351 research outputs found

    Considering simple and multiple relationships of organizational culture and its components with high school teachers’ effectiveness

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    The present study aimed to investigate simple and multiple relationships of organizational culture and its components (creativity and innovation, competitiveness, attention to group, attention to organizational members, attention to details, attention to result and output, and stability and durability) with teachers’ effectiveness in high schools of the city of Shavor. For this purpose, samples consisting of 184 female and male teachers of these schools were chosen by using stratified random sampling. To collect data, they were given the two realized questionnaires of organizational culture (using Robins and Denison’s pattern) and teachers’ effectiveness. Results of this study indicated that there was generally a relationship between organizational culture and teacher effectiveness. Furthermore, there was a significant relationship between components of organizational culture except “attention to details” and “attention to output and results” with teacher effectiveness. In addition, attention to group, creativity and innovation were respectively considered the best predictors of teacher effectiveness

    Considering simple and multiple relationships of organizational culture and its components with high school teachers’ effectiveness

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    The present study aimed to investigate simple and multiple relationships of organizational culture and its components (creativity and innovation, competitiveness, attention to group, attention to organizational members, attention to details, attention to result and output, and stability and durability) with teachers’ effectiveness in high schools of the city of Shavor. For this purpose, samples consisting of 184 female and male teachers of these schools were chosen by using stratified random sampling. To collect data, they were given the two realized questionnaires of organizational culture (using Robins and Denison’s pattern) and teachers’ effectiveness. Results of this study indicated that there was generally a relationship between organizational culture and teacher effectiveness. Furthermore, there was a significant relationship between components of organizational culture except “attention to details” and “attention to output and results” with teacher effectiveness. In addition, attention to group, creativity and innovation were respectively considered the best predictors of teacher effectiveness

    Considering simple and multiple relationships of organizational culture and its components with high school teachers’ effectiveness

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    The present study aimed to investigate simple and multiple relationships of organizational culture and its components (creativity and innovation, competitiveness, attention to group, attention to organizational members, attention to details, attention to result and output, and stability and durability) with teachers’ effectiveness in high schools of the city of Shavor. For this purpose, samples consisting of 184 female and male teachers of these schools were chosen by using stratified random sampling. To collect data, they were given the two realized questionnaires of organizational culture (using Robins and Denison’s pattern) and teachers’ effectiveness. Results of this study indicated that there was generally a relationship between organizational culture and teacher effectiveness. Furthermore, there was a significant relationship between components of organizational culture except “attention to details” and “attention to output and results” with teacher effectiveness. In addition, attention to group, creativity and innovation were respectively considered the best predictors of teacher effectiveness

    IoT Based Image Processing Filters

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    Internet of things (IoT) becomes the backbone of the advanced countries and it has a real contribute to exchange the traditional style or way of practical life, even personal life into smart style, with (IoT) technology the life become more and more easy and professional. internet of things achieves various applications coordinate with sensors and standard protocols to apply what is called machine -to- machine connection (M2M), in this paper we will talk more about the concept of (M2M), the main component of internet of things and finally the common protocols that is used in network, in addition to that this work present an IOT operation with processing system using camera for capturing image and Xilinx system generator(XSG)models for designing  image processing algorithms and the result of  the processing is an image with black and white for edge detection and Thresholding models  and gray color image for gray enhancement model

    Investigating the Impact of Nano-Calcined Halloysite on Concrete Durability under Chloride Attack

