90 research outputs found

    Prevalence of aadA1, aadA2, aadB, strA and strB genes and their associations with multidrug resistance phenotype in Salmonella Typhimurium isolated from poultry carcasses

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    This study aimed to assess the prevalence of aminoglycoside resistance genes in S. Typhimurium isolated from poultry carcasses in Iran, and to reveal the most prevalent patterns of antimicrobial resistance. A total number of 300 samples of poultry carcasses were analyzed. Salmonella was isolated from 245 samples (81.66%). Multiplex PCR showed that 56.3% of the samples belonged to serovar S. Typhimurium and the remainder (43.6%) contained the rest of serovars. The highest rate of drug resistance was observed for tetracycline (97.0%), nalidixic acid (87.0%) and amoxicillinclavulanic acid (67.4%). These serovars, however, were sensitive to cefotaxime (84.8%), sulfamethoxazole trimethoprim (77.6%) and gentamicin (71.0%). aadA1 gene was detected in 63 isolates (45.6%), aadA2 in 48 isolates (34.7%), aadB in 43 isolates (31.1%), strA in 52 isolates (37.6%) and strB in 31 isolates (22.4%). High prevalence of aminoglycoside resistance genes in S. Typhimurium was shown. Furthermore, there was a significant association (P < 0.02) between the presence of aadA1, aadA2, strA and strB genes and resistance to streptomycin. Also, there was a significant association (P < 0.001) between the presence of aadB gene and resistance to kanamycin and gentamicin

    L’internationalisation comme orientation stratégique des incubateurs universitaires au Maroc

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    The contribution of the university in the creation of innovative small and medium sized business is characterized by the generation and transfer of knowledge to society through advanced scientific research, develoentreprisent, and innovation as well as by the dissemination and publication of research results to realize them. Universities offer services to encourage young researchers with innovative projects to set up their business through support structures such as incubators. An incubator open to the international market is an incubator that allows the company it hosts to design their project and start-up internationally.&nbsp; It can meet the needs of innovative Start-up in terms of internationalization strategies through several initiatives. The purpose of this article is to analyze the contribution of university incubators in the creation of innovative international business. In this context, we propose to study internationalization as a strategic orientation of university incubators in Morocco, while developing the following research question : How do university incubators contribute to the creation of innovative international companies? The present work provides an integrated view of the role played by university incubators in the creation of innovative international companies. The present analysis has shown that university incubators in Morocco are increasingly involved in the internationalization of incubated projects. However, there are still areas to be developed in these incubators in order to meet the needs of innovative project holders and satisfy their expectations. &nbsp; Keywords: Creation of innovative companies ; Moroccan university ; Incubation ; Innovative internationalized companies ; internationalization strategy. JEL Classification : M13, O31. Paper type: Theoretical research.La contribution de l’université dans la création des entreprises innovantes se caractérise par la génération et le transfert des connaissances vers la société à travers la recherche scientifique avancée, le développement et l’innovation ainsi que par la diffusion et la publication des résultats de recherche afin de les réaliser. Les universités proposent des services permettant d’inciter les jeunes chercheurs portant de projets innovants à mettre en place leurs entreprises innovantes à travers des structures d’accompagnement tel que les incubateurs. Un incubateur ouvert sur l’international est un incubateur qui permet aux porteurs de projets qu’il incube de concevoir leur projet et de démarrer à l’international.&nbsp; Il peut combler les besoins des porteurs de projet d’entreprises innovantes en matière de stratégies d’internationalisation à travers plusieurs initiatives. L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser la contribution des incubateurs universitaires dans la création des entreprises innovantes internationales. Dans ce contexte, nous proposons d’étudier l’internationalisation comme orientation stratégique des incubateurs universitaires au Maroc, tout en développant la question de recherche suivante&nbsp;: Comment les incubateurs universitaires contribuent à la création des entreprises innovantes internationales&nbsp;? Le présent travail apporte une vision intégrée du rôle joué par les incubateurs universitaires dans la création des entreprises innovantes internationales. La présente analyse a montré que les incubateurs universitaires au Maroc s’engagent de plus en plus dans l’internationalisation des projets incubés. Cependant, il existe encore des axes à développer chez ces incubateurs afin de répondre aux besoins des porteurs de projets innovants et satisfaire leurs attentes. &nbsp; Mots clés : Création des entreprises innovantes ; université marocaine ; incubation ; entreprises innovantes internationalisées ; stratégie d’internationalisation. Classification JEL:&nbsp; M13, O31. Type de l’article&nbsp;: Recherche théorique

    L’internationalisation comme orientation stratégique des incubateurs universitaires au Maroc

