and neurological examination and laboratory investigations were done. Electrophysiological evaluation was performed and included: peripheral nerve conduction studies, late responses, somatosensory evoked potential and electromyography.ResultsTwenty patients had juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) (66.7%), 8 patients had juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE) (26.7%), one patient had juvenile systemic sclerosis (JSScl), and one patient had juvenile overlap syndrome (JSScl and polymyositis). Clinical neurologic abnormalities were present in 3 patients (ulnar neuropathy, median neuropathy and polymyositis). Electrophysiological abnormalities were detected in 18 patients (clinical in 3 and subclinical in 15 patients) and included ulnar entrapment neuropathy, median axonal neuropathy, demyelinating sensory motor polyneuropathy, deep peroneal nerve entrapment at the ankle (anterior tarsal tunnel syndrome), prolonged posterior tibial somatosensory evoked potential latency and prolonged H reflex latency not explained by peripheral neuropathy, increased H/M ratio and myopathic motor units. The most common electrophysiological abnormalities were present in patients with JSLE.ConclusionClinical neurological abnormalities are not common in JCTDs whereas subclinical neurological abnormalities are common findings. Juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus had the most common abnormalities among JCTDs. Polyneuropathy in JIA is commonly of demyelinating type. Entrapment neuropathy is less frequent than in adults

    Classification and Dynamics of Class of ξ(as)-QSO

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    The current study provides a new class of ξ(as)-QSO defined on 2D simplex and classifies it into 18 non-conjugate (isomorphic) classes. This classification is based on their conjugacy and the remuneration of coordinates. The current study also examines the limiting points associated with the behavior of trajectories for four classes defined on 2D simplex

    Floristic analysis and biogeography of Tubiflorae in Egypt

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    The species distribution and biogeography of the Egyptian Tubiflorae were exam-ined in detail. We found 284 species of vascular plants belonging to 96 genera and 12 families, making the Egyptian Tubiflorae richer in species than that of other arid region floras: Libya and Saudi Arabia. The most species rich families were Scrophulariaceae, Boraginaceae, Labiatae, Convolvulaceae and Solanaceae, constituting more than 85% of the totál species in the order. The generic spectrum dominated by a suite of species-rich genera (Convolvulus, Heliotropium, Veronica, Solanum, Salvia, Cuscuta, Echium, Ipomoea and Orobanche). Therophytes were the most dominant life forms among the families, followed by chamaephytes and hemicryptophytes. Boraginaceae and Scrophulariaceae had the highest share of annuals. Remarkable distribution patterns of the life forms in the seven studied biogeographic zones were noticed. Trees were dominant in the Mediterranean zone, while shrubs, perennial herbs and therophytes were dominant in the Sinai. Altogether 8 endemic species and 14 near-endemics were included in the Tubiflorae of Egypt; mostly from Southern Sinai. We found that Labiatae and Scrophulariaceae were the families with higher concentration of endemics. Notably, Teucrium was among the genera of the Mediterranean Africa with highest endemism. Gamma diversity varied from 171 in the Sinai Peninsula to 43 and 39 in the Oases of the western Desert and along the Red Sea, respectively. Interestingly, highest significant values of similarity and species turnover (béta diversity) were observed between the Oases and the Nile lands. It is worthy noting the com-bined effect of both temperature and precipitation on gamma diversity of Tubiflorae in the 7 biogeographic zones. Our results indicated that almost one-half of the species showed a certain degree of consistency, i.e., with narrow geographic expansion. On the basis of UPGMA clustering and PCoA analysis, 4 floristic groups were recognized, each include one or more biogeographic zone. The occurrence of the species of Tubiflorae in the adjacent régiónál arid floras and their phytochorological afflnities, were discussed

    Implementation of the 2013 Curriculum

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    The 2013 curriculum still faces various hurdles in its implementation in Indonesian schools. The current study evaluates the strategy used by an elementary school in Tangerang City, Indonesia for implementing the 2013 curriculum program. The study used a qualitative descriptive method and an evaluation approach by Sugiono Throry. The evaluation model was the CIPP model and the data collection technique was technical triangulation. Data sources were retrieved using source triangulation. Data analysis was carried out following Milles and Huberman’s theory and SWOT analysis. The results indicated that a few obstacles still exist in the implementation of the 2013 curriculum program, and the authors recommend schools to rectify them through continuous improvements. Keywords: evaluation, implementation, CIPP, 2013 curriculu