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    يشكل تأثير العوامل العدوانية، وخاصة الكلوريدات، على الهياكل الخرسانية تحديا كبيرا في مجال الهندسة. يؤدي وجود الكلوريدات إلى تآكل الخرسانة وتدهورها مما يؤثر على أدائها. تخترق الكلوريدات الخرسانة مما يؤدي إلى تدمير الطبقة الواقية حول حديد التسليح مما يؤدي إلى تآكل الفولاذ وتكوين الصدأ، يؤثر هذا التآكل سلبًا على قوة الارتباط بين الفولاذ والخرسانة ويمكن أن يسبب أيضًا تشققات على سطح الخرسانة، مما يقلل من متانتها, ولمواجهة هذا التحدي، تم إجراء دراسة بحثية لاستكشاف استخدام المواد النانوية، وتحديداً الهالويسايت المكلس النانوي، لتحسين أداء ومتانة الخرسانة. كان الهدف هو دراسة تأثير دمج الهالويسايت في الخرسانة على تغلغل الكلوريدات والتآكل اللاحق لقضبان حديد التسليح. تم فحص ثلاثة خلطات خرسانية مختلفة تحتوي على نسب متفاوتة من الهالويسيت (1.5%، 3%، 4.5%). وقام الباحثون بتقييم معدلات امتصاص الماء ومعاملات الهجرة لهذه الخلائط, بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تم استخدام تقنية التيار المسلط، حيث تم تطبيق تيار 14 مللي أمبير لمدة 26 يومًا لتسريع تآكل قضبان التسليح الفولاذية. أظهرت نتائج الدراسة فعالية دمج الهالويسيت في الخرسانة لتعزيز خواصه. حقق الخليط المحتوي على 3% و4.5% من الهالويسايت (CHNC) الأهداف المرجوة، مما أدى إلى تقليل امتصاص الماء بشكل كبير. على سبيل المثال، أظهر الخليط الذي يحتوي على %4.5 (CHNC) انخفاضًا بنسبة 42.99% في امتصاص الماء بعد 7 أيام. كما أدى هذا الانخفاض في امتصاص الماء إلى انخفاض كبير في معامل هجرة الكلوريدات واختراقها في الخرسانة. علاوة على ذلك، أدى إدراج 4.5% من الهالويسايت و25% من خبث الفرن العالي المحبب (GGBS) في الخليط إلى تحسين أداءه.The impact of aggressive agents, especially chlorides, on concrete structures is a significant challenge in the field of engineering. The presence of chlorides leads to corrosion and deterioration of concrete, affecting its performance. Chlorides penetrate the concrete, leading to the destruction of the protective layer around the reinforcing steel, which results in the corrosion of the steel and the formation of rust. This corrosion negatively affects the bond strength between the steel and the concrete and can also cause cracks on the concrete surface, reducing its durability. To address this challenge, a research study was conducted to explore the use of nanomaterials, specifically nano-calcined halloysite, to improve the performance and durability of concrete. The aim was to investigate the impact of incorporating halloysite in concrete on the penetration of chlorides and the subsequent corrosion of reinforcing steel rebars. Three different concrete mixtures containing varying percentages of halloysite (1.5%, 3%, and 4.5%) were examined. The researchers evaluated the water absorption rates and migration coefficients of these mixtures. Additionally, the impressed current technique was utilized, where a 14mA current was applied for 26 days to accelerate the corrosion of steel rebars. The results of the study demonstrated the effectiveness of incorporating halloysite in concrete to enhance its properties. The mixture containing 3% and 4.5% of halloysite (CHNC) achieved the desired objectives, significantly reducing water absorption. For example, the mixture with 4.5% CHNC showed a 42.99% reduction in water absorption after 7 days. This decrease in water absorption also led to a considerable decrease in the migration coefficient of chlorides and their penetration in the concrete. Furthermore, the inclusion of 4.5% halloysite and 25% ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) in the mixture further improved its performance

    Review on Huawei Fusion Sphere Security

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    The cloud computing virtualization stage is another method for giving computing resources that give clients available and financially savvy benefits, and bring hazards in meantime. In this way, ensuring the privacy, trustworthiness and accessibility of client information turns out to be significantly more basic to distributed computing frameworks. Huawei gives the virtualization stage security answers for confronting the dangers and difficulties postured to the distributed computing framework. This article portrays the techniques and measures received by Huawei cloud computing virtualization stage to react to the security dangers and alsodangerous to distributed computing frameworks. Huawei cloud computing virtualization stage is intended to give secure and solid server virtualization solutions for clients