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    The contribution of the university in the creation of innovative small and medium sized business is characterized by the generation and transfer of knowledge to society through advanced scientific research, develoentreprisent, and innovation as well as by the dissemination and publication of research results to realize them. Universities offer services to encourage young researchers with innovative projects to set up their business through support structures such as incubators. An incubator open to the international market is an incubator that allows the company it hosts to design their project and start-up internationally.&nbsp; It can meet the needs of innovative Start-up in terms of internationalization strategies through several initiatives. The purpose of this article is to analyze the contribution of university incubators in the creation of innovative international business. In this context, we propose to study internationalization as a strategic orientation of university incubators in Morocco, while developing the following research question : How do university incubators contribute to the creation of innovative international companies? The present work provides an integrated view of the role played by university incubators in the creation of innovative international companies. The present analysis has shown that university incubators in Morocco are increasingly involved in the internationalization of incubated projects. However, there are still areas to be developed in these incubators in order to meet the needs of innovative project holders and satisfy their expectations. &nbsp; Keywords: Creation of innovative companies ; Moroccan university ; Incubation ; Innovative internationalized companies ; internationalization strategy. JEL Classification : M13, O31. Paper type: Theoretical research.La contribution de l’université dans la création des entreprises innovantes se caractérise par la génération et le transfert des connaissances vers la société à travers la recherche scientifique avancée, le développement et l’innovation ainsi que par la diffusion et la publication des résultats de recherche afin de les réaliser. Les universités proposent des services permettant d’inciter les jeunes chercheurs portant de projets innovants à mettre en place leurs entreprises innovantes à travers des structures d’accompagnement tel que les incubateurs. Un incubateur ouvert sur l’international est un incubateur qui permet aux porteurs de projets qu’il incube de concevoir leur projet et de démarrer à l’international.&nbsp; Il peut combler les besoins des porteurs de projet d’entreprises innovantes en matière de stratégies d’internationalisation à travers plusieurs initiatives. L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser la contribution des incubateurs universitaires dans la création des entreprises innovantes internationales. Dans ce contexte, nous proposons d’étudier l’internationalisation comme orientation stratégique des incubateurs universitaires au Maroc, tout en développant la question de recherche suivante&nbsp;: Comment les incubateurs universitaires contribuent à la création des entreprises innovantes internationales&nbsp;? Le présent travail apporte une vision intégrée du rôle joué par les incubateurs universitaires dans la création des entreprises innovantes internationales. La présente analyse a montré que les incubateurs universitaires au Maroc s’engagent de plus en plus dans l’internationalisation des projets incubés. Cependant, il existe encore des axes à développer chez ces incubateurs afin de répondre aux besoins des porteurs de projets innovants et satisfaire leurs attentes. &nbsp; Mots clés : Création des entreprises innovantes ; université marocaine ; incubation ; entreprises innovantes internationalisées ; stratégie d’internationalisation. Classification JEL:&nbsp; M13, O31. Type de l’article&nbsp;: Recherche théorique

    L’internationalisation comme orientation stratégique des incubateurs universitaires au Maroc

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    The contribution of the university in the creation of innovative small and medium sized business is characterized by the generation and transfer of knowledge to society through advanced scientific research, develoentreprisent, and innovation as well as by the dissemination and publication of research results to realize them. Universities offer services to encourage young researchers with innovative projects to set up their business through support structures such as incubators. An incubator open to the international market is an incubator that allows the company it hosts to design their project and start-up internationally.&nbsp; It can meet the needs of innovative Start-up in terms of internationalization strategies through several initiatives. The purpose of this article is to analyze the contribution of university incubators in the creation of innovative international business. In this context, we propose to study internationalization as a strategic orientation of university incubators in Morocco, while developing the following research question : How do university incubators contribute to the creation of innovative international companies? The present work provides an integrated view of the role played by university incubators in the creation of innovative international companies. The present analysis has shown that university incubators in Morocco are increasingly involved in the internationalization of incubated projects. However, there are still areas to be developed in these incubators in order to meet the needs of innovative project holders and satisfy their expectations. &nbsp; Keywords: Creation of innovative companies ; Moroccan university ; Incubation ; Innovative internationalized companies ; internationalization strategy. JEL Classification : M13, O31. Paper type: Theoretical research.La contribution de l’université dans la création des entreprises innovantes se caractérise par la génération et le transfert des connaissances vers la société à travers la recherche scientifique avancée, le développement et l’innovation ainsi que par la diffusion et la publication des résultats de recherche afin de les réaliser. Les universités proposent des services permettant d’inciter les jeunes chercheurs portant de projets innovants à mettre en place leurs entreprises innovantes à travers des structures d’accompagnement tel que les incubateurs. Un incubateur ouvert sur l’international est un incubateur qui permet aux porteurs de projets qu’il incube de concevoir leur projet et de démarrer à l’international.&nbsp; Il peut combler les besoins des porteurs de projet d’entreprises innovantes en matière de stratégies d’internationalisation à travers plusieurs initiatives. L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser la contribution des incubateurs universitaires dans la création des entreprises innovantes internationales. Dans ce contexte, nous proposons d’étudier l’internationalisation comme orientation stratégique des incubateurs universitaires au Maroc, tout en développant la question de recherche suivante&nbsp;: Comment les incubateurs universitaires contribuent à la création des entreprises innovantes internationales&nbsp;? Le présent travail apporte une vision intégrée du rôle joué par les incubateurs universitaires dans la création des entreprises innovantes internationales. La présente analyse a montré que les incubateurs universitaires au Maroc s’engagent de plus en plus dans l’internationalisation des projets incubés. Cependant, il existe encore des axes à développer chez ces incubateurs afin de répondre aux besoins des porteurs de projets innovants et satisfaire leurs attentes. &nbsp; Mots clés : Création des entreprises innovantes ; université marocaine ; incubation ; entreprises innovantes internationalisées ; stratégie d’internationalisation. Classification JEL:&nbsp; M13, O31. Type de l’article&nbsp;: Recherche théorique

