256 research outputs found

    Negotiating requests for reimbursement for community engagement: challenges in developing an educational video for genomic biobanking research in South Africa

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    Genomic research and the biobanking capacity it requires are experiencing considerable growth on the continent of Africa. However genomic research and biobanking raise a range of legal, ethical, social, and cultural issues, including concerns about broad consent, confidentiality, community stigmatization, discrimination, indefinite storage, and long-term use. There is a need to establish governance frameworks that address these issues, and many international health research ethics and biobanking guidelines now recommend that the best way to do so is by involving potential research participants and key community stakeholders in the research development and the process of acquiring samples and data through active community engagement (CE). This article describes the experience and challenges in developing an educational tool as part of a CE initiative in South Africa and the commentaries reflect on how this process may be improved going forward

    Krvni i biokemijski pokazatelji u zapadnoafričkih patuljastih jaraca kastriranih Burdizzo kliještima.

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    The response to the closed method of bilateral castration using Burdizzo castrator was investigated in six West African Dwarf (WAD) goats at the Teaching and Research Farm, University of Ibadan, Nigeria for 4 weeks. Urea significantly increased (P<0.05) from the first week of experiment until the third when it decreased significantly (P<0.05) and it was again elevated in the final week of the study. Creatinine also increased significantly (P<0.05), without further changes until the fourth week of the study. ALP decreased significantly (P<0.05) from the first to the third week of the study and thereafter increased significantly. ALT did not change significantly until the third week when it increased (P<0.05) and then decreased during the last week of the study. This was still higher than the value at pre-orchidectomy. Serum protein levels increased and decreased without significant differences, but were later significantly (P<0.05) elevated to the pre-castration level. Although the albumin fraction continued to decrease until the 3rd week, this was not significant. A significant increase (P<0.05) was then observed in the last week of the study. Globulin fraction decreased significantly and remained so until the end of the study. The haematological values showed no significant increase in PCV, Hb, RBC and other indices of measurement, but the WBC count showed a significant increase (P<0.05) upon castration and remained elevated until the 4th week when it returned to within a normal range. This study showed that bloodless castration had a milder effect on serum profiles and might be a safer alternative to surgical castration in WAD goats, especially where protein deficiencies or hepatocellular insufficiency exists.Tijekom četiri tjedna promatrani su učinci beskrvne obostrane kastracije Burdizzo kliještima u šest jaraca zapadnoafričke patuljaste pasmine, uzgajanih na obrazovno-istraživačkoj farmi Sveučilišta Ibadan u Nigeriji. Razina ureje značajno je porasla (P<0,05) od prvog do trećeg tjedna kada se značajno smanjila (P<0,05) da bi ponovno porasla u završnom tjednu istraživanja. Razina kreatinina također je značajno (P<0,05) porasla, bez daljnjih promjena do četvrtoga tjedna istraživanja. Razina alkalne fosfataze bila je značajno snižena (P<0,05) od prvoga do trećega tjedna promatranja, a nakon toga njezina je razina bila značajno povišena. Razina alanin transferaze nije se značajno mijenjala sve do trećega tjedna kada je porasla (P<0,05), a nakon toga opadala tijekom posljednjega tjedna istraživanja. No, bez obzira na opadanje, njezina razina bila još uvijek viša u odnosu na onu prije kastracije. Razina bjelančevina u serumu rasla je i opadala bez statistički značajnih razlika, ali je kasnije značajno porasla (P<0,05) u odnosu na razinu prije kastracije. Iako su se frakcije albumina postojano smanjivale do trećega tjedna, to nije bilo statistički značajno, već je značajan porast (P<0,05) bio opažen u posljednjem tjednu istraživanja. Razina globulina značajno se snizila i ostala jednaka sve do kraja istraživanja. Vrijednosti pokazatelja u krvi nisu pokazale značajan porast PCV, Hb, RBC kao ni ostalih pokazatelja osim broja leukocita koji se značajno povećao (P<0,05) nakon kastracije i ostao povišen do četvrtoga tjedna kada se vratio u granice normale. Istraživanje je pokazalo da beskrvna kastracija ima slabiji učinak na promjene u serumu i može biti sigurnija zamjena za kiruršku kastraciju zapadnoafričkih patuljastih jaraca, posebice ako postoji manjak proteina ili jetrena insuficijencija