    The Value of Central Wave Segment in a Focal Nerve Entrapment (F-wave) Parameters of Both Median and Ulnar Nerves in Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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    تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى معرفة تأثير إصابة العصب المتوسط ​​الموضعي في المريض المصاب ​ بمتلازمة النفق الرسغي على متوسط  الموجة ف للعصب المتوسط والعصب الزندي، تحديد أهمية  انقلاب الموجة ف في المرضى الذين يعانون من متلازمة النفق الرسغي ذو الشدة الخفيفة و دراسة  تأثير زيادة مؤشر كتلة الجسم على العصب المتوسط ​​وارتباطه بشدة الاصابة بهذه المتلازمة. أجريت هذه الدراسة في وحدة الفسلجة العصبية في مدينة مرجان الطبية، في الفترة من أيلول 2015  إلى مارس 2016. تضمنت  الدراسة مجموعة من المرضى الذين يعانون من اعراض سريرية  لمتلازمة النفق الرسغي  بالإضافة الى تأكيد هذه الاعراض عن طريق دراسة توصيل الاعصاب التي اظهرت ان جميع المرضى مصابين بالمتلازمة اعلاه ويبلغ عددهم 139 مريض  تراوحت أعمارهم بين 20-60 سنة. وتشمل الدراسة أيضا 139 شخص من الاصحاء كمجموعة مقارنة وتطابقت هذه المجموعة مع المرضى من ناحية العمر والجنس ومؤشر كتلة الجسم. أظهرت الدراسة أن علاقة الموجة ف للعصبين المتوسط  و الزندي والفرق بين الموجتين لكلا العصبين هامة جدا (P <0.01) في المرضى الذين يعانون من متلازمة النفق الرسغي بعكس مجموعة الاصحاء. كما اكدت الدراسة وجود ارتباط كبير بين متوسط كمون الموجة ف للعصب المتوسط ​​ ​​وشدة متلازمة النفق الرسغي حيث أن معظم الحالات الشديدة كانت لديها معدلات متوسط عالية للموجة ف. هناك علاقة ذات دلالة إحصائية بين انقلاب الموجة ف في الحالات خفيفة الشدة لمتلازمة النفق الرسغي مقارنة بمجموعة الاشخاص الاصحاء. كما بينت الدراسة ان مؤشر كتلة الجسم يعمل كعامل خطر لحدوث هذا المرض، ومعظم المرضى المصابين بمتلازمة النفق الرسغي يعانون من السمنة و زيادة الوزن. اكدت الدراسة وجود علاقة ارتباط كبيرة بين مؤشر كتلة الجسم وشدة متلازمة النفق الرسغي حيث ان معظم المرضى الذين يعانون من اصابات خفيفة، معتدلة وحادة كانوا يعانون من السمنة المفرطة (P <0.05). وكشفت الدراسة ان معايير الدراسة الكهروفسيولوجية  الحسية والحركية للعصب المتوسط ​​بما في ذلك (الكمون، السعة وسرعة التوصيل) بين المرضى ومجموعة الاصحاء عن تغييرات بفروقات معنوية عالية (P <0.01).This study aims to assess the effect of focal median nerve injury in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome ( CTS ) on F-wave of median and ulnar nerves, determine the importance of F-wave inversion in the patients with mild CTS and find out the effect of increasing body mass index (BMI) on median nerve and its association with the severity of CTS. The study was conducted in neurophysiological unit at Merjan Medical City, in the period from September 2015 to March 2016. Including (139) patient with clinical presentation of CTS as well as positive NCS with age ranged from (20-60) years. The study also includes(139) apparently healthy person as a control group of which were matched in age, gender and BMI to patients group. F-wave of median, ulnar and median-ulnar nerve difference are highly significant (p <0.01) in patients than control group. There is a significant association between mean median F wave minimal latency (FWML) and severity of CTS as most severe cases have higher mean. There is a significant relationship between F- wave  inversions in mild CTS as compared to control group.  Body mass index acts as  an independent risk factor to develop CTS and most of patients with CTS are obese and overweight. There is a significant association between BMI and severity of CTS and most cases with mild, moderate and severe are obese (P < 0.05). The electrophysiological findings of sensory and motor parameters of median nerve including (latency, amplitude and conduction velocity) between patients and control groups all show highly significant difference (p <0.01)

    Investigation of the Corrosion and Scaling Potentials of Raw and Treated Water and Its Effect on Concrete Tanks at Al-Tayyaraa Water Treatment Plant

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    تم إجراء هذه الدراسة لتقييم الامكانيات التآكلية وتكوين التكلس للمياه الخام والمعالجة  في محطة الطيارة لمعالجة المياه خلال فترة اثني عشر شهرا بدءا من يناير حتى ديسمبر 2016. تم النظر في ثلاثة مؤشرات للتآكل والقياس في هذه الدراسة بما في ذلك مؤشر ريزنار (Ryznar Index (RI))  ومؤشر لانجيلير للتشبع (Langelier Saturation Index (LSI)) والمؤشر العدواني (Aggressive Index (AI)). في هذا البحث تم قياس معاملات جودة المياه pH، Alk (Ca) ، درجة الحرارة، الكالسيوم متمثلا ﺒ (CaCO3)، و أخيرا المعامل TDS. واظهرت النتائج للمياه الخام ان قيم LSI  و RI  كانت على التوالي (0.14-0.504) و (0.03-0.4)  في حين كانت نتائج نفس المؤشرين للمياه المعالجة  هي (6.956 -7.62) و (7.02-7.7) على التوالي. وكانت نتائج المؤشر AI للمياه الخام والمياه المعالجة هي (11.77-12) و (11.67-11.948 ) على التوالي. وكشفت القيم المحسوبة  للمؤشر LSI أن المياه المعالجة والماء الخام كانت متوازنة أو ممكن تكون طبقة رقيقة جدا من الترسبات. أشارت قيم المؤشر RI إلى أن المياه الخام والمعالجة كانت مسببة للتآكل وأظهرت قيم المؤشر العدواني (AI) أن الماء كان  مسببا لتآكل معتدل وليس له تأثير واضح على الخزان الخرساني في محطات معالجة المياه.This study is conducted to evaluate corrosion and scaling potentials of raw and treated water at Al-Tayyaraa water treatment plant during a period of twelve months, starting from January to December 2016. Three indices of corrosion and scaling in this study are considered including Ryznar Index (RI), Langelier Saturation Index (LSI), and Aggressive Index (AI). Water quality parameters pH, Alk, (Ca), temperature, calcium as CaCO3, and (TDS) are measured. For raw water, the values of LSI and RI are (0.14-0.504) and (6.956 -7.62), respectively, whereas for treated water, the values of LSI and RI are (0.03-0.4) and (7.02-7.7), respectively. The values of AI are (11.77-12) for raw water and (11.67-11.948) for treated water. The calculated values of Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) reveal that the treated and raw water are balanced to some faint coating (light scale forming). The values of RI point that the raw and treated water are corrosive and values of aggressive index show that the water is moderate corrosion and no obvious effect on concrete tank at water treatment plants