    L’innovation financière dans les pays en voie de développement : les déterminants du mobile banking et du développement financier en Afrique

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    This study addresses issues of financial innovation in developing countries by focusing on the determinants of mobile banking development in Africa. Collecting data on mobile banking in different countries through national and international institutions and organizations in the geographical area of the study (Sub-Saharan Africa) in order to investigate the determinants of mobile banking development. The theoretical analysis shows that there is a positive correlation between the different mobile banking indicators and the mobile banking development indicators. Overall, the estimates of the four models point to the following determinants: human capital development, reliable monetary policy, infrastructure development, facilitation of remittances, urbanization, trade openness and promotion of banks' access to domestic credit. Furthermore, the results of our robustness check are not controversial. The general recommendation to African governments is that they should seek good performance by implementing specific and well-conditioned economic policies based on the determinants highlighted above. &nbsp; &nbsp; JEL Classification: G11, G21, O31, O55 Paper type: Theoretical ResearchCette étude aborde les questions d'innovation financière dans les pays en développement en se concentrant sur les déterminants du développement du mobile banking en Afrique. Collecter des données sur le mobile banking dans différents pays par le biais d'institutions et d'organisations nationales et internationales sur la zone géographique de l'étude (Afrique sub-saharienne) afin d'étudier les déterminants du développement du mobile banking. L'analyse théorique montre qu'il existe une corrélation positive entre les différents indicateurs du mobile banking et les indicateurs de développement du mobile banking. Dans l'ensemble, les estimations des quatre modèles mettent en évidence les déterminants suivants : développement du capital humain, politique monétaire fiable, développement des infrastructures, facilitation des transferts de fonds, urbanisation, ouverture commerciale et promotion de l'accès des banques au crédit domestique. En outre, les résultats de notre vérification de robustesse ne sont pas controversés. La recommandation générale aux gouvernements africains est qu'ils devraient rechercher de bonnes performances en mettant en œuvre des politiques économiques spécifiques et bien conditionnées basées sur les déterminants mis en évidence ci-dessus. &nbsp; &nbsp; Classification JEL :&nbsp; G11, G21, O31, O55&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Type de l’article&nbsp;: article théorique


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    Les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) sont confrontées à de nombreux défis lorsqu'elles tentent d'innover. Pendant longtemps, l'innovation a été considérée comme un élément clé du développement des PME. Ce domaine de recherche a fait l'objet de nombreuses études. Cependant, au Maroc, il existe très peu d'études sur ce sujet. L'objectif de cet article est d'explorer l'impact de l'innovation en matière d'organisation, de processus, de produits et de marketing sur les différents aspects des performances des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME). Cependant, bien que l'innovation ait fait ses preuves dans le contexte occidental, l'innovation dans le contexte africain reste floue et ne semble pas être une préoccupation majeure, en particulier en Afrique du Nord. C'est pourquoi cet article se penche sur l'innovation globale et les performances des PME au Maroc. En cherchant à clarifier et à quantifier l'impact de l'innovation sur la performance globale des PME marocaines, l'étude établit un lien positif et important entre ces deux concepts grâce à une méthode de recherche de bureau et de bibliothèque

    On Using Magnetic and optical methods to determine the size and characteristics of nanoparticles embedded in oxide semiconductors