    Proximate and Phytochemical Analyses of Solanum aethiopicum L. and Solanum macrocarpon L. Fruits

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    Chemical analyses were carried out to determine the nutritional and phytochemical constituents of fruits of two indigenous Africa eggplants, S. aethiopicum L. and S. macrocarpon L. Proximate analysis of fresh fruits of S. aethiopicum L. (per 100 g) showed: 89.27 ± 0.12 g moisture, 2.24 ± 0.03 g protein, 0.52 ± 0.04 g fat, 0.87 ± 0.03 g ash, 2.96 ± 0.08 g crude fiber, 4.14 ± 0.11 g carbohydrate and 498.47 ± 2.14 mg calcium, 1.98 ± 0.10 mg magnesium and 1.02 ± 0.02 mg iron. Fresh fruits of S. macrocarpon L. contained (per 100 g): 92.50 ± 0.14 g moisture, 1.33 ± 0.05 g protein, 0.17 ± 0.01 g fat, 0.47 ± 0.02 g ash, 1.11 ± 0.03 g crude fiber, 4.42 ± 0.12 g carbohydrate, 101.56 ± 1.21 mg calcium, 1.01 ± 0.08 mg magnesium and 0.70 ± 0.01 mg iron. There was a significant presence of alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, tannins and ascorbic acid in both fruits; terpenoids was found in trace amount. Steroids were present in S. aethiopicum L. and absent in S. macrocarpon L. These phytochemicals are of therapeutic importance; their presence in S. aethiopicum and S. macrocarpon fruits indicate the beneficial effects of the plants. Solanum aethiopicum L. contained higher levels of the beneficial agents than S. macrocarpon L. The two indigenous eggplants are not only nutritionally and therapeutically valuable, but also have the potential of providing precursors for the synthesis of useful drugs


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    The measurement of the energy consumed by residential and commercial buildings by utility provider is important in billing, control, and monitoring of the usage of energy. Traditional metering techniques used for the measurement of energy are not convenient and is prone to different forms of irregularities. These irregularities include meter failure, meter tampering, inaccuracies in billing due to human error, energy theft, and loss of revenue due to corruption, etc. This research study proposed the design and construction of a microcontroller-based electric energy metering system using the Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) network. This system provides a solution to the irregularities posed by the traditional metering technique by allowing the utility provider have access to remote monitoring capabilities, full control over consumer load, and remote power disconnection in the case of energy theft. Proteus simulation software was used to model the system hardware and the software was obtained by using embedded C programming and visual basic. It was observed that the system could remotely take accurate energy readings, provided full control over consumer loads and execute remote disconnection in case of energy theft. The system provides high performance and high accuracy in power monitoring and power management. &nbsp; &nbsp

    Facial Image Verification and Quality Assessment System -FaceIVQA

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    Although several techniques have been proposed for predicting biometric system performance using quality values, many of the research works were based on no-reference assessment technique using a single quality attribute measured directly from the data. These techniques have proved to be inappropriate for facial verification scenarios and inefficient because no single quality attribute can sufficient measure the quality of a facial image. In this research work, a facial image verification and quality assessment framework (FaceIVQA) was developed. Different algorithms and methods were implemented in FaceIVQA to extract the faceness, pose, illumination, contrast and similarity quality attributes using an objective full-reference image quality assessment approach. Structured image verification experiments were conducted on the surveillance camera (SCface) database to collect individual quality scores and algorithm matching scores from FaceIVQA using three recognition algorithms namely principal component analysis (PCA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and a commercial recognition SDK. FaceIVQA produced accurate and consistent facial image assessment data. The Result shows that it accurately assigns quality scores to probe image samples. The resulting quality score can be assigned to images captured for enrolment or recognition and can be used as an input to quality-driven biometric fusion systems.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v3i6.503