    Calitatea vieții la pacienții postCOVID cu obezitate și afectare cardiovasculară

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    Introduction. From the earliest stages of the pandemic, it was recognized that the clinical picture of the disease and its treatment varied considerably, and its short- and longterm effect on patients’ quality of life was not yet fully elucidated. The purpose of the paper. This literature review was conducted to identify the impact of SARS-COV-2 infection on the quality of life, especially on patients with obesity and cardiovascular disease. Material and Methods. A number of papers were analyzed with the aim of recording the problems reported by patients and medical staff after exposure to infection. Results. Most studies report a reduction in the quality of life among the elderly and patients with concomitant diseases (diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular and lung diseases). Some studies have shown an increased number of patients whose cardiovascular symptoms persisted from 1 to 4 months after treatment. Other studies show that obese patients experience persistent symptoms of general weakness and fatigue for up to half a year. Conclusions. Following this study, we determined a wide range of reports of impaired quality of life in post-Covid patients and organic impairment. We also established that they served as a substrate for the creation of an international questionnaire on life-threatening conditions in patients with Covid.Introducere. Încă din primele etape ale pandemiei era recunoscut că tabloul clinic al bolii precum și tratamentul variază considerabil, iar efectul acestuia pe termen scurt și lung asupra calității vieții pacienților nu este încă pe deplin elucidat. Scopul lucrării. Acest review literar a fost efectuat pentru a identifica impactul infecției SARS-COV-2 asupra calității vieții în special a pacienților cu obezitate și afectare cardiovasculară. Material și Metode. Au fost analizate o serie de lucrări care au avut ca scop înregistrarea problemelor raportate de pacienți și de către cadrele medicale după expunere la infecție. Rezultate. Majoritatea studiilor raportează în rândul vârstnicilor și a pacienților cu boli concomitente (diabet, obezitate, boli cardiovasculare și pulmonare) o reducere a calității vieții. Unele studii au înregistrat un număr crescut de pacienți la care s-au menținut simptomele cardiovasculare de la 1 la 4 luni după tratament. Alte studii menționează că pacienții cu obezitate au înregistrat persistența simptomelor de slăbiciune generală și fatigabilitate până la jumătate de an. Concluzii. În urma acestui studiu am determinat o serie largă de rapoarte despre afectarea calității vieții la pacienții post-Covid și cu afectare organică. De asemenea am stabilit că acestea au servit drept substrat pentru crearea unui chestionar internațional privind afectarea vieții la pacienții cu Covid-19


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Încă din primele etape ale pandemiei era recunoscut că tabloul clinic al bolii precum și tratamentul variază considerabil, iar efectul acestuia pe termen scurt și lung asupra calității vieții pacienților nu este încă pe deplin elucidat. Scopul lucrării. Acest review literar a fost efectuat pentru a identifica impactul infecției SARS-COV-2 asupra calității vieții în special a pacienților cu obezitate și afectare cardiovasculară. Material și Metode. Au fost analizate o serie de lucrări care au avut ca scop înregistrarea problemelor raportate de pacienți și de către cadrele medicale după expunere la infecție. Rezultate. Majoritatea studiilor raportează în rândul vârstnicilor și a pacienților cu boli concomitente (diabet, obezitate, boli cardiovasculare și pulmonare) o reducere a calității vieții. Unele studii au înregistrat un număr crescut de pacienți la care s-au menținut simptomele cardiovasculare de la 1 la 4 luni după tratament. Alte studii menționează că pacienții cu obezitate au înregistrat persistența simptomelor de slăbiciune generală și fatigabilitate până la jumătate de an. Concluzii. În urma acestui studiu am determinat o serie largă de rapoarte despre afectarea calității vieții la pacienții post-Covid și cu afectare organică. De asemenea am stabilit că acestea au servit drept substrat pentru crearea unui chestionar internațional privind afectarea vieții la pacienții cu Covid-19.Introduction. From the earliest stages of the pandemic, it was recognized that the clinical picture of the disease and its treatment varied considerably, and its short- and longterm effect on patients’ quality of life was not yet fully elucidated. The purpose of the paper. This literature review was conducted to identify the impact of SARS-COV-2 infection on the quality of life, especially on patients with obesity and cardiovascular disease. Material and Methods. A number of papers were analyzed with the aim of recording the problems reported by patients and medical staff after exposure to infection. Results. Most studies report a reduction in the quality of life among the elderly and patients with concomitant diseases (diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular and lung diseases). Some studies have shown an increased number of patients whose cardiovascular symptoms persisted from 1 to 4 months after treatment. Other studies show that obese patients experience persistent symptoms of general weakness and fatigue for up to half a year. Conclusions. Following this study, we determined a wide range of reports of impaired quality of life in post-Covid patients and organic impairment. We also established that they served as a substrate for the creation of an international questionnaire on life-threatening conditions in patients with Covid