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    Films of oxides doped with transition metals are frequently believed to have magnetic inclusions. Magnetic methods to determine the amount of nanophases and their magnetic characteristics are described. The amount of the sample that is paramagnetic may also be measured. Optical methods are described and shown to be very powerful to determine which defects are also magnetic.Comment: Manuscript of poster to be presented at MMM-Intermag 2010. Accepted for publication in Magnetic Trans of IEE

    Ranking of Shiraz Top Fitness Clubs Regarding Nutritional Knowledge, Attitude, and Performance of Sport Trainers Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach

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    Background: It is important to know the physiological needs of athletes in relation to the type of sport, exercise, and the competition, about the amount of energy intake, macronutrients, micronutrients and fluids. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess the nutritional knowledge, attitude, and the performance of Shiraz top fitness clubs’ sport trainers and ranking the clubs in this regard. Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, the General Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire of Parmenter and Wardle were used to record nutritional information including nutritional knowledge, attitude, and the performance of the sport coaches of 26 top clubs in Shiraz, southern Iran. To determine the weight of questionnaire’s dimensions, the Shannon entropy method was used and the Topsis technique was used to rank the clubs. Results: The mean scores of the top fitness clubs’ coaches in Shiraz in different aspects of nutritional knowledge, attitude, and performance were 14.367, 9.17, and 3.381, respectively. The ranking of clubs showed that 73% and 27% of the top clubs in Shiraz, respectively, had a moderate and poor status in the knowledge, attitude and performance of the coaches, and none of the clubs been in a good condition. In addition, the highest scale in this ranking was related to nutritional knowledge of coaches. Conclusion: The top sport clubs’ coaches in Shiraz had a low level of nutritional knowledge, attitude and performance, and none of the clubs had a good score in this regard. Therefore, the need for interventional actions to promote these items seems necessary

    Combination effect of cytochrome P450 1A1 gene polymorphisms on uterine leiomyoma: A case-control study

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    Uterine leiomyoma (UL) is an estrogen-dependent neoplasm of the uterus, and estrogen metabolizing enzymes affect its progression. This study aimed to evaluate the association between two single-nucleotide polymorphisms of cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) gene and UL risk. The study consisted of 105 patients with UL and 112 healthy women as controls. Ile462Val (A/G) and Asp449Asp (T/C) polymorphisms of CYP1A1 gene were analyzed by DNA sequencing and polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism methods, respectively. The findings indicated no association between Ile462Val (A/G) and Asp449Asp (T/C) polymorphisms of CYP1A1 gene and UL (p < 0.05). However, the combination effect of TT/AG genotypes of the Asp449Asp (T/C) and Ile462Val (A/G) polymorphisms was associated with 4.3-fold higher risk of UL. In addition, haplotype analysis revealed that TG haplotype of the Asp449Asp (T/C) and Ile462Val (A/G) polymorphisms could increase the UL risk nearly 4.9-fold. Asp449Asp (T/C) and Ile462Val (A/G) polymorphisms of CYP1A1 gene were not associated with UL susceptibility; however, the combination of the TT/AG genotypes and TG haplotype could increase the UL risk

    An Archaeomineralogy of the Late Chalcolithic, Early Bronze, and Middle Bronze Pottery from Tapeh Kelar

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    Pottery is of particular importance in archaeology as an indicator of chronology, art, technology, and subsistence system of ancient populations. Pottery discloses contacts and exchanges between different regions. Kelar Hill (henceforth: Tapeh Kelar) of the Kelardasht region is a major prehistoric site in western Mazandaran. The site contains cultural evidences spanning the Late Chalcolithic (fourth millennium BCE) through the Islamic period. Amost significant component of the site’s sequence is a Kura-Araxes deposit. As the Kura-Araxes culture originated far from Tapeh Kelar (in South Caucasia), the primary concern of the present study revolves around the structureof the pottery from the site dating to the transition from the Late Chalcolithic to the Kura-Araxes period to spot the existing variations or discrepancies. The study also tries to answer the question whether or not the Kura-Araxes material represented exotic products at Tapeh Kelar. Some 25 sherds dating to the Late Chalcolithic, and Early‒Middle Bronze Age were picked up for petrographic analysis to compare the mineralogical texture of the LateChalcolithic and Middle Bronze Age ceramics with those of the Kura-Araxes material. The analyses suggest that the Kura-Araxes pieces from Tapeh Kelar were local products despite some disparities in their texture, which stemmed from the difference in raw material sources. Therefore, the presumption that the Kura-Araxes-type pottery first entered the site through exchange or trade before the related forms were copied by local potters is refuted
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