    Investigating Electricity Cost Savings in lgbinedion University Campuses

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    An Investigative study was carried out on the I.U.O Campuses and it identifies the possible areas of energy wastage during peak and off peak periods. This paper discuses the importance of promoting attitudinal change in energy savings and consumptions. The paper identifies possible areas in the campuses where e~isting equipments and accessories could be replaced by more energy efficient ones with the attendant long, medium, and short time cost benefit considered. Finally the university management can improve service delivery (research, teaching, community development and services) using energy efficient devices/systems, reduce consumption and expenditure, while enhancing levels of service and comfort within the university community and environs

    Prevalence, Patterns and Cognitive Barriers to HIV Disclosure Intention Among Treatment-Seeking People Living with HIV

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    Background: Globally, the patterns, prevalence and cognitive barriers to Human-Immunodeficiency-Virus and Acquired-Immune-Deficiency-Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) disclosure among individuals diagnosed with HIV have continually been a source of concern, especially in developing countries. This been widely linked to most persistent problems thwarting the effort of authorities saddled with responsibilities of curbing the menace of HIV/AIDS in Africa at large. The unabated issues have been a primary global health concern. Methods: The study was carried out in the Heart to Heart (H2H) unit of Hematology Department of the Ondo State Teaching Hospital, Akure, Ondo State. The study incorporated a blend of a quantitative method (to explore the prevalence of disclosure and its socio-demographic prevalence) and qualitative method (to explore cognitive barriers to self-disclosure of HIV positive status. The quantitative data was gathered from three hundred and ninety (n=390) PLWHA and the qualitative data was gathered from nineteen (n=19) PLHIV. Results: The prevalence of low-disclosure intention among treatment-seeking people living with HIV/AIDS was pegged at 64.6%. Approximately 70% of the males and 60% of the females are not likely to disclose their HIV positive status. 65% of the PLHIV from monogamy family structure are not likely to disclose their HIV positive status. Anticipated stigmatization, disclosure self-efficacy, mood problems, health locus of control were identified as the major cognitive barriers to disclosure of HIV positive status. Conclusion: The study further concludes that anticipated stigmatization, disclosure efficacy, manifested mood problems (anxiety and depressive symptoms), and health locus of control were the implicated cognitive barriers to disclosure among a hospital-based PLHIV. The outcome was similarly Furthermore, the study revealed that the target of disclosure was major to secondary circle i.e. parents and siblings and not towards the primary circle, such as; spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend, children. Implications and recommendations were further discussed.

    Exploiting ICT For Accelerated Development In Tanzania

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    ICT plays a great role in nation building today. Its relevance in rural development cannot be overemphasized, owing to it's immerse contributions through the use of services made possible by new technological developments. A comprehensive analysis on the status of ICT in Tanzania was carried out; this analysis was done to ascertain the depth to which ICT has gone in the country. Factors hindering a progressive ICT in Tanzania were also studied, analyzed so as to proffer concrete solutions to them. Also highlighted in this research paper are the potential uses of ICT coupled with the role of ICT in human development and reduction of poverty which is the focal point of the research work. It was discovered at the end of the research, that though Tanzania has embraced ICT in most areas, some other areas still needs attention. The paper highlights among others the need for proper awareness on the relevant of ICT to human and economic development and also . ~he need for manpower development to ensure maximum exploitation of ICT in Tanzania

    Performance analysis of grid-tied photovoltaic system under varying weather condition and load

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    Model and simulation of the impact of the distribution grid-tied photovoltaic (PV) system feeding a variable load with its control system have been investigated in this study. Incremental Conductance (IncCond) algorithm based on maximum power point tracking (MPPT) was implemented for the PV system to extract maximum power under different weather conditions when solar irradiation varies between 250W/m2 and 1000W/m2. The proposed system is modelled and simulated with MATLAB/Simulink tools. Under different weather conditions, the dynamic performance of the PV system is evaluated. The results obtained show the efficacy of the proposed MPPT method in response to rapid daytime weather variations. The results also show that the surplus power generated is injected into the grid when the injected power from the PV system is higher than the load demand; otherwise, the grid supplies the load